Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 251 The third human "god"

Chapter 251 The Third Human "God"

The dark space suit is assembled from ring-shaped metal armor, and the spherical helmet extends with silver-gray pipelines connected to the shoulders, reflecting the bright light.

Although it looks a bit round and bulky, it moves extremely nimbly and quickly. The armor on its feet has claws that can be buckled at will to grab the surface of the moon.

The slightly raised armor on the calves and back of the space suit spewed a faint blue light, and quickly pushed the tall figure over a lunar canyon with a width of more than 50 meters.

Coupled with the weird rectangular equipment held in his hand, it looks like an interstellar mech warrior fighting a bunch of alien bugs in some video games that have appeared in recent years.

Falling from more than ten meters in the air without a sound, the armored figure shook up the grayish-white moon soil dust, and it floated very high all the way before gradually showing a tendency to fall.

Just jumping and gliding through the rising "white mist" like this, after a while, he dawdled and stopped, approaching an erected metal monument, pulling the surrounding alloy guardrail and tilting his head to look at it.

bark. bark.
"Valery Polyakov! What do you want!"

The thick and tall armored figure was awkwardly stuck on the halfway across the fence, and a woman's angry question came from the helmet. Polyakov habitually scratched the back of his head, but only the knocking of the space helmet hummed.

"Hey, I just saw some building debris falling inside"

"Nonsense! Don't try to lie to me, I know what you are thinking, that footprint belongs to all mankind, it is the history of human interstellar civilization—"

"Ha la less, ha la less"

Muttering helplessly in Russian with a thick, big tongue, Polyakov twisted his brown bear-like body and returned to the outside of the fence, and an armored figure of the same model but thinner and shorter suddenly fell beside him.

"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong."

Irene Collins looked at the words engraved in multiple languages ​​on the silver-white metal tablet. In front of the tablet was a footprint carefully covered with transparent silicon crystals.

The female astronaut still looked at Polyakov vigilantly through the helmet mask, urging him to continue along the lunar canyon in the direction of today's detection mission.

"Comrade Collins, do you say that rumor is true?"

Polyakov asked carelessly, without the slightest embarrassment of being caught.

He has wanted to kick that American out of his footprints for a long time. It is not a political or ideological trend, but purely the personal bad taste of this big Slavic man.

If you replace the first footprint of human beings on a land beyond the earth with your own Valery Polyakov secretly, you will feel that it is less "haha" than pouring a large tank of vodka!
"I'm not your comrade, we don't talk about this, what are you talking about?"

Irene Collins murmured that she was gliding faster, and she could already see a large lunar surface plain with black metal pillars standing in front of her.

"A like-minded partner is a comrade. You Americans are too narrow-minded. Human beings are going to face enemies from aliens and are still talking about it. Here, I am talking about the rumors of the formation of this canyon. That gentleman and mutants are evil The battle of the ancestors."

Collins looked sideways at this straight canyon, which is nearly [-] meters deep and more than tens of meters wide. The almost flat and round surface does not look like a natural lunar terrain, like a long strip pulled out of tofu with the tip of a spoon. .

"It should be, I don't know, but... this trajectory did appear suddenly on the day of the Great War. At that time, I was still very young, and I was observing the moon with a space telescope in the attic of my home."

Astronaut Collins will never forget that scene in his life. The mottled white moon in the camera was suddenly cut with a clearly visible black line, as if God scratched it by mistake.

"Hmph, maybe we humans are more terrifying in the eyes of aliens. Of course, they are evolved humans. This kind of power is so powerful!"

The two field astronauts belonging to the Earth Aerospace Forces and the lunar base chatted about various stories about powerful mutants, especially the legendary "Wolf Emperor", and soon arrived at the mission destination, holding the surveying and mapping The equipment checks the foundation structure of the No. [-] base to be built on the moon.

For five years, James Howlett divided the main forces dealing with the Kree Empire into two parts.

The "Sirius Legion" composed of the strongest human superhumans, and the "Earth Joint Aerospace Force".

