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Chapter 90 Tony Stark's Birthday Party Part [-]

On the plane, Tony saw a beautiful, lively and lovely parrot, and also asked about the parrot.

Seeing this situation, Lynch explained to Pietro and Peter Jr. together.

He gave almost the same answer as Wanda's.

Only, he changed Payne into a friend.

After all, there were Pietro and his girlfriend, Little Peter, Little Pepper, and Happy.

Lynch doesn't want them to know that he is the flame man for the time being, so he can't let them know that Payne has a connection with him.

After all, the relationship between Flameman and Payne is so good that the two actually formed a superhero combination-Skyfire combination.

"Oh~ Pepper, I suddenly want to raise a parrot too."

Tony Stark pointed to the parrot standing on Lynch's finger and rubbing Lynch's arm from time to time, and said to Pepper.

But Little Pepper shook his head very firmly, "No! You don't want to!"

"Tony! Did you forget that turtle? You're not a good owner."

It's true, Tony had had a pet before on a whim, and it was the best tortoise ever.

As long as the water is changed once a week or two, and some turtle food is fed from time to time, it can be raised well.

But because of Tony Stark's negligence, he actually forgot that he had raised a tortoise, and he starved the tortoise to death.

Since then, Pepper has not allowed Tony to keep pets.

Tony Stark spread his hands, and he was just talking.

Then, he thought of the birthday party not long after, and said to Lynch: "Lin, come to my birthday party later!"

Lynch was pleasantly surprised, and he nodded immediately.

The reason for this is not because Tony's birthday party is the most presumptuous this time, and Lynch wants to experience the life of a rich man.

But because of Tony's birthday party this time, War Machine will be born!
No doubt there must be a check-in location there too.

So this wave, Lynch must go.

If Tony doesn't intend to invite him, then he will go to dredge up the relationship with James Lord.

For more than half a year, Lynch has never lost contact with Air Force Colonel James Rhodes.

Regardless of whether James Lord is useful to him in the future, it will be beneficial to Lynch to have a good relationship with a middle-level military officer.

Not to mention, James Rhodes is also a very nice guy, worth paying him.

"Oh, by the way, if you want to come, you can also take a look."

After inviting Lynch, Tony noticed Wanda and the others and said to them.

"Understood, thank you, Mr. Stark." Pietro and his girlfriend replied.

But in fact, they didn't intend to go.

This trip was strongly invited by Lynch, and they had never been to Morocco, so they came.

And, having taken a trip already, this is their limit.

For a birthday party, if the relationship is not particularly good, everyone will be embarrassed except for the skinless and shameless.

And it just so happens that Pietro has a good face.

With the combination of the two, they will make such a decision.

However, there is a high probability that Wanda will follow.

After all, her relationship with Lynch is much closer than that between Pietro and Lynch.

After about half a day by plane, they returned to New York from Morocco, Europe.

May Parker is very happy to accept the new member Xiaobai, which is the name Peter Parker gave to the parrot.

Seeing this scene, Lynch entrusted Little Peter with the burden of feeding Xiaobai.

Anyway, it doesn't make any difference to Lynch whether he has a pet or not.

In this way, it is better to give the parrot to his brother Peter Parker, so that he can be happier.


Three days later, at seven o'clock in the evening, Lynch took Wanda to Tony's house.

Originally, little Peter also wanted to go.

After all, it was his idol Tony Stark's birthday party.

However, after learning that the party was full of adults and the atmosphere would not be particularly good, Aunt May sternly rejected Peter's plea.

There is no way, the parents disagree, and Lynch doesn't want to disobey Aunt Mei.

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