Matan’s Shooter

Chapter 810

“Everyone, take a seat! It certainly wasn’t easy to bring Sir Kaztor here, so you all did well.”

Bluebeard shouted toward the people standing at the entrance of the cave.

“What the hell is this situation? We went through all that trouble to bring him, and they’re just eating? Do you know how much effort it took to put out that fire—”

“Kuahahaha, how ridiculous.”


However, those who had just come from the battlefield couldn’t comprehend the situation.

“Pyro, Igor, Faust. Either sit quietly and eat, or if you don’t like it, wait outside.”

Chiyou ordered them as if she were their mother.

Pyro and Igor immediately turned around and went outside, while Faust alternated glances between Chiyou and Kaztor before settling on one side of the table.

“What’s this all about? I haven’t made a Lich Dragon since being told not to. Does it have anything to do with this magician?”

“Haha, all you need to do is eat quietly. Well, though it would be easier for me if you just left. But since you’re here, just listen to me carefully.”

“What are you trying to say—”

“So, what’s the plan now? After the meal, we’ll rest a bit! And once we’re energized—”

Bluebeard spoke with his mouth greasy from the meat.

“—we’ll have to go find it, right?”

He then glanced at Kaztor, trying to gauge his reaction.

Kaztor, who had been eating quietly, also paused.

“Well, doing something uncharacteristic like this means you must have some hidden agenda.”

“Hidden agenda? Sir Kaztor, your words are too harsh. I just want to say we should help each other.”

“Does providing a meal count as helping?”

“Not at all. You must already know that the enemy went to the east. You seem quite recovered… However, going alone would be difficult with those lingering injuries.”

Bluebeard also stopped eating and shifted focus to the main topic.

Kaztor and Le exchanged looks.

And Chiyou and Faust listened carefully to the top-level NPCs because every word they exchanged could be a crucial ‘hint.’

“So? With you yet to find Pyrot-Cockri, you’re not going to escort me personally, are you?”

“Hahaha… You know me too well. So well that it’s almost annoying, Professor.”

“Get to the point. What do you want, and what can you offer?”

Kaztor immediately interrupted him.

“Five bone dragons. I can even throw in a Lich Dragon if you want. But in return…”

Bluebeard slowly leaned towards Kaztor and opened his mouth.

“…let me fire the 《Matan》.”

Le grinned, baring his teeth.


‘Of course, it was a gift! No, to be precise, it was not a gift; it was the payment for a deal!’

With eyes wide open, Faust alternately looked at Kaztor and Bluebeard, trying to grasp what this meant. However, Chiyou remained unshaken.

She only enjoyed a light shiver of satisfaction, as her predictions had somewhat aligned with the reality.

This was because the most crucial detail had yet to emerge.

“Kukuku… Bluebeard, the one called the Count of Demon Nobles, is not handling it personally?”

As Kaztor laughed, Bluebeard patted his shoulder with a pitiful expression.

“If only I could. But it seems I’ve grown old as my body aches. Both you and I roughly know where those guys are hiding… No matter how capable you are, it would be hard for you to go there alone.”

“Give me five Lich Dragons, ten Bone Dragons, and ten Manticores.”


Bluebeard was momentarily flustered.

At that moment, Faust, who seemed to have just figured something out, hastily whispered to Chiyou, but she ignored him completely.

Kaztor stared fixedly at Bluebeard.

“With those terms, I might consider it. But nothing less.”

“Look here, sir. Manticores are products of Gibrid. How can I—”

“Then let’s pretend this conversation never happened.”

“Either way! Either way, you have to bring them! Let’s start with that. I’ll give you the Lich Dragons and Bone Dragons right away. And if you bring Matan’s Shooter here, then… I’ll throw in the Manticores as well. Would that do? There’s always the down payment and the balance in a contract, right? As someone who has lived among humans for a long time, you should know this well.”

Bluebeard spoke almost pleadingly.

What could be the reason that made this Fragment of the Demon King, the mightiest monster of Middle Earth without any fear, beg like a mere swindler?

‘Matan… I’ve heard of it before, but what on earth is it? Weren’t they the Fragment of the Demon King?’

While Bluebeard’s mention confirmed their existence, Chiyou knew this much and no more.

Even with her vast information network, knowledge about Matan’s Shooters and their prowess was limited, known to no more than three ‘users’ in all of Middle Earth.

“Good. Transfer ownership now.”

“Of course! Absolutely! Hey, Faust!”

Bluebeard immediately called out Faust’s name.

Faust, who had not been eating for a while, glared at Chiyou with a face full of anger.

“Faust! What are you doing!”

“Th-that, well… Count…”

The leopard-patterned scales dotted with black shook slightly. Just before he spoke, Chiyou spoke up first.

“Oh my, things are so tangled. Faust and Igor have managed to collect only two Lich Dragons and four Bone Dragons so far.”

“What!? What—what are you talking about, Chiyou?”

“Things haven’t gone smoothly because there are forces opposing them on the Lope Continent… it seems the two of them had difficulty handling it all.”

