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Chapter 27 Favorite

What happened afterwards was the same as Lynch's perspective.

Due to Lynch's super physical fitness, he knocked them all to the ground before they had time to draw their guns.

After pretending to be aggressive, and knowing that the two people in front of me are Wanda Maximoff and Pietro Maximoff,
Lynch's attitude became enthusiastic.

It's not Lynch's fault.

After all, it is impossible for a person to have a good impression of a stranger out of thin air.

Lynch knew the future of these two people. Even if he didn't want to make two powerful allies, he still had to pay attention to the sign-in rewards of the birthplace of these two people.

After all, getting stronger is Lynch's biggest obsession now.

Not to mention, the future Scarlet Witch Wanda already fits Lynch's aesthetics very well.

Lynch never thought of being a bachelor for the rest of his life.

Such a handsome face of myself, such a face that makes readers feel substituting,

If you are single, wouldn't that be the tragedy of thousands of beautiful girls?

Therefore, since I have met the future Scarlet Witch, it is only natural that I list her as my future girlfriend.

As for Scarlet Witch's future real boyfriend, Vision?

who are you? !
A robot, still grabbing girls from our male compatriots?

Besides, that's just one of the possible future scenarios.

And who can say what will happen in the future?
Lynch has come to this Marvel world, so the future is doomed to be different!
Therefore, as long as Wanda doesn't like Vision, Lynch's behavior is not NTR.

"You'll be fine."

While talking, Lynch smiled at the two siblings.

Then, he looked at the scattered clothes on the floor, thought for a while, and knelt down to pack them into the box.

Having decided to have a good relationship with the siblings, Lynch naturally has to do something to increase his favorability.

However, he accidentally picked up Wanda's underwear.

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Lynch put down his clothes.

Then, he came to the corner of the wall, staring blankly at his two siblings, and stretched out his hand to them.

"You two get up first!"

Facing Lynch's smile, both siblings were stunned.

Pietro finally believed at this moment that Lynch was the one who saved them.

He also finally knew that Lynch was very strong!
One hit five, and he still won, and he won so easily.

For a time, Pietro admired Lynch a little.

If he, Pietro, had Lynch's power, would he and his sister still encounter this kind of thing?
In other words, even if you encounter it, you won't be as powerless and helpless as you are now...

At this moment, Wanda was staring at the charming smile on Lynch's handsome face,

Under the grace of life-saving and Lynch's flourishing beauty,

In her heart, Lin Qi was not only grateful for the grace of saving her life, but also other emotions were quietly born.

In ancient times, women with a more open personality would say at this moment:

"There is no repayment for the grace of saving life, the little girl can only promise it with her body!"

Of course, when dealing with the ugly ones that make cute readers feel unimpressed, it is these words:
"There is no repayment for the kindness of saving life. In the next life, the little girl will be a cow and a horse for the benefactor, and repay the kindness!"

Who wants your afterlife!Don't you despise others for being ugly?

Whoa, whoa... that's too far.

At this moment, Wanda's mentality is almost like this.

But because she had just experienced a dangerous situation, she hadn't recovered completely yet, so she could only stare blankly at Lynch's face.

Beautiful and delicious, not just for women.

Girls will be excited when they see handsome boys.

"Hey! Wanda, you're back to your senses!"

Wanda didn't recover until she was patted on the shoulder by Pietro.

Then, she quickly lowered her head, her pretty face flushed.

But Lynch didn't care much about it. The 'future girlfriend' is naturally the future.

Now, Lynch just wants to make himself stronger!
Only by becoming strong enough can he survive in this dangerous Marvel world.

As for how strong is enough,
Lynch thought: No matter what, it must be the strength of a father-level boss like Odin and Ancient One!
So at this moment, after pulling Pietro up, Lynch still held out his hand to Wanda with a gentle smile on his face.

As long as I am not shy, the shy one is the other party!

Sure enough, Wanda's face was rosy, but she still put her hand on Lynch's palm and was pulled up by him.

After the two got up, Lynch motioned them to pick up their clothes and luggage, while he turned around with his back to them.

Pietro also wondered why Lynch didn't help,

But when Wanda folded her underwear with a flushed face, Pietro understood.

Immediately, he only felt that Lynch was a real gentleman and a good person!

For a while, the siblings felt better about Lynch.

After Wanda and Pietro packed their suitcases and took their money out of the gangsters, Lynch started to deal with the funeral.

The so-called funeral is the way these gangsters deal with it.

He first took all the money of the five people and handed it to the brothers and sisters, and then stripped off their clothes and threw them into the trash can.

"This is their punishment!"

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