Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 263 The End of Trouble, and the Beginning

Chapter 263 The End of Trouble, and the Beginning

"The Black Queen?"

On the sky of "Spiritual Candle Heart Realm", the spiritual representation of the black phoenix is ​​covered like a lead cloud, and clusters of black and red flames are layered and burned to form the feathers of the phoenix.

The entire spiritual space burned by the fiery spiritual power was faintly distorted and deformed.

Professor Charles glanced at Emma, ​​chewing in a low voice on the meaning of the weird title that Black Phoenix said.

"So, that's what happened."

Emma said slowly with a calm face, while Charles was silent on the side, as if he didn't exist, and even controlled not to look at the White Queen's face.

"Yeah~ Indeed, if I had such thoughts, I would be able to suppress distress. It's the time when a girl's emotions sprout. Professor!"

"Ah? Cough cough, tell me, madam."

Charles and Emma are of the same generation, even a few years older, but because of Mr. Howlett, he always showed a more respectful attitude towards the White Queen.

At this moment, Mr. Professor suddenly regretted being involved in this incident. The two most terrifying women in the world had some kind of emotional entanglement. Even if they only knew about Jean Gray's repressed inner obsession, Charles They all felt that they were out of luck.

"Didn't you realize that up until now, what we have faced is only the power of Qin, and we haven't felt the so-called spiritual energy of unknown will descending from outer space."

Charles murmured and waved his hands to stabilize the spiritual world again, and spread his arms flat to shape the earth and rocks under his feet rising up, forming a huge arc-shaped barrier, resisting the crimson flames pouring down from the sky.

"Yes ma'am, so I suspect that Qin's self-will has been contending with that force in the depths of her heart, which is why Black Phoenix can control her body so freely."

Clap la la.
Emma stomped her feet violently, and her whole body instantly transformed into a diamond form. In the wolf's lair secret room in the material world, the body of the White Queen also transformed into a brilliant diamond body.

That point of candlelight shone on Emma's body, instantly mottled the entire quiet room.

For a time, the brilliance was shining.

"Now it seems that at least Qin can't defeat that force on her own. If she fails, the Dark Phoenix and the unknown will will become one, and we can no longer continue to bind and divide her mind and will. I am afraid that even James will suppress it. A piano that can’t live in a complete state of spirit, body, and energy.”

The White Queen didn't seem to be affected by Qin's deep thoughts. After becoming a diamond, she seemed to have turned into an "iceberg" from spiritual power to emotion, completely focusing on the current battle.

With Emma's bright arms raised, every inch of the "Spiritual Candle Heartland" gradually climbed to a thick crystalline shell, and Charles felt another extremely sharp and solid spiritual power and himself. combine together.

Giant pillars of diamonds that reached the sky rose from the ground, forming a prison around the body of the black phoenix, and moved towards the center inch by inch.

When the psychic powers of Professor X and the White Queen were truly combined, even in the material reality world, an invisible storm full of oppressive force blew up.

For a moment, Black Phoenix was completely suppressed, and the locked sky-high cage forcibly squeezed and shrunk her spiritual avatar little by little.

"I understand what Ma'am means. This incident is like an 'uprising' in Qin's will world. The black phoenix personality that was supposed to be completely integrated and absorbed suddenly received external reinforcements and overthrew Qin's control again."

"Send me in, Professor."

Emma's coiled long diamond-like hair was suddenly let loose, and each strand of diamond-like hair was shining brightly. She squatted down slightly, as if preparing to jump, and said sonorously:

"Send me to Qin, the depths of my heart!"

Charles clenched his fists and pushed upwards with all his strength. A huge sharp-pointed stone spear exploded from the diamond ground under the White Queen's feet. She stepped on the spear tip and rushed into the air.

Straight into the chest of Firewing Black Phoenix!

The miserable howling sound rolled up a violent spiritual shock, filling Charles' spiritual realm, and even his body sitting cross-legged in the material world trembled in pain.

The black phoenix that was pierced by the chest twisted and struggled frantically, and the waves of crimson flames frantically tried to destroy everything around it.

Charles tried his best to stabilize the "spiritual prison" and watched Emma Howlett stab into the body of Dark Phoenix from high above.

