Mirror in Law

Mirror in Law



Marian had never made a secret of her disapproval of Sarah, her daughter’s choice in husband. Sarah was her only child and she only wanted what was best for her, Jason just wasn’t it. He was an artist, a musician she had met in college. Always writing songs, trying to get a breakthrough as he wrote, composed, played or just listened to music for inspiration. She was convinced he had no chance of succeeding and was just throwing his own and Sarah’s future away chasing a dream.


At first when she had introduced Jason who she had met at college Marian hadn’t been too worried. It was just a phase. Sarah was still young and college was a time of experimentation. Sure she would see reason that this dreamer with his long brown hair and bright green eyes wasn’t the guy for her.


Once they got engaged right after they both graduated however worry did start to set in, would Sarah see reason before it was too late? The answer had turned out to be no as she and Jason got married a year later. With that Marian had set her hope on Jason changing and becoming the husband Sarah deserved, but now four years later they were both 26 and Jason hadn’t matured a bit, he was still that dreamy musician from college who thought he would make it big.


Jason for his part had never liked Marian either, in his eyes she was just his bitch of a mother in law who always looked down on him urging him to give up his dream and take his duties as a husband seriously. Leaving the two of them together unsupervised for longer than a minute always ended in trouble. Jason wanted to get along with his mother in law, for the sake of his wife and the sake of peace. The respect had to be mutual for that to work though.


At every family get together and every time Sarah’s parents visited or they visited them, Sarah had to be the moderator between her mother and husband. She constantly urged them to get along to the point where it was nearly all she said anymore. There was only one point they both agreed upon and that was that unless the other radically changed their ways they would never get along.


It frustrated Sarah beyond believe to the point where she just tried keep the two of them apart as much as possible. Since she obviously chose her husband’s company above her mother’s it translated in her visiting her parents way less and always finding an excuse why it wasn’t possible for them to just pop by when they wanted to visit.


If anything it only soured her mother’s view on Jason even more. Not only was he ruining the future of her daughter, he was also taking her away from her. It was something she just couldn’t let happen and so she came up with a plan that would change everything. With a cheeky smirk she got to work, refining and readying her plan to strike.


Chapter 1


Sarah had only just left the day before on her annual week long reunion trip with her college friends when Marian decided to make her move. Jason as usual was down in the basement working on his music. He loved spending time with his wife, but whenever she was away he went full out for his music. He was so wrapped up in a writing session that he almost fell off his chair when the doorbell rang snapping him right out of his concentration. Who could that be? All his friends knew not to disturb him when he had the house to himself. A little annoyed Jason headed up the stairs and to the door.


Big was his shock when he found Marian at the other side of the door wearing one of her regular monochrome designer jacket and skirt sets like she always did. No matter where Marian seemed to go she was always dressed and made up to the nines. She might be 53 right now, but objectively speaking she still looked great for her age and that meant a lot coming from Jason who hated her guts.


She was most definitely at the curvy side of the spectrum, but she wore her curves really well having a voluptuous hourglass figure going with her big bosom, bottom and her nipped in waist. The fact that she was a very pampered woman helped as well of course. Her greying hair was always painted an ashen blonde colour and permed in a stylish bob. Weekly touch ups and an established routine kept her hair looking perfect at all times, she went to the salon frequent enough for roots to never show. She was actually kind of imposing as well being just as tall as he was. She was slightly taller than the average woman and he slightly smaller than the average man.


Jason wanted nothing more than to her that her daughter wasn’t home and that he didn’t want to be bothered before slamming the door in her face, but Marian quickly spoke up. “Hello darling, before you go off please hear me out first. I have a proposition to make, a truce if you will.”


He had always hated her tendency to call him and pretty much everyone else darling. That and her whole old fashioned vocabulary for that matter. With a deep sigh he decided to give her the benefit of the doubt for now and hear her out as she had requested.


Seeing how he stepped down Marian decided to grab her chance to explain herself. She was kind of annoyed about how he didn’t even make the effort to greet her, but she wasn’t going to show it bothered her now. She had more important things to take care off.


“Thank you darling, I’ve got the feeling like I’m losing my daughter lately and obviously I don’t want that. I realise now that if I don’t want to lose her I’ll need to accept her with you. We’ll probably never be the best of friends, but for my daughter’s sake I hope we can normalise our relationship at least a little. Like she always put it we’ll need to get along. Last night while I was listening to some old music from back in my days I was reminiscing about how they really don’t make music like they used to anymore. It got me thinking that maybe you could help me out on that front. I made this little playlist with songs I like and I was wondering if maybe you could have a listen and compose something new that I would like that would be simply divine. I’ll even pay you a commission fee or whatever your business is.” Marian said handing him a non descript self burned CD.


It caught Jason completely off guard, he would have expected her to tell Sarah to see her more often, but instead she actually seemed to make the effort to show interest in what he was doing and to actually try and get to know him. While he was none too excited about her request he did want to reciprocate the effort even if just for Sarah’s sake. It would be a lot nicer if they could actually get along.


“Alright Marian, I’ll give it a listen and give it a try, now if that’s all I still have work to do.” Jason said shortly, not wanting to carry this conversation on any longer than it had to be.


“Oh you’re such a dear darling. Thank you so much and yes that will be all. I’ll be back tomorrow to check on your progress, I can’t wait to see and hear the results. Take care now darling.” Marian said with a big smile as she turned on her heels and walked back to her car.


Jason wanted to argue that things like this needed time and couldn’t just be done in a day, but before he could speak up she was gone. With a deep sigh he just headed to the living room put the CD in the CD player, who the hell used CD’s anymore these days? They were so old fashioned, but then again Marian probably didn’t know how to use a thumb drive. Since she would come back tomorrow he’d better have some results ready to show or he wouldn’t hear the end of it. Marian had never believed in him so maybe this was his chance to prove her wrong. First things first though, it was time to have a listen to that CD so he’d have an idea what kind of song Marian wanted him to compose. Pressing play he sat back on the couch and relaxed.


He was quickly growing very relaxed, way to relaxed as he listened to the slow old songs on Marian’s CD. Unbeknownst to him it had a hypnotic overlay lulling him in a deep deep trance before offering up suggestions to get deeply rooted within his psyche. “Marian, your mother in law is the most wonderful person you know, she’s smart, beautiful and overall amazing. You desperately want to get along with her and things would be so much easier if you had some common interests. The more interest you have in common with Marian the better you would get along and you want to get along with her perfectly. Marian is your idol, you desire to be with her as much as possible, you desire to be like her as much as possible.” It played on repeat until the CD had ran out of space for more, finally allowing Jason to snap out of his trance.


