Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 8 – Test of powers

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For that reason, Prime felt the need to approach her with caution, understanding that they both shared many similarities. He recognized that what irritated him probably irritated her too. In fact, if someone claimed they were relatives, Prime would probably believe it.

"You... are an orphan, right?"

When the question echoed in her mind, Sara's expression became more melancholic, with a hint of mixed anger.

"How do you know that?"

Sara's question sounded clearly intimidating, but truth be told, Prime wasn't scared at all. In the end, she couldn't hurt him. However, Prime didn't want to have that kind of relationship with his host. He felt they were both perfect, a feeling Prime hadn't experienced until now.

Although he didn't have much experience, as he could count on his fingers the times he fused with a human, Prime could somehow tell that he would never find someone like her again.

(I am like you... was, actually)

Upon hearing these words, Sara's countenance softened, and she let out a laugh, shifting her gaze to the blue sky above the alley.

"Was? Hahaha. What do you mean by that?"

Prime also laughed, being literally contagious with Sara. Her laughs seemed to be his, just as Prime felt that her pain was also his. Prime reflected for a moment, carefully choosing his words before responding.

(To be honest, I don't remember much. When I regained consciousness, I was a weird slime)

While expressing this with a humorous tone, Prime realized that Sara had become noticeably calmer, given the strange circumstances. Moreover, although he had mentioned that he was also an orphan, Prime didn't fully understand how he knew that. Despite his fragmented mind, that was a certainty that remained.

"So... what exactly are you?"

Sara asked, notably curious. She still didn't know what to make of the situation, but for some reason, finding out that there was another being like her made her feel a connection with the slime.

(I don't know exactly what I am, but when I was in the lab, I was called a Symbiote. Considering what I can do, that probably defines my species. Also, although I don't know why, I'm almost certain I came from space... Sorry, I really don't remember much)

Listening to Prime's words, Sara let out a small laugh, strangely surprised by the peculiar politeness of the slime.

"So... you're some kind of alien? What happens if you stay out of a host for too long?"

Hearing Sara's question, Prime pondered how he should respond. While fused with Sara, he could perceive what she felt. Therefore, he knew he could trust her, someone who probably wouldn't try to kill him or anything.

(The air humans breathe seems to be lethal to me. If I stay too long without a host, I'll probably die)

Of course, Prime didn't necessarily think he would die instantly if he left the host, but the sensation of not being able to breathe was something he definitely didn't want to experience again.

Sara, on the other hand, didn't necessarily feel sorry for the slime. Probably, what she was experiencing was empathy. Either way, she knew that if she expelled the slime from her body, she would probably die. However, there was another thing she needed to confirm.

"But... will having you inside my body cause any long-term health issues or anything?"

As soon as she said that, Sara heard a little laugh coming from her head. At this point, she already knew it was Prime. Prime, in turn, found the girl's question intriguing, but at the same time amusing. I mean, he had just said he would die if Sara abandoned him. There was no way he could try to hurt her.

(If that's your concern, you don't need to worry about it. I have no reason to hurt you. Also, if you die, I die, so...)

As soon as Sara heard this, she experienced a warm and comforting sensation in her bruises. In a matter of seconds, all the pain Sara was feeling disappeared, as if it had never existed.

"Incredible, how did you do that?"

Sara asked with a curious tone in her voice. Hearing those words, Prime just shrugged.

(Let's just say that's one of my many abilities that I still need to discover)

As Prime said, this was one of the many abilities he didn't know he had. Somehow, as soon as he entered Sara's body, he knew he could heal her. The fact that this wasn't possible in Isaac's body was probably because Isaac wasn't hurt.

Sara was seriously intrigued by everything that was happening, to the point of forgetting that this power came from an alien goo. In the end, just like Prime, Sara could feel his feelings. Although she didn't notice, that's where her certainty that Prime was harmless came from.

"What else can you do?"

Hearing Sara's question, Prime fell into contemplation. There was much he still didn't know and needed to learn, but the longer he spent in Sara's body, the more abilities he felt he was developing. It was as if being with her doubled or even quadrupled his learning.

Lost in thought, Prime, through Sara's eyes, glanced at the external staircase he had used to reach the alley.

"Can you see that staircase? Try jumping to reach it"

Hearing Prime's words, Sara unconsciously looked at the staircase. Although she didn't know which staircase Prime was mentioning, somehow her eyes turned to the correct one.

However, looking at the staircase, she realized that Prime's request was absurd. Jumping almost three meters was unlikely, and even if she could reach the staircase, she doubted she had the strength to climb.

"I don't think I could jump that high..."

Said Sara, examining the staircase closely.

"Just trust me"

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