Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 110

Chapter 109 Kill the wind supernatural

Before going to war, he needs to kill a Demon Eye Sacrifice Sword.

With a move of Renault’s heart, countless cheering wind elements surrounded his body. He turned into a gust of wind and rushed towards the magic eye.

The death race officially begins!

Renault passed through the sky at a high speed of more than 150 meters per second. This battle will be the last battle to leave the mainland. He intends to go all out and no longer have any reservations.

After flying less than 1 kilometer, the magic eye sensed Renault’s intention, and the bird immediately circled half a circle in the air, turned and flew towards the warship.

But the speed difference between the two sides was as high as 100 meters per second. The panicked magic eye only flew for ten seconds, and the distance was reduced by half. At this time, the black orcs on the warship in the distance seemed to perceive something wrong, and the two small black dots flew fast. Rose into the air.

Sure enough, as Renault had expected, the Black Orcs dispatched 2 extraordinary winds!

However, the distant water could not save the nearby fire, and after the magic eye flew out for another 1 kilometer, Renault chased to within a hundred meters.

The next thing is very simple. Renault passed by the magic eye, and three metal spearguns shot out quickly, tracing three arcs in the sky, accurately hitting one person and one bird.

Two of them were inserted deeply into the big bird’s body, and the other one was pierced through the back of the magic eye and strung it with the big bird. One person and one bird fell to the sea in the continuous screams, sprinkling a lot of blood and feathers all the way. .

It is said that every Demon Eye and his mount are very close partners. In order to fulfill this cross-racial friendship, Renault generously gifted them the honor of “Death on the Same Year, Same Month, Same Day”.

Renault followed the magic eye and flew down, the soul of the magic eye is a good “blue bottle”, of course he can’t waste it in vain.

In order to save time, or in order to get the soul as soon as possible, Renault flew and whip the corpse crazy.

Three long spearguns flew in and out, stabs and stabs one person and one bird quickly, the screams became more screaming, and the bodies of the two hapless dogs became bloody.

Renault chose spearguns because they were long enough. Even if they pierced the enemy’s body, there would still be a part of the spear body left out of the interference field. He could still use [Nian Power] to manipulate the speargun for evil.

With unremitting efforts, when the magic eye fell to less than 20 meters from the sea, two souls appeared on the corpse one after another.

After the soul was absorbed by the “Book of Thermodynamics,” Renault stood still in the void, watching the two horrible bodies crash into the sea, shocking the sky.

Then he raised his head and looked at the two wind-type supernatural beings flying at full speed, with a deep chill in his eyes.

The first wave of spree is finally here!

In the next moment, Renault’s figure was like a rocket, thrusting straight into the sky.

The two small black dots immediately changed the direction of flight and flew upwards, trying to catch up with Renault.

Renault glanced at the two coldly, and then he will give the transcendent a lifelong tactical teaching lesson.

Let them know what is a generation difference!

What is energy air combat!

Air combat on the earth, from the dogfighting tactics of fighting speed, fighting height, fighting turns, and striving to bite the tail, developed to the theory of energy maneuvering, and it took several decades.

In this world, ground combat is the absolute mainstream, and the air forces of both humans and beasts add up to very few, and even a decent air combat cannot be fought. What about air combat theory?

Therefore, in terms of air combat tactics, Renault leads the world by at least two eras.

Although the other party is two real extraordinary winds, and Renault is just a parallel importer, he still regards them as chickens.

Because of the speed! Because of mobility!

Reynolds has control of [Synonym Power] and Rune [Wind], can easily reach super high speed, can ignore the gravitational force of the planet, and has ridiculously strong mobility.

The ultimate speed of the Black Orcs can exceed 80 meters per second. When they fly, they also need to fight against gravity.

If the Black Orc Superman is a “biplane made of wood and canvas”, then Renault is an “all-metal monoplane.”

This is the generation difference!

Speed ​​and mobility determine energy!

If you are higher than the enemy, you have more energy; the faster you fly, the more energy!

In air combat, energy is life, whoever has less energy will die!

Renault rushed to the sky without hesitation, he wanted to accumulate more energy first.

The howling wind sounded in Renault’s ears, and the earth shrank rapidly, and the height quickly rose to more than 2,200 meters, which was more than 1,000 meters higher than the opponent.

Renault glanced down, his figure drew a huge arc in the air and began to turn his head down.

The next moment, his speed soared to the limit, like a meteor, falling from a high altitude to an extraordinary person.

The tactics Renault will use are very simple, that is, “dive-attack-escape-pull up”, there will be no second move.

Under this move, even if the black orc transcendent possesses a powerful mana and masters a large amount of wind elemental power application skills, it will only be crushed and beaten.

