Matan’s Shooter

Chapter 815

“Is the condition to shoot different depending on the weather?”

Ha Leeha relentlessly pondered over “White Reaper”.

“Or was it that the absence of firearms imposes a limitation? I have no idea. Should I learn it quickly to find out?”

As Ha Leeha recalled Francis’ words, he also thought backward to the principles of Matan’s original concept.

If the skill was based on snow, were the others related to rain, fog, or other weather conditions?

‘No way. That doesn’t seem right. It seems more likely that it’s about the presence of firearms. If it’s not the original, it can’t exert 100% of its abilities, so it’s probably a form of amplification using some medium—perhaps snow was the most suitable for this?’

Snow and ice.

couldn’t be considered a ‘bullet’ no matter how much he thought about it.

To put it simply, it was more akin to a laser. Could Matan mean ‘laser’ then?

Or are there various types of Matan, with being just one that takes the form of a laser?

‘A laser that can hit all desired targets? Then snow acts as a reflector? This is giving me a headache!’

As Ha Leeha pulled at his hair, Blaugrunn, who was walking alongside him, spoke up.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Matan. Ah, you haven’t seen it, Blaugrunn? ”

“I heard about it from Ha Leeha-nim, but it’s really hard to believe.”

“Well, that’s true. I wouldn’t believe it either if I hadn’t seen it myself.”

Watching Blaugrunn speak nonchalantly, Ha Leeha also felt slightly dejected.

How could anyone believe it? It would be hard without seeing it firsthand.

However, it was fortunate that there was something else to show other than “White Reaper.”

Besides, he had been repeatedly using it for his ‘rank up’ as well.

To level up a skill, it had to be used continuously with every cooldown.

“Blaugrunn, could you look at me for a moment? .”

“What? Why—oh?”

Blaugrunn’s eyes widened.

“Oh! Oh, oh, oh! Ha Leeha-nim?!”

A moment later, Blaugrunn’s eyes grew so wide they seemed ready to pop out.

The green-haired boy, panicking uncharacteristically for a dragon, rubbed his eyes.

“, !”


Even after using detection magic, Ha Leeha remained invisible, causing Blaugrunn to panic even more and shout.

“Ha Leeha-nim! Ha Leeha-nim?! … Even messenger magic doesn’t work—where did you suddenly go?!”

Blaugrunn shouted.

Seeing his astonished face, Ha Leeha wanted to laugh.

But as he was always surprised himself whenever using this skill, he had no right to tease.

The breath melds with nature.

All sounds are muted.

All chats, including whispers, are prohibited.

‘Wait, I can’t hear sounds either? What the heck is this?’

Ha Leeha could see Blaugrunn mouthing words.

He could also see turquoise mana particles gathering and dispersing around Blaugrunn’s body. But that was all.

Ha Leeha was most surprised by the fact that he could not even hear his own footsteps.

Not even the crunching sound of stepping on snow was audible.


Whisper also doesn’t work.

‘Ahh! Ahh!’

No sound came out when he tried to yell. It was as if only his thoughts floated in the void.

When he looked down, he saw his footprints in the snow.

Blaugrunn soon noticed them and began pointing in Ha Leeha’s direction.


Suddenly, Ha Leeha realized a new fact.


No wonder he couldn’t hear anything; the skill description had mentioned muting.

Until now, he had only thought it meant that his noise wouldn’t escape to the outside.

‘Diss, ‘Skill Release’!’


“Ha Leeha-nim! What happened?!”

“I’m the one who wants to know! What is this? Mute meant this? Ah, now that I think about it…”

Ha Leeha suddenly remembered the time Shimo was sniping.

Just before battling the giants, when he had hidden, neither Blaugrunn nor Ha Leeha could get any response from Shimo.

‘It wasn’t because he was perfecting his stealth…’

Nothing could be heard.

Became one with nature.

Now Ha Leeha fully understood the meaning of the skill.

It was a skill that completely isolated him from the outside, allowing his consciousness to focus solely on ‘him’.

‘This skill has significant weaknesses, too. Information gleaned from sounds can’t be ignored, especially since snipers can’t just raise their heads or move freely. But even so…’

Ha Leeha began to grasp when and how to use this skill.

This skill shouldn’t be used right in front of the enemy.

If he couldn’t hear the enemy’s sounds?

Or couldn’t discern what noise his movements made and whether the enemy heard it or not?

‘My life could be at risk. I’m not immune to general attacks either.’

So, when should this skill be used?

From a perfect sniping point, when he already spotted the enemy.

And when the enemy might also have noticed his presence.

‘This skill can ignore the enemy’s long-range counter skills while… enhancing my sniping concentration to its highest level.’

That was the moment to use it.

A skill that allowed one to erase all intrusive thoughts right before firing the final shot.

“If I hadn’t tried it out in advance, it could have been a disaster.”

“I was even more surprised! You should have told me that—… But how did you manage it? Huh? It’s similar to how those whining humans transform, right? What’s the principle behind it?”

“I-I’ll explain it later! Shimo! I even completed the ‘Wishes’ of the Panrind people!”

Ha Leeha pushed away the tenacious Blaugrunn and entered the ruin where Shimo was.

* * *

Shimo had an expression that showed he didn’t understand at all.

Shimo had also read the book Ha Leeha had seen. However, he mentioned he witnessed no changes when he read it.

In other words, Shimo was not qualified to see it.

