Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 293 - 1 can only rely on imagination

Ai Ge burst into tears, Hades left, Azassel continued to pretend to be embarrassed, and did not know when to pretend. If he waited a few more minutes, Hades didn’t mean to come back, and Azassel decisively moved away.

But Azassel did not need to wait so long, because someone came to the office in less than a minute.

The white queen in a white robe is still that bright and beautiful, no different from fifty years ago. In the second that Azassel saw the White Queen, he decisively left, and this one in Ai Ge should not anger himself.

Ai Ge didn’t notice the arrival of White Queen at all, just buried her head between her knees, not wanting people to see how she was crying. It’s just that Ai Ge’s crying hasn’t diminished at all, like trying to vent her grief in a self-deceiving way.

The White Queen walked to Ai Ge’s side, and her spirit turned into the softest breath to appease Ai Ge’s emotions, so that she quickly stopped crying. It’s just that Ai Ge still has a desperate desperation on her face, and the red mark on her face has long disappeared, but she still feels that her hope of life is crushed by that slap.

Queen Bai felt her head comfortingly and said: “A little thing, there is no need to be sad. Hades is also a person, naturally there will be a bad mood. Recently there are too many things that are unsatisfactory, you should understand him.”

Ai Ge didn’t speak, but after listening to the words of Queen Bai, there was less despair in her eyes.

“This matter is actually not completely a bad thing. Hades has been too arrogant to you over the years, and your temper is getting bigger and bigger. This will continue to cause problems sooner or later. Instead of waiting for you to commit unforgivable It’s better to suffer a little setback first, but also have a chance to correct it.” Queen Bai like a gentle elder, said to Ai Ge temptingly.

“But, that woman…” Ai Ge didn’t care about the slap that wasn’t even a minor injury, but the thoughts in Hades’ heart.

For a woman who appeared suddenly, Hades slapped her. This sense of crisis gave her a sense of disillusionment.

“Claire, this girl must have a special meaning to Hades, but it is not necessarily love. And you don’t have to worry, Hades is not really a ruthless Hades. How can he ignore fifty years of getting along? What.”

“But he just left.” Ai Ge said stubbornly.

“You are not a child anymore? Can’t you even figure out such a simple thing? How could I appear here so soon if Hades didn’t inform me?” Queen Bai said with a smile.

Hearing the words of Queen Bai, Ai Ge’s haze dissipated a lot. But for the name Claire, Ai Ge still holds her arms, and she intends to use the power of the Hades Palace to investigate.

Knowing oneself and knowing the other can win a hundred battles. This principle does not only apply to war.

split line

The disappearance of Claire drove the whole future city crazy. Lord Luo Fei used all his strength to search for Claire’s location.

After several upgrades to the Sky Eye system, it is now much more advanced than the version used by the M-States. Lord Luo Fei and Michael adjusted the sky-eye system to the highest load, and immediately seized the camera control of the entire world.

It’s just that no matter how you search, you can’t find Claire.

Molly, the little loli, has the ability to locate any person, as long as he can easily find it on the earth. Only this time, Claire seemed to disappear on this plane, unable to find her trace at all.

In this case, Lord Luo Fei can only assume that the dark elf took Claire and quickly left the earth.

This conclusion is inferred from the existing clues and is the most reasonable explanation. It’s just that Lord Luo Fei is still a little uneasy in his heart. He always feels that Claire’s disappearance is not so simple.

But Lord Luo Fei was really wrong this time, and Claire was indeed on the Dark Elf’s flagship.

However, Malekis was also puzzled. He clearly had already taken the initiative to retreat. Why did this woman even appear on the flagship and was in a coma as soon as it appeared.

The battle in the city of the future let Malkis know the true strength of the earth people, and he has already surrendered to Asgard. Under the loss of the soldiers, if Claire was pushed out again, Malkis felt that he could not face the dead fellow race.

The dark elf has been forced into desperation, and Claire is his only hole card. If the ether particles cannot be exchanged from Rody, Malekis can already foresee the end.

Someone helped the dark elves in secret, but they didn’t know who it was. Malkis knew that there was a problem, but the crisis of genocide was at hand. He must drink even the poison.

“Algorim, we will immediately go to Warneheim, Thor Thor will pay you to deal with it. And I, personally went to find the abominable thief.” Malkis ordered, the dark elven flagship broke The void disappeared from the earth.

Rody, who was far away in Warnerheim, felt immediately after Claire was captured. Originally Claire was the brightest star in Rodi’s conscious ocean, even if the two were on two planes, they could clearly sense each other.

And at the moment Claire was in a coma, Rodi sensed that the star had become dim. This change terrified Rody. He couldn’t even rush into Sol’s tent and demanded that Sol should send him back to Earth immediately.

It’s just that the War in Waranaheim hasn’t ended yet, and Sol can’t agree to this The excited Roddy almost fights against Sol, but Rody, who has separated his evil thoughts, is still very stable Lived his emotions.

In Sol’s eyes, Warnerheim is a world, and the lives of thousands of people are naturally more important than Claire alone. Even if Roddy is his friend, it is impossible for him to put the whole world in danger.

Rodi’s request is normal, but unreasonable. Roddy also understood this, but it was absolutely impossible for him to stand by, so he placed all hope on the ability of chaotic particles.

“Now the most critical thing is to find Claire first.” Rodi said to himself in his heart.

Roddy wants to use the power of chaotic particles to try again to simulate a positioning ability that belongs to Molly.

Only this time, it is different from the ability to simulate witch doctors, and there is no live show for him to refer to. It is also different from the ability to simulate himself before. That is the power he really has and understands all the ways of operation.

This kind of simulation can only rely on Rodi’s imagination to try to truly modify the reality dream come true.

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