Marvel: The DnD Game Master in the Shadows

Chapter 10: Bandits of New York

[Present Day]

Tombstone's gang stands apart from the labyrinthine network of gangs and criminal enterprises that saturate the streets of New York City. This distinction isn't just a matter of their criminal endeavors; it's their very essence that sets them apart. Unlike their counterparts who have rooted themselves in the concrete jungle, Tombstone's gang thrives as a mobile force. Their operation lacked a conventional headquarters, their members dispersed strategically throughout the city's veins.

Their revenue streams are as intricate as their structure. One wellspring of their ill-gotten gains flows from the coercive collection of 'protection' funds. These levies, exacted from territories as varied as Harlem to Hell's Kitchen, find collection points maintained by at least a dozen of their men. Yet, this is merely one tributary feeding their rapacious appetite for wealth. The drugs trade, that perennial vice, forms the cornerstone of their empire. It's a street-level operation, the narcotics finding their way into the hands of the downtrodden, even trickling down to high schoolers and college students seeking a dangerous escape from reality.

But recent events have ushered in a shift, a seismic tremor in the status quo. The gang's ambitions have swollen, a tide of expansion sweeping them into uncharted waters. No longer content with their established dominions, they now cast their covetous gaze upon underguarded precincts that promise easy plunder. One such target emerges from the shadows – Yancy Street. A seemingly unassuming road, host to a humble apothecary owned by the Lafayette family. Yet, appearances, as often happens, can be deceptive. The street conceals an entity known as 'The Hand', its small garrison holding the line against external forces.

Enter Tombstone, the mastermind behind the gang's machinations. In his mind, the conquest of Yancy Street is an uncomplicated endeavor. He dispatches scouts to survey the terrain, and through an unexpected twist of fate, this task falls to a group of local youths, led by the unwitting Tommie. The façade of The Hand's security is laid bare; reconnaissance yields the belief that only a handful of sentinels guard the fort.

Yet, the narrative takes an abrupt turn when Tombstone's forces surge forth, colliding headlong with the bulwark of The Hand's defenders. What the aggressors anticipated to be an effortless coup transforms into a blood-soaked debacle. The guardians of the base, far from being mere thugs, reveal their combat prowess, a tightly-honed skill set rendering them a cut above the ordinary underlings Tombstone commands. The assailants are forced to retreat, a cacophony of defeat and humiliation echoing in their wake.

Tombstone seethes with a fury matched only by the intensity of his ambitions. It was a trap. Retribution now clouds his vision, a relentless pursuit launched against the unsuspecting youths who led him into it.

Which brings to present time, where a girl, Tommie, stood just far away from an open garage, currently surrounded by bikers wearing black leather jackets. She was not alone, she was accompanied by four of her friends, Manny, Larry, Raul, and Dic. 

“Remember.” Manny spoke out. “Stick to the plan.”

“Yeah, yeah, seriously?” Larry grumbled. “I thought we’re here for a fight, not talk.”

“I doubt you’ll be able to fight when you’re being shot by guns.” Dic snorted. “We go in, look around if there’s any guns, and if we can’t talk it out, we go in for the punch. Sounds good to you?”

“Fine.” Larry grunted.

“What’s wrong with you?” Tommie looked at her friend with confusion. “Why do you always want to fight now?”

“He chose the Barbarian class, Tommie.” Raul sighed. “What do you think?”

“And I won’t go back from that anytime soon.” the asian boy grinned.

“As if we could change class.” Manny sighed. “Come on. Robert’s probably already waiting.”

The five then walked towards the crowd of bikers, all of them fully grown men. Once they were near it, a lot of those bikers quickly noticed, and smirked at them. One of them approached the kids, crossing his hands.

“Well, well, well, look who’s here.” he grinned. “After you beat up two of our boys, are you still confident to come here?”

“If all of you are like them, maybe we could all beat you up.” Tommie challenged, also stepping up.