His head felt a little fussy, but overall he felt great, after all Marian would be coming over tomorrow. She was such an amazing woman, it was a pity that they had never gotten along too well. They really didn’t have nearly enough in common to get along and much to his shame he had to admit that he didn’t know her well enough to even begin to research her interests. All he really knew she liked was the music on the CD she had given him and since he wanted something to find some common ground to get along with her better he decided to give it another listen.


By the time bedtime arrived he had done nothing but listen to that CD, he had listened to it at least half a dozen times, and the subliminal overlay had taken a very firm hold on him having gone from a simple thought to a suggestion and eventually a solid truth. Marian was his idol, he desired nothing more than to be with her and be just like her. Luckily she would be coming over tomorrow he thought as he fell asleep.


Chapter 2


It was 7 AM when Jason was rudely awoken by the ringing of the doorbell. Who could that be to disturb him at this ungodly hour? Who ever it was they’d better have a very good reason to come here this early. He thought as he threw on his bathrobe and got down to grab the door. Big was his surprise when was Marian once again. Why would she come over this early? She couldn’t reasonable expect him to have anything ready right?


Nevertheless early or not he couldn’t help but feel exhilarated to see her, getting light butterflies in his stomach like a teen girl during a meet and greet with the latest big pop star. She looked spectacular in her fine woven plum woollen jacket trimmed with a broad white band around the collar, bottom and the button flap, the matching solid plum skirt that reached until two inches above her sheer black stocking clad knees. A pair of low heeled plum leather pumps, a tight pearl necklace and a big pair of gold and ruby chandelier earrings finished the look.


“Good morning darling, I hope I didn’t interrupt your rest. I thought I’d stop by before I need to head off to the salon for my weekly appointment. Looking as good as I do at my age takes a lot of work you know darling? Oh my, I see someone is happy to see me.” Marian chuckled looking down at the tent in his bathrobe and back up at her son in law’s face.


It was a stupid excuse to come here this early, but to be honest she didn’t care. Maybe it was stupid to jump him so early, instead of waiting, but quite frankly, she couldn’t wait any longer, she was just to curious to see whether or not her CD had had some effect and more importantly to what extend. If Jason was ready then she was more than ready to take the next steps. If his erection was anything to go on, she could only think that it must have worked in a sense. She didn’t expect her commands to turn out like this, but she guessed it was one way to interpret desire.


“Oh dear, I’m so sorry darling, I don’t know what came over me just now. Please forgive me darling, I really don’t want to offend you. Please come on in though darling.” Jason gasped his excuses over the erection Marian had pointed out, it was so embarrassing, he wouldn’t want to offend his idol in any way. His erection bothered him to no end where he didn’t even seem to have noticed the change in the way he spoke. His desire to be like Marian was so big that he automatically tried to adopt everything he knew about her including her way of speaking.


At first Marian’s jaw dropped hearing not only how much friendlier and inviting he was towards her, but above all how he seamlessly adopted the words she so often used, words she knew he loathed. If this wasn’t proof that her CD had worked wonders then she didn’t know what was. She hadn’t been expecting such huge results right away, but she certainly didn’t mind either. He was more than ready for the continuation of her plan it seemed as her shocked look turned into a devilish grin.


“Why thank you darling, you’re such a dear, and as far as our little friend here is concerned I don’t mind one bit. If anything I feel flattered darling to still have that effect at my age.” Marian spoke, quickly recuperating as she walked passed Jason, giving him a good whiff of her strong heady out dated floral perfume.


“How couldn’t you darling? I mean look at you, you look simply divine. It’s such a relief to hear you don’t mind darling, like you can’t even begin to imagine how relieved I feel darling. Now where are my manners, it’s so early, you must be in dire need of some coffee darling I know I am. How do you like your coffee darling?” Jason asked leading the way straight into the kitchen where he switched on the coffee machine.


“I would like some green tea with a teaspoon of honey, a mist of milk and a squeeze of lemon if you don’t mind darling, it’s my favourite.” Marian said as she sat down at the table crossing her legs. This really was amazing, it seemed like her son in law was truly hers for the taking.


“Oh of course darling, how silly of me not to propose tea. I should have known better. That does actually sound divine darling, I’ll think I’ll join you for tea instead.” Jason said as he turned the coffee machine back off and put a kettle on the stove. While he waited for the water to warm he cut a lemon in half and put it on a saucer, then placed two tea cups with saucer and an accompanying spoon on the table, a small can of milk, the honey jar and put a bag of green tea in each cup. He had never liked tea, but now he couldn’t wait to try it.


By the time he had found and set everything out on the table the water was ready to be poured which he swiftly did as Marian just smiled. “Thank you darling, if you’re anything like me, I just know you will love it, the taste of a well prepared tea is simply divine.” Marian spoke as she soaked her bag for a little bit, then took it out only to add in a spoon of honey, stir until everything dissolved, only to then add a little milk which she stirred some more to finally finish with a squeeze of the lemon half above her cup, which got stirred yet again before she took a sip and gave an approving satisfied moan.


Not really knowing how to handle tea Jason just covered Marian’s little ritual and had a sip himself. He didn’t really like it, way too sweet and sour for his taste, you could barely even taste the tea anymore and it was a lot more work than pressing a button on the coffee machine, it didn’t have the same kick to it either, yet he made a desperate attempt to like it. Having something extra in common with his mother in law could never hurt. He sure hoped they could have tea together more often.


“Mmm, you’re right darling, this is simply divine. I think you might have just shown me a new favourite as well. “ Jason gushed, it was a lie, but he would drink it and learn to appreciate it until it was in fact his favourite. It would be nice to have the same favourite beverage as his mother in law. He was so obsessed by the idea of being like her that he didn’t even question it.


“Oh really darling? How divine, none of my friends like their tea quite like I do, so I guess that makes us tea drinking buddies. We should really have tea more often together, it’s a delicate pleasure that’s best shared in company don’t you agree darling?” Marian spoke.


“Yes darling, that’s a marvellous idea I would love to have tea with you more often.” Jason said as they both sipped their tea while talking back and forth. It was mainly Marian doing the talking and Jason whole heartedly as he tried throughout their conversation to get his voice closer to hers in pitch and tone. It was a little tricky, but he was improving.


One of her actions he did manage to master by the time he finished his cup was the delicate way in which Marian drank her tea. Lifting the saucer up to her chest with one hand only to grab onto the cup with the thumb an index finger of her free hand and take a small sip with a raised pinkie.


Marian couldn’t help but grow more and more amazed with the extend in which he was copying her, he drank the same way she did, used the same vocabulary, his voice was slowly getting there and he was even mimicking her talking gestures. One look at his pose told her that he even sat the same way as her, back straight, with one leg crossed over the other. If it hadn’t been because of her CD and so hilarious, it would have been scary how much he acted like her. It made her all the more convinced however that the rest of her plan would pass by like a breeze.


