Marvel God Anti-Armor

Chapter 68 Capture Venom 【Second Update】

In Eddie's eyes, Lin Yue's body was full of flames, like a god of fire, and what made him feel most humiliated was that Lin Yue stared at him like a hunter looking at his prey!

In fact, Eddie was wrong, what Lin Yue was looking at was not him, but the venom attached to him!


Eddie roared angrily in his heart, he has just gained great power, he hasn't killed Spider-man yet, he still has better prospects, he can't die here!

The venom sizzled under the strong high temperature, and it kept shrinking and retreating. Eddie gradually felt a strong sting on his body, and there were charcoal-like marks on the slowly exposed skin.

"It seems that we need to add more fire!"

Lin Yue stared at the shrinking venom, under his black fire, although he was very afraid, there was no real harm.

As soon as gravity moved, the two steel pipes inserted into the ground on the top of the building were pulled by Lin Yue, turning into a phantom and falling steadily into Lin Yue's hands.

Lin Yue's eyes were playful, and the two steel pipes in his hands hit each other hard~.


A clear and sharp sound sounded, with a metal-specific vibrato-, humming continuously.


The venom on Eddie's body couldn't bear it anymore, and it exploded like a water wave. Groups of black wriggling substances all escaped from Eddie's body, twisting and convulsing on the ground.

And Eddie was completely exposed to the high temperature of the flames, but with a short scream, his body was already ignited by the high temperature, and a raging flame burst out, but with a short scream, his whole body quickly turned into coke , and then disappeared without a trace.

The venom that lost its host seems to be only a small mass, but At the moment, this mass of black matter is all gathered together, constantly resisting the high temperature, and even steaming and sharp tentacles, making strange sounds, eager to try, wanting to attack Lin Yue .

Lin Yue smiled slightly, this is his prey this time, but now it seems that the venom in front of him is not yet aware of being a prey, and even when the perception of energy fluctuations on him, there is a feeling that he wants to pounce Come on, possess the more impulsiveness.

The black flames spread slowly, and Lin Yue walked up to the venom step by step. He had the armor of thorns on his body, so he didn't have to worry about the venom at all.

Seeing the fire ring parting, Lin Yue actually walked towards him, the venom screamed, jumped up suddenly, and rushed towards Lin Yue, as long as he could possess Lin Yue, he could get out of the current predicament.

Seeing that the unyielding venom wanted to possess her, a golden mist rose from Lin Yue's body. Even though the black venom rushed towards her, she was blocked by the golden mist and bounced away.

The unwilling venom did not give up, but jumped up again, opened suddenly in the air, turned into a piece of black and 'swallowed' Lin Yue's whole body including the mask in one gulp.

In front of her eyes, Lin Yue was completely covered by the venom, and the golden light on her body was covered up. Outside, she could only see a mass of black venom rolling violently on the surface, but she didn't know what happened inside.

It was dark before her eyes, and Lin Yue was completely covered by the venom. At the moment, the phantom of the armor of thorns in Lin Yue's mind shook. It was one with Lin Yue. Naturally, she was very angry at the fact that the venom wanted to invade. The light comes directly through the body.



After a loud bang, the venom surrounding Lin Yue was like a torn rag, scattered in all directions, and kept shrinking, turning into pairs of black ooze. After being severely injured, almost completely shattered, it took a while for all the black 'ooze' to move with difficulty, gathered together, panting like a weak person, facing Lin Yue, already showing fear.

"follow me!"

Lin Yue looked at the puddle of mud on the ground with a smile on his face. As soon as the gravitational force moved, it lifted up the mud and floated beside him.

After cleaning up the venom, Sandman, who was wrapped in black fire, also fell to the ground from the top floor of the building, and was wrapped in groups of blazing black fire. In the black fire, all the gravel was completely melted.

...seeking flowers · 0

With Lin Yue's mind moving, the black fire burning everywhere on the ground slowly extinguished and disappeared, and there was nothing under him. Then, a light and shadow flew out of the building, shot towards the sky, and left the right and wrong that everyone was concerned about. land.

At this moment, many shots were aimed at the building, but the armor of thorns has mysterious power, as long as Lin Yue is willing, no one can see his true face Mosaic only.

"Sandman and his accomplices were killed by inexplicable people. We have reason to believe that this is an urban hero like Spider-man. He stood up at the critical moment, rescued the captives, and killed the murderer. He, brings peace and security to New York!"

"Although we can't see his face clearly, and we can't give him a heroic title, but at this moment, all of us feel extremely secure, because we know that there are many unknown heroes who have been guarding us by our side! "

Crack! Lin Yue turned off the TV casually, but she lamented in her heart that the copywriting of these media was really wonderful. To put it bluntly, after he appeared, everyone didn't even see his shadow clearly, so they beautified him into a city hero, which made Lin Yue feel A feeling of speechlessness.

"Wow, Brother Lin, you are so cool! I want to be like you in the future!"

Quicksilver looked at Lin Yue with a look of admiration. He naturally knew that it was Lin Yue who made the shot. According to the reports on the TV, Sandman and Venom were completely eliminated in front of Lin Yue in just a few rounds. desire is stronger.

Lin Yue smiled slightly, noncommittal, in front of him, there was a mass of black matter completely bound by the attraction and repulsion, which was the venom he got.

"Ophelia, this thing is very dangerous, but it is also very valuable. Tomorrow, I will peel off a little and get it to the scientific research department, and let them study it carefully."

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