Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 78

Chapter 77 Swamp blood mosquitoes

“Everyone pays attention to your feet, and must follow the path I have walked…”

Renault, who was walking in the front, said, taking a step forward with his right foot. The moment the boots touched the black mud, a layer of frost appeared on the surface of the mud. After the boots fell on the ground, there was a slight “click” sound, as if stepping on ice and snow Same, did not fall into the mud at all.

Under the control of the rune array, where Renault went, the heat of the mud under his feet was quickly removed, and the temperature dropped rapidly below zero. A large amount of water in the mud instantly condensed into ice, and a large area of ​​mud nearby was also frozen. It is extremely hard and can easily carry the weight of the human body.

Relying on the ability [reverse heat conduction], the horrible swamp that could have easily swallowed the whole person, completely turned into a smooth road at Renault’s feet!

As a result, a magical frosty road appeared in the swamp.

Behind Renault, Russell followed Renault closely, watching the Frost Road as Renault gradually stretched forward, his thin face was full of amazement, Renault’s ability completely subverted his inherent concept.

After joining the Water Ghost Club, Russell followed his companions to walk many times in the Black Witch Water Marsh. Every time, a few people had to be arranged, holding a long wooden stick in the forefront to explore the way, looking for the “land” that can pass, and prevent Stumble into an extremely dangerous mud trap.

Even if it is a path you have walked, you must be very cautious when walking again, because the “land” in the black witch water marsh is constantly flowing. Maybe today it is still a passable “land”, but a few days later, it will be here. Has become a death trap.

Therefore, even if the water ghost is very familiar with this area, when walking through the water marsh, the turtle can only move forward at a fast speed.

But for Renault, this was not the case at all. Those mud traps did not threaten him at all. He could go to any place in the marshes as he wanted. Except for a few swamp creatures that did not live or die, nothing could hinder his footsteps.

At this moment, Sansha suddenly screamed “Woo”, and the hair color on the body surface instantly changed color.

Since entering the Black Witch Water Marsh, this dog has obviously been a little irritable, because the terrain of the swamp has too much restriction on it, not only the smell of mud will greatly affect its sense of smell, but also after encountering danger, it There is almost nowhere to hide.

Everyone immediately stopped moving, and at the same time took out their weapons, paying close attention to the surrounding movement.

Renault also increased the output of mana, and the frost under his feet quickly spread to the distance, quickly forming a hard ground with a radius of 30 meters, so that once a dangerous situation occurred, everyone had enough space to dodge.

It didn’t take long for Renault to hear a dense “buzzing” sound from a distance. With a movement in his heart, the rune array of [Reading Power] immediately sparkled, and his body rose from the ground, drilling out of the sea of ​​grass.

I saw a huge red cloud with a width of more than 100 meters appearing nearly a thousand meters away. Without the cover of grass blades, the “buzzing” sound became more obvious.

Renault’s eyes condensed, and he instantly remembered the poisonous bee colony he had encountered in the Black Forest. There is no doubt that most of the black clouds are some kind of insects, and the number is very alarming!

He lowered his head and asked, “Russell, there is a red cloud flying over in front of you, you know…”

Russell’s face instantly turned pale, and his eyes showed huge horror. He said anxiously: “That’s the swamp blood mosquitoes. Let’s get out of here. They will **** up all the creatures we encounter…”

The swamp blood mosquito swarm is the most famous disaster in the Black Witch Water Marsh, not one of them.

Because it happens so frequently, every year in the red moon, blood mosquito larvae in the water marsh will hatch into adult blood mosquitoes in large numbers, and they will gather into terrifying swarms, hunting everywhere in the water marsh or nearby areas to obtain Enough nutrition to reproduce offspring.

The “blood” in the name of the swamp blood mosquito has clearly explained everything. The color of their body surface is bloody. After thousands of them gather together, a frightening red cloud is formed.

The swamp blood mosquito group is one of the top predators in the swamp. They will hunt all the prey they encounter, from all kinds of birds to the swamp black python that is more than 20 meters in length. They are their prey targets. , Human villages near the water marsh are occasionally harassed by them.

