Marvel God Anti-Armor

Chapter 76 Venom Surrenders

Lin Yue didn't care about the idea of ​​venom at all. At a certain moment, the energy in his hand gathered to a terrifying level, a dazzling light flashed, and a white light blade was concentrated to the point that it almost turned into substance.

In this moonlight slash, Lin Yue invested a huge amount of energy value regardless of the consumption, and prepared to do meritorious service with one blow. Just now, he had a hand-to-hand fight with the Hulk, which made the Hulk angry to a certain extent

The strength shown in the battle with Lin Yue is getting stronger and stronger.

For the Hulk Hulk, Lin Yue has a very clear understanding. If he can't do meritorious service in one blow, Hulk will become stronger and stronger by then, which will get him into trouble. Therefore, he must do his best in one blow and take the lead Defeat the Hulk!


Seeing the Moonlight Slash approaching rapidly, it continued to expand after erupting, and turned into a towering blade light in a blink of an eye, and even the venom made a horrified scream.

Under this blade light, Venom felt an extremely powerful sense of danger, the armor shrank rapidly, tightly fitting on the Hulk's body, and constantly urged the Hulk's original Ability, to blow a huge amount on the ground All the rocks were lifted up and smashed to the ground, hoping to block part of the sword light.

At the same time, countless spider webs spewed out from the black Hulk and shot in all directions. Each spider web burst out with full force of venom and possessed strong toughness, but in an instant, layers of barriers were built to consume the blade light. The terrifying energy in it.

Lin Yue looked at all the actions of Venom indifferently. Once the Moonlight Slash is launched, it will lock the enemy. It is simply unrealistic for Venom to use these small means to stop it!

Sure enough, the sword light approached, and the layers of tough spider webs made an overwhelmed sizzling sound under the incomparably sharp sword light, and they all collapsed without any obstruction!


The venom roared, and as the sword light approached, he could only shrink as much as he could, controlling the Hulk to hide his body behind the huge rock erected in front of him as much as possible, and then crossed his hands, most of the defensive power of the armor was concentrated on the arms, a layer Layers keep covering!

Seeing no weakness at all, the knife light directly slashed into the huge rock. After a crisp sound, the rock exploded, completely turning into countless fine pebbles, and finally bombarded the Hulk with his arms crossed.

At this moment, under Lin Yue's will, the huge blade light finally showed the peerless edge that Moonlight Slash should have.


Under the light of the blade, the armor formed by the venom made an overwhelmed sound of breaking, and then a large number of cracks were densely covered, and then exploded.

In the next second, the green blood splashed violently, the armor formed by the venom flew, and the blade glow directly poured into the Hulk's arm, erupting instantly!

However, the venom defended with all its strength, coupled with the Hulk's original strong defense, finally managed to resist the blade glow forcefully, and was not split in two by this peerless blade glow!

"Comparable, comparable, comparable..."

Countless shattered blades exploded and slashed on the Hulk. The armor formed by the venom couldn't bear it at all, and it was broken in an instant, leaving countless wounds on the Hulk, and the broken armor was covered with green blood. !


Under the fatal blow, even though most of Hulk's mind was controlled by the venom, he still felt threatened. The intense pain caused him to escape from the control of the venom, his body shook violently, and a look of his own appeared in his eyes. Not Bruce Banner, but Hulk!


Hit hard, Hulk snarls, who is he? Invincible Hulk! How can you allow someone else to beat you?

Terrible power erupted, and Hulk didn't care about the injuries on his body, which would heal quickly in front of his Hulk.

But soon, Hulk found out angrily, because this was only his second Awakening, the weak Bruce Banner couldn't adapt to this change at all, part of the damage he received would be fed back to Banner, and at the moment Banner couldn't bear it anymore This kind of heavy injury, Hulk already felt that Banner was dragging his legs in his body, wanting to take his weak body from the new plug world as a servant!


Hulk let out an unwilling roar, wanting to erupt, but his swollen body began to shrink rapidly, no matter how hard he struggled, it was difficult to reverse this process!

But in just a dozen seconds, the huge amounts of Hulk turned back into a normal file size and became Bruce Banner, and there was a terrible knife wound between his chest and abdomen, and there were many wounds all over his body. Big file size and small wound, lying on the ground straight, eyes closed!

'To die so easily?"

Lin Yue felt the Hulk faint and muttered something to himself, but soon, Lin Yue realized that he was thinking too much. As Banner, who is one with the Hulk and has two sides, his human body also has the elements of the Hulk, and his vitality is strong. , Although the recovery ability is not as good as Hulk, it is not weak. Although it looks miserable now, Lin Yue can keenly feel that his body is slowly healing. With this recovery ability, Banner will not be able to die for a while. Zhao.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Yue had already arrived in front of the black venom, with a movement of the long knife in his hand, the bright and clean light of the knife hesitated.

"Venom, are you sure you still want to resist? I only give you one chance, surrender to me, or die while continuing to resist! Remember, my patience is limited.

As a highly intelligent alien life, Venom is not a Regenerative Healing Factor. After finding the host of the Hulk, Venom was extremely excited because it found that even the most powerful king of its kind on the planet it was born on is not as good as Hulk That terrifying power!

However, even if it teamed up with the almost invincible Hulk in its eyes, it was almost cut in two by the man in front of it!

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