Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 60 – Towards the new home

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As soon as Prime left, a heavy silence fell over the place. Each one there was processing in their own way everything that had happened. Although they didn't express their indignation as visibly as Prime did, everyone was equally shocked by Xavier's attitude and the unilateral decision he had made.

"So... it was all true!" exclaimed Jean, her voice laden with melancholy.

Everyone looked at Jean and were surprised to see tears in her eyes. Although she was trying to contain herself, it was evident how much that news had affected her.

"Please, listen to me, child. It was necessary. You yourselves saw how dangerous that power was" said Xavier.

Listening to Xavier's words, Jean just shook her head repeatedly as tears streamed from her eyes.

"It's not about that, Professor" said Jean, tears continuously falling from her eyes. "You yourself told me that my power is an incredible gift, and that even in the face of people's harsh words, there would be those who think good things. That we shouldn't use our powers selfishly. But isn't that exactly what you did?"

"Child, please, you need to believe me. It was never my intention to hurt any of you" said Xavier, reaching out towards Jean.

But Jean, noticing this, quickly recoiled and shook her head again after hearing Xavier's words. In the room, no one dared to interrupt the conversation between the two.

"How can I trust you after what you've done? It's impossible. Right now, I can't help but think about how many other people you might have done the same to"

Saying these words, Jean turned and ran towards the door, leaving shortly after. Everyone was surprised by Jean's reaction, as she was normally calmer and acted more maturely. However, no one could blame her for acting this way. Kitty, Scott, and Kurt wasted no time and began to run after Jean, leaving only Xavier, Logan, and Ororo in the room.

"I'll go after the kids, I don't like how agitated they are" said Ororo as she began to get up from the bed.

"Are you sure about this? You've just been poisoned" said Logan.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me"

After saying these words, Ororo left the room and went towards the children, leaving only Logan and Xavier in the room. Seconds of intense silence passed before Xavier opened his mouth.

"I wonder... if I made the wrong choice indeed"

Again, silence fell over the room, but Logan quickly broke it.

"Though I want to believe you had valid reasons for doing what you did, it's still hard to accept. Anyway, I'm not the best person to answer that question"

After uttering these words, Logan also left the room, leaving Xavier to his own internal thoughts.


The next morning, Prime and Sara were at the gates of the mansion, bidding farewell to Kitty, Jean, Scott, and Kurt. Unfortunately for Prime, Xavier was also present, which slightly worsened his mood. The previous night, Prime wasn't sure what had happened after he returned to Sara's room.

By the way everyone was acting, something clearly had happened. It was subtle, but not enough to escape Prime's notice. Anyway, he had no intention of meeting with Xavier and the others again anytime soon. However, if this could at least open everyone's eyes, Prime would already be satisfied with that outcome.

"We'll come to visit you in the future. There are still many things I want to talk to you about" said Kitty, tenderness in her voice.

"It feels like we're saying goodbye to school" commented Kurt beside her.

Upon hearing the casual banter between Kitty and Kurt, Sara let out a small laugh. She never had many friends, so she would miss witnessing this every day. However, as Kurt mentioned, they could still meet at school. Sara's change didn't mean they would stop being friends.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Sara looked at the last person who hadn't said anything up to that point. Anyway, it's not like Sara had anything to say to Xavier. Her interaction with him had ended the night before, as had any feelings Sara might have had for Xavier. To her, Xavier was just an indifferent figure.

Turning, Sara began to walk towards Prime. Although she expected Xavier to try to say something to her, Prime was a little surprised to notice that Xavier didn't seem willing to interfere with Sara's wishes. Anyway, Prime didn't care; he had already given his final warning to Xavier the night before and wouldn't repeat it twice.

As soon as Prime and Sara got into the taxi, it immediately sped off, heading to their destination. As the landscape rushed by outside, Sara remembered something she wanted to say to Prime.

"By the way, I haven't congratulated you yet on achieving a human form, have I?" asked Sara, with a slight smile on her face.

Listening to Sara's words, Prime turned to her, sporting a playful smile. To be honest, he found it somewhat strange to be congratulated for having achieved a human form. What was he, after all? A little child who had learned to eat without his mother's help?.

"Why are you congratulating me for this anyway? Do you realize how strange it is, don't you?"

Hearing Prime's words, Sara lightly chuckled. Then, with her gaze fixed on Prime, she asked.

"So, how does your body exactly work? Did you come out of me and undergo a metamorphosis or something like that?"

At first, Prime thought Sara was joking, but looking at her, he realized it wasn't the case. Letting out a slight sigh, Prime replied.

"In short, I'm still inside you, at least my main body. All I did was create a clone of myself and make it take on a human form. Although it was difficult before all this happened, somehow, it became quite easy now" explained Prime as he observed his own hand. "After that, I just transferred my mind to this body. You could say that while I'm here, my main body inside you is hibernating"

Sara nodded as she listened to Prime's explanation, but there was still another doubt in her mind, one that she certainly wanted to clarify more than any other.

"So... how exactly did you end up assuming my appearance?" asked Sara, casting a sidelong glance at Prime.

Upon hearing Sara's words, Prime turned to her and raised an eyebrow.

"Why this question all of a sudden? Did I suddenly become ugly?" asked Prime, playing with a strand of his silver-white hair.

"What? No! I mean, you look pretty cool like this, I'm just curious, you know" said Sara, seeming nervous.

Although Prime still found Sara's question strange, he decided to ignore it and simply replied.

"Well, it's probably because of your DNA, which merged with mine when we fused. That's probably related to my human transformation"

After Prime's words, silence fell in the car, only the sound of the moving vehicle and the noise of the horns outside could be heard. However, the silence was quickly broken by Sara, who asked Prime an unexpected question.

"So... in theory... is it like you're my older brother or something?" asked Sara.

Prime turned to Sara, but she was looking outside, so Prime couldn't see her expression. After thinking about it for a moment, Prime replied.

"From an aesthetic point of view, I would say yes, but from a molecular point of view, no. Although we have the same appearance, it's only because I copied your DNA when creating my human body. In fact, I don't really possess the traits of your DNA in my body. Even if we did a blood test to prove this, I'm sure it would come back negative... Of course, that's if the needle didn't break while trying to pierce my body or if it simply couldn't draw any blood from me, since I don't have veins"

After saying this, Prime heard Sara laughing at what he had just said as the taxi moved along. Watching the scene with a smile on his face, Prime enjoyed the moment. Some time later, the taxi finally stopped. As they got out of the car, the first thing Sara noticed was the huge luxury building in front of her.

"Wow!" exclaimed Sara.

To Sara's reaction, Prime just smiled, knowing that it was still early for the surprises to end.

"Already getting surprised like this? We haven't even entered yet, you know?" joked Prime.

Listening to Prime's words, Sara pouted.

"What? Are you going to tell me you're not surprised either? I don't know if you still remember, but I grew up in an orphanage. I've only seen places like this on TV" explained Sara.

With this lively conversation between them, they walked towards the luxury building that would be their new home.

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