Marvel: Starting With The God Of Destruction

Chapter 28 The So-Called God King

"Wait a minute, Thor, it's not too late to help us deal with the demon queen before we leave!" Nick Fury shouted anxiously.

"No, Director, don't I have something urgent to do when I rush back? Next time, I will wait until the next time I come to Earth!" The corner of Nick Fury's mouth kept twitching.

Mad, he was just bragging, how could he really meet Morgana?

He had often heard his father say in the past that that woman Morgana liked to go to lower planets to do pyramid schemes.

At that time, Thor took it as a joke, but unexpectedly, Morgana actually appeared now.

Are you kidding? Although Thor is a bit naive, he is not stupid. He is a god on the same level as his father! Even older than her father.

Even after being hunted by Holy Kesha for ten thousand years, he is still alive and kicking.

Let him go and play with Morgana, wouldn't it be a pain in the ass?

After finding out that Morgana was on Earth, Thor immediately felt that the Earth was unsafe.

Now, Thor just wants to hide from Asgard immediately. God knows if Morgana would care about his identity as the son of Odin, after all, that woman is a madman.

"Okay, black braised eggs!" After all, the earth is kind to me. Thor can't just ignore death!

"The fallen god you are talking about, the Demon Queen, is a famous ancient evil god in the universe. He is on the same level as my father. There is nothing I can do." Thor answered truthfully and motioned for Nick Fury to let him go. He didn't like being pulled by a man all the time. And that man is still a black braised egg.

"Thor, how much do you know about the Demon Queen? How powerful is she? The more we know, the better we can deal with her!" Rogers stood up. As the righteous captain of the United States, he does not allow himself to back down.

"Yes, or maybe she has any weaknesses, we can study it together." Iron Man, a good friend of the captain of the United States, also said on the side.

"Ha!" Thor smiled disdainfully.

For now, except for the Hulk who can rival him in the Avengers, it is completely impossible for anyone else to be his opponent.

And these mortals in front of them are trying to provoke God beyond their own control. He is still a god on the same level as his father.

This is just like a bunch of mortals going to fight his father in a duel, and it's a complete suicide.

"Hey! Man, do you know why God is called God?" Thor pulled Rogers' arm and put it on Rogers' shoulders and asked him.

"Because God...lives longer?" Rogers said uncertainly.

"Yes, man, you are right. Just like you said, Morgana has lived for thirty thousand years and destroyed countless civilizations. There are countless gods in the universe who want to kill her, let alone humans. But she I am still living very well. Do you know why?"


"Because of her strength, Morgana has a strength that scares most people." Iron Man Tony on the side said it first.

"Very good! You are right, young man. I admire you very much!" Thor pointed at Tony Stark and said loudly.

"However, even if she is powerful, we cannot retreat, because we have no way to retreat, and we only have one Earth." Before Thor could finish speaking, Tony Stark said firmly again.

"Oh? You'd better listen to my advice and leave the Earth as quickly as possible before Morgana takes action. Escape as far as possible." Thor advised again.

"You don't understand at all the gap between gods at that level and us." Thor has more courage than anyone else. Whenever he encounters an enemy who can fight, he will rush forward and fight with all his strength.

But facing Morgana, the god who has lived for 30,000 years, no matter how courageous Thor is, he knows that he cannot defeat her.

"I know the opponent is very powerful, but we also have reasons for fighting! We must protect the entire earth." The captain of the United States said excitedly.

"Thor, stay, the Earth needs you, the United States needs you, the Avengers can't live without you!" The captain once again used his speech skills.

"Oh, okay! I think I'm probably crazy!" Thor returned to his seat helplessly and sat down listlessly.

"Okay guys, cheer up, let's watch a piece of news first." Nick Fury clapped his hands and turned on the TV in front of him.

"This morning, two explosions that shocked the entire earth exploded in Peanut Stew and Texas in the United States. No one in the two cities was spared in the explosion. As for the cause of the explosion, the United States military has been involved in the investigation, and the specific cause is still unknown. Unknown. When it exploded, it was like three suns lit up over the entire Western Hemisphere."

"Based on on-site inspections, the possibility of a nuclear bomb or a hydrogen bomb has been basically ruled out. Experts point out that it is most likely an unknown new type of weapon."

"Al-Qaeda leader Ben Turnout has claimed responsibility for the incident and stated that it was just a result of Al-Qaeda's experiment with laser weapons. Laser weapons will be officially used against the United States next year."

"The Ministry of Education of Bangzi Foreign Affairs stated that two laser missiles were stolen from the National Research Institute of our country some time ago. It is determined that the explosion was caused by our country's laser bomb. However, what the thieves did has nothing to do with our country."

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