However, humans have found many ways to deal with blood mosquitoes. The most effective method is to burn black water mosquitoes, which is also a peculiar plant in water marsh. The smoke produced when it burns has a strong paralyzing effect on blood mosquitoes.

At this time of year, in the villages around the water marsh, every household prepares a large amount of dry black moxa, which is burned on the edge of the water marsh day and night to drive away the terrible swarms of blood mosquitoes and prevent them from approaching the village.

During the years of confrontation, the blood mosquito group seems to have formed a certain memory. They will not approach the human village easily. Most of the time they will only wander in the depths of the water marsh. At this time, Renault and others have gone deep into the black witch water marsh and encountered the swamp. The blood mosquitoes are not surprising.

After understanding the general situation of his opponent, Renault’s expression became much calmer.

The reason is simple. The reason why blood mosquitoes are terrible is not their single strength, but their huge number of thousands!

But what Renault is most afraid of is this kind of weak creatures, even if there are more of them!

He immediately descended from the air, and at the same time spoke to appease the terrified Russell: “Don’t be afraid, I guarantee that no swamp blood mosquito can approach you!”

Then Renault looked at the others again and said loudly, “Everyone stand up and move closer to each other…”

The others immediately surrounded them, Lena and Russell stood in the middle, while Renault and others surrounded them both.

Renault sank his mind into the soul space, opened the third page of “The Book of Thermodynamics”, and a large amount of mental power poured into the rune array of [Nan Moment].

Then something that surprised everyone happened!

The ground suddenly began to sway slightly, and the cracking sound of “kaka” sounded continuously, and several deep cracks appeared on the ground instantly, and a large stream of turbid water spewed out from the cracks.

Several fountains appeared on the ground instantly!

After the water mixed with a large amount of mud and sand was sprayed into the air, it was suspended in the air like this, as if it had lost gravity. After seeing this fantasy scene, everyone couldn’t help showing surprise in their eyes.

Russell, who saw this sight for the first time, was even more stunned. At this moment, he even forgot the scary blood mosquito group behind his head.

As more and more liquid was sprayed out, four curtains of muddy water with a thickness of more than 1 meter soon formed around everyone. At this time, Renault’s hands snapped his fingers at the same time, and the [reverse heat conduction] also began to take effect.

A large amount of heat was drawn away from the mud water, the temperature of the mud water curtain began to drop sharply, and Moose, who was closer to the water curtain, had already felt a faint chill.

Then the phase change happened!

In less than 1 second, the four mud water curtains all turned into ice walls!

Russell saw that his eyes were almost falling off. He looked at the ice wall for a while, then turned his head to look at Renault’s figure. What happened before him was completely beyond his cognition. He didn’t understand how it all happened. Did it.

Muddy water continued to gush from the cracks. Under the control of [Nian Motive Force], a large amount of muddy water flew over everyone’s heads, forming a new water curtain, which gradually condensed into the fifth ice wall.

So an igloo appeared!

The only fly in the ointment is that the ice wall contains a lot of silt, and the color is not white like normal ice cubes, but dirty black, which looks quite strange, making it impossible for light to penetrate the ice wall.

For the sake of lighting, Renault also deliberately kept dozens of small thumb-thick holes on the roof, and dozens of light beams directly shot down, barely able to see the figures in the house.

Before long, the “buzz” flapping sound became extremely loud, and blood mosquitoes came!

However, with the protection of the igloo, everyone felt very at ease, and even Russell, who was most afraid of blood mosquitoes, calmed down a lot.

Soon there were countless rustling rubbing sounds on the igloo, and a large number of blood mosquitoes fell on the surface of the igloo.

Even though they knew that the blood mosquito could not break through the igloo, everyone’s hearts were raised, and everyone held their breath, looking up at the small hole in the roof, listening to the noise outside the house.