“Thank you for the tea darling, it was divine, but I should really start to get going now. My salon appointment awaits. Tell you what though darling, why don’t you come along to the salon with me? I’m sure Jane can take care of the both of us and that mop of yours is in real need of some cleaning up don’t you agree darling. Trust me Jane is a magician when it comes to hair, she’s the one who ensures mine always looks perfect.” Marian said as she carefully primmed her hair.


“That sounds like a marvellous idea darling. At least if you don’t think it would be a problem that I don’t have an appointment. You’re most definitely right, my hair is in desperate need for a clean up and yours looks simply divine. There’s only one problem though darling. I’ve only ever been to barbers and wouldn’t for the life of me know what to wear.” Jason gushed.


“Don’t worry darling, I’m sure they can make an exception to take someone extra without an appointment this once. If you’re happy with their service and would want a follow up visit making an appointment is highly advisable though, when you do think of me though darling, I go there every week and getting our hair done together could be such fun, I’m sure of it. Trust me, if you are used to a barber shop you’re going to love the exquisite pampering they give you at the salon, you’ll never look back again. As for your clothes why don’t you show me your closet darling? I’m sure we can find you something suitable to wear.” Marian said with a slight smirk, this was just too easy, hell he was almost proactively advancing her plan.


She had thought that even if the subliminal messaged had worked it would need some convincing on her part to get him to come along to her salon, yet that didn’t seem to be the case at all, the thought that he worried what to wear to a salon instead of going there in the first place was just precious. Her salon was a rather old fashioned and all female one soft pink being a main theme in the walls and furniture. The only men she had ever seen there were husbands picking up their wives. She doubted that they had ever gotten a male client in all the 32 years it had been running. Jason would be so out of place, but then again Jane was fully filled in on the situation and she had loved it. If everything kept going as well as it already had then Jason would fit right in by the time he left.


Up in Jason’s room Marian selected the baggiest most stretchy pair of sweat pants and t-shirt she could find paired with simple socks and sneakers. It was probably one of the worst outfits he owned and it was kind of strange considering how she was dressed up to the nines, but Jason eagerly accepted her choice, after all what did he know? Marian’s concerns weren’t his appearance, at least not yet. They were convenience and this looked like the only outfit that would probably fit the curves he’d have by the time he left the salon if everything went according to plan.


After letting Jason dress they left the house and got into Marian’s care, pulling out of the driveway and heading straight to the salon as they chatted animatedly like they had during their tea. Not once did Jason question what he was doing, he just felt honoured and excited to get to spend this much time with Marian, his erection never faded, but like Marian had pointed out she luckily didn’t mind.


Time seemed to fly with their busy chatter as it seemed like they had only just left the house when they pulled up in front of the very pink feminine salon that read “Jane’s Cut ‘n Curl” a big window giving a perfect look inside of the still empty salon. It was very early still after all and Marian had wanted a head start.


Still eagerly chatting the two of them entered the salon where they were instantly met by a slightly taller quite slender middle aged woman with a burgundy bob cut and a smartly made up face. She was dressed in glossy nude coloured nylons, a simple soft pink dress and matching soft pink leather pumps with a low heel. “Ah Marian darling, it’s so good to see you again. I see you brought a friend Darling?” Jane greeted Marian with three air kisses.


“It’s good to see you too Jane darling, this here is my son in law Jason, we were having some tea this morning before I needed to come in for my appointment and I couldn’t help but notice what an unsavoury mop his hair was. Since I was headed here anyways I offered him to come along, thinking that maybe you could make an exception and take him on without an appointment this once. Seeing the divine job you did on my hair he quickly agreed.” Marian introduced Jason to Jane who wore a big smirk.


“Jason darling, this is Jane, she’s one of my oldest and dearest friends from back in high school. She has been my life long stylist as well and I haven’t had a single complaint yet.” Marian said to Jason introducing Jane to him.


“I can most definitely squeeze him in Marian darling. In fact I would be honoured to, he’d be my first male customer, he has a lot of hair to work with though so I’m sure I could handle it just fine. What do you think Jason darling? What kind of style would you like. Maybe something like what Marian has? After all you did think it was divine didn’t you?” Jane smirked, she knew of Marian’s plan, but there was no way this would work right? She had thought Marian was crazy when she told her about her plan, but she sure was more than happy to play along.


“That does sound divine Jane darling, I’m so pleased to meet you and if you could do something like that that would just be wonderful. Marian’s hair does look divine and I can only hope to look as good at that age so it’s best to start practicing early is it not?” Jason chuckled, a chuckle both women shared as Marian was very pleased. Jane was completely surprised, but she loved it. The way Jason talked, moved and how he had just agreed to go for the same style as his mother in law made her have to admit that maybe Marian’s plan wasn’t so ridiculous after all, it seemed  to be working just fine at the moment.


“Why thank you Jason darling, such a sweet compliment. While we’re here darling, why don’t you go for the full salon treatment trust me it’s divine and so much better than what a barber can offer. Besides I’m sure that with a little work Jane here could even give you some curves. Imagine it darling since you’ll be going for the same hairstyle as me that means we could even go twinning.” Marian said with a big smirk.


“Oh that sounds like a wonderful idea Marian darling I would love nothing more than the full salon treatment if you say it’s so divine and just the thought of twinning with you is like a dream come true darling.” Jason gushed as the women’s grins were only growing bigger. Jane didn’t know how Marian had done it, but she sure seemed to have succeeded big time in getting the son in law she used to complain about so much to go along with her plan. She couldn’t imagine any man rocking a look like Marian did, but she sure as hell wanted nothing more than to see it, better even she was the one who got to make it happen.


“Great choice darling, you’ll look simply divine, I’m sure of it. Now there’s a lot of work to be done so shall we get started?” Marian casually spoke as Jason and Jane both eagerly agreed. Jane couldn’t help but think that either Jason had no idea what he was signing up to or Marian had him well and truly wrapped around her finger.


Nevertheless without delay Jane guided Marian and Jason to the backroom where she told him to strip completely naked. She had a good giggle when his rock hard, but none too impressive cock came in full view. “Alright Jason darling, so the first step is hair removal. We offer three different ways to go over this, the least invasive is a close shave, of course that means that after a day a slight stubble will start to show. The second treatment we have is waxing which should get rid of that hair for a couple weeks. At least, and last but not least we offer electrolysis with permanent results.” Jane explained, wondering how far Jason would be willing to take this.


“If I were you darling I’d go for the electrolysis from the nose down. I’ve gotten my body hair taken care of ages ago and I’ve never looked back. It’s so much less hassle not to have to take care of that anymore.” Marian said trying to push him past the point of ever going back again.