Intimidate Check

Difficulty: 15

Rolled: 3

Proficiency Modifier: -1

Total: 2



As the words reached their ears, peals of laughter erupted from the gang members. The sheer absurdity of the situation prompted guffaws and chuckles all around. "I mean, seriously, they spun this whole tale about being bested by some kid-wizard. Wrap your head around that! Two supposedly tough grown-ups, taken down by a pint-sized girl like you," the gang member addressing them managed to say through fits of laughter.

But the atmosphere shifted as abruptly as a storm cloud dispersing. The gang member who had been jesting suddenly pivoted on his heels, facing the two newcomers. His tone turned serious, authoritative, "Alright, enough horsing around. Boss's punishment isn't something you want to keep waiting for."

Larry, however, wasn't about to be spoken down to. His retort was a sharp bark, "We’re not here to take a licking, you dimwit. Our business is with your boss."

The mirth that had been so contagious just moments ago vanished like smoke in the wind, replaced by a tense silence. The gang member who had been chattering away earlier once again fixed his gaze on the duo. "What did you just say?"

Realizing they needed to assert themselves, Manny stepped forward before Larry could escalate things further. "We have information," he stated, his voice steady. "Intel that your boss would like."

"Information?" The gang member snorted in disbelief. Skepticism practically oozed from his voice. "And why, exactly, should we swallow the tale you're spinning?"

Manny's response was swift, his words like a rapier's thrust, "You reckon we'd stroll into your place just to lie?"

The gang member seemed to waver, caught between uncertainty and caution. In a bid to regain control, he gestured toward Manny. "Alright then, spill the beans right here and now."

But Manny wasn't one to be easily cornered. He shook his head, a subtle yet resolute gesture. "No dice. This is Tombstone's ears only material."

A furrow formed on the gang member's forehead as he regarded the two intruders. The cogs of thought whirred audibly in his expression, a mixture of contemplation and suspicion intermingling.

Persuasion Check

Difficulty: 15

Rolled: 4

Rolled([Friends]): 14

Chosen: 14

Proficiency Modifier: +3

Total: 17



"Fine," the man grumbled, his body pivoting once more as he ambled towards the garage's interior. "But no funny business," he warned, his tone laced with frustration. "The boss has been on the edge ever since the mess you caused."

The children exchanged glances, a silent agreement passing between them. It appeared their tactic had succeeded; and finally, they trailed behind the gang member and ventured into the dimly lit expanse of the garage.


Tommie Boyd

Class: Monk

Level: 2 (250/900)













Features & Traits:

[Unarmored Defense]

[Martial Arts]

[Ki(2 pts)]

[Unarmored Movement]


Manny Merengues

Class: Warlock(The Fiend)

Level: 2 (250/900)













Features & Traits:

[Dark One’s Blessing]

[Eldritch Invocations(Agonizing Blast, Repelling Blast)]


[Eldritch Blast]



[Armor of Agathys]

[Hellish Rebuke]



Dick Dawson

Class: Wizard(Evocation)

Level: 2 (250/900)













Features & Traits:

[Arcane Recovery]

[Evocation Savant]



[Shocking Grasp]

[Mage Hand]



[Mage Armor]

[Magic Missile]



[Ray of Sickness]

[Comprehend Languages]

[Burning Hands]


Larry Lee

Class: Barbarian

Level: 2 (250/900)













Features & Traits:


[Unarmored Defense]

[Reckless Attack]

[Danger Sense]


Raul Ruiz

Class: Bard

Level: 2 (250/900)













Features & Traits:

[Bardic Inspiration (3)]

[Jack of All Trades]

[Song of Rest]


[Vicious Mockery]

[Dancing Lights]


[Cure Wounds]

[Tasha’s Hideous Laughter]


[Dissonant Whispers]



Robert Lubowski

Class: Rogue

Level: 2 (250/900)













Features & Traits:


[Sneak Attack]

[Cunning Action]


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