Marvel's Star Hamster

Chapter 6 Crystal Disability

Chapter 6 Crystal Disability
Tina was attracted by the object that strengthened the weapon in Andy's mouth.

What kind of thing can strengthen weapons, and according to the situation in the laboratory, it seems that the destructive power of this object that can strengthen weapons is not small.

Strong curiosity made Tina couldn't help asking:

"Andy, what the hell is it that keeps you so invested and it seems like you're succeeding."

Andy shook the automatic pistol in his hand, handed it to Tina, and instructed carefully:

"Be careful, the movement just now was not caused by grenades."

Not a grenade?

Could it be that the pistol caused the explosion just now?
How is this possible, this is just an ordinary automatic pistol, not a howitzer.

Seriously looking at the automatic pistol in her hand, Tina didn't see anything unusual about it.

If you insist on saying that there is something different, you can only say that this pistol is printed with an Oro nasturtium-like pattern.

But this pattern is obviously the emblem of Orokin, a unique logo designed by Andy himself, and this mark will be on all Orokin products.

Unexpectedly, Tina held a gun in both hands, aiming at a brand-new target not far away, ready to shoot.

"Well, wait!"

Andy spoke suddenly, causing Tina to stop, and looked back at him suspiciously.

"I think you should protect yourself before shooting."

Speaking of which, the robotic arm in the laboratory took out various protective gear according to Andy's instructions.

Looking at the pile of protective gear, Tina laughed and said:

"It's just an automatic pistol. Why do you take out all the military protective equipment? No matter how powerful it is, it doesn't need these things."

She couldn't believe it, it was just a pistol, and Andy asked her to wear these military equipment, how could such a small gun use military equipment.

Andy said with a serious face:

"I know it's unbelievable, but trust me, it's for your protection, it's an amazingly powerful gun."

In desperation, Tina had no choice but to put on protective equipment, and held the gun again to shoot.

"I'm about to start~"

"Well, let's get started!"

With a bang, the bullet flew out.

Andy hugged Tina and hid at the moment Tina shot.

With a loud explosion, the target was shattered again, and metal fragments flew out.

Tina saw with her own eyes a metal shard embedded deep in the wall.

Tina, who covered her mouth, couldn't help but said in surprise: "OMG, this... this is terrible."

Andy put his arms around Tina's waist and said with a smile, "You see, this is the effect of strengthening weapons."

When Andy was triumphant and Tina was surprised, Otis' mechanically synthesized voice sounded inappropriately.

"Sir! Do you want to hear some bad news?"

Hearing what Odis hesitated, Andy felt very strange.

Odis usually doesn't do this at all, so what's wrong?
"Tell me! What bad news?"

As soon as Andy finished speaking, the virtual projection in the laboratory projected the data of the two explosions.

"Comparing the two explosions, it was found that the destructive power of the explosion caused by Miss Tina's shooting has dropped significantly."

Significantly less destructive power?
This is not a small problem. The destructive power of two shots from the same pistol cannot be completely different.

Andy picked up his gun and fired another shot at the target.

After the explosion, Odis reminded again that the destructive power continued to decline.

Andy, who didn't believe in evil, fired a few more shots, but the destructive power of the pistol decreased again and again.

Until the last bullet was fired, the destructive force of the explosion could no longer smash the target.

Although the target is still destroyed, not to mention Andy, even Tina can clearly feel that the destructive power of the pistol is decreasing.

Maybe Tina didn't understand, but Andy definitely did.

In this case, the problem must be related to the amplitude crystal.

Putting the pistol into the strengthening chamber, Andy separated and fused the amplitude crystal into the automatic pistol.

The separated flame-filled and deep-frozen surfaces are emitting blue-golden energy.

"Is this what they really look like? Their energy seems to be dissipating! Oh ~ they are so beautiful."

Tina exclaimed as she looked at the amplitude crystals that scattered energy.


Andy didn't have time to talk to Tina, he obviously felt that the energy of the amplitude crystal was losing crazily, and if this continued, the amplitude crystal would be destroyed.

"Odis, activate the strengthening chamber to inject energy into the crystal."

In an instant, the light in the strengthening chamber shone, and the lost and scattered energy followed the rays and entered the amplitude crystal again.

The amplitude crystal returns to normal.

Tina stepped forward and patted Andy on the shoulder and comforted softly:
"Don't be sad, although their effects won't last long, you can prepare a few more."

Andy did not respond, he was using the Orokin system to review the Orokin knowledge he had acquired.

The energy dissipation of the amplitude crystal must have its own reasons. Since Orokin's weaponry can normally use the amplitude crystal, it makes no sense that this automatic pistol can't.

In the process of constantly reviewing knowledge, Andy discovered that in the Orokin Empire, no one directly used weapons and equipment.

All armed forces under the jurisdiction of the Orokin Empire, when they use weapons and equipment, either use battle armor, or wear power armor, or even the guards of the Orokin Guards.

Even if they don't wear any armor, they will wear a special combat uniform.

In the past, Andy always thought that this battle suit was to help commanders with void power control their power, but now it seems that it may have another effect.

Perhaps the combat suit is supplying energy to the amplitude crystals. If there is no external energy supply, the amplitude crystals will use their own energy to strengthen the equipment. This is probably why the energy of the amplitude crystals dissipates.

Andy, who thought of a solution, used the Orokin system to quickly find the manufacturing knowledge of the Orokin battle suit, but then an embarrassing problem appeared in front of Andy.

Andy didn't gain any knowledge about the Orokin battery. Without the key Orokin battery, the Orokin battle suit couldn't be manufactured at all.

The current mainstream energy is still electric energy, and the best use of nuclear energy is the reactor in Stark Industries, which cannot be carried around at all.

Even the small reactor on Tony Stark's chest will have to wait a few more years.

For now, even if Andy makes the Orokin combat suit, without sufficient energy supply, the battle suit is just a tights with energy circuits.

Andy closed his eyes and his brain was running fast, there must be a solution, there must be...

The energy circuit of Orokin's combat suit gradually became clear in his mind.

right!It is the energy circuit of the battle suit,

Andy's thinking gradually became clear, and he kept manipulating the virtual projection with both hands to depict the Orokin battle suit.

Finally, the battle suit took shape in the virtual projection.

"Odis, remove all weaving from the Orokin battlesuit."

The combat suit in the virtual projection began to dissipate, leaving only a skeletal structure.

"Remove all auxiliary devices, metal components."

The skeletal framework disappeared, leaving behind energy circuits.

Raise your hand to shrink the energy circuit, change the shape and put it on your hand.

Under Andy's operation, a pair of energy gloves specially designed to power the amplitude crystals was manufactured.

Then Andy used the manufacturing warehouse to manufacture nearly a hundred inner fusion cores into one fusion core.

The moment the fusion core was put into the energy glove, Andy clearly felt a wave of energy flowing in the glove.

Picking up the automatic pistol fused with wasp sting again, Andy had the illusion that the pistol was part of his body.

After firing a few shots at the target, the power of the pistol did not decrease at all, and every time he shot Andy could feel the energy in the pistol interacting with the energy glove.

(End of this chapter)

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