There are no black and red flames, no crazy emotions, and the depths of Qin's heart are filled with holy golden light.

A golden phoenix closed its eyes and folded its wings to protect Jean Grey, who was also asleep with her eyes closed.

"The power of the Phoenix."

Emma didn't know why such a word came out naturally in her mind, and she had some inexplicable understanding of this power.

It seemed that from the moment he saw him, he knew some kind of secret knowledge.

Step by step towards the great power, every time she gets closer, Emma can see countless planets, star clusters, and even the cycle of the origin and decline of the universe, and she also understands the origin of the "Phoenix".

"Qin wake up, you are still young, it is not a sin to fall in love with someone."

The White Queen gently caressed Qin's pretty face, shielding her from the fluttering bright red hair, and continued to speak softly:

".It is impossible to obtain freedom in the true sense of reality in a lifetime. Only the thoughts of the soul are unfettered. Wake up, Qin, and don't worry about things that haven't happened yet."

Jean Gray's tightly closed eyes trembled slightly, with tiny eye movements, as if she heard Emma's call.

The White Queen let go of her heart a little bit, no matter how embarrassing or bloody it sounds, she is just a girl who is about to grow up, and she has a kind of innocent ignorance in her heart.

Suddenly, a pair of eyes suddenly opened, but they were a pair of dark golden pupils, which belonged to the eyes of "Phoenix" behind the piano.

Diamonds and stars fluttered all over the sky, spreading like a mist in Jean Gray's golden spiritual world.

As the "Phoenix" opened its eyes, Emma Howlett, the White Queen, exploded into countless bright particles.
James looked at Qin, who had suddenly turned into golden eyes, and flew to the throne of the main hall just by a stare. His body was deeply embedded in the stone wall paved with vibrating gold raw ore.

James, who had been able to maintain the pressure with ease and delay Qin's body, almost had fine goose bumps all over his body. "Beast Sense" has never had such a strong warning stimulus.

"Well, it turns out that this is a reaction that has a threat of death. This is really the first time I have experienced it. You are the one who came from the sky—"

James was suddenly crushed by the phoenix flames, drowning out the unfinished words in his mouth.

The golden-eyed Qin walked towards James step by step. Golden flames surged from her body, burning away the messy combat uniform that had been destroyed in the battle, and she actually walked around naked in the air.

She waved her hand again, and the figure burning with golden flames was moved to the mid-air in the center of the throne hall.

The flames gradually extinguished, leaving only a burly and thick white jade-colored skeleton.


In just one or two breaths, the skeleton with a unique structure, even with a bit of bioengineering beauty, was covered with flesh and tendons again, and the blood-red cheeks exhaled, and then the skin and face were completely restored.

But the lower body clothing that James had been carefully protecting in the previous battle was completely burned.

"Phoenix" hooked its fingertips, and the vibrating gold rough stones in the hall were broken up and reorganized, and chains as thick as arms shot out from the dome and the ground, binding James' limbs firmly and hanging in the air.

Looking at those shining golden eyes, James suddenly understood that "lust of flesh" can also be holy and pure.

The eyes that don't belong to Qin or her negative personality Black Phoenix can have, those eyes are full of

"This can't be done"

James looked down helplessly, and "Phoenix" had already walked in front of him, with the same naked and moist body, a pair of jade arms slowly wrapped around his neck.

"When you don't have any clothes, this look is more, more, more suitable."

A little orange-red fire flashed from James' eyes, his voice gradually became hoarse and rough, and the last few words seemed to be chiseled on an iron ingot.

Hellfire burned all over the body in an instant, and the jade-white flesh turned into a skeleton of flames. There was no longer the charming scene of men and women facing each other naked, but it looked like a hell devil who was about to ask for the soul of a pure girl.

"Phoenix" seemed to smell some disgusting dimension, and the look of "Holy Desire" on his face just now disappeared, he frowned, and subconsciously stepped back a few meters.

The vibrating gold chains that bound James' body were quickly spread by the hellfire. The original blue-black vibrating gold demonized into a silver-white hideous form, and metal barbs sprang up, coiling around the body of the flame skull like a snake.

