Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 115

Chapter 114 Reynolds map

For the girl, the next work is complicated.

The first is to reproduce 3 sand drilling machines. This is not too difficult. As long as you provide the corresponding materials according to the bill of materials compiled by Murphy, Murphy will guide the specific manufacturing process.

Secondly, she has to arrange a group of people to operate the new sand drilling machine.

In order to improve efficiency, training must be completed before the new machine is completed.

This is very necessary!

Because using a sand drilling machine to dig white sand leech is an industrial production, the person who operates the sand drilling machine is a worker!

You can’t expect a bunch of illiterate people who don’t know a lot of characters to become qualified workers overnight. This is neither science nor fantasy.

In the excavation process, everyone needs tacit cooperation, and it is impossible to achieve this without extensive training.

Regarding this point, in the previous simulation exercises, there have been profound lessons, and there have even been more than one injury accidents.

The most typical time was when the tube was turned upside down, a hapless guy just walked to the front of the tube, and the thick tube broke 2 ribs forcibly.

Finally, the girls have to arrange the transportation, processing, and storage of food.

Transportation and processing require a lot of manpower, and these people also need training.

The most important thing is storage. After the location of the warehouse is selected, a large number of people have to be deployed to build the warehouse, and the corresponding building materials have to be prepared before the construction work begins.

In addition, in order to avoid decay and deterioration of razor clams, or be bitten by rats and insects, a batch of sealed containers is a necessity.

So the question is, how should this batch of containers be produced? How many workers are needed?

Just thinking about these issues in her head, Angela feels that her head is big and there is so much work to do that she can’t finish it all by herself.

At this moment, she finally deeply realized what Renault once said: I need talents, endless talents.

The girl also fully understood Renault’s faint attitude. He didn’t seem to attach great importance to capable people. On the contrary, he preferred high-quality talents with professional skills.

Compared with the awakened ones who surrendered on the island, Renault obviously respected Seth and Murphy’s rune magicians!

When the girl was “lied” to the position of consul by Renault’s coaxing, she discovered that Renault’s attitude was not wrong at all. This group of idiots who can only fight and kill has a fart!

Yes, “cheat”!

As a hard-working mechanical dog, Renault deeply understands that the so-called “management work” is an extremely trivial and extremely boring thing, which can sometimes torture people extremely irritable, especially when the subordinates are all stupid.

After some trials, he found that this ignorant silly girl was actually quite interested in this matter, so he couldn’t wait to throw this super cauldron to the girl in a thunderous manner.

He also specially sealed her a particularly compelling name-the Supreme Archon!

In this ignorant feudal era, the people most heard about were the masters and serfs, and the nobles’ industry managers were only stewards and stewards. Even at the kingdom level, the top officials were just ministers.

Compared with the title of “Supreme Archon”, it is so terrible.

So Angela stupidly stepped onto Renault’s thief ship.

That’s right, all the bad things are thrown out, he just needs to play happily.

In fact, for Renault, it is in his best interest for Angela to be the top manager.

Although he is unwilling to take care of all the miscellaneous things, it does not mean that this kind of power can be easily granted to anyone, especially when the benefits behind the power are extremely huge.

Therefore, the girl is the most suitable candidate, she has a strong management talent, and will never betray him.

After the three of them searched for a relatively secluded place, Renault began to clean up the white sand razor razor with enthusiasm.

The girl took out her portable notepad, frowned and used a quill pen to write and draw on it, recording the points she thought of, and whispered discussions with Lena from time to time.

There is already paper in this world. The main raw material for papermaking is a kind of vine called white hair vine. Its fiber is extremely tough, and it is naturally pure white, without the need for bleaching.

The paper made of white rattan is also called white rattan paper. It has excellent toughness, the paper is smooth and white, and the ink absorption is quite good.

The only shortcoming is that it is all made by hand, which is inefficient. As a result, the price is not cheap, and most civilians simply cannot afford it.

