Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy

Chapter 26

Chapter: 26

Possell easily accepted my words about how I fortuitously underwent Ruel’s trial and received his weapon.

I thought it was too significant to be considered mere coincidence, but Possell didn’t say much.

“I suspected that the statue was there for a reason, but it seems it was waiting for its owner,” he nodded, as if realizing something.

Although it felt like he was under some serious misunderstanding, I didn’t bother to correct him.

It’s better to foster a misunderstanding than to spark more questions by giving unnecessary excuses.

I was just relieved to meet Possell looking perfectly fine.

What would he have thought if he had run into me in that horrendous state at the end of the trial?

I don’t really know, but I doubt it would have been pleasant.

After that, not much happened.

Like I had planned on the first day, I spent my days alternating between training with the knights and diving into dungeons.

It was exhausting, that’s for sure, but after having faced death, I felt like I could endure it.

As days passed, the last day of the knight order’s training arrived, and I managed to reach level 10.

Having gone through all that trouble to obtain Ruel’s blunt weapon was definitely the right call.

If I hadn’t gotten that blunt weapon, I would probably still be stuck at level 7 or 8.

However, aside from the level-up effect, I found it difficult to notice any other benefits.

It was hard to perceive noticeable side effects like increased proficiency in blunt weapons or adjustments to my skills.

You could say it was only natural since I couldn’t see my status window, but isn’t it strange that I don’t feel anything at all?

Did becoming reality change something about it too?

Well, even if those additional effects vanished, it wouldn’t be a huge issue.

I could always fill the gap with something else. As long as I had an increase in experience points, that was sufficient.

After achieving my goal and finishing the last dungeon raid, I came outside and noticed Possell saying I should take a break as he commended my efforts.

That was totally out of character for him.

What the heck? Is this some kind of imitation of Possell, or what?

“Honestly! Where have you hidden our Possell?!”

Upon seeing my pressing gaze, Possell flailed his hands in surprise.

“My lady, I simply wish to offer you a moment of rest.”

“Don’t spout nonsense! There’s no way you would say something like that!”

“Foolish Possell. Do I look like a fool who would blindly believe your words? Who do you think you’re saying this nonsense to?!”

What’s “reality?” Even though I haven’t spent much time with you, I know you well enough!

You’re the type who wouldn’t be satisfied until you’ve pushed a person to their limit!

It’s better if you just come clean about whatever your motives are.

And above all! I don’t want to go to Evans!

If I go to the village, the residents of Evans will tremble at the sight of me, and I don’t want to see that kind of scenery!

“Even if you’re asking me to be honest…”

“I’m giving you orders, right now!”

“I am really telling the truth, my lady?!”

Oh man! How shameless can you get, trying to lie to a Countess?!

Should I really twist your arm to get the truth out of you?!

But… would he even scream if I did? I think it’d be more likely that the plank lodged between Possell’s thighs would let out the scream first!

“My lady, the commander merely wishes to grant us a comfortable rest.”

“That’s right. On the last day, everyone usually takes a break, after all. Who knows what might happen on the way back?”

“I think it would be better for you to wash up comfortably and sleep in your bed, my lady.”

Seeing me relentlessly press Possell, the knights came over to plead on his behalf, saying his words were true.

Hey! You guys! I’m doing this to save your skins!

Can’t you see the deep, thoughtful intentions of our lady here? I’m doing this so you don’t have to bear even more burdens!

At first, I thought like this and ignored their opinions, but as I listened to the knights, one by one echoing the same sentiment, my thoughts changed.

Could it really be that they all want me to relax for real?

Could it be that having me around makes it hard for them to take it easy?

Am I just throwing a tantrum without realizing it?

“My lady, let’s rest in the village.”

Once I thought like this, it soon turned into certainty the moment the blade spoke to me.

My bad. I guess I was stubborn about not wanting to go to Evans.

This time, let’s sacrifice myself for your comfort while you all take it easy.

Just make sure not to spill any tea behind my back when I’m not around!

Leaving the campsite behind, I returned to the village with Karl and the maid, and I had to let out another sigh seeing the terrified expressions of the people.

Every time I see this kind of scene, the day I enter the Academy is becoming more and more frightening.

I can’t afford to die in a game over, so I definitely have to go in, but how much backlash will I face there? If I experience something akin to what I did during the Trial of Patience, I’ll surely shed real tears.

I feel like the more of this scenery I take in, the heavier my heart gets, so let’s head to our lodgings quickly.

I haven’t slept properly while rolling under Possell’s orders, so today, I’ll just lounge in bed.

It’ll be my first time being a lazy Countess in a while.

Wouldn’t it be better for everyone if I rest in my room instead of aimlessly wandering the village and causing panic?

“Lady Lucy!”

Just as I was lost in those thoughts, someone called my name and dashed toward me.

The woman had a familiar face, as if I had seen her somewhere before.

Where could that be?

Ah, she was the one I bought the potion from!

However, she didn’t quite manage to reach me.

Before she could, Karl had already drawn his sword and aimed it at her.

Typically, one would freeze right in front of such a deadly blade, but this woman was different.

She actually moved towards the sword as if daring it to stab her.

