MHA: Slipstream

Chapter 62 – The tricks of a small… mouse?


<Last day of classes...>

During the last week an interesting variety of events have happened, the most interesting of which was that Momo invited several students from the Class to study at her house to prepare for the impending written exam.

I didn't need to study that much, as my grades were already high enough, but I still went to spend some time with Momo and my other classmates. It was a little disconcerting to watch her play the role of teacher perfectly, so I decided to play along by acting as her assistant and making sure the students were paying attention.

It was fun.

Another thing that happened was the typical fight between Midoriya and Bakugo, about who would be Number One, and blah blah blah. Honestly the chemistry (if there was chemistry in the first place) between these two was starting to wear on me, it still doesn't fit in my head how Midoriya considers Bakugo his lifelong best friend.

For some reason, their conversation turned to Todoroki and I, about how we're irrelevant in their way and they'll outdo us or some shit like that.

You know, usual class stuff.

Bakugo's personality and Midoriya's masochism for his insults aside.

Now with everything that's happened in the last week, let's focus on the present.



'WHAT THE FUCK?!!!' I mentally shouted as my eyes widened like saucers at the scene in front of me.

In front of the entire Class 1A (which was dressed in their Hero costumes), stood almost the entire UA staff staring at them with murderous faces and emitting an intimidating aura that would make even the most seasoned of Professional Heroes shudder.

So yes, we were scared shitless.

Stepping forward, the UA director gave all of us students a long look with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "I see you're all very excited about this aren't you, maybe you're wondering what all the UA teachers are doing in one place aren't you?"

"Honestly I'd rather not know" Kyoka couldn't help but mutter under her breath, before flinching at the strangely excited look Midnight was giving her.

Ashido held up his hand as he smiled as if the teachers weren't emitting the same pressure as a fucking black hole. "Yeah, they're there to supervise us while we fight the robot horde aren't they!"

Ah, that was another thing, apparently the rumor spread that the practical exam would be against a huge Horde of Robots and you would have to fight in random pairs. Truth be told, I did think we would be fighting robots, since it's very UA style.

But seeing the situation in front of me, I didn't get my hopes up.

"You are very wrong Miss Ashido, maybe someone told you about last year's exam and that confused you, a real pity" The principal looked at her with a kind smile, but his tone was not kind in the least. "Due to various reasons the exam was you will be fighting against the UA Staff! Isn't it exciting?!"

"""...""" Suddenly it was as if the entire soul of the students had left their bodies.

To make a summary, basically it's a 2v1 battle, two students and a teacher, the students and teachers we will fight have already been chosen. There are only two ways to win, defeat the corresponding teacher or flee the area before he captures you and we only have 30 minutes to win.

Simple and for the whole family, isn't it?

The confrontations are:


Izuku  & Katsuki  vs  All Might

Shoto  & Momo  vs  Eraserhead

Lena  & Hanta  vs  Midnight

Kyoka  & Koji  vs  Present Mic

Fumikage  & Tsuyu vs  Ectoplasm

Denki  & Mina  vs  Nezu

Eijiro  & Rikido  vs  Cementoss

Mezo  & Toru  vs  Snipe

Tenya  & Mashirao  vs  Power Loader

Ochaco  & Yuga  vs  No. 13


'Well, it could have been worse...' Lena thought as she let out a relieved sigh, while looking at the smiling All Might. 'Much worse...'

After some bitching and moaning on the part of Class 1A, they finally boarded a bus that dropped them off in different areas all over the UA field. I thought we would go little by little with the confrontations observing the battles as we always usually do in the Heroism Class, but apparently UA doesn't want to waste any more time than necessary and will just do all the confrontations at the same time.

If you fail, you fail, if you win, you win.

It's pretty obvious but it doesn't help the nerves, even more so when the long-awaited Summer Camp is at stake.

Midnight, Sero and I stopped in a large rocky area that didn't leave much cover and it was easy to spot the other side. This was good for me, but bad for Sero, as he had nowhere to swing properly or flee in the worst case scenario.

"Begin!" Announced a mechanical voice somewhere in the Zone.

I quickly turned my gaze back to Sero with the intention of creating a plan to defeat Midnight. 

"Oi Cellophane we should-" 

Only to realize that the idiot had already shot off with his ribbons leaving me behind.

"What are you waiting for Tracer?! Midnight is possibly the weakest in all of UA! It's an easy win come on!" Sero exclaimed with a smirk behind his mask as he sped away swinging as best he could, which wasn't much because of the terrain but he was still pretty fast.

Rolling my eyes behind my visor, I quickly ran in his direction to try and catch up. 'She may not be especially strong like Aizawa or All Might, but she's a UA Teacher for a reason you know!'



<AU Meeting Room> <A few days earlier...>

"Alright, with Midoriya and Bakugo's team decided, let's move on to another problem. Oxton Lena."

Nezu simply smiled at the mention of that student. "Fufu, she's a problem isn't she, she could simply run away using her Quirk and none of us could do anything."

All Might turned his gaze back to Nezu a bit confused on how to deal with Young Oxton. "You have something in mind, don't you?"

"Maybe, maybe not" Nezu neither affirmed nor challenged All Might's statement, instead giving him an amused look before asking, "What's your impression of Lena, her strengths and weaknesses?"

Aizawa tired of Nezu's games, let out a growl under his breath. "Just get to the point, I know you already have something in mind."

Nezu simply laughed at Aizawa's reaction before explaining what he had in mind, "Well, Lena is an excellent melee fighter and that's undeniable. Not to leave aside her Quirk which at first glance isn't a big deal, but think that every time she uses it is a hit that will hit the opponent no matter what, and this is very important since one hit more or one hit less can completely decide a battle in seconds."

Nezu was silent for a moment so they could process the information he was saying. "Let's take an example, Lena is fighting Yaoyorozu, and she decides to use her Quirk to hit her in the jaw, this specific spot is prone to cause fainting due to nerve vulnerability, now sure think that's difficult, but we're talking about a person who can hit and not get hit back, and all this not counting her minor super strength"

"You put all these things together and we have one of UA's strongest students with great potential to exploit" Nezu explained her reasoning and her image of Lena to the other teachers, some of whom were surprised at Nezu's deep analysis of Lena but Aizawa knew she was especially troublesome in this type of testing.

"So what are you suggesting?" growled Aizawa not wanting to beat around the bush anymore.

"But not everything about her is perfect. First of all, her fighting style which is extremely aggressive and fast, but in return she has little defense and blocking opportunities. Her style focuses on striking and running to strike again from a different angle, which is the norm for a speedster." 

"Second and most obvious, she is very reckless when it comes to fighting, sure, she is very smart for a person her age, but she is still an easily influenced teenager...I think you get where I'm going don't you?"

The teacher's lounge was in total silence, while each teacher processed the information Nezu was providing.

Aizawa was the first to speak as he narrowed his eyes at Nezu. "You want us to play with her morality like she did with Todoroki in the bomb exercise right?"

"Excellent Aizawa, as expected of you!" Nezu simply gave Aizawa an innocent smile, which made the bored teacher internally shudder. "It's going to be very exciting!!"


A/N: Last chapter of the year! Happy new year!... well, it's not new year yet but you know what I mean :p

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