Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 713: Fresh Meat

The ship touched down at the outer edge of one of the lotus’s petals. The soft surface gave a little as they stepped onto it, but not nearly as much as Hui might have expected from a petal. He knelt and pressed his palm against it. It has a pillowy softness at the surface, but beneath, there’s firm structure. I suppose there would have to be, on a petal this large, strong enough to support a city.

Huh. I always wondered how cultivators accomplished these mysterious architectural decisions, building cities on petals and leaves and flowers and such. But I suppose I was overlooking the obvious answer: just like the cultivators, the flower itself can be considered an Immortal treasure, and shouldn’t be underestimated!

“Incredible, isn’t it?” Xi Muchen said, smiling gently.

“Hmph. Bunch of bumpkins,” Cho Haoli muttered, tossing his head.

“Ah, it is incredible, it is indeed,” Hui agreed. He stood quickly, tucking his hands behind his back. “Seniors, how long have you lived in Heart Lotus City?”

Xi Muchen took the lead, a hand on his chin as he mused. “Hmm, perhaps a thousand years?”

“Ha! I’ve lived here for two thousand,” Cho Haoli said triumphantly.

It isn’t a competition, Senior. Hui nodded at them. “Do you like it here?”

“It’s a busy place,” Xi Muchen said neutrally.

“Ha? What a stupid question. Where else would one live in the Immortal Realm?” Cho Haoli shook his head at Hui.

Hui nodded, smiling along. The words are the Heavens in disarray? came to the tip of his tongue, but he bit it back at the last second. No, no. I shouldn’t directly ask a pair of Inspectors. It would be like asking a government official if the government was dysfunctional. Whether they told their truth or not, it wouldn’t indicate anything about the state of the government.

As they walked, they strode past a handful of other golden immortal boats. Gold-clad inspectors led one or two new Immortals off their boats and guided them toward the city. Some instead flew directly off, abandoning their boats at the dock, empty-handed, not a single new Immortal to bring along.

Hui frowned. I don’t recall that many Immortals ascending… True, there’s still only a dozen or so of us, but that’s still a dozen of us! That’s a few hundred years’ worth of ascensions, if not more!

“Must be a popular time to ascend,” Zhang Ming said, glancing at the line.

“No, no. We only check the towns once every thousand years or so. You’ve simply come at a good time,” Xi Muchen said.

Hui stiffened. Once every thousand years? Thank goodness I arrived only a few months before they gathered us up! I could have spent a small eternity waiting.

Ah, though, I probably could have comprehended the power of time, if I had that long…

“They made us check early. It was only seven hundred years this time,” Cho Haoli grumbled.

Xi Muchen chuckled. “Seven hundred years is a long rest, Cho Haoli.”

Cho Haoli glared at Xi Muchen. “Making it sound as if I’m lazy… I was busy! I had plans!”

Hui’s ears perked up. Made them check early, shortly after I ascended? Suspicious, very suspicious!

Well, then again, it’s no secret that someone in the Immortal Realm is trying to… capture? Kill?—anyways, do something nefarious to me. And I know he knows I ascended. Really, the surprising part is that they waited a few months!

On the other hand, maybe that golden eye was the Immortal trying to find me himself without disturbing things, and only after he failed to find me, did he send the Inspectors. It’s a good thing I made Zhang Ming wear my face! Ah, apologies, Elder Brother Ming, but please take my place for another few moments! I have no grudge against you, but I simply can’t risk this!

Besides, if he gets captured, I’m sure the first thing he’ll do is remove the snakeskin and blame me. In which case, no harm, no foul! I’ll have scurried through, and he’ll be nothing but a blameless victim who the villainous me attempted to cast suspicion on.

The city grew closer and closer. As they approached, a wave of pressure washed over them. Hui quickly adjusted his cultivation to match Zhang Ming’s. Now that I’m pretty sure they’re looking for me, I must be absolutely sure not to register as myself!

Around his wrist, Tian Lan looked up. She sniffed. “Something smells familiar.”

“What is it, Elder Sister?” Hui asked, looking down at his wrist.

She shook her head. “I don’t know. It just smells familiar.”

Hui sighed. “Elder Sister, how long have you been alive?”

“Eh? I was an egg for a thousand years,” she said.

You know that? Huh. I mean… I guess she is a dragon. Not too surprising if she’s aware as an egg, at least at some level. Must have been boring to spend so long in an egg, unable to move.

He nodded. “And after the egg?”

Tian Lan tilted her head. She thought for a while.

That long? Maybe I underestimated her age.

“Three hundred and two… days,” Tian Lan said, nodding.

“Eh?” Hui replied, startled. She’s a newborn! Not even a year old! No wonder she’s so unaware of the ways of the world!

Around his neck, Zhubi unwound and looked down at Tian Lan, equally startled. He looked up at Hui, as if seeking guidance.

Hui shrugged at him. I don’t know! I don’t know what to tell you! You look the same age, but she’s infinitely younger than you. How does dragon maturity even work? For that matter, Zhubi, you matured to a dragon without growing up a single year in your human appearance? I mean, I get it, you’ve been alive three hundred years and I’ve known you for less than a hundred, so it’s not like I’m expecting to see a huge age-up, necessarily, but it’s still a question. A real question I have! Dragon maturity. What to expect? Waiting urgently online!

…I feel like those girls searching ‘am I pregante’ online right now.

Oh, well. Since dragons live in the Immortal Realm, there should be someone in the Immortal Realm’s premier city who understands dragon biology, right?

…Right. Maybe.

A gold and white jade arch stood ahead of them. The new Immortals, flanked by gold Inspectors, lined up to pass through. Hui, Zhang Ming, Xi Muchen, and Cho Haoli joined the back of the line. Waiting, they slowly walked forward, wandering toward the immense golden city.

At last, they reached the gate. Ahead of them, a thin barrier blurred the route ahead, leaving the street before them obscured. Hui stared up at the gate and swallowed. Here goes nothing. My Zhang Ming disguise, please save me!

“Good luck,” Xi Muchen said with a gentle smile.

Beside him, Zhang Ming stepped forward, totally ignorant of Hui’s hesitation. Startled, Hui jumped forward, pushing with all his might. Let me enter first! If they scan Zhang Ming first, I’ll be the one who looks strange! I need to enter first!

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