Me and my Goddess

27. Physical Test

"I never thought I'd see a catgirl in person."

Before I could respond, the guy quickly walked up to me, muttering to himself while he was circling me. He was a few centimeters shorter than me. His eyes wandered all over my body. And even if it didn't quite feel lecherous instead rather studious. It was uncomfortable anyway.

"Excuse me." I spun around to face him. I hoped to get his attention. "What are you doing?"

It worked somewhat as he stopped his eyes wandering and focused on mine. He kept on rambling.

"So what exactly are you? Or more importantly, what were you."


"Sphinx? I've heard that some of them reached sentience. But in that case, where are your wings? Can you also hide them?"

"I don't..."

"So that's not it. What else? Maybe someone of the high cats class member of the big cats family. Something like a shadow Lion? "

"A what?"

"Also, your hair doesn't seem to be dyed. So has to be... an ice panther?
But the amount of Mana you would need... Were you exposed to some kind of artifact?"

"What now?"

"Which planet are you from? How far is it from the origin?"

"This one."

"Earth... I mean. Fystrasia? There is no way. Even semi-sentient life is illegal to own and I've never heard of a wild one even once. "

As the man once again slipped into mumbling. Gwen let out an audible groan.

"Uhh. Mr. Romanov, please stop. " Turning to me whispering she continued. "I apologize for this guy. I expected him to be trouble, but I hoped it would be less than stepping over the University council. They won't like this even with you taking the Test."

Once the guy stopped she resumed in her normal voice.
"And just so you know, before she became humanoid Miss Lucy was a Fuddle. "

As soon as she said that awful word the guy's eyes narrowed. And his happy expression vanished.

"Haha, very funny Gwen."

His voice was cold, almost sad. "How did you fake it some kind of new bionic implants."
While talking he got closer to me, standing on his toes to get a closer look at my ears. His face was just a few centimeters away from mine. His eyes were the same shade of red as Gwen's. Deep in them a light glow.

"With integrated blood flow, Huh? I never knew you as such a prankster. But we both know that the amount of Mana needed to..."

He got lost in his own words.

He fell back on the balls of his feet. He took a step back. The anger vanished from his face, and with a questioning look, he spoke again.

"I don't know you as a jokester because you aren't one. So those weren't rumors why didn't you tell me?"

"It isn't my right to spread the news," Gwen responded, but the man kept his eyes locked with mine. "and while she is involved. This still is Lucy, as I said. "

"Tell me."

"I'm sorry I can't, as I said. Not my place. I am just here to help Lucy find her way past the test."

"I understand."

After a short awkward pause, the guy walked to his table and picked up what looked like a tablet. He stood there with his back turned to us for a few seconds. When he turned back around it felt like the last few minutes never happened.

"Good Morning Lucy. My name is Elmin Romanov. I am the University's head PE teacher as well as a weapons Specialist. And I will perform your physical entrance exam today as part of the test."

Throughout his introduction, he had a large smile on his face.

"Since I didn't get the usual date on you would you please state your full name?"

The last name problem again. For now, I better stick with just Lucy until I get a real one or we make the Miia thing public.

"Lucy. No last name."

"I guess not yet. Age?"

Age? I don't even know how old I am 2 days in this body. 3 and how long I was asleep in this world.

But before I could tell him Gwen did so.

"We better skip this part for now."

"OK... Considering the circumstances. Let's move on to your physical test. Please follow me."

What followed was an assortment of all kinds of tests. Sprinting, endurance running, long jump, push-ups and pull-ups. As well as a few others. The teacher noted all of them down but he didn't tell me how well I did compared to others, or how much I needed to reach.

To my surprise, I did quite well. And even after the endurance run, I wasn't exhausted. While I didn't feel like I could've gone on much faster. I didn't fall over as soon as I finished. The only one I struggled with was lifting and another strength testing. I couldn't even finish the minute. Those were never my strong side, and apparently, this new body kept that weakness.

Once I finished with everything on the teacher's list I felt almost every muscle acing.

Maybe I would've done better if Miia or Gwen dressed up in a cheerleader outfit. But I guess I won't know until we try.

Speaking of Gwen she watched the entire time. Her expression wasn't disappointed but not happy either. She looked almost content but not quite.

I sat down and gulped down one of the water bottles that were prepared for me.

The man was frantically tapping on his tablet while Gwen made her way over to me.

"You did well. Mr. Romanov just has to check exactly how good."

"Thanks. I surprised even myself. Not that I worked for it. It's more like this body's base is just this great."

"Don't worry there will be more than enough for you to work at in the future."

Once he finished his calculation Mr. Romanov made his way over to us.
"OK. Ok. That wasn't great."

Over the last few hours, his expression wasn't as bright. I noticed that he tried to talk to Gwen a few more times. When I wasn't in earshot range. But they never talked for long. Just a few words each time. But once he talked back to me his expression brightened once again.

I still wonder why? Was it just because I was his fetish in person, was he just trying to make a good impression on someone who he thinks is related to Miia. Or was he just nice to strangers and students in general?

"But not terrible either." he continued. "I just hope you don't plan on becoming a heavy fighter or wielding a shield."

"I never thought about it. But now that you said It. If I had to choose a role I'd probably be a sniper. Or a medic. But to be honest I always envisioned myself as the engineer rather than the soldier."

"Yes, a Bow..." he started mumbling again. "That would make sense with your taller build."

"Ok two things. First, what do you mean tall build?"

Everyone I've talked to since transforming was taller than me.

"I mean you aren't huge but I'm 1,75 Gwen?"

"Prof. Featherslight and I'm 1,84."

"1,84. You are maybe 1 to 2 cm shorter so around one meter 82 to 83 centimeters. Quite a bit taller than average."

"Good to know. But more importantly Bow? Not quite what I meant."

"What else did you think of?"

I hope I didn't just reveal myself as being from a different world on my second day outside. But thankfully he continued.

"Do you mean like pure magic? We typically don't allow first years something so advanced. And require a channeling weapon. Unless you have experience, in which case we need proof."

"No channeling a channeling weapon is good."

"Then what... Oh, you mean like a sniper. A gun. No no no. Of course not don't you know that you can't take a firearm on... Do you even know what you are signing up here for?"

He definitely noticed how confused I was. I always thought I was good at hiding my emotions on my face. But looking closely at him I noticed something. He wasn't looking in my eyes. But instead higher.

My ears. I quickly slapped both my hands on them they were 100% moving without my permission. Betrayed by my own body. Good, I noticed now better and not later. But now I still need to talk my way out of this.

Thankfully Gwen came to my rescue.

"She does. But she isn't quite caught up on the specifics. So if you could explain it to her. It would be helpful so we could wrap this up. She still has to take the magical exam today."

"Uhh. OK? No problem. So, when we connect to planets outside the Union it is forbidden to take technology more advanced than the local level with you. While university groups have certain exceptions guns arent a typical part of that exception. Unless specifically required for a mission. Especially since it is impossible to carry a large amount of ammunition.
And just enough to carry wouldn't be enough on week-long missions. Makes sense?"


"Good. Now let's see. Considering you are completely new to this are you maybe experienced with any kind of weapon?"

"I used a bow once." I better not tell him it was while I was in a theme park a few years ago.

"Perfect so we are sticking with the archery plan. Then all we need to do is choose your perfect bow. And sidearm. You don't always have the luxury to stay on range after all. "

Seems like this will take a while.

Big tanks to everyone who commentet on the last chapter fox6s, Aesjamur and Wolfpup. While Lucy will use a bow she will also have a meele weapon. So thank you.

See you again in half a year.

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