Matan’s Shooter

Chapter 104

“Brass? Brass Golem?”

The Stone Golems began to run in the mountain.

Users also ran after the monsters. And the Leeha saw the mine from a distance.

Just now, in the direction where the body came from

a huge gold object flashing in the sunlight was seen.

“Oh my god……

There was a cartoon movie like that a long time ago. Glittering golden giant robot!

“Damn it! That’s on the level of a giant robot!”


“Cough.” …

Leeha’s ears and body were shaking, 

The sound waves and vibrations were everywhere.

[Tyuren roars]

[Slow status has been applied.]

[Movements speed has been reduced by 30% for 4 minutes.]

[Stamina is reduced to 50%.]

[Defense decreased by 10%.]

“Fire the signal!! All users at the foot of the mountain will come, quick!!!”

One user shouted and gripped his weapon.

The fierce-looking battleaxe seemed to have sufficient cutting and striking power.

“So it is like this. He meant that, if it showed up, I would know.”

Even Leeha could see that the surrounding atmosphere had changed instantly.

“The Stone Golems gathered. Is it like this at the base of the mountain?”

Golems ran around endlessly. To the entrance of the mine.

It seemed like the Brass Golem, Churn, gathered the Stone Golems to use as his subordinates.


It was like a God

under the sunset sky.

Leeha saw countless users running

from the foot of the mountain.

‘There should be at least 50 people. It is larger than a raid party.’

There’s a saying, the more people present, the more worries to be had. If the users are this fast? 

How would Leeha catch it ‘solo’?

“Attack!! Damage dealers! It’s Beast Khan’s party!!”

“Please let us join too!”

The crowd began to unite by sending raid requests.

It took less than 5 minutes for the Stone Golems to run toward the mine.

‘In other words, I have to hunt the Brass Golem within 5 minutes. Leeha must catch the robot-like bastard 

within 5 minutes……


Around the time the air shook again, the confrontation between the Brass Golem and the users started.

Leeha watched further away from them.

“Spread around the 5th party in charge of the Stone Golems! Grey-Trap catchers, pour everything on the Brass Golem!”


The person who fired the signal flare and shouted at the users 

naturally became the raid captain.

Users ran towards the dozens of Stone Golem and the Brass Golem proudly standing in the middle.

“Heavy Slash!”

“Enchant Weapon: Strength!”

“Mana Shield!” 

A flash of gold and silver. Magical effects flowed like pollen and blessed the warriors in front.

“Fire Spear!”

“Ice Spear!”

“Ice Blast!”

And the strong attack magic flew over their heads.

They had no problem aiming at the Brass Golem

because it was so huge.


Dong, dong!

Magic exploded in the huge brass and smoke rose like water vapor.

“Run! There were cheers on the battlefield, Wuoooh–!!”



Stone Golems are getting smashed everywhere, the Brass Golem was faltering under magic, and users who are only the size of the Brass Golem’s thighs leaped forward!

“That’s great.”

It was a scene that could only be seen in a blockbuster movie.

Leeha turned on the video recording mode and stayed to watch.

After all, it would be impossible to clear the quest as long as the users rushed in like that.

‘The problem would be its restoration cycle. Well, once it gets caught, it should respawn within 15 days.’

And the spawn point is already set.

As the warrior said to Leeha before, if he went to the entrance, he just had to wait there.

‘I just need to figure out how to hunt it.’


The Brass Golem swung its harm. From his perspective of people in front of the golem, it was a landslide-like attack.

“Jump! If you get swept away, you die! Avoid it and cut off its arms! Wizards only attack the chests!”

“The body- it’s slowing down-.”

The face of the warrior with the mace turned pale.

Normally, it’s a speed that could be avoided by running fast enough, but the slow effect was annoying.

The warrior was swept away by the Brass Golem’s arm, like a broom sweeping away dust.

“Phew……. It’s definitely going to be hard to avoid.”

Leeha suddenly thought of popcorn. In terms of liveliness, the raid was better than a movie.


“Spike!!! S-Step back! 20 seconds from now!”

The golem’s arms rose to the sky. The already big guy raised its arms to the point of looking like a small tower!

“Ugh, the sun is dazzling. What kind of attack is spike? 20 seconds?”

The arms of the golem that went to the sky rotated.

