Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 267

Chapter 267

"Viper" Ophelia Green stared at the anger in Reed's eyes indifferently, allowing him to clenched his teeth, and his cheeks trembled and twitched from time to time.

After licking the plump and gorgeous red lips a little bit, it seems that Dr. Richards' impotent and furious look made Miss Viper inexplicably satisfied.

"Call you, in the eyes of monopoly capital like you, do you still have the Federal Constitution!"

Reed Richards stretched his fingers and clenched them into fists. He clenched several times until his knuckles turned white, and roared angrily.

Since Reid embarked on the road of science, he has established an academic moral spirit of an excellent scholar or scientist who pursues the truth and dares to question and challenge authority and even power.

This straightforward, to be precise, somewhat pedantic genius scientist has no good impression of the surname "Howlett".

Fabricate and advocate the false "mutant evolution theory", rely on force and power to monopolize the wealth and resources of the United States and even the world, manipulate high-level politics, and incorporate powerful and extraordinary forces to form violent institutions.

There are even unofficial rumors that the Howlett family grew stronger in the Americas, accompanied by a large number of black means, and even exterminated the indigenous tribes in Africa for some precious resources.

Reid knew that he couldn't have an equal and friendly attitude when cooperating with a behemoth like the Howlett Group, but he never thought that he would become a "guinea pig" in the actual sense in the blink of an eye!
No matter how high-sounding the words are, from this moment on, Dr. Richards, who has lost his personal freedom and basic rights, has been placed under house arrest.

Ophelia folded her hands in front of her body, smiling gracefully, and unconsciously curled up her thick breasts, causing Johnny beside Susan to stare and move his Adam's apple.

"Correct you, Dr. Richards, when you step into this 'new world', no matter whether you are actively or passively, ordinary social laws cannot be fully applied to you, but it is true in the extraordinary field, There really is no such thing as a federal constitution in the eyes of the Howlett Group."

"Viper" took a step forward, as if sorting out the detection equipment on Reed, fiddled with it a few times and said with a smile:

"Well, in this respect only one person's word is the law! I know exactly who I'm talking about. So, gentlemen! What's the problem?"

Viper slapped his hands lightly, raised his chin and looked around positively and positively, as if waiting for Susan or Ben Graham to have any other questions or requests, just like an equal and democratic gesture.

"Cough, Miss Green, may I ask you about your future research life? Hehe, can I always have your company~"

Johnny raised his eyebrows lightly and raised his hands. He leaned against the edge of the workbench thinking he was handsome, staring at Ophelia with burning eyes, and even blinked one eye. His smile was both sunny and mischievous.

".To tell you the truth, I don't feel very comfortable today. My body is very 'hot'. As the youngest and outstanding space astronaut of the group, I am very happy to cooperate with your work. Should I find a quiet place? Please help me Shall I do some more careful inspections?"

When sister Susan heard that Johnny dared to hook up with Ophelia "Viper", she almost went up to cover his stinky mouth with her eyes wide open.

But Miss "Viper" suddenly bit her lower lip with charming eyes, and swayed to Johnny step by step, looking into the young man's eyes with watery eyes, her voice was magnetic and hoarse, full of temptation.

"Mr. Stone is very handsome. He really looks like that American hero. Let me see how hot it is?"

Johnny watched eagerly as the cold face was getting closer, the woman's slender fingertips with dark green nails lightly touched his cheek, stroked and teased his earlobe a few times.

I don't know if Johnny's body temperature is really too high, this Miss Green's hand is as cold as a cold-blooded animal, which strangely tempts him to breathe more and more quickly, and the skin all over his body is faintly red.

Even the few people around felt that the room had become a little hot.

The parched Johnny greedily sniffed the special fragrance emanating from Ophelia's body, and didn't even realize that his body, especially the bottom, had undergone very strange changes.

"It's really hot~ tsk tsk, but young man, you still don't have enough knowledge. There are many capable people in this world. Even if it's 'hot' into a ball of fire, it may not be enough to watch. My sister prefers it."

