Master the Dream World

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Luo Yuanpeng (recommendation ticket)

Now wait for the arrival of the 1,500 lucky ones!

The time in the dream does not know how long has passed.

Liu Yu went from worry to excitement, from the beginning of one person to now there are dozens of people.

At this time, they were all confused and didn’t know what was going on, and appeared in the wilderness.

time flies.

Thousands of people appeared in the deep forest within a kilometer.

At this time, the mountains and forests are already noisy. How did you get here or was kidnapped?

However, who has the ability to kidnap so many people in this forest?

Damn, I know what’s going on, a young man shouted loudly! ”

Suddenly, thousands of people looked at the young man who was talking loudly.

Haha, Luo Yuanpeng, is this the protagonist’s halo?

Unexpectedly, when I shouted, thousands of people looked at me.

Ouch, my heart is so excited, it’s thumping.

This is thousands of people looking at me, even when I was on the stage when I was studying, only dozens of people looked at me. Now thousands of people are looking at me, the pressure is really a bit heavy.

However, Luo Yuanpeng has had seven or eight years of experience in reading novels, and his heart has become very strong.

Then the excitement in his heart was calmed down.

After Luo Yuanpeng jumped on top of a rock, he pressed down with both hands and said: “Sangbi everyone is very confused about how he appeared here, then I will tell you my guess.?”

I remember that I was lying in bed and sleeping at nine o’clock in the evening, and when I woke up, I arrived here.

And I have heard from you before that we are all from the same town.

So here comes the problem. We basically appeared here suddenly after going to bed at night.

It can be ruled out that we were kidnapped-

Luo Yuanpeng raised his eyebrows and continued: “The reason why I speculate that we were not kidnapped is for a reason, because there is no such power and the ability to unknowingly transfer thousands of us to this barren mountain. Come.”

“Since we were not kidnapped, how did we get here? Or did we come here by ourselves?” a middle-aged man asked.

Yes, did we come here by ourselves?

Everyone said in a mess. ——

“Stop, stop, don’t get excited, you guys listen to me.” Luo Yuanpeng waved his hand and said.

The scene was quiet again. ——

“I think you have all read novels?” Luo Yuanpeng suddenly said to everyone inexplicably.

Cut, novels?

Who hasn’t seen it?

The next big tweet talked about it.

“Since you have all read novels, you should know why we are here, right?” Luo Yuanpeng said.

Damn it, we have passed through!

“Said a man in his early thirties in the crowd.”


Have we crossed?

“And it’s still group wear?”

Everyone reacted differently. Some people showed confusion about the future, while others were worried about what would happen to their families. But most people are very interested in crossing.

Everyone heard that this is a traversal, is this still worth it?

Everyone thinks that he is a proper fate.

Those who can cross are those who have great luck, great perseverance, and many adventures.

At the moment everyone is pregnant with ghosts. Some people are ready to act alone and leave here to find their own opportunities, while others are ready to partner and form an alliance. After all, this is an unknown environment now, and everyone has a response to acting together. The risk will also be greatly reduced.

When Luo Yuanpeng saw the situation, it was pretty good. He could kill the protagonist. They actually acted separately. They simply didn’t put themselves in their eyes. Will he be a boss in the future and majesty?

This thing is unbearable. The so-called one step first, now everyone starts in the same way. If you want to be the boss, you have to be one step ahead of them. This is also a kind of luck.

However, in novels, there are often shots at the head, and the first ones are small characters who can’t survive three chapters, but there are also characters who strike first.

Now I am a little entangled, how does my thin body display its domineering spirit?

Personality charm, he is the kind of ordinary person who can be hit by a brick thrown on the road.

This is very tangled! ——

Luo Yuanpeng thought in his heart, whether he will eat delicious and spicy food or be an ordinary person like before, working in the factory every day, now is the time to decide his own destiny.

Fortunately, it was fast enough, if they were hesitating, they all finished running, and they still stood there stupidly.

Luo Yuanpeng immediately shouted: “Don’t go, everyone, I haven’t finished my words yet.”

But few people stayed to listen to Luo Yuanpeng’s words. ——

Seeing this, Luo Yuanpeng was anxious, so he said what he wanted to say.

Do you know what time it is? It is night now. It is still unclear where we crossed. It is possible that there are beasts and monsters here. Isn’t this going to die?

Fuck, everyone jumped when Luo Yuanpeng said this. We are so dizzy, even the protagonist shouldn’t behave like this, right?

At this time everyone stopped one after another, and never dared to walk into the deep forest again.

However, the few lone rangers who went first did not hear Luo Yuanpeng’s words, and even if they heard them, they didn’t understand.

If you can listen to my persuasion, it shows that you still have hope, which shows that you have such a small amount of influence among thousands of people.

Now I have to think of a way, how can I maintain my leading position.

Haha, yes, I’m really too smart. ——

Luo Yuanpeng once again said loudly: “What are we able to cross here to explain? That is fate!”

“Say fate? Lao Tzu doesn’t do basic knowledge.” said a young man with a Southwestern Mandarin accent.

Luo Yuanpeng’s eyelids twitched, this doll is too ridiculous!