“That’s a marvellous idea Marian darling. Jane darling, I would love to opt for the electrolysis  from the nose down like Marian suggested. She’s right it will be so much less hassle.” Jason carelessly gushed. He realised full well that it would mean he would never grow a beard, chest hair or even just arm hair anymore, but he didn’t care. Marian had none of those things either.


“Excellent choice darling, oh and Jane, do her down under like you did me will you? Just the bikini lines, after all a real woman has hair down there.” Marian said as Jason quickly agreed. Sarah had no hair down there and he personally wasn’t fan of a woman with hair down there, but the thought of matching Marian on such an intimate level was simple divine.


Jane just grinned as she quickly got to work as ordered. With the electrolysis machine she meticulously travelled down Jason’s body zapping every hair out of existence as he squirmed a little on her table. The sensation was highly unpleasant, but then again if Marian had been able to put up with it then so could he.


By the time Jane was done Jason didn’t have a single hair left on his body apart from his head and a neatly lined of triangle of wild growth above his rock hard cock. His skin was slightly red and tender, but the soothing cream which got applied afterwards, soothing cream that carried that same heady old fashioned flowery scent as his mother in law’s perfume, relieved a lot of that slight burning feeling.


“Look at you darling, you look and smell divine, so much better than before don’t you agree? Oh and darling since you’ll be going for a style like mine I guess it’s safe to assume you want the same colour as well right? A woman’s carpet should always match the drapes so should Jane go ahead and colour those pubes of your?” Marian asked, she was having a blast seeing how far she could push this.


“Your right Marian darling. Jane by all means, would you please take care of that for me?” Jason exclaimed. The fact that he now carried the same scent he usually associated with older women who wore way too much perfume didn’t seem to bother him. It was the scent of his mother in law and the more he could get in common with her the better.


His completely smooth body looked so alien to him, especially with the firmly near delicate outlined triangle of pubic hair sitting above his cock. It was delicate enough to even be hidden in a skimpy pair of panties, no stray hairs would ever peak out, there was definitely nothing manly left of his bush anymore and it would never grow larger again either. A fact that only got further enhanced when Jane carefully rubbed a sort of cream into the pubes.


“Now while that sets let’s see about getting you some curves shall we darling?” Jane said as she pulled out a few boxes of what looked like pretty lifelike big chunks of flesh, a pair of large lifelike silicone breasts, a large tube of strong glue, and a spray paint can of some sort. With Jason none to bothered by the sight Jane went to work.


The first thing she attached were the breast forms, they were DD sized and rather heavy as Jane glued them to his chest. They had been custom made to fit Marian’s breasts to a T, both in size and sag. Hanging free his new breasts sagged quite a lot, as was to be expected by their size on a woman in her fifties. Then again, in a bra they  still looked as spectacular as ever and so would Jason’s very lifelike breast forms. The somewhat obvious edges of the breast forms were then sprayed with the can holding liquid silicone that made them blend seamlessly with his skin once dried, just as if the breasts would have been his own. Only a very close up view could put them apart from real breasts.


Next up the flesh like chunks were glued to his hips, thighs and buttocks before getting blended to his skin with the same technique of his breasts. The chunks were rather large and constantly made him feel as though he was resting on big pillows. Their size was necessary though to achieve the 42 inch wide womanly hips and thick thighs Marian had.


By the time Jane was done Marian was simply stunned seeing just how much his body shaped up like hers, of that of a curvy gal. His legs, arms and stomach may look a little harsher than hers did, but all in all it was a pretty convincing picture. The gleam silicone tended to have wasn’t even that noticeable with how the rest of his body gleamed just as much, all smooth and well lotioned up. Oh this was just wonderful the big works looked divine and she was confident that Jane would be able to do wonders with that face of his too.


Done with adding all the padding Jane rinsed the cream out of his pubes, leaving them looking just a shade warmer than her own ashen blonde hair. “Oh darling, can I just say you are really starting to look divine? Since we’re the same height I bet you’d be a perfect fit for all my clothes at this point. Oh we’ll just need to go shopping to find you something to fit that new figure of your darling, but Jane still needs to work her magic on that hair of yours first, I bet it’s going to look divine if the shade on your bush is anything to go off.” Marian gushed.


“Oh really darling?  These new curves are really divine, but would you happen to have a mirror or something? I can’t really look past these divine breast all too well.” Jason gushed back, his erection throbbing extra hard as his desire to become like his mother in law was slowly but surely turning into a reality. Jane was all to eager to comply as Jason marvelled at the neat blonde triangle of pubic hair he now sported.


“I’m glad you like the results Jason darling, these babies should be good to go for at least a month after which we’ll need to reglue and blend them so you don’t have to worry about anything any time soon. In any case we still have a lot of work to do. Would you mind putting this smock on so we can move back into the main part of the salon darling?” Jane smirked throwing him a big pink smock that while being baggy beyond believe still showed off his curves, his new breasts tenting the front out so far that his erection couldn’t tent it anymore while his hips were now wide enough for the sides to rest on them.


Getting off of the table proved to be a little tricky though. He simply wasn’t used to the huge shift in gravity centre that came with such extreme padding as he had just received. With a little help from both ladies he managed to adapt rather swiftly though. A little support was all he needed to find his footing as he was led back into the salon, his huge breast forms swaying lewdly as he walked.


By now the salon had changed from a quite place to a very lively one filled with women Marian’s age who were all gossiping and laughing while the employees worked on their hair, nails or makeup. Everyone fell silent when he entered though, all attention immediately going towards him which got followed by lots of snickering and whispering. Nothing about his head had changed yet other than the fact that he would never grow a beard again. He still just sported a messy long haired male head on a body so curvy that it was visible even through the baggy smock.


“Hello darlings, this is my son in law Jason I’ve told you all about last week. Although come to think of it Jason might not be suited anymore, and neither is he, I know no he’s or Jason’s with such curves. She is definitely the way to go and for a new name I was thinking of maybe calling her Marion, a little on the nose, but so well fitted don’t you think darlings?” Marian said just like he would look nearly identical as her once she was done with him, she thought it would be well fitted to find a near identical name for him as well.


The whole salon erupted in bouts of laughter as everyone gushed about how divine that sounded, or how it sounded so sophisticated while others couldn’t help but gush it would be so her. When Marian turned to her son in law to ask what he or now she thought, he couldn’t help but agree. “Oh I would be honoured Marian Darling. The ladies are right. Marion sounds like such a divine sophisticated name and we’ll practically be name buddies. I love it darling.” Jason now Marion gushed.