In addition to the aerospace fighters and warships in charge of Steve Rogers, the latter also has a logistics space force composed of human countries, constantly building "space bunkers" to deal with the enemy on the moon and in extraterrestrial orbital space.

Thanks to the captured Cree technology, human beings have almost stepped through hundreds of years of space travel, breaking through various technical difficulties in interstellar navigation, alien planet garrison, and even space colonization.

Only a handful of people at the top of the wealth and pyramid of human society know that the global economy and wealth have been miraculously pouring into various high-tech and heavy industries in the past five years. among.

While the two were working, they quarreled from time to time because of the historical issues left over from their respective countries. The quarrel was intense. Polyakov patted Collins' helmet and pointed to the direction of the earth behind her.

A blue rectangular interstellar warship slowly moved towards the endless starry sky in the eyes of the two of them. Suddenly, the space around the warship was continuously twisting and shrinking in sight, forming an archway-like trajectory, as if sinking into the sky. Transparent gel-bound liquid.

"Curvature level three preparation, countdown ten seconds, ten, nine, eight"

Hank McCoy was only wearing a black combat vest, and a pair of thick arms hanging down to his knees flexibly checked the data of the spacecraft on the console, and the pilots of the battleship were nervously doing various tasks.

James stood in front of the huge hanging window at the front of the battleship with his hands behind his back. He was dressed in a simple and simple blue-black light armor, which perfectly fit his burly figure.

The space in front of him was constantly shrinking and distorting, and the densely packed stars in his line of sight were gradually shrunk into a thin line of light, and then turned into dots.

"Excuse me, Hank, how long will it take to arrive?"

After a while, the pad-like soles of the "beast" walked to James' side without a sound, and rumbled in a deep voice:
"Here it is, sir."

The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter in the solar system is more than 7000 million kilometers away from the earth.

James looked at the meteorite belt that suddenly appeared in front of him. Countless yellow-brown meteorites were bound by the sun's gravity to form a ring-shaped deadly suspension in this space for billions of years, and the rear of the spacecraft was the orbit of Mars.

With the continuous approach of comets or various meteorites in the endless years, the number of asteroids in this asteroid belt is still increasing.

Hank puffed out his chest in satisfaction and pride, held Toggins' eyes with his sharp fingertips, and continued with a grin and a smile:
"Anyway, we have to do tests related to curvature flight. How can it be troublesome to send you here?"

The interstellar navigation technology that James has missed for many years was created under the "gift" of the Cree.

As early as Einstein was alive, he proposed the concept of "space-time metric", and calculated that the space of the universe can be bent.

Decades ago, some human scientists took advantage of the characteristic of space curvature and proposed the concept of using antimatter energy to drive the warp drive around the spaceship to distort the space so as to fly at the speed of "super-light".

James sighed and patted Hank on the shoulder. Looking around at everything in this huge spaceship, he knew in his heart that in the past few years, in order to prepare for the enemy from the other side of the galaxy, these scientific and technological talents have worked the hardest.

According to the original technological level of the earth, it would take nearly two years to reach the asteroid zone of the solar system, but now it only takes a few minutes. James asked casually while holding the "beast":
"So do we count as exceeding the speed of light?"

As soon as the words fell, James regretted bringing up such a topic, and Hank was already excitedly opening his mouth and explaining like a cannonball:

"Hey! This is why you have entered into a misunderstanding of common sense. We use negative energy to distort the space around the spaceship to create a 'warp bubble'. The space in front of the spaceship is compressed, and the space behind is elongated, but it is at a static warp speed. In the bubble, the space is repeatedly compressed and elongated, driving the spaceship to fly faster than the speed of light.”

". But just like surfing, the surfboard is supported by the waves to move forward. Since the spaceship is in a relatively static state in its own time and space, it avoids the 'clock-slow-scale-scale-mass-increasing effect' in the super-high-speed state, and at the same time It does not violate the iron law that the speed of light cannot be surpassed, so—"

"—Okay Hank! Thank you for your explanation, I should understand, let someone open the hatch."

