MHA: Slipstream

Chapter 28 – Gift!


<Japan / Shizuoka / 11:27> <PoV - Lena>

Today officially starts the two weeks of preparation for the Sports Festival, last night I talked a bit with the girls to get better organized, I also quickly made a mini schedule of the two weeks and what things I need to work on to get ready for the Festival.

According to their priority of importance are:

Experimenting with my Energy: After thinking about it for an hour I think this is the most important point I need to focus on. During USJ I realized that a hit hard enough to bend metal can destroy Slipstream and basically take me out of play with one move.

This is a critical weakness for me and therefore I must find a way to reduce or eliminate it. Fortunately, the Kairos "Bonus" gave me a rough idea to seal the "leaks" of my energy, after sealing the leaks I must find a way to stabilize my condition.

That last one is a problem, since Dad is going to I-Island today and I can't ask him to supervise me during the process.

Try to form a style: During the fight against Shoji and Reaper I realized that my style focused on kicks is not enough to finish a fight quickly, especially in the case of Reaper who can counter me like nothing else.

I can't rely on my meager Taekwondo talent forever, I must create my own fighting style, and if possible I would like to combine it with my fists to give it more consistency.

Train my physique: I don't have to give explanations for this don't I, a lady must keep her figure!

"What are you thinking about?" Dad voice pulled me out of my thoughts, he sat on the couch while briefly checking his phone. "You seem particularly lost."

"Uh, nothing important." 

Dad rolls his eyes before adjusting his glasses. "If you say so, as you know I'm going to I-Isla for an important project, you know the rules, don't touch my stuff, call me every 3 days and don't mess up the house."

I looked at him with a blank stare. "I'm not that messy."

"No, but even if I'm adding it" Dad replied with a smile.

"I can take care of myself, thank you very much" I replied while sticking my tongue out at him.

"We'll see about that" Dad only chuckled lightly before the doorbell rang. "That must be my ride."

They both got up from the couch to go to the door, there waiting for them were two shoulders in black suits with sunglasses, behind them several black colored cars and more black clad agents guarding the surroundings.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Mr.Oxton" The agent made a quick bow, his tone was professional and serious I almost didn't realize he was speaking English. "We will take you to Shizuoka Airport where a private jet provided by the Director of I-Island is waiting for us, we should arrive at I-Island in less than an hour after the flight starts."

Dad made an uncomfortable grimace before greeting the two shoulders with a respectful attitude. "Nice to meet you gentlemen, I hope the old one goes smoothly."

'It feels like escorting the president...' I thought as I watched the other men carry daddy's bags to the car quickly without saying a word. 'It's a little scary how stiff their movements are...'

Watching as the last suitcases were picked up, Dad turned and looked at me with a half smile.

"Well I guess I'll be going now-" Before he finished the sentence I enveloped him in a tight hug that made him let out a surprised snort before I felt his arms wrap around me affectionately. "Take care of yourself yeah?"

"I know how to wash some dishes" I joked before sinking a little deeper into our embrace. "I'm going to miss you"

"Me too, love you darling" Dad replied before breaking the hug with a smile. "See you in two weeks"

I smiled as I wiped away a tear. "See you in two weeks"

After that and another hug dad got in the lead car, 

"Well... time to get ready-" I stopped when I saw a sleek silver box on the floor. "Dad left a suitcase?"

I picked it up curiously before seeing a note taped to on the front of the box.

-Congratulations on getting into UA!

It's a little late but here's my gift for your admission. I wanted to come see you but I'm really busy right now, apparently even after graduating from college I still have to stay in I-Island for a while since I-Expo is nearby and they need my help with various things.

Anyway, use them to kick the Villains and your future partner's ass!

Signature - Your favorite cousin!-

As I read the note a smile moved across my face, my mood had taken a 180 degree turn.

I quickly entered the house and sat down at the kitchen table, carefully I started to open the luxurious box as it was quite obvious that it was expensive.

Immediately my brain short-circuited as I looked at the contents of the box.

Dual pistols and a small device where one of the pistols fit perfectly.

"What the fuck Melissa?" I exclaimed out loud as I carefully pulled out the firearms in my hands, they didn't appear to be normal pistols and that mere fact only added to my concern. "She knows I'm supposed to save person instead of killing them, right?"

At the bottom of the box was another note with some words written on it and a drawing of Melissa sticking out her tongue.

I pulled the note out to read it curiously.

-I know what you are thinking! "I'm supposed to save people not kill them" Guess, right?

My left eye twitched slightly before I let out an annoyed sigh and continued reading the note.

For start, yes, they are guns, but they are not made to kill but to paralyze and at worst hurt Villains quickly. I know you will have it complicated if there is someone villains attacking from a distance that's why I thought of these babies.

To not make the explanation too long the guns are called: Pulse Guns, these instead of shooting bullets shoot small amounts of plasma that can paralyze the nervous system of people, you can adjust the output of the plasma to increase the effect of the plasma but as a consequence it will become more unstable. You can switch between Automatic and Semiautomatic.

It also has an Emergency Mode where the internal mechanism changes to adjust the plasma output, basically turning it into energy bullets that hurt as much or more than a regular bullet.

The only problem is that I haven't found a way to self-sustain the bullets, so I'm sending you a plasma loader specially made for the guns (the light expense won't be pretty!).

If you need more info send me a message!-

I simply gawked at the letter, my gaze shifting to the pistols.

The top of the pistol was a titanium white color with a few small grooves that revealed a bit of its internal mechanism, the entire grip was painted a sleek metallic gray, for some reason the grip expanded and connected to the nozzle of the pistol possibly part of the mechanism.

Most notably, in the center was a small silver colored circle that slowly rotated and emitted a soft blue glow that was most likely the plasma itself.

Carefully turning the weapon over, I noticed that it appeared to be based on a Desert Eagle, upon closer inspection saw some engraved lettering:


I smiled when I saw the initials of Melissa's name. 'Huh, I feel like Christmas'.

The memory of dad transformed into a gorilla and dressed as Santa Claus was a memory I will cherish forever.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated.

Carefully setting the guns down on the table, I pulled out my phone and....

"Shit, it's late!"

In less than a second I used my Quirk to carefully stow my new guns and set the box on top of the table before shooting out the door.


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