– Shut up! You— you are the reason we can’t make more Lich Dragons—

– Can’t you stay quiet? Fool, you still don’t understand my intentions after coming this far?

No sooner had Chiyou finished speaking than Faust’s whisper erupted.

Chiyou maintained a smiling face while looking at Bluebeard but directed a stern whisper at Faust.

“Hehehe… So, you’ve gone that far. The name of the Fragment of the Demon King will cry.”

“… Kaztor, your tongue is too loose. You know very well that crossing the line won’t do any good.”

Kaztor froze for a moment, staring at Bluebeard, then stood up, brushing off his seat.

“If it’s two liches and four bones, no amount of manticore would be needed either way. Let’s pretend the matter you mentioned earlier didn’t happen

“Hold on, hold on, master of Magic.”

As Kaztor stood up, Chiyou quickly followed suit.

She immediately hooked her arm into Kaztor’s.


“Oh, come on. I’ve experienced our esteemed Lord Rotzark’s excellent personality and meticulous calculation skills since my days in Minis. You’re not someone to give up so easily.”


Kaztor alternated his gaze between Chiyou and Bluebeard.

However, Bluebeard was equally bewildered.


Though the words “What are you doing?” didn’t follow, the call was sufficient in its undertone.

Chiyou recklessly replied as she looked at Le.

“Failing to secure the lich dragon is, in a sense, my responsibility and that of my subordinates. Nevertheless, this should not jeopardize the Count’s and Master’s—no, teacher’s—friendship… So, what I’m saying is.”


Faust let out a small exclamation.

‘That girl, since when… Since when did she start planning this scenario, telling us not to make any more lich dragons?’

Why did she instruct us not to create more lich dragons?

Why did she defy Bluebeard’s orders to do so?

Chiyou tightened her grip on Kaztor’s arm and addressed Bluebeard.

“If possible, we could… help Kaztor-nim… What do you think?”

Chiyou anticipated that the lich dragon would be used as a “gift.”

She couldn’t be sure to whom or with what intention it would be given, but if she could weaken that gift, what would happen next?

― Indeed, indeed. So, instead of merely doing simple tasks under Le, you intend to delve a bit deeper. Understood.

With a satisfied laugh, Faust whispered back to Chiyou.

Gathering lich dragons was a quest for Igor and Faust, and they had failed at it.

Was this the reason they bore even some penalties and committed such acts?

‘Matan? If Bluebeard was obsessed with it, it must be something incredible.’

He could investigate its true identity. Maybe, he might even obtain it.

Faust naturally thought along those lines.

However, Chiyou did not act according to his thoughts.

“Oh, right. I’d like to bring my subordinates, but unfortunately, they have difficulties moving around during the day… So, it seems I’ll have to go alone. What do you think, Count?”

“What, what!? What nonsense are you talking about! Chiyou, you—!”

– Shut up. I told you to follow my lead and keep quiet. Don’t act foolishly and recklessly! If you stay still, I’ll take care of everything. How many times do I have to remind you that you can’t defy me, so why do you keep acting up?

– You, ugh— you—

Faust trembled vehemently.

Who would have thought she’d let others sacrifice themselves as scapegoats for her failed quest while she found a way to move alone!

“Hmm, a second-generation Bathory.”

“Oh my, you recognized it?”

“I could never forget the stench of vampires. Well, if the ‘Vampire Queen’ tags along, it might help a bit, but still, it wouldn’t be enough.”

“Didn’t Kaztor-nim just mention it? I am Bathory. But I’m also human. At night, like other vampires… and during the day, I’ll use what I’ve been utilizing since my days as the ‘Envoy of Minis’… to assist.”

Chiyou released her grip on Kaztor’s arm and elegantly lifted her dress, bowing politely once again.

The gesture, meaning ‘I trust in you’, indicated her confidence that Kaztor would accept her proposal.

Watching the scene unfold, Bluebeard approached Kaztor with a smile.

He exchanged words about looking forward to their journey and how it would be a tough road ahead, but inside Chiyou’s mind, a different voice of Bluebeard resonated.

“Alright… I’ll let you go.”

“I knew you’d understand that this is the best way.”

“… Sly one…”


Chiyou glanced briefly at Bluebeard upon hearing his voice laced with coldness.

He had never revealed such hostility in such a manner before.

It was a remark providing a clue on how Bluebeard perceived Chiyou.

“Remember this. Make sure you secure Matan’s Shooter. I will not tolerate another blunder… whether it was a mistake or a scheme, you know this. Do you understand?”

“Of course… I understand what you’re saying, Count!”

Why did Chiyou become Bathory?

From the beginning, Bluebeard harbored a grudge against Chiyou for that very reason.

“But you mentioned ‘securing Matan’s Shooter’… Does that mean securing it ‘from Kaztor’?”

Bluebeard mentioned the right to a single shot to Kaztor, but what could his words mean to Chiyou now?

To Chiyou’s question, Bluebeard merely bared his teeth.

In the cave filled with different desires, the night deepened.

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