Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 117

Chapter 116 Doom Oyster Shell

Have you seen the 1 meter-long super oyster?

Renault saw it today.

When the sailboat entered an area covered with reefs on the bottom of the sea, Sansha, the dog, seemed to have discovered something. The dog’s paws pulled the ship’s side, and the dog’s head stuck out and stared at the seabed more than 20 meters deep.

Then Sansha turned his head to the girl with a “whoop”, and suddenly jumped, “Puff” jumped into the sea, rowed and pulled four doglegs to dive to the bottom of the sea, the body is long and strong, and the dog-throwing swimming speed It’s not slow.

That’s right, this cheap dog, who was born in the deep mountains and grew up in the old forest, has now evolved into a diving dog!

The sea can’t stop the “ambitions” of the three silly wandering around the world!

Renault also glanced at the bottom of the water. In the turbulent waves, a white shadow was faintly visible flickering at the bottom of the water and quickly approached the bottom of the sea.

Ronald suddenly yelled: “Your Excellency Archon, please call back Mr. Sansha, there are doom oyster shells everywhere…”

What’s the meaning of doggedness?

The three silly dog ​​is a living example. As the pet of your consul, this servant is also dubbed the title of “Mr.”.

Renault murmured secretly that Ronald’s lower limit was not so low, and he even shot a dog’s ass. No wonder Ronald surrendered first when he went to the island.

After hearing the word “doom”, the girl felt a little bad instinctively. She hurriedly held her hands, focused her thoughts on the ring of beast language, and tried to summon the three fools back.

However, at this time, Renault keenly felt a very cryptic wave of magic energy coming from the seabed, and the underwater white shadow suddenly moved quickly, drifting out to one side for nearly 20 meters in the blink of an eye.

Renault couldn’t help but stunned.

This is… turbulence!

And it’s quite fast!

But this sea area is only more than 20 meters deep, how can there be such an astonishing turbulence?

Reminiscing about the wave of magical energy just now, and what Ronald called the “Oyster Shell of Doom”, there was a clear understanding in Renault’s heart that this turbulence was definitely caused by these underwater shellfish.

Most of it is the Doom Oyster Seeing San Sha approaching, they collectively use their power to create a high-speed torrent to wash it away.

No wonder they have the word “doom” in their names. Once ordinary people are engulfed by such a violent current and hit a rock on the bottom of the sea, they are likely to be seriously injured or even lose their lives.

But everyone hadn’t figured out how to rescue the cheap dog, and several waves of magic energy came from the bottom of the sea, and the movement direction of the three fools also changed several times in a row.

Obviously, the doom oyster shell group created more torrents, playing with the three idiots as if they were a ball, which greatly increased the difficulty of rescue, because no one knew where the three idiots would be pushed by the current in the next moment.

When Sansha changed direction again, its figure suddenly stayed in one place strangely, even if one after another stream of water appeared, its position remained unmoving.

Renault instantly understood that the three idiots should be clinging to a certain reef. This man was huge in size and strong enough, and the water flow made by a mere group of shells couldn’t move it.

He immediately took out the Black Witch Crystal from his pocket and poured his spiritual power into it. A black mist appeared around the crystal, drifting to the sea rapidly, and disappeared without a trace instantly after contacting the sea.

[Interference Technique]!

The water flow is created by the doom oyster shells with the help of magical energy. As long as the [disturbance technique] is used to disturb the magical energy in their bodies, they will naturally not be able to create water flow.

[Interference] The effect was immediate. After the black mist was submerged in the water, only a moment later, all the underwater mana fluctuations disappeared.

After Sansha felt this, he swam to the surface without hesitation. This fellow seemed to be frightened by the underwater rapids. The speed of the ascent was extremely fast, and the dog’s head was exposed in just 2 seconds.

Surprisingly, its dog’s mouth is still biting a large black shell tightly.

After seeing this scene, even Renault couldn’t help but admire the dog.

This guy is a real foodie, and he was not willing to leave the shell in his mouth when he was pushed to the side by the current.

However, it may also be because of the unwillingness to suffer from death. If you give up the shell, wouldn’t it be a vain penalty?

Moose immediately greeted people to drop a rope net. After Sansha climbed the rope net with a dog’s paw, the four team members from the island guarded it together and dragged it up.

As soon as this guy climbed up, the water all over his body flowed down the hair, and there was no trace left, which was amazing.

Unexpectedly, this boy has a waterproof fur, no wonder it does not repel water at all, but likes to surf in the sea.

Sansha gently placed the shell in his mouth in front of Renault, and then shook his tail at him. Obviously, this fellow knew who saved him, so he used the shell as a gift.

Renault waved his hand at it and looked at the doom oyster shell in front of him.

The whole shell is dark, consistent with the color of the seabed reef. Obviously, it is an excellent protective color. The length is close to 1 meter, the shape is very irregular, the surface is uneven, and it looks quite ugly.

The moment he saw it, Renault thought of oysters on earth.

On the earth, even the large oysters are only more than 30 centimeters in length, but in this “big thing” alien world, the oysters grow up to more than 1 meter in one breath, and they are still mixed up. One hand is quite an incredible ability.

Renault sighed secretly, even the passing oysters were better than the earth!

These doom oyster shells have climbed a few steps in the food chain, and are no longer a low-level commodity that everyone can deceive, and they have also changed the color of the strange world.

Renault lightly kicked the doom oyster shell and was about to let people put it away. However, when the right leather boot touched the shell, he suddenly felt that there was something in the shell.

This strange feeling was a bit like the wonderful spiritual sense of “perceiving poisonous insects and magic crystals” at the beginning, which made his heart move.

Renault turned his head to look at Ronald, pointed his finger at the shell on the deck, and issued the command: “Ronald, open it!”

Ronald replied obediently, walked quickly to the doom oyster shell, grabbed a rough shell in both hands, gave a soft drink, and the green veins on his arm were exposed, trying to break it apart.

But to his surprise, he tried several times in a row, but the shell didn’t move at all.

Under Lord Lord’s gaze, Ronald couldn’t hold his face anymore. He took a deep breath, his arms suddenly swelled, and his arms doubled in an instant.

He started awakening!

After the strength surged, Ronald moved his hands lightly, and the shell was directly divided into two halves.

The strange feeling became more obvious, and Renault blurted out: “There are magic stones in the shell!”

This sentence immediately shocked everyone, and Angela, Moose and others also gathered around.

Ronald placed the opened shell on the wooden board, groping quickly with his hands on the tender white flesh, and pressed some places vigorously from time to time.

While everyone else was paying attention to Ronald’s search process, Renault stared at the jade-white shellfish, feeling a pity in his heart, why is there no garlic in this world…

Before long, Ronald suddenly showed a surprise smile on his face. After raising his eyes and admiring Renault, he quickly took a dagger from his belt, cut a part of the shellfish, and took out a piece from it. Blue-gray stones.

It was the magic stone that Renault sensed!

This magic stone is not big, only half the size of a fist, and the surface is uneven, light blue, with many gray dots distributed.

After Ronald wiped the surface of the magic stone with the corner of his clothes, he held the magic stone in his hands and brought it to Renault, and said respectfully: “Your lord, your magic stone!”

Renault smiled with satisfaction, his heart moved, and the magic stone rose automatically from Ronald’s palm.

After playing for a while, he gently tossed the magic stone and threw it to the girl who was watching eagerly.

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