Military System : Alternate World

CH 4 – Town Library

When their tour of the town concluded, Fret and the trio headed to Kane's home. The house was modest yet distinguished by its unique architecture, surpassing even modern villas in charm.
The building was a three-story structure covering 1000 square feet of land. Its wooden exterior, adorned with intricate carvings, added both value and visual appeal. The craftsmanship extended beyond the carvings; the placement of the windows and the house's orientation reflected the architect's meticulous attention to detail. The first floor housed a market, reportedly run by Kane's wife. The second floor featured a kitchen, a living room, and an office, while the top floor was dedicated to four bedrooms and a bathroom. Kane provided Fret with a detailed layout of the house.

"Will you stay for the night?" Kane asked. It wasn't every day they had a guest, so if Fret chose to stay, they'd need to arrange a place for him to sleep and likely provide him with towels. "I should get going," Fret replied, unsure if he wanted to stay overnight. Though the idea of staying under a roof was tempting, he didn't fully trust these people, no matter how kind they seemed.

"Alright, at least let me give you my camping equipment so you won't have to sleep in the forest with just a t-shirt," Kane said before heading toward what appeared to be a warehouse. A minute later, he emerged with a large bag and several metal rods, presumably for tent stabilization. "Besides the camping gear, I'll also give you some meat in case you get hungry." Kane added, retrieving a large steak from a freezer, wrapping it properly, and handing it to Fret. "This should be enough for one night. If you decide to stay longer, stop by and I'll help you as much as I can." Kane finished with a proud smile.

Fret was taken aback by their generosity. He was perplexed by their kindness and wondered if there was something they wanted from him. As the thought crossed his mind, he instinctively reached for his Glock. "You're really helping me; unfortunately, I don't have anything to give in return," Fret said, hinting that he wasn't about to part with his weapon.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Helping those in distress is what we should do. That's what our ancestors taught us," Kane replied, waving his hand dismissively. Despite his initial hesitation, Fret accepted their help. Even if they had ulterior motives, he could always create soldiers to defend himself if needed.

"Then I'll be leaving. Have a good night," Fret said, preparing to leave with the bag, rods, and steak packed into his backpack. Kane and his daughters waved goodbye, wishing him a good night.

After leaving Kane's house, Fret made his way to the town library, located in the largest building in the center of town. Initially skeptical about the library's grand size, he was nonetheless awestruck once inside. The three-story building, spanning over 4000 square feet, was dedicated solely to housing an extensive collection of books. Rows of shelves and numerous reading desks filled the space, making it seem as though every piece of human knowledge was contained within its walls.

Fret wandered through the aisles, attempting to find readable books, but was disappointed to find that he could not understand any of the titles or contents. Frustrated, he flipped through pages, creating a shuffling sound. His struggle drew the attention of a library clerk.

"Sir, you're disturbing others' reading," a sweet yet elegant voice interrupted, pulling Fret out of his reverie. He looked up to see a woman who seemed like a fairy. Her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing her striking green eyes. Her stern expression conveyed her displeasure as she approached him. "Please, lower your voice. This is a library," she said firmly but politely, emphasizing that Fret's loudness was inappropriate for the quiet environment.

"I'm sorry; it's just that every book here seems to be in a language I don't understand. I was trying to find something I could read and apparently got too absorbed," Fret explained, noticing the people seated at various reading tables. "Different language? It's simplified Heradian, which you spoke fluently just now," she replied, clearly puzzled. Fret realized that while he could speak Heradian, he wasn't able to read or write it, possibly due to assistance from his system.

"It seems I need to learn how to read and write in Heradian," Fret muttered, acknowledging the language barrier. He then addressed the clerk, who was still watching him curiously. "I guess I overestimated my knowledge of Heradian," he said with a wry smile, unsure how else to respond. "That's unusual. Most people can read but struggle with speaking," the clerk said with a look of innocent surprise. Apparently, it was common for people to first learn to read and write before speaking a new language, but Fret seemed to have bypassed that norm.

"I actually came to ask if you have a world map," Fret said, hoping to shift the conversation.
"We do have one, but I'm not sure if the head librarian would allow it to be borrowed," the clerk replied, turning to the elderly man at his desk. "World maps are rare and highly valued," she added, signaling for Fret to follow her.

They approached the elderly librarian, who looked up and removed his eyeglasses. "What's the issue, Alise?" he asked, eyeing both the clerk and Fret. "This man wants to borrow our world map, head," Alise explained with respect in her voice.

