Marvel World New Magneto

014 Different Moods

While Professor Charles was sitting on the bed watching live TV, someone in a half-old building in the distance was also watching the same program.

This is Hank's studio. Due to his work, he often comes into contact with strangers. He doesn't want to disturb the quiet of the academy and is afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, so more than ten years ago, Hank spent his life savings in this studio. A place where the price of land is relatively cheap bought a piece of land and built his own small building.Although the small building is not expensive and looks a bit shabby, as the years go by, the magic of time gradually makes people forget its original appearance.I don't know when it started, a few sturdy creepers took root beside Hank's home, regardless of the steepness of the outer wall, they continued to climb with a firm attitude. After several years, finally one day it reached its ambition: Trample the whole building under your feet.Now its slender and slender body meanders vertically and horizontally, covering the originally gray wall.When the season is right, the wall will be dressed up as a beautiful piece of Chinese silk, and it will change subtly with the season: a shy tender green in spring, a confident dark green in summer; autumn and winter become a kind of Subtle dark red, even if it is dry and rainy in a certain year, it will quietly express its mood with a slight yellow.

These lovely vines are Hank's treasure. He often stands outside the small building and looks up at them with a sense of pride, just like watching his children who have been cultivated for many years and finally grown up--they make him Proud of it.

Now these Hank's children playfully stick their tiny tentacles into the upstairs window, wanting to accompany their father to accompany the guests to watch the hot news on TV.

This lounge is Hank's personal space. He is staying here with his old friends' best students. Usually at this time they will have a cup of black tea and chat about today's work or the weather, but today is an exception, the TV The pictures in it surprised them, and they even forgot to sit down. Several people stood in front of the TV in a fan shape and watched the show seriously.

After the news was over, the screen turned back to the live broadcast room, and the famous local host began to comment on the news just aired. Cyclops Scott was impatient to listen to his chatter, blaming Eric.

"He's the guy the professor looks up to. We kindly took him in and asked him to teach on campus, only to be late on the first day, forcing Ororo to substitute for him, and then making this kind of trouble when we're not around. Bring a bunch of what? The hairy boy who doesn't understand goes out to fight pythons and is on TV. Who does he think he is, a Broadway actor? I have long said that this person is unreliable."

There was indescribable disgust in Scott's tone, but everyone didn't find it strange, everyone knew that he and Eric were not compatible by nature.

However, he didn't say it casually, but looked at what Hank said. Recently, he and this gentle and enthusiastic senior have some estrangement.As for Eric, who looked cool and handsome with Magneto when he was young, he originally thought that the blue-haired beast senior would stand on the same side as him. After all, the two have similar embarrassment on the road of love, even if they don't want to watch In the mood that history repeats itself, Hank should also stand on his side and beware of that person.But unexpectedly, this kind of speculation was completely lost. God knows what medicine that guy gave Hank, which made this senior look at him in such a different way.

Knowing that what Scott said was for himself, Hank didn't care. His age gave him enough patience. He just nodded with a smile and continued to listen to the host's chatter.

Scott knew that his words were ignored, and he did not intend to give up, but continued to argue, "I think I should remind the professor that he can't let him do things like this anymore, we have just experienced human attacks, dangerous It has not really passed, but a new round of struggle has yet to come. We should strengthen the training of students and train them into an army to defend themselves, instead of being keen to show off in front of ordinary people like this." His attitude was very Be clear and expect a positive response.

But Hank still didn't answer him, watching TV intently.

Scott Summers looked at him and didn't listen to his words at all. The girlfriend and colleagues next to him didn't talk to him, so he could only sit down helplessly, folded his arms in silent protest.

At the moment, the scene where everyone from the academy came to kill the snake by the river was being replayed on TV. The director slowed down the speed of that scene so that the audience could watch it carefully.

What the audience thought, Scott didn't know.He only knew that the more he looked at it, the more annoying he was, and Eric's electromagnetic gun was nothing more than that. Anyway, this guy has always been mysterious, and it is not too surprising that the ability to use electromagnetics is surprising. You can also fire laser cannons with your eyes.What happened to those students?Incompetent means, chaotic cooperation, and a game-like attitude, usually forgetting everything on the training ground, this is all caused by that guy.The devastation he brought in one day was enough to wipe out years of hard work by the X-Men.I really don't understand what kind of demons these people around me have, and I actually believe that person is better than me.