The cleaning of the white sand razor is quite easy. It only needs to peel off two huge shells, and the shells have not been thrown away by Renault. He plans to use the shells as a roasting container.

Under the control of [Nian Motive Force], an exquisite silver knife flew into the air, cutting the white and tender shellfish cleanly from the middle, exposing the intestines and other internal organs.

This silver knife was also the legacy of the former lord, and now it has become Renault’s trophy.

After removing the internal organs, Renault roughly rinsed the shells and shellfish with clean water, and then cut the shellfish into thumb-thick slices of shellfish.

Soon, pieces of white as jade shellfish were neatly arranged on the long shells.

After seeing this scene, the girl and Lena stopped discussing and focused on Renault’s actions.

Renault took out a glass vial from the pocket of his clothes and shook it at the girl: “I only have salt here…”

The girl turned her head and looked at Lena: “Is there any honey?”

Lina quickly flipped in her pocket and shook her head.

The girl regretfully said, “I miss that backpack a little bit…”

When everyone was crossing the mainland, everyone was carrying a large backpack. They carried everything with them, and they could access them at any time. Except for a little heavier, it was extremely convenient to do everything.

However, after coming to the Haichao Islands, everyone became the ruling class. For the sake of their own image, it was of course impossible to wander around with bulging backpacks.

The three of them smiled at each other, feeling a little bit.

Renault released his finger and allowed the vial to hang in the air. The stopper opened automatically, and the finely divided white particles were evenly sprinkled on the shellfish.

While sprinkling salt with his eyes, he murmured: “In fact, I think that this kind of freshest ingredient only needs a little salt to be enough, and other seasonings will destroy the taste of the ingredient itself…”

After the salt was tossed, Renault flicked his finger, and the hot air instantly appeared at the bottom of the shell, and the “sizzling” sound of grilling sounded, and the side of the shell meat that touched the shell quickly turned pink. It was really beautiful. The mouth-watering scent permeated.

Seeing the girl still frowning, Renault suddenly said, “Have you heard of Renault’s diagram?”

The girl’s eyes lit up and she stared at Renault expectantly. She knew that Renault was going to teach “Knowledge of the Devil” again!

Reynolds smiled triumphantly, waved the shell meat and said without hesitation: “The Reynolds map was invented by a man named Gantt…”

The girl asked with some confusion: “Why is Gantt’s map called Reynolds map?”

Renault shrugged, “Who knows…”

In fact, this fellow spoke too fast, and for a while, he forgot to replace the word “Gant” with “Renault”. However, after completing countless “super **** killings”, his psychological quality became extremely strong. A little bit of verbal error was simply It does not affect his continued deception.

Well, starting today, in this world, the Gantt chart is renamed Reynolds chart!

He started to explain: “This kind of chart is very suitable for project schedule management. Through the Reynolds chart, you can intuitively see what time period and what needs to be done…”

“Its horizontal axis represents time, vertical axis represents projects, and the lines represent planned and actual completion…”

Following Renault’s explanation, there were no signs of warning on the sand next to it, and there was a line of scratches on the sand, forming a Reynolds chart frame.

“We can break down all the work of digging and storing the white sand razor clams into small projects, and estimate the approximate time required for each small project…”

“If there are too many projects in a certain period of time, then during this period of time, project delays are easy to occur, which will affect other projects…”

Seeing that the shellfish had become pink all over, Renault used his power to lower the temperature of the shellfish. After making a gesture to the girl, he lifted a piece of shellfish with his hand and gently placed it in his mouth.

The shellfish meat is extremely tender and smooth, and the teeth are biting up but there is a hint of elasticity. The light salty taste brought by a little salt, but the umami flavor is particularly prominent.

After a secret praise, Renault continued to explain.

“At this time, you should consider rescheduling the project to avoid this situation, and vice versa. In the time period when manpower is surplus…”

The girl listened attentively, her cheeks flushed with excitement, and for a while she forgot to chew the food in her mouth.

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