Perhaps it was just a game setting.

That was why Shimo was deeply bewildered. The surprising story about ‘Francis’ was enough, but Ha Leeha also pulled out another item.

Shimo glanced back and forth between the 〈Legendary Snowball〉 Ha Leeha presented and Ha Leeha’s face.

『… You’ve already got this…』

“Yes. Just as you mentioned, by exploring the books the Panrind people had, I found the conditions. 〈White Reaper〉 can only be used when the weather conditions are met. Luckily, the Panrind people have the ability to meet those weather conditions, and the current chairperson of the elders gave this to me.”

『T-That… You were supposed to go to the altar for the weather control ritual… and bring back the unique orb our people possess. That was the task I intended to give you.』

“What? Ah!”

Ha Leeha could understand why Shimo stuttered in such a fluster.

To sum it up, the pre-quest Shimo wanted was merely for 『Panrind People: Truth』.

After clearing that quest, it would then lead to 『Panrind People: Wish』, and upon returning to Shimo, he would receive the quest 『White Reaper: Weather Ritual—3』.

‘And the condition for the Weather Ritual quest is placing the Snowball at the altar. To place the Snowball, I needed to fulfill the Wish quest, which meant I had to forcibly invest money and time.’

Despite being renowned for killing Toons, ruling Gaza City, and now as a giant slayer, paying 20,000 gold in one go was still difficult for Ha Leeha.

Not even fifty people in all of Middle Earth had such immediate financial capability.

The people Ha Leeha could think of were Ram Hwayeon, who was wealthy in reality, Alexander, the mysterious number one ranker, and Peiwu supported by the Hwangryong Guild.

Most others would have either the funds but not the skill to make it this far.

Even if they had the skill, they would still need to spend time earning money. However, Ha Leeha had already cleared it ‘long ago.’

So what about the Weather Ritual—3 quest?

『C-Cough. Then, you must find the cleanest snow with that item.』

Shimo hastily opened his mouth. At that moment, a hologram window appeared before Ha Leeha’s eyes.

『White Reaper: Master of Snow and Ice—4』

Description: “To create snow, you need to meet those who govern and love the snow. We used to hold a weather ritual for those beings existing in great nature. As someone akin to our people now, I hope you meet them in the name of the 〈White Reaper〉.”

The White Reaper, Shimo wanted to pass on his aides. Pass his test to receive them.

Content: Seek pure snow in the undeveloped northern region of Shazrashian and hold a weather ritual.

Reward: ?

Condition for Failure: If the weather ritual is held in impure snow.

Upon Failure: Destroy 〈Legendary Snowball〉.

Do you accept?

Ha Leeha smiled in satisfaction, seeing the number at the end of the quest.

『You need to find snow so pure that not even animals or monsters would leave their footprints there. Such places have beings who govern snow and ice, existing within this world. The moment you place the Snowball there, you will naturally understand.』

Shimo spoke to Ha Leeha.

However, Ha Leeha couldn’t completely focus on his words.

『But, be cautious. Contaminated snow will dirty the Snowball… Although we could obtain another Snowball from our people—it’s not an easy task, as you well know.』

Only one thing caught Ha Leeha’s eyes.

The hidden reward.

‘Judging by the quest content, the skill to be obtained will probably be snow-making—similar to Ram Hwajung’s Blizzard but with much less or almost no destructive power. So, considering the structure of quests with hidden rewards… there is only one thing left.’

After clearing this quest, what would appear next?

‘〈White Reaper〉.’

Ha Leeha meticulously examined the quest window. Only then did Shimo’s scattered voice reach his ears.

“Huh? Yes?”

『… Did you understand what I said?』

“Of course!”

Ha Leeha looked at Blaugrunn.

Blaugrunn nodded beside him—meaning he understood and would explain later!

Thanks to his partner, now a perfect match with just a look, Ha Leeha did not incur the bad graces of the NPC mentor for his second job advancement.

『Getting close to them won’t be easy. But I believe you can do it.』

“Hmm… I understand.”

This time, it didn’t seem related to the Panrind people.

The rulers of snow and ice. Ha Leeha immediately thought of a Silver Dragon.

‘That would be highly advantageous for me.’

There weren’t many beings Shimo would use honorifics for, and the master of snow and ice would be a dragon.

“By ‘northern’, you mean the area to the north of here—”

『Hmm. It would be hard to find pure snow in the existing lands. Beyond the place where the descendants of Craba have just started developing. Surely, pure snow still exists there.』

“—Got it. I’ll be on my way then.”

Dragons that govern snow and ice exist not only among metals but also within the chromatic dragon clans.

Worrying that Shimo might be referring to a white dragon, which could be a hassle, Ha Leeha began walking towards the northern part of the ruins.

* * *

“Wow, they’ve already… laid down the rails? We really need to abandon the prejudice that giants are simple-minded.”

“They are just basic transportation tools using wheels and grooves. Ha Leeha, are you surprised by something like that?”

“No, it’s amazing that they laid down such lengthy tracks in just a few days!”

Ha Leeha pointed ahead while looking at Blaugrunn, who chided him.

Just beyond the ruins where Shimo was, there was a warp gate.

This warp gate was connected not only to the capital of Shazrashian but also to various industrial cities scattered across Shazrashian.

But was creating a warp gate the end of the work?

What about transporting materials mined from the nearby mines and veins?

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