Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 275 The Last Emperor of the Skrull Empire

Chapter 275 The Last Emperor of the Skrull Empire
Thick fog and dust swept across the ruins of the Grand Army Square, and thunderbolts splashed down from time to time. The dark red "devil" picked up the two arms on the ground, exploded into a cloud of smoke and teleported to the place where he had healed himself again, and his torso and body were restored. The legs of Carter's side.

He handed over two severed arms, and as soon as the cuts touched the shoulders, they grew and occluded perfectly, and he moved up and down freely and stretched several times.

"James" who lacked a head stood silently, and the "Red Devil" looked up at the berserk figure in the sky. Not only was he fighting against the endless thunder and steel torrent, but his sharp claws were about to kill "James". Colossus" was chopped into a pile of broken copper and iron.


The Skrull who transformed into Asazo couldn't help swallowing. He watched Carter's head on James Howlett's shoulder, but even if he copied the moment of "Red Devil", Without the ability to move, the Skrull royal family still dare not try to get back the head of their own emperor.

I don't know if he felt the hesitation of his subordinates, but the body of the headless "James" rapidly grew and multiplied from the broken bones and flesh of the neck, and after a few breaths, a well-defined chin healed itself.

High above the sky, James activated the flesh and blood secret technique, [Fierce Mang] wrapped the bone blade like an energy wave knife, interlaced with sparks and the sound of metal tearing teeth, he just cut open the "Colossus" The chest and abdomen exposed the abdominal cavity and internal organs that Peter Rasputin himself had never seen.

The bones and internal organs of Colossus were originally of the same silver-gray organic steel structure. Except that there was no liquid substance such as blood, it was purely a model of human organs made of steel.

"Huh? Hmph. Judging from the purely physical replication simulation, you Skrulls are really a gifted race."

The bloody arm behind James grabbed the head of "myself" and placed it in front of him, speaking softly to the head that was rapidly rotting away from the neck layer by layer, and was flying debris in the strong wind.

Seeing the last few strands of black hair dissipate between the fingers like dust, completely gone.

"Whoa! As expected of the ability of the 'Wolf Emperor', such a powerful vitality is unbelievable."

Relying on James' extremely evolved self-healing ability, Carter has grown back to his head again, still looking handsome and handsome.

After sighing a few words with lingering fear in his heart, Carter then continued to order the "Red Devil":
"Go, bring the other three here."


The bone blade pierced from the face of the fist cut through the thick steel shell, and he slashed two more claws with his backhand, and Carter broke a hole in the round sphere that sealed Reed Richards.

He grabbed the arm that was limp like a lump of noodles and pulled it out. Dr. Richards inside had already gone into hypoxic shock due to staying in a completely sealed environment.

Goosebumps appeared on the skin of Carter's body, which soon turned into protruding turquoise scales. James Howlett wriggled and turned back into a lizard man with a sharp beak and narrow jaws.

Several clouds of smoke exploded around him one after another, and the unconscious Susan Stone, Johnny, and the huge "stone man" Ben Graeme were all teleported to Carter's side by the red devil.

"It's a pity that James Howlett's body is very, very special. I even doubt that he can be completely killed if he is wiped out until there is not a single cell left."

As Carter spoke, he touched the bodies of the remaining three people again, wrinkled and scaled all over their bodies like lightning, and the royal compatriots who had turned into red devils looked at Carter's movements in shock, and finally Witnessed the strongest talent among the Skrulls.

".But 'Wolf Emperor''s incomparably powerful fighting skills and unique way of using energy, hmph, turned out to be acquired by acquired means. I always thought he was a perfect mutant with multiple abilities."

After the words fell, Carter did not change into the appearance of any of Reed and Susan, but was still the image of a Skrull, but his body was burly and strong, resembling a "stone man" Ben's body type.

Two figures fell from mid-air, except for "Storm" who fainted and didn't know whether she was alive or dead, "Colossus" first changed back to a normal human form in the deep pit, and then turned into a Skrull Pike.

And in his dissected abdomen and chest, blue-green blood flowing and ragged internal organs were clearly seen, and he was no longer alive.

