Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 723: Becoming

The flame winked out. The wave rushed in, catching Hui by surprise. He fought against the water, kicking back toward the last place he’d seen Zhubi. “Zhubi!”

Even as he fought it, the water flowed smoothly beneath his hands, no longer off-balance. He looked down at it, then breathed out and forced himself to let go and get carried away by the wave. Zhubi’s made his decision. The energy isn’t out of control anymore. Whatever happens, it’s all up to him now!

He surfaced with a gasp and flew back into his body. The orb still surrounded Zhubi, but smooth, now, the top of it swirling quietly. Sitting back, Hui watched over him as his Dao Protector, waiting for Zhubi to finish his transformation.

All at once, the orb collapsed. The extreme darkness vanished, faint light filtering in again. After the pure black, it seemed bright to Hui’s eyes. He blinked, staring toward where the energy had been. What did he pick? Which Zhubi has be become? It’s too dark!

Hui waved his hand, summoning his glowing barrier again for light. “Zhubi?”

Black hair. Black robes. He looked up, and black eyes met Hui’s.

His hair no longer spilled past his feet. He loomed over Hui, much taller than Hui, or anyone else Hui had ever met. Easily three… no. Four meters tall? Five?

Zhubi knelt down and picked Hui up, the way Hui had carried him. He looked down at Hui. The childish softness to his face had melted away, revealing high cheekbones and fine structure. His big, watery eyes remained the same, as gentle as ever.

Hui laughed awkwardly. Ultimate intimidation move. Er, I’d like to apologize for all those times I picked you up over the years, Zhubi… I never realized how uncomfortable it is!

“Xiao Hui,” he said quietly.

“Er, yes?” Hui asked, nervous.

“What do you think?”

About getting picked up? Ambivalent, at best, outright uncomfortable at worst?

Wait, hold on. I’m being insensitive! He’s asking about his new form. His new body. Hui nodded enthusiastically. “Looks great! Intimidating, for sure!”

Zhubi’s expression drooped. “I’m not cute?”

“No, no. You’re still cute! Big-cute. Yeah!” Hui said quickly, nodding. I can’t let my pet snake’s confidence droop. He’s just hit puberty. He’s going through a lot of changes right now. I can’t let him doubt his decisions.

Zhubi chuckled. He set Hui down. “I can get smaller.”


He shrunk down to normal human size. As he did, Hui caught a glimpse of an almost-flat, hexagon-shaped shell growing out of his back.

As I thought. He chose to become a Dragon-Turtle.

“What do you think?” Zhubi asked, looking up at Hui.

“Cute, definitely cute,” Hui said, nodding. He looked Zhubi in the eye. “You chose to become a Dragon-Turtle?”

He nodded. “I felt it. It’s in my blood. All along, I was never a dragon. Instead, I was…” Zhubi spread his hands. He looked up at Hui.

“Something even rarer,” Hui replied, looking at Zhubi with pride. That tiny snake I found is all grown up! And he’s even more amazing than I imagined.

Wait… could it be? Is Zhubi a protagonist? A mysterious, powerful beast, who wasn’t a dragon, but a more powerful, secret, unknown type of beast that no one’s seen for eras, who suddenly and dramatically transforms from an ordinary snake to something beyond a tiny snake’s dreams…

Ah! Then I was Zhubi’s mascot all along! It makes sense, it makes sense. He nodded to himself, pinching his chin.

Zhubi glanced up. His eyes narrowed. “I need to hide my presence. The Heavens don’t approve, but they aren’t paying attention. As long as I stay quiet, they should overlook me.”

“By the Heavens, you mean…” Hui trailed off meaningfully.

Zhubi nodded. He made a grasping gesture.

Hmm. Interesting. The Heavens disapprove of a cardinal beast’s return? Or… wait. Come to think of it, I’ve only seen dragons so far. Is there a Vermillion Bird or a white tiger? Or were the cardinal beasts perhaps intentionally dispelled, due to that gold hand’s fear?


It’s an interesting thought. If the golden hand fears the cardinal beasts, then, logically, I should seek them! Hui nodded to himself. But first…

Zhubi gave Hui a look.

“What?” Hui asked, tilting his head.

“Will you be okay on your own?”

Hui took a deep breath, forcing back a chuckle. Will I be okay? You’re the one I literally carried through all those battles! I’ll be fine. “I can handle myself in a fight. You’re the one I’m worried about.”

Zhubi thumbed at the shell on his back. “I’ll be fine. I’m much stronger than I was, even moments ago. An ordinary dragon can’t easily hurt me anymore, even if Tian Lan comes after me. But you… he’s looking for you.”

“He’s been looking for me for a long time.” Hui shrugged.

“But now we’re in the Immortal realm.” Zhubi looked at Hui in concern and shook his head. “Be careful.”

Hui laughed. Stepping forward, he stood on his tiptoes and mussed Zhubi’s hair. “Were you always a worrier?”

“Yes!” Zhubi dodged out of his reach, nodding at the same time.

Well, that’s fair. He plays dead like I do, and I worry a lot. It makes sense.

It’s so strange to be talking to Zhubi. After all this time, he finally has a voice. And it’s right as I have to leave him behind. Unfortunate, how unfortunate!

He nodded at Zhubi. “Where are you going to hide?”

“If I told you, I wouldn’t be very hidden,” Zhubi countered.

“Right.” It makes sense. If I don’t know, then even if the gold immortal finds me, I can’t tell him where Zhubi is.

“But when you need me, no matter where you are, I will find you. All you have to do is call for me,” Zhubi said. His gaze met Hui’s, his eyes firm.

“I understand.” Hui bowed to Zhubi, just once. Thank you for all the time you spent with me.

Zhubi bowed back.

Without another word, they parted.

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