MHA: Slipstream

Chapter 71 – Forest II


<WWPC Base / Forest> <POV - Lena Oxton>

My mind froze for half a second as I watched in slow motion as a knife came out of the middle of the forest heading straight for Kyoka's neck.

Without a second thought I used Acceleration to deflect the knife to the ground where it landed harmlessly....


However, I wasn't prepared for the second knife which buried itself deep in my arm.

“Fuck!” I hissed in pain as I quickly pulled the knife out of my arm. Blood quickly began to ooze out of the wound slowly painting my clothes a dark reddish color that slowly expanded downward. 'If this is a Class 1B prank I swear I will beat the crap out of all of you!'

“Lena!” Kyoka exclaimed beside me as she pulls her Jacks out of the ground and took a low stance. “Are you okay?!”

“Yeah, just give me a minute...” I muttered as I looked at the area where the knife had buried itself in discomfort before slightly squinting my eyes concentrating on my arm.

I immediately used Recoil... on my left arm.

This was another advantage of now having good control over my Quirk and Entropic Energy, I could now have parts of my body use Acceleration, Recoil or Haste. Plus I didn't have to constantly worry about energy reserves as they had been significantly expanded.

“Fufufu” A sickly laugh coming from the forest brought my attention back to the forest, a shadow was emerging from the darkness out of the undergrowth and trees. “Though it's not what I planned anyway blood is always pretty, isn't it?”

Out of the dark forest emerged a cute but short schoolgirl with ash blonde hair and cat-like eyes. She was dressed mainly in schoolgirl clothes but also with a large and strange mask that resembled a demonic smile, said mask seemed to be connected to different tubes on her back leading to... small bottles?.....

Yup, this was the weirdest villain costume I had seen so far....

“And who the fuck are you?” Kyoka exclaimed in a threatening tone while pointing her Jacks menacingly at him. “And why are you wearing something so ugly on you?”

“I know right?!” Exclaimed the girl with a small prance as she rubbed her head and frowned adorably, that only made my dislike for her increase by a few levels. “I said it was extremely ugly too but no one ever listens to the cute girl in the group...the name is Himiko Toga! You know you're pretty cute you look like the confident athletic type of girl! Fufu! A real tomboy!”

“And she a real yandere...” I muttered to myself as I finished healing my arm.

“I wonder what your blood tastes like! I've never tasted a tomboy!” Toga licked her lips as she shot me a hungry look that made me shudder with disgust. “Ready or not here I come!”

Before I could say anything, the cat girl was already less than a meter away from me with several knives in her hands.

'What the fuck?!' I widened my eyes in surprise at her inhuman speed as I threw a kick aimed at her chest.

But contrary to my expectations, the cat girl simply moved around the kick in a display of amazing flexibility. I took a step back with the aim of gaining some distance but the girl had too much momentum and my leg was still in the air.

Not wasting this opportunity, Toga quickly stabbed one of her knives into my leg and another into my thigh as she quickly approached my chest with another knife.

I opened my eyes urgently preparing to use Recoil when....


A loud sound wave sent the girl shooting back into the forest crashing her hard into a tree. I turned my startled gaze to my back and to my surprise one of Kyoka's Jacks was over my shoulder.

“I'm going to knock that bitch's eardrums out for messing with my girlfriend...” Kyoka muttered to herself with gritted teeth and a death look in her eyes. I wisely decided not to mention what my name was...for now.

I turned my gaze back to Toga who with a jump was quickly back on her feet, only this time her smile had completely disappeared and she was now scowling hard.

“Stay out of this damn chopping block! I was having a nice date with her!” Toga exclaimed pointing at Kyoka while pouting.

“... “That seemed to take a nerve in Kyoka, who in the blink of an eye had changed her stance to a low one with both hands and Jacks pointing forward.

If looks could kill, then Toga would be ashes right now.

“Now you have a date with me and believe me...I'm terrible at dating.”

And with that Kyoka lunged forward.



<POV - Himiko Toga>

I watched in slow motion as the chestless girl lunged towards me with a fierce stare. I couldn't help but give her an amused smile, reactions like this were one of the things I enjoyed the most.

That and the blood, of course.

I quickly pulled out one of my larger knives, a Bowie, before launching myself at her with a laugh escaping my lips. I threw a diagonal cut towards the right wire hanging from her ear, said wire was a little further away from the girl, which would give me time to cut it, and then I hit the girl with another knife.

But to my surprise, the wire is immediately shrunk and stuck in her right ear.

'So it's retractable-' I thought with interest before looking to my left, I saw how her other wire was pointed directly at me, and instinctively I took a big jump backwards in order to get away from the shockwave...


What I didn't expect was that the girl grabbed my foot in mid-air with her other cable and threw me to the ground with force, causing a small cloud of dust to rise.

“Bah!” I felt the air leave my lungs, and my back burst in pain as I was slammed to the ground, but still I couldn't stop smiling.

'He played a trap on me!'

“Listen well, bitch” The table girl spoke with annoyance in her voice and a cold look in her eyes. “Surrender, or I'll break your eardrums, it's your choice.”

The girl was on top of me, pointing her two strange wires at me. My two arms were pinned down by her arms.

I looked her in the eyes with amusement as I caught my breath before letting out a low chuckle.

“What a tough decision” I said in a mocking tone, which made the board girl frown. “But I like my eardrums, you know-”

“So you- GAH!

'She actually thought she pinned me down! Haha!' I thought with amusement, the chestless girl wasn't very strong, and I was easily able to shake off her grip to grab a knife and plunge it into her shoulder. “You're a bit silly, aren't you! Hahaha!”

I laughed at her loudly while looking at her mockingly. I was about to headbutt her to free myself completely-

But a light blue flash appeared behind the sonic bitch, and before I could think, a strong kick landed squarely on my face.

The last thing I saw was Tomboy glaring at me angrily.



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