"Although Pike is an idiot, he is not weak after all, and the blood of the royal family should not be lost."

Carter sighed silently, wisps of flames surged from his body, and at the same time, the turquoise skin of the Skrull turned into a thick, cracked and mottled orange-yellow rock shell. high altitude.

"You can only 'play with iron', and you don't know anything about the use of electromagnetic force. Fortunately, you have worked hard on Eric's education."

James pinched the neck of "Magneto King", watching his face turn red like a pig's liver.

The shapeshifter of the Skrulls didn't even learn how to use Eric's most commonly used electromagnetic protective stance, and he couldn't walk a few games in front of James only by manipulating scrap metal.

Even with the familiar friendly face, James did not hesitate to fight, as if this kind of thing had been done many times.While the pupils were rolling, he still didn't crush the super Skrull to death in the end, he just held it in his hand and looked down.

With his eyes leveled a little bit, James frowned somewhat unexpectedly when he saw the raging flames burning in front of him, and the burly figure rising and flying.

"Mr. Howlett, I originally wanted to defeat you with your own strength. That is my family's favorite way to defeat opponents, but it doesn't matter. It is not a disadvantage to expose the identity of these four people because of their abilities. They are fused together. Power, will be the strongest transformation form I have ever acquired in my life!"

The figure in James' hand had turned back into a tall and thin Skrull, and he dropped it casually from the sky, ignoring being picked up by the Skrull who was transformed into Asazo, and looked at the Skrull very seriously. The emperor of the Skrulls had a bit of regret in his words.

"You should keep my strength, at least it won't be easy to die that way."

James folded his arms and hung in the air. The mysterious arm behind him suddenly caught a fist that was ejected like a cannonball. The surface of the huge fist was composed of flames and rocks to form a lava-like texture.

Liuhuo's stone fist also took into account Richards' elasticity, and then swelled and stretched into a giant hand the size of a door panel, which was suddenly clenched, and continued to wrestle with the mysterious arm behind James.

"'Wolf Emperor', you should have obtained the information about us from the Cree, but even they have not met a super Skrull for hundreds of years, and you need to know the strength of the Skrull royal family, It lies in taking into account both the amount of copying ability and the degree of mastery after copying."

Carter shouted loudly, his body and limbs stretched crazily, coupled with his lizard-like face, it seemed to become an ugly giant snake burning with flames.

He twirled and twisted his body, wrapped around James' body and then suddenly tightened. At the same time, the temperature released was getting higher and higher, burning fiercely like a small sun in the high altitude, dispelling the last cloud and fog in this area.

"Those four humans have just gained power, and the development of their abilities is quite limited, and it's in my hands."

The four blood-red arms behind James supported Carter's body, and the elastic body tightened a little bit like a boa constrictor strangled and bound tighter and tighter.

James slashed and stabbed with the bone claws of both fists, but the rubber body sank deeply like a gelatinous liquid along the angle of the blade.

As soon as Carter's words fell, the flames shot up into the sky even more intensely, and the bodies of the two could no longer be seen, only a huge red fireball was left, and the radiated light and heat steamed the surrounding groundwater. There was a lot of smoke.

The strength of the "Stone Man" developed to the limit, coupled with the exaggerated elasticity and toughness of Reed Richards' rubber body, even tightened the arms supported by James and retracted a little bit.

Carter's neck stretched out several meters with the lizard-like head, and the picture leaned against James' ear strangely, accompanied by the sound of the roaring fire, whispering in a low voice:
"Mr. James Howlett, if you are under the light and heat of the supernova explosion level, you might as well try to see if you can regenerate and recover after every cell is burned!"

Boom boom boom!
The flame supernova that exploded steadily melted James's skin and flesh in an instant, and Carter watched as his burly body that was tightly bound by him burned into a skeleton of white bones little by little.

But after a few breaths, the white jade-like bones still showed no signs of being incinerated, and the skull turned its head slightly to look at it!
It was obviously an empty eye socket, but Carter felt as if a pair of pupils were staring at his own eyes.