After 7 seconds, the distance narrowed to 300 meters, at which time Renault’s speed had reached a terrifying 250 meters per second.

Renault is ready!

[Reverse Thermal Convection] The rune array gleamed, and a high-temperature air stream shot at the transcendent like lightning, followed by a huge scream.

There is no doubt that the speed of the airflow exceeds the speed of sound.

The transcendent’s reaction speed is very fast, and he reacted as soon as the high-temperature air current appeared.

The body of the transcendent turned sharply in an instant and flew to the right, trying to avoid the airflow.

However, Renault’s purpose is to force the transcendent to avoid, or to be more precise, to force him to enter a maneuvering state.

Before the air flow hits, as the altitude increases, the speed of the Transcendent slows down significantly, and the maneuverability also drops to the lowest point. At this time, due to the forced steering, the maneuverability is further reduced, and due to inertia, he is very It is difficult to turn again.

In other words, the energy of the transcendent is at its lowest point.

At this most critical moment, the two flying swords turned into thunder, stabling at the extraordinary.

Same supersonic speed!

This is Renault’s real killer move!

The moment he saw Feijian, a huge horror appeared in the eyes of the transcendent, but his figure moved, Feijian hit him.

Through the body!

Two terrifying blood holes appeared in the supernatural person’s chest and abdomen in an instant. He opened his mouth and let out a terrifying scream, but the scream was quickly drowned in the rolling thunder brought by the flying sword.

After receiving this fatal heavy injury, the Transcendent could no longer maintain a flying state, and most of the wind element around his body dissipated in an instant, and he fell to the sea like a bird with broken wings.

After seeing what happened to his companion, another extraordinary person who was more than 600 meters away changed his face and turned around and ran away.

Companion can’t stop even the enemy’s blow. This transcendent thinks that he is no better than his companion. If he confronts this terrifying sword, he is probably a dead word.

So he ran away decisively.

On the other side, Renault only glanced at another transcendent, then swung the flying sword again, and cut off the severely injured transcendent’s head.

A blood spring spurted out wildly, turning into a rain of blood and falling down.

At the same time, Renault moved his body and made a sharp turn in the air, chasing after the extraordinary head.

He had to chase it because the soul was concentrated in the head, and although a part of the magic energy would be spilled in the torso, it was far inferior to the head.

As soon as Renault caught up with his **** head, the impatient “Book of Thermodynamics” automatically emerged, dragging an extremely dense soul phantom into the book, and the soul space immediately oscillated.

However, Renault ignored the “Book of Thermodynamics” and turned to chase after the escaped “big gift bag”.

Seeing Renault chasing him, this extraordinary person flew straight to the sea. Seeing what he meant, it seemed that he was going to dive into the sea to avoid the terrifying flying sword.

Renault couldn’t help but stared blankly, this guy… is it looking for death?

As an extraordinary person of the wind system, his abilities are all based on the element of wind. Once he enters the sea, his various attack methods will be weakened to the limit due to the extreme resistance of the water. The original 200-meter wind blade can be shot. I’m afraid there was not even 20 meters at that time.

Although the power of the flying sword has also been greatly weakened, Renault has 【reverse thermal convection】, this skill plays a greater role in water than in air, and enemies are difficult to dodge in water, and it is easier to hit with low-temperature water.

Seeing this idiot walking toward his death, Renault also deliberately slowed down his flight speed, watching him crash into the sea, splashing water waves more than 10 meters high.

Renault landed leisurely on the water and walked lightly towards the Extraordinary by stepping on the water waves. Every time the magic pigskin boots touched the sea, the ripples spread out.

At this time, “The Book of Thermodynamics” seemed to have digested the soul, and began to feed back energy to Renault, feeling the gradual filling of mana and spiritual power, and a smile appeared involuntarily at the corner of his mouth.

After successfully obtaining the first big gift package, his mana was actually more than before the war.

This also makes Renault look at these **** guys, the more pleasing to the eye, it’s really uninteresting, specializing in favoring people!

After walking several tens of meters, seeing dark shadows flashing under the water a hundred meters away, Renault lightly stomped his feet, and a stream of extremely cold water quietly shot past.

However, to Renault’s surprise, the transcendent is also very sensitive to water currents. When the water jet reaches about 100 meters, a large number of bubbles suddenly appear around him, and a stream of water suddenly pushes his body away, rubbing against the extremely cold water current. Shoulder to shoulder.

Obviously, the transcendent is quite skilled in the use of the force of the wind element. He actually used the wind element to forcibly push the sea water, causing the water flow.

Although this method is simple, rude and inefficient, it is quite effective as an emergency means.

But for Renault, the transcendent was just dying.

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