At this time Lina suddenly exclaimed in a low voice, but she quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

I saw many long red spikes appearing in the small holes, the tips are very sharp, and the surface is shining with a special metallic luster. They are the mouthparts of blood mosquitoes!

Despite being covered by an igloo, the blood mosquitoes still perceive the presence of everyone!

But the diameter of the small hole is too small for blood mosquitoes to get in at all, but they still stick their mouthparts in unwillingly, swinging constantly, trying to pierce them into the prey.

The thickness of the roof is more than 1 meter, and the mouthparts of the blood mosquitoes almost completely protrude through the small holes, that is to say, the length of the mouthparts of the blood mosquito is close to 1 meter!

With these super long sharp mouthparts, even if they encounter large beasts, they can easily pierce the skin of the prey, go deep into the prey, and **** the body fluids of the prey.

And Reynolds guessed that blood mosquitoes, like spiders, can release digestive enzymes that paralyze prey and melt body tissues. Only in this way can they get as much nutrition as possible.

The number of blood mosquitoes is so amazing that with these mouthparts alone, they can instantly kill any large prey. No wonder Russell is discolored by smelling blood mosquitoes!

Seeing the blood mosquitoes behaving so arrogantly, the others also showed nervous expressions, Renault sighed secretly, the magic energy in his body flowed to the rune array of [reverse heat conduction].

Originally, after establishing the igloo shelter, he didn’t plan to attack the blood mosquitoes again, because these things are weak, no “soul” will appear no matter how many kills, it is a pure waste of mana.

However, in order to reassure others, Renault still chose to shoot.

The air around the igloo became hot instantly, and the high temperature directly ignited the wings of the blood mosquito. Due to the large number of blood mosquitoes, a fiery cloud of fire was formed, which completely enveloped the igloo.

An unpleasant burnt smell floated in from the small hole, and everyone in the igloo suddenly frowned.

The “buzzing” wing vibration suddenly became louder, as if the fire cloud frightened the blood mosquitoes, they began to speed up to escape from the igloo.

The blood mosquitoes have left!

However, Renault did not break open the shelter immediately, but continued to wait in the igloo, enduring the stench, because the blood mosquitoes did not fly far and might return at any time.

After a few minutes, the flapping of wings became inaudible, and Renault mobilized his magic energy to expand a hole on the roof to confirm whether the blood mosquitoes had gone away.

Just when the big hole appeared, a red shadow suddenly jumped in from the hole!

Everyone was taken aback and hurriedly dispersed, trying to avoid the red shadow that suddenly appeared.

Between these sparks, Renault could see the red shadow clearly.

It looks more like a mosquito on the earth, but it has been enlarged nearly a hundred times in size. Its body and feet are very slender, its head is hemispherical, and it has a pair of long tentacles. Its body is crimson, almost as red as blood.

There were still some burnt marks on its body, and there were no wings on its back. Obviously its wings were burned, but it was lucky to survive.

There is no doubt that this is a blood mosquito!

Sansha was right under the big hole. Because of its largest size, the blood mosquito pointed its sharp mouthparts at Sansha’s back.

This blood mosquito appeared extremely suddenly, and it fell very fast, everyone was caught off guard, and there was no time to intercept the blood mosquito.

Angela suddenly exclaimed: “Three fools, be careful…”

Moose only had time to hold the hilt of the epee, and the mouthparts of the blood mosquito touched the fluffy and soft hair of Sansha. Once the mouthparts pierced Sansha’s body, the toxin would definitely enter Sansha’s body.

Although it is not fatal, the three fools will definitely suffer a lot. What’s worse, it is inconvenient to move after being injured, which will greatly delay everyone’s exploration of the ruins.

Sansha was the “dog” in question. When the blood mosquito appeared at the entrance of the cave, due to the angle, it did not notice a blood mosquito on top of its head at all. It didn’t hear a trace of wind until the blood mosquito fell.

Sansha’s pricked ears turned slightly at an angle, and the dog’s eyes showed a look of horror, but at this moment, no one had the ability to help it, it could only rely on itself.

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