James nodded frequently, and strode towards the middle of the battleship. Hank beside him was still walking and talking with him, constantly popping out the difference between the standards of the curvature engine speed and the wormhole shuttle navigation. .

A tall, thin mutant battleship staff member with vertical pupils pushed a set of Sirius Legion standard vacuum life support equipment to James, and bowed respectfully.

"Thank you lad, no need."

The dark green vertical pupils blinked in shock, seeing that the gentleman was not wearing any protective equipment, and jumped into the compartment above with his black hair tossed. With the opening of the hatch, he was exposed to the vacuum environment of the universe.

The glaring white light shone on James's face, and he just felt a little stuffy and cold for a while, and then blood-red occult brand marks flowed from his body, and he flew towards the asteroid belt with a formation under his feet.

Although he does not have the ability to absorb sunlight or cosmic energy, James' huge vitality and physique allow him to survive in the space environment without any cover.

Fei Chong threw his fist through a meteorite the size of a cruise ship, James took the "stone" from the asteroid belt as a target, and swung his fists and feet wantonly.

The crew members of various types of work on the battleship watched the asteroids constantly shattering outside the hanging window, unknowingly stopped their work, and there was no voice of conversation for a long time.
"How, Mr. Howlett, here he is, here he is."

The vertical-eyed mutant boy smacked his mouth and stammered, while the "beast" officer on the side shrugged his shoulders indifferently, his voice hoarse like a beast's roar.

"He's here to exercise."


On Earth, the Howlett Super Elite Evolution Academy located in the outskirts of New York State.

The college is tens of meters deep, and its volume is not less than the underground space of the above-ground teaching building. "White Queen" Emma Howlett and Jean Gray are sitting opposite each other in the empty training room.

Both of them were just wearing simple gray training clothes, and each other's eyes were slightly closed.

Suddenly a white light appeared, and Emma turned into a shining diamond body, and the spiritual fluctuations in the training room that were invisible to the naked eye suddenly intensified.

The bright red brows were tightly twisted, Qin Gray's long hair fluttered automatically without wind, and strands of flame-like energy streams sprang up around them, and the intensity intensified.

"Okay, relax."

The warm and magnetic voice came, and the White Queen regained her glamorous and noble appearance, and opened her eyes to calmly look at the student opposite.

"Teacher, how is it?"

Qin asked in a hurry, gathering up the dissipated energy, sitting cross-legged and leaning forward slightly.

"Do you know what's special about you? Qin."

Emma didn't rush to answer, but just asked gently, Qin pursed her lips, and replied uncertainly:

"I am an 'Omega' mutant above the fifth level. This natural power is so strong that I can't really control it."

"That's right, but it's not complete. Have you forgotten what I said when you reached the advanced level of evolution?"

She smiled and reached out to hold Qin's fingertips, looking at her lover who regarded her as her own and patiently explained.

"The evolution technique created by James can not only help mutants master their own power, but also advance our second or even third mutation step by step, and the three mutations that exist in this world so far, 'see god level' mutants , only three."

Qin turned her eyes and thought for a moment, Mr. Howlett, the ancient mutant known as "Apocalypse". The girl didn't realize who the third person the teacher was referring to was for a moment.

".Qin, you are also born with a 'god level', the third human 'god' in history. For you, there is no process stage of the second or third mutation of ordinary mutants. There are only endless potentials that can be released and controlled. There is a difference in degree, but what is the driving source of your core strength?"

"It's emotion," Qin responded softly.

"That's right, I checked your spiritual consciousness just now, hehe. If you really grow up, if you don't take the initiative to let go of the mental barrier, the teacher can't do some investigations as easily as when you were a child. Don't worry, that voice can't be done anymore. It's the weather."

The White Queen stood up neatly, even the simple loose training clothes could not conceal her charming and tall figure.

"But teacher! After more than ten years, it popped up again. I thought that with your teaching and guidance for so many years, my evolution technique has become more and more proficient, and I have already—"

"—has been able to completely digest it, or even 'kill' it?"

 I am anxious. The chapter is wrong, it should be chapter 49.

(End of this chapter)

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