The red lips of "Viper" almost touched the tip of Johnny's nose. While his words were seductive, he suddenly changed the topic. He glanced at Johnny's lower body with a sneer, and said disdainfully in an indifferent tone tired of playing. :

"—a man with good stamina."

"Hiss thanks, Shet!"

Ophelia turned around and left, striding away from the isolation laboratory without looking back.

Ignoring Johnny who was behind him, hot white smoke was emanating from the top of his head and cheeks, he hurriedly covered the suspicious marks on his crotch, kept swearing, and rushed into the bathroom like crazy.

"Hahahaha! Haha, no wonder you change girlfriends every now and then, hehe! Your stamina is so bad! Of course I can't keep my aunt—cough, cough, vomit, I'm sorry buddy, I have to go back to my room and lie down for a while."

Ben Graham laughed long and rudely, and Johnny, who usually always liked to make fun of himself, finally got a "big pucker".

Before he could get enough of the teasing, Ben suddenly retched a few times, clutching his rumbling stomach, leaving Reed with a sorry look, and hurried back to his room.

Only Susan, who was flushed with embarrassment, and Dr. Richards, who was humming angrily, were left.

"I'm sorry, Sue, it's all my fault"

Reed lowered his head and rubbed his cheeks in frustration, feeling that the skin on his temples was a little itchy, and scratched indiscriminately irritably, suddenly apologized, looked at Susan affectionately and said:

".In those few years, I was so stupid. I only knew how to study one scientific knowledge after another. I only cared about satisfying my own utilitarianism and vanity, but ignored your feelings! Let the most cherished person come from my side. If it weren't for my stupidity, you wouldn't come to work in this damn place, let alone work"

Susan Stone was stunned by Reed's sudden emotional confession and a few years late apology, her sweet face turned red, her eyes were like water, and she gently hugged Reed.
Looking at this always dull but somewhat silly and cute man, Reed had grayed hair on both sides at some point, and he still hadn't slowed down and said comfortingly:
"Reed, actually, you don't have to worry so much. There have been many examples of the research work of the group, and it is not as terrible as you imagine. Mr. Howlett hates the research on living mutants the most. Back then, many people secretly did this. It is said that any group or organization that did it was wiped out by the Whip of Order team."

"...after the mystery of our being eroded by cosmic storm energy is solved, and it is determined that there is no or can control the dangerous mutant power, we will be free to return to normal life."

Susan gently comforted Reed, not caring that he remained silent and still looked stubborn and suspicious, but Susan felt in her heart that such a period of time to get along with each other quietly
There's nothing wrong with that either.


The Large Magellanic Cloud, 16 light-years away from Earth, is the most massive among the many satellite galaxies of the Milky Way.

Compared with the Milky Way, which has many planets that can breed life and has a prosperous civilization, the Large Magellanic Cloud is regarded as "few and sparsely populated."

The stars it has are less than one-tenth of the Milky Way, and the diameter is only about one-twentieth. The reason why this place is particularly valued by many civilizations in the Milky Way is because the parent star of the powerful Cree Empire-the holy Harry pull.

".Since then, the Cree civilization has been known as one of the "Three Great Empires". However, the evil Skrull Empire has existed in name only today. Under the leadership of a thousand Kree stellar years, the Kree Empire has become one of the most powerful civilizations in the universe.”

The light-skinned, blond-haired, square-faced Cree female warrior is earnestly reading the book projected on the light curtain on the arm of the combat uniform.

That is a section in the "Third Chronicle of the Empire" that summarizes the important role played by the super life intelligence brain - the supreme intelligence, in the history of the rise of the Cree Empire.

The woman was about to continue her search and review the intelligence information on the remote planet C-53 in the Milky Way, when a middle-aged man with a kind face walked beside her and handed her a loose and thin standard training suit.

"I don't recommend that you read so many books before the actual battle. You must know that the most important thing for a fighter is to be able to clear his head before the battle, keep calm and focus, and not be full of distracting thoughts like you."

Yon Rogue smiled and mentioned his Star Troopers member, Ms. Firth, the second-level silver star lieutenant.