“I’m delighted you like it darling, so Marion it is. Let’s try it out for a while Marion darling and if it feels right we can even look into getting you a legal name change darling. I mean a new ID will most likely be necessary by the time we leave here Marion darling. Nobody will believe you when you show your current one.” Marian grinned as Jason now Marion just rolled with it, not putting up any protest whatsoever as she instead followed Jane to the washing stations where they got seat next to one another.


Getting her hair washed here at the salon was so much more relaxing than it was at her old barber for Marion. The barber always only gave it a quick rinse, getting the hair wet to cut it while here at the salon it was washed thoroughly with a strong smelling shampoo that smelled just like the lotion from before. The wash was also accompanied by a thorough and oh so relaxing head massage. A rinse and another round with the shampoo followed which was in turn followed by another rinse and a wash with conditioner. By the time the conditioner was washed out Marion felt as if she was reborn. The long head massage with the warm soothing water felt like heaven.


From the washing station Marian and Marion were led to two styling chairs next to one another. No time was wasted as Jane quickly went to work cutting Marion’s  mid back long brown hair to a more manageable length so it reached only a couple of inches under her ears. It would take ages for her hair to ever reach its previous length again, but despite this drastic reduction in length Marion didn’t seem to care one bit. Marian in turn only got her split ends cut away, her weekly appointments needed no real cutting except for the very tips.


With the cutting over with both Marian and Marion’s hair was meticulously covered by a paste and left to set. In addition to her hair Marion also got her dark eyebrows covered just like how her pubes had been covered earlier.


While the paste was left to do its work Jane went ahead and dealt with the nails getting started on Marion’s toes while Marian removed her shoes and stockings. About an hour later they were both sporting deep red painted toe nails and glamour length acrylics with a high gloss finish Marion had always considered a typical older women’s colour. The long nails instantly made Marion’s definitely slightly bigger hands look a lot more delicate. The pedicure had done wonders for Marion’s feet. She usually didn’t particularly take care of them and as a result they had been a little rough with calluses now they were left feeling oh so soft and delicate though, a testament to the pampering she was receiving.


Now that their nails were taken care off Jane returned to the hair. Washing the paste out of their hair and Marion’s eyebrows, Marian was left with her meticulous ashen blonde hair while Marion’s was also completely blonde, but a shade warmer, perfectly matching her pubes. The colouring wasn’t the last of what Marion’s hair had to endure however. Soon Jane was slathering in another paste, before starting to pull hard of it as she worked it in tight bristle rollers before placing a blowdrying dome over her head and moving to Marian’s head to repeat the process.


When Jane removed the blow drier from over Marion’s head, took out the curlers and brushed her hair out, she was left with a crisp old fashioned neatly permed bob just like her mother in law had sported before. Aside from the slightly warmer warmer blonde, her hair was looking nearly identical to Marian’s once again freshly done perm once Jane was done brushing hers out as well.


“Oh Marian darling, you were right Jane is a real magician when it comes to hair, it looks divine, so much better than that old messy mop I had going. Thank you so much Jane darling.” Marion spoke enthusiastically as she primed her new extreme hair makeover with her freshly manicured hands. It was a huge change going from dark brown long messy hair which she had barely taken care off before to this short crisp light blonde high maintenance perm.


“I’m so glad I could show you this amazing place Marion darling, your hair is such an improvement indeed, maybe Jane could improve on it even further if you’d let her do you makeup? Oh and you just have to get your ears pierced darling, the range of clip ons is nothing compared to real earrings. I don’t know about you Marion darling, but I can also highly recommend lip fillers, my lips look so much better than they did before, and electrolysis for your brows is divine as well darling, no more need to bother with pliers. I know girls these days tend to go for somewhat fuller brows, but I just swear by my thin arches, they look so much classier don’t you agree Marion darling?” Marian asked prompting her son in law to go for some drastic permanent changes now that he was so compliant. With full lips and permanent  thin arched brows his face would always look effeminate, even if he decided to shave off his perm.


“That sounds absolutely perfect Marian darling, your style looks absolutely divine and I couldn’t imagine a better one. Jane darling, could you please do me a last favour and get me looking as good as Marian, fillers, piercings, electrolysis, give me the works darling.” Marion gushed as everyone around her snickered loving how this somewhat rebellious looking guy was quickly turning into a sophisticated mature woman, a near exact copy of his mother in law. They didn’t know how Marian had done it, but they sure loved it.


Jane quickly agreed and got to work, first she fixed his now blonde brows into thin arches, just like Marian’s. Taking a needle with fillers, she quickly worked on making his lips a little plumper for the foreseeable future, nothing too much, but definitely noticeable. Taking the piercing gun to his ears she pierced each love once, putting in gold keepers before attacking his face with her makeup kit.


A slightly overdone application of foundation came first, followed by dark skill-fully applied eyeliner, fake lashes, dramatically blend plum coloured eyeshadow, blusher even more dramatic to what his mother in law wore, and last but not least, deep red lipstick matching their nails, equally finished with a glossy upper coating. A sprits of setting spray followed by a spray of that same heady perfume that smelled like the shampoo, conditioner and lotion that had been used and with that Jane declared him done.


“Thank you so much Jane darling, your work looks simply divine I love it so much.” Marion gushed, her hair and makeup now a near exact replica of that of her mother in law. She looked nothing like the guy who had woken up this morning, from her curves to her face, hair and nails she looked every bit the sophisticated woman her mother in law was. It ended up looking rather ridiculous when she out the clothes she came in back on. She had to skip her boxers simply because they wouldn’t fit over her new hips and bottom any more. The once baggy pants and t-shirt now even fit snugly over the ass and chest.  


“Oh Marion darling you do look divine, but that outfit is a crime against against all that is pretty in this world, It was convenient for now, but it doesn’t do your look justice.Tell you what cough darling, if we stop by the boutique I go to they may have something that’d be just perfect for you. I bought this divine set there just a couple of days ago. If we are lucky they might have another one just like it. What do you say Marion darling? Why don’t we go there after we checked out?” Marian asked as they followed Jane to the counter.


“That Sounds like a divine idea Marian darling. I sure hope they’ll have a set like yours. It would go wonderfully with my makeup.” Marion gushed back as Marian turned her attention back to Jane and paid for them both. It was expensive, but she and her husband were rather well off so It wasn’t much of a problem, besides the results were spectacular and totally worth it. Not only that, but it was an investment her husband Robert would be pleased with. He had always nagged her to just accept that Jason was her son in law and to deal with it. She was pretty certain though that they could convince him this idea was just marvellous. After all she knew he had always  dreamt of doing twins.


“Jane darling could you be a dear and set my next appointment for the coming Saturday morning? Marion darling, would you like me to set an appointment for you as well? Our style is rather high maintenance darling. I always go for weekly touch ups to prevent roots from showing, and of course to keep my perm and nails looking immaculate.” Marian gushed.