Its body did not care about joints anyway, so something like that was possible. Leeha was amazed by this.

The Brass Golem’s arms kept spinning. There was no counterattack to it, and the users rushed to run away from it.

‘Why won’t they attack? At times like this-.’


And Leeha knew. When users do not attack, there was always a reason for it.

The Brass Golem, whose arms were spinning, flew forward.

Spike, it was literally striking it down.

A ranged attack with all the weight and rotation of the Brass Golem exploded on the Rock Mountain.


A roar came along with the explosion in the Rock Mountain.

“W-whoah, oh my god. It could reach here?”

The distance was far. But Leeha felt the ground shaking where he was standing.


“Wah! Heal! Fast-.”

Then it should be worse in the center. Leeha looked at the spot

where Churn was located.

Traces of vibration spread like a concentric circle.

There were not many users who were standing properly. In particular, the users at the center who were not able to avoid already turned grey.

It was a death sentence.

Kururuk, kururuk—.

Chuyaap! Chuyaap!

“What the fuck! It’s a Grey-Trap! Wizards attack magic- aahk! My feet!”

“Weapon! You have a weapon!”

Stone Golems and Grey-Traps began to attach the raid. The Brass Golem clearly showed the majesty of a field boss.

“I can’t help it! Ignore those who are caught! Focus on the Brass Golem’s chest! Only its chest!”

Kaang- kaang-!

The surviving warriors once again ran with vigor.

They slammed and swung their weapon with momentum, but stone and brass are different in nature!

‘It doesn’t break easily.’

It has the toughness of steel as well as its strength.

Although the hardness of stone and brass were similar, the strong brass only got bent or crush, but it did not ‘break’.

“Put a hole in its chest! Then we will win-.”

“Ice Blast!” “Fire Spear!”

Magic cut through the air once again.

The two magic attacks hit the golem’s solar plexus in succession while it was swinging its arms.


The brass froze and then melted by the combination attack.

And exposed a little hole. In the narrow space the size of a human face, the testicles of the Brass Golem were shown.

“Testicles!!! Hurry up-.”

“Get out of the way! Last magic!”

Pachit, pachichit-!

White light flashed on the user’s body who had been hiding all along.

“Wait! what magic is that? No!

For the Brass Golem, lightning magic is-”


A milky white light that was blinding was emitted from the user.

“Oh! That’s right!”

It was clearly seen by Leeha.

The Brass Golem was hit by a lightning bolt that was fired in an instant, and sparks flew flashing near its huge body.

“There’s also paralysis effect! When the restoration stops, they could quickly attack the testicles.”

“You bastard! What happens when you pour electricity into a brass!”


“It would have been better if you shot fire magic-.”

However, the face of the user, who was the raid captain, became pale. Stone resists lightning, and brass itself is resistant to electric shock.

That’s why one should never use lightning-based magic during a Brass Golem raid.

It was the reason why only fire, ice, and wind magicians are here in the Rock Mountain

and not lightning magicians. Of course, since thunder has already been activated, what was left was.

muoh, muho, muoh——!

“Whoah, surely……

Pachit, pachit, and the sparks from the golem’s body gathered together.

It gathered in the head of the Brass Golem.

The mass of energy gathered in front of the 4 to 5 m long golem.

The milky-white energy that the user shot, and the testicles of the golem’s chest, had a similar color


Kwachachachak, the lightning bolt that was shot towards the users was much stronger than that of the user.


Most of the wizards died in the laser beam-like attack that skimmed through the users and burned the rocks.

The users who were clearing the Stone Golems around them and the warriors who barely managed to escape the lightning magic looked around.

There was only one course of action. And it was to run away.


“Jump! Jump!”

The Brass Golem raid, which was close to success, collapsed from a single mistake of a user.

“Me too!”


“Grey-Trap- Puuok!” The Brass Golem’s fist slammed over the user, who got caught by the Grey-Trap, in the torso.

The monster in the Rock Mountain made it impossible to escape.

Of the 50 users in the raid, only 5 survived.

Leeha also grabbed his musket and left.

It was only a matter of time before the Stone Golems and Grey-Traps, who lost their targets, approached Leeha.

‘That…… He wants me to catch that alone?’

Gulp, Leeha had a hard time swallowing his saliva.

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