Seeing her carelessly taking off her black and green light combat uniform, and neatly changing into a short shirt for unarmed combat with her naked body, her eyes did not shy away.

As a militaristic country with a high degree of unity in spirit and action, the Cree people have truly abandoned the so-called gender equality and inequality in the evolution of civilization.

Women here fight like men, bathe and train naked together, without any discrimination, and also without any special care.

"Captain, you know, I just need to take off this little thing to solve any battle, as it is said in the combat manual, 'In the face of incomparable power, tricks and ingenuity become ridiculous'."

After changing his clothes, Firth poked the coin-sized metal disc on his neck, with fine blue energy lines flashing on it, and slender metal needles pierced into the flesh.

Yong Roger put away his gentle smile, stood up solemnly, stared at Foss' eyes for a moment, and said very seriously:
"That is the power gained through your mother's sacrifice and the mobilization of the empire's huge resources by the 'supreme wisdom', unremitting research and hard work. It is not a pulse gun used to crush low civilizations."

The female team member was stunned, she lost her bright smile just now, and lowered her head in a desolate manner.

".Remember Firth, if you're nothing without it, you didn't deserve the power of 'Amazing' in the first place."

Seeing that his usual psychological taming skills had achieved satisfactory results, Yon Rogge twitched the corners of his mouth secretly, patted Firth with a heavy face, and led her into the training ground to start a fixed special training Task.

The first military base in the capital is no different from other military buildings. All the cities of the Cree people are composed of dark cyan metal buildings gradually densely covered like mountains and forests. Wherever the eyes can see, there are rigid straight lines.

The training ground is like a cracked corridor cut by a huge axe, and some thin rectangular fields are full of the meaning of "meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins".

Yon Rogge and Firth slowly opened their fists more than ten meters apart, rubbing their bare feet forward a little bit, each cautiously looking for each other's flaws.

Finally, when the distance between the two was less than five meters, Firth caught the captain's eyes and glanced at his right side very slightly, and rushed forward and punched at Yong Roger's left forehead.

Just when she thought she had succeeded, Yon Rog curled up his lips and smiled lightly, laying down on the ground, kicking his stomach with his right foot and kicking his left leg at Firth's knee, flipping her to the ground and taking her to the upper position. He smashed two punches.

"Do you know who you are going to face!"

Firth rolled over and stood up, but was followed by Yon Rogge and kicked her when she was not stable, and continued to beat and shouted:

".His fighting skills are unparalleled, and his body can heal itself quickly and is difficult to destroy"

Bang Bang covered his head with his body, and used the tips of his elbows to block Foss' fists and feet. Captain Yong Rogge's words were not interrupted.

".He has a powerful life energy that is not inferior to yours. He has killed countless enemies during hundreds of years of brutal rule, and he will never hesitate to be distracted during the battle!"


Firth's flustered state affected by words and emotions made her fists more and more messy. Yon Rogge immediately grabbed the gap and slashed with his palm, cutting a thin wound on the side of the woman's face like a blade. Roaring and questioning again:
"Tell me Foss Well, the daughter of Mar-Well, the 'Captain Marvel' who will eventually succeed the Kerry Empire! Do you know who the enemy you are going to face is?"

Perhaps it was because he tasted the blood mixed with blue streaks flowing down from his cheeks. As if he had been activated by something, golden energy flames suddenly exploded from both arms, and fine electric current exploded in the surrounding air.

A pair of pupils flashed with light from time to time, walking towards Yong Rogge with a murderous look.

"Cough, oh, take it easy girl."

Seeing Firth bursting out with the power of 'surprise' in a hurry, Yon Rogge spread his hands and walked back slowly, his Adam's apple subconsciously moved, only to hear Firth growl loudly:
"I want to face the enemy who killed my mother, a tyrant who controls the energy of the Rubik's Cube in the universe, and rules and enslaves life on Earth! Face it and kill it with my own hands."

"—'Wolf Emperor' James Howlett!"

(End of this chapter)

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