“Oh dear, we wouldn’t want that to happen would we? Could you please book me in together with Marian on Saturday Jane darling? That would be just divine.” Marion gushed, It sounded like she would be spending a lot of time at the salon, but the results were so worth it. She could almost see Marian looking back at her when she looked in the mirror. Marian was right her outfit didn’t look fitting at all, but they would soon rectify that at that lovely boutique she talked about.


With that Jane made another dual appointment for Marian and her newest regular customer, Marion. Everyone looked at the pair of them as they strutted out of the salon together, eagerly chatting yet again as they moved to Marian’s car. Marian couldn’t be happier about the results their appointment next Saturday morning would get Marion looking just perfect for when Sarah came home in the afternoon. Her daughter would get what she’d want, her and her husband getting along just fine, and she would get what she want. She doubted Sarah would stay married long to a mirror image of her own mother, It would be too weird for sure. All she needed to do was keep this up long enough.


Then again, that wouldn’t be too much of an issue. She was having a blast so far, and not only because she was having her revenge on her son in law. She was actually genuinely liking having someone around that liked all the things she liked. She didn’t really think of a plan of what to do after breaking up her daughters marriage, but like this she surely wouldn’t mind keeping Marion around it was so lovely after all.


Chapter 3


Another trip that seemed to fly by later, they pulled up in front of a cozy boutique where the main theme seemed to be lilac. The store was called “Deborah’s Boutique” not very inventive, but Marian didn’t care about that. The front window was filled with mannequins dressed in the same kinds of clothes like Marian wore each and every day. It was very obvious she came here. Her current outfit was even still on the mannequin.


Entering the store they were instantly greeted by a shorter slightly chubby woman wearing a pair of big turtleshell framed glasses. She was wearing an outfit similar to Marian, but in emerald green. “Ah “Marian darling, it’s so good to see you again!” She greeted Marian with three air kisses. She looked really shocked and surprised as she saw Marion, just like Jane she was informed of Marian’s plan to change her son in law, but seeing how much the guy already looked like her, seeing how he had gone along was simply shocking.


“Deborah darling, always a pleasure to be here. This here is my son in law Jason. Doesn’t he just look divine? We’ve just past by Jane. Although he prefers to be addressed as she right now, oh and she prefers to go by Marion now. We’ve decided to pop by as you can obviously tell the darling needs some new outfits for her new style. Especially some new underwear, the poor dear doesn’t fit hers anymore.” Marion gushed, introducing her son in law as Deborah’s shock turned to a huge grin.


“Marion darling, this is Deborah, she’s been the one who has helped pick all my outfits for the last 15 years. We’ve met at the bridge club and I’ve always adored her style. Now that I think of it, you should really come along to the bridge club some time, you ‘d fit right in, I’m certain of it.” Marion addressed her son in law.


“Poor dear indeed, we need to rectify that right away. Did you Ladies have any idea where to start or would you like to browse around some first?” Deborah gushed in mock shock. Oh she was loving the prospect of dressing up Marian’s son in law her friends used to complain about so often. Now look at them. If she crossed Marion on the streets she would think it was actually Marian at first glance.


“Well Deborah darling, me and Marian were discussing back at the salon how you might still have a set like she’s wearing on out size. That would be simply divine.” Marion gushed as both women snickered lightly, they’d didn’t even try to push it.


“Why yes Marion darling I most certainly do. I think I can match the two of you down to the panties. Why don’t you follow to the dressing room so we can get started? I’ll be right there with some lingerie for you to try on.” Deborah gushed as she disappeared between the clothes while Marian guided her eager son in law to the dressing room where she got Marion to strip naked. It was creepy so see what basically was a naked version of herself but with a cock.  Sure they still had their differences, but if Marion would pass behind a window opposite of her, It would require even her a double take to realise she wasn’t looking in a mirror. Her plan was turning out so much better than she could have ever hoped.


In no time at all Deborah returned carrying a pair of high waist full cut plum satin panties with white lace overlays at the hips. The next item she laid out was a sturdy open bottomed girdle that would start just under her ribs made in plum coloured satin with a white lace overlay front six garter straps would hold up the full fashioned black sheer cuban heeled stockings, basically informing Marion how her mother in law wore stockings rather than pantyhose. Las but not least came the heavy duty bra, a double D cup providing the support Marion’s new sagging breast would need. Like the rest of the lingerie It was made out of plum coloured satin with white lace adorning the underside of the cuffs.


The panties were quite easy to out on as the satin material felt very odd against Marion’s cock. Odd in an exciting delightful way though. They were a little too snug to fit her rock hard erection, but the high waisted granny panties helped keep it covered entirely nonetheless. The panties fit her new curvy bottom snugly yet perfectly.


Another relatively easy item was the girdle. It was way snugger to put on, requiring quite a lot of might, but eventually she got it in place. The heavy dirty support garment, nipped her waist in just a little more, only further enhancing her newly created hourglass figure.


A bit trickier, but still doable was the bra. Hooking it behind her back, especially with her newly lengthened nails was a tall task. One Marian delighted in teaching her until she could do it somewhat swiftly. The support did feel amazing though, both for her back and the skin on her chest that was pulled heavily by the weight of the breast forms.


Last but not least came the stockings, they were the most difficult item of all. Not only were they incredibly delicate, there was also so much to take in account. The seams needed to be just right, straight down the middle of the back of her legs. The front clasp of the garter was difficult enough with her long nails, but the side and especially the back garter were near impossible for her to handle. It took a lot of practice and a little help, but eventually her stockings were clasped in place as well.


Marion couldn’t help but look in the mirror and admire herself. The stockings gave the look something definitely sexy while the panties, girdle and bra were pretty but clearly made for comfort. There wasn’t much sexy about it. Yet the fact that she knew she was matching Marian down to the underwear at this point was simply divine. All that could make it better was the rest of the outfit. There was also something so sexy about how the nylons felt on her smooth legs, especially when they rubbed together. It never failed to make her cock throb.


“Thank you Deborah darling, this set is just divine. I couldn’t wish for anything better. You and Marian have such excellent taste, and these materials, they feel so much better than anything I’ve experienced before. Especially these stockings, they feel divine.” Marion gushed admiring herself in the mirror. This lingerie sure did fit her new curves and the bra made her breasts look so much better than they had when left to sag.


“I know Marion darling, it’s why I never leave the house without a pair on my legs. They do feel divine. I think I would feel naked without. We’ll have to buy a bunch more, they are so delicate after all, but first would you mind getting the rest of the outfit Deborah darling?” Marian asked with a big smirk. She fully planned on letting herself go a little when it came to her son in law’s wardrobe. He simply had to have a matching set of all her favourite outfits so they could twin for the remainder of the week or longer depending on how things went with Sarah and back at home. She sure wouldn’t mind keeping Marion around for a long time to come. If that wasn’t possible, then she’d just have doubles go her favourite outfits which wasn’t the end either with how they shared the same size.


