Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 696: Afterwards

Hui returned to the surface in the blink of an eye. He looked around, taking a moment to orient himself. I don’t know exactly how long I was in the Underworld, but it was at least ten years. Hopefully the battle finished well, and—

The Eight Tiers Palace stood before him, grander than ever before.

Hui swallowed. Er, uh, my apologies, everyone! I’m the one who foolishly thought that defeating the leader single-handedly would take out the entire army!

The doors to the Palace swung open. Bai Xue flew out, a flock of cultivators at her heels. “Xiao Hui!”

Hui blinked. He grinned slowly, then flew to meet her. “Bai Xue!”

She caught him up in a bear hug, spinning him around. “You’re back!”

“I’m back,” Hui returned.

“Greetings, Honorable Father,” a handsome man greeted him, bowing with his hands clasped.

Hui squinted, then stared. “Bai Xingxue?”

Bai Xingxue looked up at him, a mischievous smile on his face. “Father remembers me? I’m honored indeed!”

“Of…of course I remember you,” Hui stuttered, suddenly embarrassed. Ah… in the end, I wasn’t much of a father, was I? I couldn’t shake that karma.

Bai Xue shook her head and clapped Bai Xingxue on the shoulder. “He’s inherited your tongue, I swear.”

Looking at Hui’s face, Bai Xingxue suddenly closed the distance and hugged him, swapping to her female form as she went. “Father, don’t be sad. It was a joke, okay? A joke!”

Hui patted her back, closing his eyes. “I’m sorry.”

“There’s nothing to apologize for. You were busy keeping us safe,” Bai Xingxue insisted, nodding vigorously.

Another man joined them, a bit younger in the face, though his cultivation emanated powerful ripples. A well-worn sword hung at his hip, and simple, worn white robes cloaked his body. With a deep formal bow, he repeated, “Greetings.”

“Li Weiqi?” Hui asked. He offered the man his hand, but Li Weiqi flinched back, giving Hui an uncertain look.

Hui retracted his hand. That’s right. I shouldn’t be surprised—

Releasing Hui, Bai Xingxue ran over to Li Weiqi and hooked his head in her grasp, rubbing the top of his head. “Li Weiqi! Don’t be so shy! Come greet Father properly.” She shoved Li Weiqi toward Hui. At the same time, she leaned in. “He sees you as a great hero. He’s intimidated by you, but he’s afraid to admit it!”

“Me? A great hero?” Hui asked, shocked. He shook his head. “I’m the furthest thing from a great hero!”

“No! You are—” Li Weiqi’s hand instinctively went to his sword, only for him to look away, flustered, and drop his hand.

Bai Xingxue leaned in again. “He’s fought a lot of brawls in your name. Look, he was about to draw on you right now! You’d better not insult yourself in his presence!”

“Er… my apologies, Elder Brother!” Hui said, hurriedly bowing.

Bai Xue snorted. She exchanged a knowing look with the all-but-giggling Bai Xingxue.

Even more flustered, Li Weiqi rushed to Hui’s side and lifted him back to a stand. “No, no. Please. I’m not worthy.”

“I’m the one who isn’t worthy,” Hui said, shaking his head, though he allowed himself to be stood upright. They grew up well. Even without me.

He looked around. “Where’s Li Xiang?”

Bai Xue pointed upward. “It’s been twenty years since you left. She ascended three years ago.”

Hui nodded. Twenty years? A bit long, but not too long. Still, as expected. In the end, I’m only an ordinary disciple, easily outpaced by my Master, my disciple, and my wife. He touched Bai Xue’s hand. “Not long for you, either?”

She snorted. “What kind of genius do you think I am? I probably have another century ahead of me yet. I’m only seventh stage.”

“Mother, that’s still genius-level skill,” Bai Xingxue told her.

“But only ordinary genius. Not Weiheng-level genius,” Bai Xue countered teasingly.

Around Hui’s neck, Zhubi hissed. He leaned his head up and touched Hui’s chin again. Dull scales gripped his body tight, showing faint signs of cracking.

“You’re about to ascend to the next realm, too?” Hui asked, looking at Zhubi.

Zhubi bobbed his head up and down. A second later, he shook it.

“Yes or no?” Hui asked, slightly confused.

“He’s showing signs of evolution,” a familiar voice spoke from behind him.

Hui whirled. The beast tier’s Tier Master sat atop Lao Hu behind him. A small tiger rolled around on Lao Hu’s back, chasing Lao Hu’s fur as it blew in the breeze.

Bai Xue stepped beside him. “It was Li Xiang’s idea. Once we overpowered the existing Eight Tiers Palace, we merged with the remnants. Those who wanted to remain as part of the monolithic palace were invited to remain. Certain segments peeled off to form their own sect, such as the Green River Pill Sect,” she turned, looking over the mountains, where palaces and training fields scattered over a mountain near a river, “but many of the sects chose to become part of the Southern Sect Conference and conglomerate into the Eight Tiers Palace.

“The demons threatened us for a while, especially immediately after the war, when we were in relative chaos, but with the Tier Masters and Li Xiang, we managed to run them off. Honestly, after a while, I’m convinced Li Xiang was deliberately leaving them alive so they would continue to come at her, and she could continue to train her swordsmanship.”

“Mother would never,” Li Weiqi said, shaking his head.

Bai Xue shrugged at Hui. “She is very straightforward. It’s entirely possible that it was merely a result of her straightforward and absolutist strategy of only attacking those who attacked us. I would have charged their nest and razed it to the ground long ago, but…” She spread her hands.

Hui nodded slowly. Every time I forget that the Bai Clan is considered half demonic, Bai Xue makes sure to remind me!

“What about the resentment demons?” he asked.

Bai Xue nodded. “They all stopped moving, not long ago, and turned to look at the sky, then fell into dust. They’re gone.”

That probably happened when Tseng Caihong died. Unlike Zhubi and Lao Hu’s cub, the resentment demons were long dead before they revived into demons. Without the remnant resentment to power them, they could pass on into the next world.

Zhubi nudged Hui’s chin more urgently, wriggling his whole body with discomfort. At the same time, Hui’s own power surged.

Bai Xue stepped back. All the other cultivators backed up as well. She saluted him. “Good luck with your ascension, Weiheng Hui.”

“I’ll see you soon,” he said, nodding at her.

She laughed. “Perhaps.”

Light swirled around Hui and Zhubi. Zhubi slid off of Hui’s neck and grew to his full length, looping loosely around Hui. A shaft of light shot down from the Heavens and enveloped both of them.

Instantly, a voice sounded in Hui’s ear. Fly upward. Now. Ascend immediately. Don’t wait for the light to take you.

Hui jolted. “Master?”

No answer.

Hui hesitated for a moment, then looked at Zhubi. Zhubi nodded back. I don’t know what this is about, but I trust Master! Together, they both hurtled upward as quickly as possible.

All around them, the sky began to crackle. The Heavenly Net lit up. From the far side of the Heavenly Net, a hand pressed down on the sky.

Oh—oh shit! That’s right! I almost forgot. Ascending to the Immortal Realm means that the hand can find me at any time!

Is that why Master wants me to fly up? Will it keep me from getting immediately squashed by that giant hand like the small bug I am?

Hui gritted his teeth and flew up even faster. Beside him, Zhubi flicked his tail. Even as Zhubi’s body morphed and changed, he sped even faster into the sky. Lightning crackled down, landing heavily on their bodies. Phoenix fire flickered in Hui’s wounds, instantly healing them, and he extended the same to Zhubi. High above them, a tiny hole opened in the Heavenly Net.

Here we go!



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