The moment I laid eyes on her venomous expression, I realized she wasn’t crazy—she was terrified.

Her trembling eyes and streaming tears were clear indicators of her fear.

This woman was well aware of my infamous reputation.

She knew that the sword pointed at her could very well end her life.

Yet, she was still trying to come closer.

At this point, my curiosity was piqued.

What would drive this person to risk her life?

Karl, observing her provocative actions, shut his lips tightly and gripped his sword more firmly.

If things continued like this, blood was sure to flow, so I stepped in front of Karl to intercept.

“My lady.”

“Karl, I’ll handle this.”

“Fool! Don’t do anything that wasn’t asked of you.”

“… I’m sorry.”

As soon as Karl sheathed his sword, the woman rushed towards me, kneeling on the ground, praising my mercy and goodness.

But that’s not the kind of praise I wanted to hear.

I cut her off mid-sentence with a question.

“Do you have something to discuss with me?”

“Sloppy commoner, do you have something to say to me?”

“I know being an inconvenience, but…”

“Just get to the point.”

“Pardon me! My lady! This is…”

The woman wasn’t here to address her own selfish desires.

Her risking life and limb to approach me was solely for the sake of her child.

She explained that her son had been weak since birth.

He had suffered from multiple ailments and could never think of playing outside like other kids.

Still, he was managing to get by, just a little weaker than others.

But then, recently his health had rapidly declined, she said.

From one day on, he had become incapable of even walking properly.

He could no longer eat or drink. For two days now, he hadn’t even been able to open his eyes.

“If this continues, my son will surely die! My lady! Please, save my child!”

As she pressed her forehead to the ground, shouting frantically, she looked just like the mother I had imagined.

Maybe that’s why I wanted to help her.

I had a method ready to assist her as well.

It wasn’t only Ruel’s mace that I gained from overcoming Ruel’s trial.

Along with it, I also obtained the skill known as Armadi’s Mercy.

The effects of this skill are quite simple.

It restores stamina and cures status abnormalities.

It allows one to perform functions that would normally depend on healers.

I had used this skill quite effectively in the game.

While wandering through the dungeon with Possell, I had tried it a few times, and the results weren’t bad.

I couldn’t use it often, maybe due to my lack of proficiency or insufficient mana, but in total, it could only be used twice a day at maximum.

Now, having just used it once in the dungeon and still having one use left, I could heal the boy.

Provided that Armadi’s Mercy was effective enough, of course.

“Lead the way.”

“Sloppy commoner, lead me.”

Upon my command, the woman repeatedly bowed her head in gratitude.

Ugh, this is truly burdensome.

What if it turns out that Armadi’s Mercy doesn’t work?

The place we headed to was a house built from old wooden planks.

The run-down structure looked like it could fall apart at any moment with a few worm-eaten spots here and there.

Is a sickly child really living in such an inadequate environment?

“I’m so sorry for bringing you to such a shabby place.”

The woman’s head bowed low as if bringing me here was a crime.

I chose to refrain from saying anything in response.

Whatever I say might just be translated into weird words, sounding too patronizing.

So instead, I opened the door and stepped inside.

There, on a cover thinner than a quilt, lay a child.

The small boy was breathing heavily, resembling the mother I had seen in my dreams not long ago.

Even with my lack of medical knowledge, I could tell just by seeing him.

If left alone, that child would not last long.

“Lady. Will my child be okay?”

“Of course.”

“Do you think I can’t save this little rascal?”

I walked confidently towards the boy.

Using Armadi’s Mercy was simple.

All you had to do was place your hand and offer a prayer.

By asking the God of Creation, or whoever it may be, for healing, the god would expend my mana to perform a miracle.

As the skill activated, the boy’s expression eased significantly.

His color returned to normal, and his breathing became more comfortable, as if his symptoms had improved.

From the back, I could hear exclamations; it seemed others were perceiving it similarly.

However, I was the only one aware of the truth.

This only made it seem like his stamina had been restored.

In reality, it didn’t cure whatever illness was plaguing him.

Wonder how I knew this? Because a message window popped up right in front of me.

[You have failed to cure the curse due to insufficient proficiency.]

It was the first time I had seen a message other than the one that pushes me to get up every morning, and it was far from pleasant.

This was announcing that I had failed.

I had seen this message in the game before.

This appears when the recipient’s level surpasses my skill’s proficiency in resolving status abnormalities.

In simple terms, it means that while I can cure a poisonous snake’s venom, I can’t heal the curse of a mythical beast like a basilisk due to not enough skill.

It feels somewhat similar now.

If this curse was something of moderate difficulty, I might have been able to lift it.

However, since this was cast by someone of high caliber, it was beyond my ability to heal.

It’s not normal for a poor little boy born in such a small village to be afflicted with a curse that even Armadi’s Mercy can’t remove.

Do you think I just run into cursed individuals left and right while pursuing my studies at the Soul Academy?

Have I healed even a couple of those people?

Such curses are certainly not common at all.

It’s clear.

This is a hidden quest trigger among those I’m familiar with.

One of the long side quests existing within the Soul Academy.

Unlike others, this particular quest is extraordinarily well-known for its remarkable reputation gains.

The Curse of Agra.

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