"What?" The elderly librarian exclaimed, rising abruptly before sitting back down. He scrutinized Fret with suspicion. "Why should I lend you the world map?" he asked, hands behind his back. "I'm a traveler from afar. I lost contact with my companions and need to find the right path to reunite with them. Even if I can't take the map, I would appreciate being able to look at it," Fret explained, sticking to his fabricated story. He wasn't lying about needing to see the map; a glimpse would help him determine his next steps. If he was truly in the Baltics, he needed to escape the country before it was too late.

"I can't give you the map; however, you can take a look under my supervision." The elder replied as he motioned for Fret to follow him while he walked inside an office. When Fret stepped inside the office, he was greeted by the sight of multiple glass cases elegantly displaying books and art pieces. The room exuded an aura of scholarly elegance with its tall wooden bookshelves brimming with finely bound volumes, and soft, ambient lighting that cast a warm glow over the rich, dark woodwork. The focal point was a large world map, meticulously framed and mounted on the wall. The map, with its detailed and ornate design, served as a testament to the Head Librarian's deep appreciation for knowledge and history. The overall ambiance of the office was one of refined sophistication, perfectly blending intellectual pursuit with aesthetic grace.

After his admiration of the office finished, Fret quickly turned his attention to the world map mounted on the wall. His eyes widened in surprise as he recognized the map's resemblance to the one from his own world. Though the continents and notable landmarks were familiar, the country borders were markedly different from those of the 1900s.

The first striking difference was the Osmania Empire. Instead of shrinking to Anatolia as in his world, its borders extended far beyond, reaching near Vienna. This expansive reach suggested that the empire had heavily invested in Africa and distant lands like South and North America. 'Could this be due to an alliance with the Hispalon Empire?' Fret pondered, trying to make sense of this alternate reality.
In addition to its vast territories in Africa, the Osmania Empire also encircled the Black Sea, asserting its dominance over the region. It had colonized most of the eastern coast of South America, extending as far as halfway across the Amazon Jungles.

His gaze then moved to the Hispalon Empire, which dominated the Iberian Peninsula and a significant portion of southern South America. The empire's influence stretched halfway across Africa, bordering the Osmania Empire. 'What a formidable alliance,' Fret mused, noting the geopolitical shift. The African continent was largely controlled by just three powers: the Hispalon Empire, the Osmania Empire, and the Zarunda Kingdom in the south. The Zarunda Kingdom, surrounded by these powerful neighbors, might either be at war with them, serving as a vassal, or managing to remain independent while the empires focused on their larger conflicts.

Fret also noticed the big country situated in the middle of Europe. It's name was written in red, signifying the evil doings of the country, Ironreich. The flag of Ironreich was a bold statement of its power and identity. It displayed a stark iron-gray backdrop, immediately catching the eye with its austere and commanding presence. At the heart of the flag was a large iron cross, meticulously detailed with sharp, angular lines that hinted at a history of militaristic discipline and rigorous order. This central emblem was embellished with subtle gear patterns, suggesting a society deeply invested in technological advancement and industrial progress. The cross was surrounded by radiating lines, hinting at an extensive reach and a dominance that extended beyond its borders. The design, both imposing and intricate, conveyed a blend of historical gravitas and modern strength, reflecting a nation that was as formidable as its name suggested.

Noting the flag and seeing the resemblances and its name, Fret was sure about it. This Reich was also present in his world. He then turned his attention to Reich's borders, which differed from what he remembered. While the border with the Gallia Empire remained the same, Reich had expanded into two neighboring countries and occupied most of northern Europe. From the map, Fret inferred that the Osmania Empire and Reich might be in military conflict due to their shared border.

Fret's gaze shifted to his biggest concern, the Rovinia Empire. It loomed over the Herady Kingdom, covering most of eastern Europe and Asia. It bordered the Osmania Empire, Ironreich, the Baltic kingdoms, the far northern kingdoms of Europe, and several Asian countries, including the large Qinara Empire.

He then examined the Britland Empire's extent, curious about how it had been affected by the interventions of the Osmania and Hispalon Empires. While much of Britland's territory mirrored that of his world, there were notable differences, as the Osmania Empire had also engaged in the Age of Exploration, claiming significant territories alongside the Hispalon Empire.

As Fret concluded his analysis of the world map, he began formulating plans, processing and integrating the information he had gathered. He resolved to keep the details firmly in mind for future reference.

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