Although no one said something like "he is the future", Scott has been sensitively aware of the difference. Since Eric came to the academy, he and the professor have spent less time alone. Instead, the professor will pull Live with Eric and ask questions; and Hank, Hank originally disliked Magneto who seduced his favorite girl when he was young, but he also valued that guy and spoke for him everywhere.There is also Qin, God knows what happened when she was treating that person. Now the relationship between the two has been light, and they are even more interested in Logan's wolf than himself.All in all, all the recent problems are because of that guy, and now he doesn't think he is enough of the limelight, so he went to expose himself in front of ordinary people.

I wouldn't be sad if Eric was targeted and taken away because of this -- Scott had some kind of hope that couldn't be expressed in words.

In fact, he didn't think so out of personal interests, but more for the overall interests of the mutants.Gather the elites of the mutants, unite as one through organizational training, and strengthen their strength. Only in this way can we fight the persecution from humans, and even go a step further, and in turn take the initiative to attack malicious forces and completely smash the enemy.At this point, he has the same understanding as Magneto who is in a hostile relationship.They have all suffered and been tortured and oppressed by human beings.The reason why they have always stood in the position of protecting ordinary people is only because of the professors. They gave up their own ideas for the sake of the professors, but now they have turned to support people who have a bad relationship with them, which makes Scott feel betrayed. a feeling of.

Look at the excited and deformed faces of the onlookers, the arms raised high, the human beings are just treating you as a clown performing in a circus, and you are still so happy, you are really young and ignorant.Steco was dismissive.

What the hell was the professor thinking, I can't see how the shrewd man would put his decades of effort on a frivolous stranger like a gambler, like those who believe witchcraft will make him Immortal foolish old man, how sad this is.

If he was also watching this show at this time, his expression must be ridiculous.

By the small river, the human-python war has finally come to an end, and the solitary python is about to come to an end. No matter how mighty it looks, it is now just a pitiful worm. High temperature and severe cold work at the same time, and life and physical strength are constantly being absorbed. The body was violently beaten by humans with bodies of steel, and a group of human girls who played soy sauce kept making troubles. It was really not easy to survive until this time.

If he could speak, this last wild python would definitely issue the deepest accusation in his life. Evil human beings are so madly abusing themselves, they really have no snake rights, it is too inhumane.

It's a pity that humans don't understand its snake language at all, and it can only sigh and swallow its last breath in the lively noise.

Although their opponents died, the excitement of the young people has not yet passed, and they were beaten several times before being stopped by Ororo. The ordinary teenagers, the reporters took their cameras and took many close-ups for them, and they did not turn around to avoid them. Among them, the two outgoing guys, John the Burning Man and Allison Dazzling, had taken the initiative to talk to the reporters. stand up.

Eric, who was also being chased by reporters, smiled and avoided it.He doesn't plan to enter the human society with great fanfare at this time. The battle of the human python only deserves to be defined as a small accident, and the surprise is still to come.It was pointed out that the size of these wild pythons was not small, but the weight was insufficient. Ingratitude is the nature of most intelligent creatures. If there is not enough threat, human beings will soon forget the favor they have received. The mutants would be as dazzling as a reef exposed after low tide.

You will also have many surprises---continuous and endless, and the mutants will become the saviors of mankind in this series of ordeals. rescued from the robbery.The mutant genes make the two groups from the same source become as distinct as water and oil. One-sided kindness and dedication cannot bridge the gap between them, and only a large enough external force can make them close again.If there is no crisis, no heroes, no pressure, how can mutants integrate with ordinary people?

My hands will not be smeared with human blood, and even dangerous elements like Stryker can be let go. I don't want to disappoint the professor, but I will win the war in my own way. Unwilling to accept mutants, the game will go on forever.

With a dangerous gleam in his eyes, Eric put his mind aside and reminded Ororo to gather the students, who had enjoyed a lot of freedom today, and it was time to leave.Excessive exposure to reporters is not a good thing. Enjoying cheers does not mean that you can always be popular. If young people want to gain a foothold in society, they have to make up for the lesson of public relations.

Eric contributed himself and stopped rejecting people thousands of miles away. The reporters discovered this and quickly embraced them. The young man who was slightly left out was quickly taken away by Ororo. Rick also slipped out of the crowd, and behind a row of trees he used a potion from the previous world before disappearing into the eyes of reporters.

"Welcome back, Eric." When he returned to the academy, the professor was already in a wheelchair waiting for him. He smiled genially with an inexplicable look in his eyes. "No casualties, well done."

"Yes, the insurance company may have a headache for claims, but fortunately no one was injured." Eric patted the old man's hand, comforted him, and then slowly pushed the wheelchair.

"Before dinner starts, tell me about the blood orchid, how can it have such a miraculous effect..."

Eric and the professor walked farther and farther, and their voices faded.

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