Falling from mid-air to the ground in the center of the hall, James looked around and said in a hoarse voice:
"Decomposing and reorganizing the form of matter, even vibrating gold can affect it. This is something that Qin can't do, it must be the power of Ni. Just right, I have never had the opportunity to try this—"

James Howlett, who was like the king of hell, stomped his feet, and a boundless ring-shaped wave of fire surged from under him, burning the entire hall in an instant.

This palace is made of vibrating gold rough stones and various alloys, which means that they can be demonized by hellfire!

On the ground, strands of silvery-white liquid metal that was bubbling like molten iron spread up from the toe bones of the flame skull, casting a pair of gorgeous and ferocious armor bit by bit from the feet, calves, waist and hips.

Dagger-like spikes are raised on the toes, and a burning skull and wolf head are cast on the knees and chest of the armor. Even the head of the flame skull is condensed into a half-covered spiked helmet, and the bones standing on the top of the skull The crown is naturally combined.

The whole body is covered with hellfire demonized vibrating gold armor. Standing on the throne hall that has become like a metal ghost, James gently waved the chain of hell with his left hand. Barbed blade.

The armor on his body made harsh noises, and he raised his chin at "Phoenix", as if fighting for the second round.

The girl's originally naked body was instantly wrapped in flames like a war skirt, as if when the power of hellfire that disgusted her appeared, she lost the pure desire just now.

Only eyes full of killing intent remained!
In the palace, the two lines of fire rushed towards each other. The hell chain James threw out wrapped around Phoenix's neck with a wave of flames. He pulled it through, and the demonized bone blade of his right fist rushed forward at the same time.

There is no penetrating touch, and even the armor on the fist has been stripped away. The telekinetic power of "Phoenix" is a hundred times better than that of the negative personality Qin just now.

The phoenix bird purely condensed by the power of the phoenix protruded from Qin's body, and the moment it came into contact with the flames of hell, it was like two chemical substances reacting violently, spewing out a large amount of magma-like liquid.

There was no expression on James' flaming skull face, but he knew that this was the first opponent he had met since coming to this world who was truly stronger than himself in terms of strength.

A huge amount of demonized vibranium on the main hall was melted into a chain of knives and axes, and James slashed down with his claws, forcibly keeping "Phoenix" in the hall.

But the more James worried, the more he could rely on his immortality to survive, but in the spiritual world, this thing also has such a powerful force, so Emma and Professor Charles are even more dangerous.

"Spiritual Candle Heart Realm" pulls Qin's spiritual world into it, and in the girl's golden spiritual realm, diamonds are floating all over the sky, shining like stars.

It seemed just for a moment, and it seemed like a long time.

"Phoenix" blinked her eyes, and felt that Qin was struggling more and more violently between her wings. As soon as she lowered her beak and looked down, one of her wings was slashed diagonally by a knife-shaped diamond light.

The White Queen looked at the section of phoenix wings that had been chopped off, and said solemnly, slightly out of breath:

"You are just a fragment, never even complete, don't think too highly of your own strength!"

With the screaming sound of the phoenix, Qin seemed to wake up a little more. Emma was blasted into diamond powder by the phoenix again and again, but she always reunited into a diamond body again.

In the spiritual world, only by completely annihilating the will and spirit can one completely kill the opponent.

With the support of the most majestic and vast power of Professor Charles, Emma kept fighting with the golden phoenix, and at the same time called Qin's consciousness again and again with a mind blast.


It was just a light breathing sound, but it filled the entire golden spiritual world. The girl who had slept soundly for a long time took another deep breath, and finally...
Slowly opened his eyes.


Jean Gray was just confused for a moment, and then all the memories of the whole story came back to her mind. She suddenly pursed her lips in embarrassment, but she heard Emma let out a sigh of relief, raised her brows and said very naturally:
"Come on, don't dawdle! 'You' are now having a falling out in a wolf's den."

I don't know why, but the words that were obviously full of complaints seemed to encourage Qin, she naturally walked out from between the wings of the "phoenix", and together with Emma, ​​slowly raised her arms.
Charles watched the black phoenix's wings wither in the sky above the spiritual world, and fell sluggishly, but he didn't really relax.

"Oh, I finally woke up, but this trouble is not over yet."

(End of this chapter)

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