Deborah arrived with the remainder of the outfit in short notice, the plum skirt than came a couple of inches above Marion’s knees, the  plum jacket trimmed in white, a pair plum leather pumps with a modest heel, a pearl necklace and at last the big gold and rub chandelier earrings Marian wore. Putting I all on the resemblance between her and her mother in law only became more striking as they were even harder to tell apart. There were multiple giveaways left the biggest one being the bulge of her constant erection. But reigned in by the skirt panties and girdle it was less obvious than before.


The heels despite of their relatively short heel were difficult to walk in for Marion, but walking arm in arm with Marian and receiving pointers from both ladies really helped her deal with it rather well. Arm in arm Marian led Marion over to the mirror. “Look at us darling, don’t we look divine? We’re nearly like twins.” Marian gushed.


“Oh yes Marian darling, we really do look divine, such a huge improvement on when I got up this morning. I just adore my new style.” Marion gushed back, her erection throbbing lewdly, she was almost exactly like her mother in law, that and being at her side was the best thing to ever happen to her, she felt better than ever before.


Over the course of the next two hours they slowly examined just about every outfit in the store and ended up selecting more than a dozen ones, all of which Marian already had. They looked very similar to the outfit they were currently wearing, but in different colours ranging from salmon, to vibrant blue and pastel yellow each outfit had a pair of matching pumps just like Marian’s. They also selected two workout outfits who like the clothes were rather old fashioned consisting of leg warmers and sweatbands for the wrists and head, a leotard, glossy nude coloured pantyhose and sneakers. To go with all the outfits they bought about two dozen pairs of full fashioned cuban heeled stockings in sheer nude, sheer suntan and sheer black last but not least came a pair of white high heeled slippers with feather fuss on the toes and a few silk bathrobes in different colours.


After their arm in arm shopping spree through Deborah’s store Marion was really getting the hang of walking in her heels. She could probably move on her own with the same class as Marian did by now, but walking arm in arm was just so divine. When they checked out they even needed multiple trips back and forth to the car to load in all of the shopping bags. It felt like they had bought up half the store, but it was so worth it. They’d be able to go with matching outfits for like forever.


“Oh Marion darling, today was so much fun already. I love having a friend to tag along to the salon and to go shopping who shares my style. I just never thought it would have been my son in law, but you won’t hear me complaining darling. I bet my sweet Sarah will be so pleased to see us getting along like this. In any case darling why don’t we go out for some lunch and tea? Robert is still out at his golf game. I want him to be home when we surprise him. I know the two of you haven’t talked that much since I forbade it, but I’m sure that’s going to change. I bet he’ll be all over you. After all he is a dear man who so loves my curves so he’ll go wild for yours as well. Oh and between you and me. He has a little bit of a fetish for women in nylons. It’s one of the many reasons why I always wear them. Trust me darling, meeting him will be so much fun.” Marian gushed as they got back into the car.


Marion hadn’t even thought much about her wife so far this day. Technically she and Marian did get along perfectly, yet she doubted Sarah would be happy. Then again, her desire to be with and be like Marian was infinitely greater than her desire to see her wife again. It was strange. It was so wrong, but she simply couldn’t help it.


In a way she was even looking forward more to seeing Robert her father in law than she did to seeing her wife. Robert was such a dear man, and he and Marian had been married for 33 years, getting to know him would be just divine. It would be great to get to know him way better as in a way it would be like getting to know Marian on a way more intimate level. She just hoped she would get the change. She wanted to be kissed by Robert, like he kissed Marian, she wanted to feel his hand slide up her stocking covered thigh like it often did on Marian’s.


 It was so wrong on so many levels considering how she was still straight, not into men at all, especially not men old enough to be her father at 56, men with greying hair and a dad bod, yet Marion wanted to be like Marian so much that she wanted to be with Robert as well. She hoped to get the chance to get to know her idol on such an intimate level that she wished she could be part of her relationship. For now grabbing lunch would have to do.


“That sounds like an excellent idea Marian darling. Grabbing lunch Seems like a divine idea and Robert really seems to be such a dear man. I would love nothing more than to meet him darling.” Marion gushed as they drove off to a local restaurant.


Lunch like the rest of their day was simply divine. Marian and Marion never stopped talking as they had a shrimp salad each followed by tea afterwards. They kept walking arm in arm and the near creepy similarities with the difference that it was still easy enough to tell Marion was a guy close up made sure they had plenty of people staring at them. Marian loved the extra attention and Marion didn’t seem bothered by it either. Being with Marian was what mattered.


By now Marion, walked talked, and moved in a way that would even give Robert a hard time picking out his wife when looking from the back. There were still some slip ups and it wasn’t an exact match yet, but Marian was certain that with the improvement Marion has made she would be walking, talking and moving exactly like her by the time Sarah got back.


After their tea was done for the pair of them even went to the toilet together where Marion had a slightly hard time managing her new outfit. Marian was out at the sinks earlier than her because of it where she was touching up her lipstick from where it had faded slightly from her glass and cup of tea. “Here darling, I can see you need a touch up as well.” Marian said handing her the tube of lipstick which Marion gladly took only to struggled to know what to do with it.


With some pointers from her mother in law she managed to do a decent job after a few tries, but still Marian grabbed her chin to perfect it. Almost like she was making up her own face from a different perspective. It was weird to say the least, but she loved it. “Don’t worry darling. You’ll get the hang of it eventually. I’m going to teach you all about doing your makeup. Until you can apply yours just as well as I can do mine. In any case, let’s go meet my dear Robert shall we?” Marian spoke already looking forward to it.


Chapter 4


Like every trip they had taken this far time seemed to fly by as Marian and Marion chatted away eagerly. It had allowed Marion to learn so much about her mother in law and she couldn’t be happier about it. Pulling up in the driveway of her in laws Marion got out of the car and walked up to the front door arm in arm with Marian.


“Robert darling, I’m home. I hope you had a nice game. Oh and I’ve brought home a friend dear I hope you don’t mind, but she couldn’t wait to get to know you better.” Marian gushed as Robert put down his Sunday paper, only for his mouth to fall open in complete shock and disbelief when he saw his wife next to well his wife almost. Marian and her friend looked near identical to the point where he thought he was seeing double at first glance.