Under the high temperature of millions of Fahrenheit, the emperor of the Skrulls felt strangely cold on his scalp.

"Hiss, it's just an ordinary flame, just right, I can play with fire too, you... try it."

The skull's white jaws moved up and down, obviously without any vocal cord tissue, but there was still an intermittent hoarse sound, the tone was completely different from James' low and magnetic just now.

Two orange-yellow flames exploded from the depths of the skull's hollow eye sockets, instantly piercing the surrounding crimson flames.

As the hellfire spread, a circle of sharp bone awls pierced out of the skull, like a crown,
The bone shape, which was already somewhat different from that of ordinary humans, became more ferocious and terrifying, thicker and thicker, growing in layers like a bone armor.

Bone barbs sprang up from the shoulders, elbows and knees, and he looked like a hell devil.


It was the same flame, but Carter let go of James suddenly as if he was scalded, and his body shortened and stepped back more than ten meters. The energy intensity of the supernova explosion can reach a high temperature of one million Fahrenheit, which is almost the temperature of the surface of the sun. The strongest strength Johnny "Human Torch" can achieve.

But when it first came into contact with the bright orange flame, it was like a water droplet meeting a raging flame, being roasted and emitting puffs of black smoke, which completely violated the common sense of physics.

Carter had never seen James Howlett in the previously collected information.

He always thought that the leader of the mutants was even the "emperor" behind the extraordinary world of the earth, a perfect extraordinary life with a powerful body and the power to release energy.

But when James turned over his hole cards one by one, Carter finally understood why the Cree had lingered for several years after suffering a big loss on the earth, but they still didn't dare to attack aggressively.

This "Wolf Emperor" is already a figure who can dominate one side in the boundless universe by himself.


The sonic boom of air bursting appeared almost at the same time as the muffled sound of "Red Devil" teleporting and flickering. The dark red figure who was suddenly called by Carter looked at the "Skeleton King" who suddenly appeared in front of him, and couldn't help being stunned. for a moment.

"It's more like Asazo's unbelievable appearance after I see through the teleportation direction when he was a child."

Full of jagged, thicker, longer and more gorgeous flaming bone blades suddenly penetrated from the Red Devil's chest and then came out from behind. James picked up his "adopted son" and watched him turn back to a somewhat thin Sku after his eyes turned gray. The Lu people were thrown down from the sky casually.

Turning around, Carter had disappeared.


Seeing that his escape route was cut off, Carter used Susan's invisibility ability without hesitation, shot flames into the distance, but just a moment after flying out, the flaming skeleton followed him.

"The concealment ability this time is not as good as yours at the beginning"


boom!James stepped on Carter's back with both feet, stepped down abruptly from a height of a thousand meters, and fell into a wilderness on the outskirts of New York.

He squeezed his wrist and retracted the bone blade, and blasted Carter's head with a punch, smashing it into a deeply sunken "mud".

"Well, the rubber man's ability is very interesting. It's a good target."

"Mr. Howlett! Please wait a moment, we can join forces to face Creedy—"

As if he didn't hear Carter's words, whether it was a hard rock body or Reed's rubber body, James punched the Skrull emperor with a punch.

Every punch has a strong penetrating and bursting effect, outputting all the strength and essence of a martial arts combat skill.

What's more deadly is the hell flame attached to the bone fist that also penetrated and exploded.

Even the rubber body, which is theoretically immune to all kinetic energy blows, is gradually unable to support the physical and "magic" destruction that explodes inside.

James's high-raised fist did not cause much impact on the surrounding land. It was absorbed by Carter's body, deformed and swelled in the body continuously, and finally vomited a large pool of blood in one mouthful, including eyes, nostrils, and ears. There were also streaks of blood oozing out.

Gradually, even the speed of elastic deformation slowed down a lot, and the skin was covered with fine cracks and traces of being burned.


James, who finally stopped, straightened up slowly. The stones and soil under his feet were burned and burst into flames. He looked down at himself irritably, and roared softly:

"Damn. Clothes ruined again."

(End of this chapter)

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