We don’t talk about that fate now–

Everyone knows that our human bodies are very weak. If there are monsters, monsters and other things in the world we travel in, how can we resist?

“So, I have a suggestion here for your reference?” Luo Yuanpeng said.

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing glasses came out from the crowd and said: “I agree with what this little brother said, that we can cross here, indicating that there is an unknown existence that arranges us together. As for why we are arranged in Together, I can’t guess it now, but our human bodies are really weak. We need to be united to survive in this world.”


“I don’t know what the big brother’s name is?” Luo Yuanpeng asked the middle-aged man wearing glasses.

Oh, by the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet.

My name is Gao Zhihua. I am a factory manager and have experience in managing hundreds of people.

“I didn’t expect Big Brother to be so powerful, it’s really amazing.”

Luo Yuanpeng cleared his throat and said, “My name is Luo Yuanpeng and I am a literature lover.”

Can I tell you I am an ordinary worker?

It’s just that my hobby is to read novels. I will give the author a reward and support the author’s good people.

“I said you two lads don’t talk about it. How should we unite now to resist unknown dangers?” said an old man who appeared to be in his sixties.

Gao Zhiyuan thought for a while and said: “If we want to survive in the unknown world, we must first clean up the materials and then distribute them uniformly, so that everyone can live longer.”

When Luo Yuanpeng heard Gao Zhiyuan’s words, he immediately grabbed him and said, “Big Brother Gao, each of us still has nothing but clothes. Where did the supplies come from?”

“Ahem, this is not important, it is not important!” Gao Zhiyuan said embarrassedly.

“Actually, I have a good way to organize everyone.” Said the 60-year-old man.

Uncle, your last name?

How should we organize it?

Luo Yuanpeng asked quickly. ——

The old man did not return to Luo Yuanpeng’s words, but directly said: “We should elect a few representatives from the crowd of thousands of people. If there is anything, it will take everyone’s consultation to act.”

“Fuck! This old man is too powerful, he said the result he wanted. It seems that he is the protagonist. In times of difficulty, an old man will come out to help himself.” Luo Yuanpeng was excited in his heart. Speaking of.

“That uncle, I very much agree with what you said, if we are such a person here, if we don’t elect a few representatives, we will definitely become a mess.” Luo Yuanpeng said.

Calm down everyone!

Everyone has heard what the uncle said just now. We should now elect a few representatives to jointly manage and organize everyone, so that we can go further in this unknown world.


I want to be the protagonist, how can I need you to manage?

Once crossing the alien world, it is my fate, how can I tolerate the oppression of the privileged class? We firmly oppose this matter.

The crowd broke out in an instant, yes, we are the people who want to be the protagonists, how can we put a dragon-slaying knife on our head?

“Listen to me. The reason why I propose to elect a few representatives is something I have to do. But what is the representative we elected? That is democracy, that is freedom, what is the representative, and the representative represents everyone. , Rather than representing someone, so there is no privileged class on our heads. All this is to help everyone and help ourselves.” Luo Yuanpeng used his eloquence to persuade everyone.

“It turns out that it’s not the privileged class that is pressing on us.” Everyone thought about it.

That is, I, Luo Yuanpeng, is an enthusiastic citizen who devotes himself to helping others. ”

Luo Yuanpeng smiled haha ​​after speaking, like a funny face with a body guard, everyone stopped Luo Yuanpeng’s boasting and didn’t care.

On the contrary, he felt that Luo Yuanpeng was very real, very agreeable, and reassuring.

However, among the thousands of people, there are naturally people who disagree, and there are also people who act low-key. They still know the story of the shot.

Luo Yuanpeng discussed with everyone for more than half an hour, and finally got everyone’s unanimous approval and agreement, that is, everyone formed a group.

The name of the group is the halo group, which means that everyone is protected by the atmosphere.

The halo group has one group leader, five deputy group leaders, and ten group leader representatives. If you have anything important, the five deputy heads and heads of the delegation should negotiate together, and only after they reach a consensus can something be implemented.

Luo Yuanpeng is also boasting, in order to become the leader of this group of people, how much heart he has spent to succeed, this protagonist is really not so good.

I’m going, they are too quick to adapt, right?

This is a dream world, do you really think you have crossed it?

A team was formed so quickly.

People nowadays have really strong adaptability.

This is due to the credit of online novels. In this 2020 era, the development of online novels is beyond training, spreading to people of all ages in the Xia Empire, causing everyone to become accustomed to crossing and rebirth, thus establishing a strong heart.

In Liu Yu’s perception, these thousands of people in their dreams really exude a trace of spiritual energy at all times, especially when they know that they have crossed, they are even more agitated, causing the brain waves to continue to rise and fall, which emits More spiritual energy.

It seems that his approach is correct. In just two hours, he has collected the spiritual energy equivalent to the world of twenty stars, although it is less than the spiritual energy of destroying the world.

If you know that you don’t have to do anything, then your spiritual energy will continue to increase. What else is there to sit at home and the money falls from the sky, and it is refreshing?

Liu Yu sighed, “This matter is promising, I am not far from becoming a god!”

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