Side by side their differences were quite obvious though, but that only made his shock grow larger, especially upon seeing the bulge. “I went to talk to Jason like I talked about darling, and it turns out my dear son in law and I have a lot more in common than we ever thought. We had the most lovely time over at the salon together then bonded over some shopping at Deborah’s the darling is quite obsessed with my style It seems and I just couldn’t help but feel so very flattered. Oh and just for your info darling, Jason now prefers to go by Marion. Doesn’t she look just divine?” Marian gushed as the shock on her husbands face only grew.


Robert simply couldn’t believe that this near twin of his wife was his son in law, the one his wife had always loathed, a feeling he always thought was mutual. He didn’t know what Marian had done to accomplish this, but he was damn sure that this didn’t just happen. It was quite disturbing really, yet at the same time such a turn on. He nearly instantly popped a tent in his pants. God he wasn’t gay, he couldn’t believe that he got so turned on by the sight of his son in law yet here he was. Seeing a near exact copy of his wife was just so hot and admittedly his legs looked great in those nylons.his feelings towards the situation only shocked Robert more.


“Oh dear, did I do anything wrong Marian darling. Robert doesn’t look all too happy to see me. Is it my hair, is my lipstick smudged, are my seams somewhat crooked?” Marion asked feeling her hair and checking out her legs. It only shocked Robert further, Jason, or rather Marion, or whatever not only looked, but talked, sounded and moved like his wife. This was just way too weird.


“No Marion darling, you look simply divine. If I had to guess I would say my dear Robert thinks the same. At least that’s what that tent in his pants tells me. He’s usually never this excited to see me, at least not at a first glance so it has to be because of you Marion darling. I think he just needs to get used to the idea. Maybe we should help him see just how great this can be darling.” Marian gushed as she walked straight towards her husband, sinking down to her knees next to him  as she quickly started unbuckling his pants. Marion didn’t really like where this was headed, yet she sunk down to her knees on the other side of Robert. Making this work, getting to know Marian even better made this all more than worth the effort. Just like with the tea she wanted to try until it worked.


“Marian honey, I’m not gay, could we at least talk about this first, I don’t want some guy to see my cock.” Robert complained, but Marian did not slow down in the slightest. The moment she had his pants open she pulled them along with Robert’s tight whities down to his knees making his big eight inch cock pop free, proud and fully erect. It looked rather pale with a dark purple head peaking out of the foreskin while lots of greying pubic hairs adorned the base. Where Marian and now Marion’s bikini line were neatly lined off Robert just had wild growth down there.


It came as a complete shock for Marion who gasped loudly. She had never seen and never wanted to see another guy’s cock, especially not this close to her face and not the cock form a guy this old, let alone her father in law. It was extra disturbing that he now knew his father in law’s cock was bigger than his. This was so wrong on so many levels, yet as Marian wrapped her neatly manicured hand around it she couldn’t look away from it either.


“Don’t fuss Robert darling, there’s nothing gay about this. Don’t you agree that Marion is a divine looking woman? Just relax and enjoy this dear, when’s the last time you’ve had two such divine women giving you their full attention?” Marian said as she wrapped her lips around Robert’s cock and sucked him until he moaned loudly. It instantly made him forget about his complaints as his wife’s warm wet mouth felt amazing on his cock.


It kind of surprised him as Marian had never really liked going down on him, just like he didn’t like it the other way around. They always had plain old penetrative sex and even that had decreased by a whole lot since Marian’s menopause had set in a couple years back. Her libido just wasn’t what it had been before and his didn’t decrease which had often made him resort to masturbation. This was infinitely nicer so he wasn’t going to complain.


Besides looking down with his wife sucking his cock and a near exact copy of his wife looking on closely, examining his cock and wife eagerly, was about the hottest thing he had ever seen. Hotter than any fantasy he had ever had. Sure he had seen porn with pretty young twins, but this was real, this was happening right in front of him with his cock at the centre of attention.


The fact that it was his son in law looking at his cock like that, and looking so hot was disturbing, and so unreal, he still couldn’t believe this was Jason he couldn’t believe Jason looked at his cock like that, that Jason could look like that. What would his daughter think? God he couldn’t imagine she would approve at all, hell just the look of Jason now would shock her, but right in this moment Robert was too horny to even care. Marian was right, Marion was so gorgeous that this was hardly gay right, looking down he could only see two near twin women adoring his cock. Right now he should just sit back, relax and enjoy this.


Once Robert was well and truly moaning Marian pulled off of his cock. “See Marion, isn’t this just divine? I simply can’t get enough of it. My dear husband simply has the best most tasty cock ever. Why don’t you give it a try darling? I’m sure you will just love it. Just take it in your mouth and swirl your tongue around the head. Our dear Robert loves that.” Marian said as she pointed her husband’s hard cock to Marion’s face.


It might be the biggest test of how well her CD had worked so far. She had been able to push Jason way further than she had ever dared hope for, to the point where she pretty much accepted being Marion. Was it far enough though for Marion to take her father in law’s cock in her mouth. She had tried her best to act and sound as if she loved it hoping it would make Marion love it as it would make Robert’s acceptance of her so much easier. That and her husband earned it. She often felt bad about not being able to provide him with all the pleasure he wanted anymore so a younger cock hungry version of herself would be ideal as she really didn’t like giving blowjobs to compensate either.


There was a slight hesitance in Marion’s reaction, but in the end the desire to be just like Marian which apparently meant loving Robert’s cock over took her common sense. She couldn’t believe she was really doing this, sucking her father in law’s cock, Sarah would be shocked beyond believe, but she really wanted to be like Marian so she wanted to learn to enjoy this. Closing her eyes Marion opened her mouth and let the head of her father in law’s cock slide inside her mouth.


The texture was so weird, and the strong musky taste and smell of pre cum was nasty. She didn’t like it one bit, especially not given the all overwhelming context, but she never tried to back down, swirling her tongue around the head like Marian has suggested. She couldn’t help but feel a certain pride when she managed to get a moan out of Robert, just like Marian had.


Meanwhile Robert had wanted to put a stop to this, he wasn’t gay and getting his cock in his son in law’s mouth instead of just having him watch would be way too awkward despite his earlier intention to enjoy this. Still somewhat in the groove of his wife’s blowjob he had been too slow to react though and now that he felt Marion’s equally warm wet and divine mouth wrapped around his cock he just couldn’t muster up the strength to stop her. It felt too good despite being absolutely wrong.


Marian was licking her lips, apparently her control over Marion was absolute. Even if Sarah would have been able to put up with her husbands permanently smooth body, and his thin arched brows there was no way she would forgive him cheating on her with her own father. There was no way she would be able to kiss the lips that had been wrapped around her father’s cock again. For this she was rather certain that she had succeeded in her goal. Now all that was needed was to keep it up until Sarah came home on Saturday in a little less than a week.


“That’s it Marion darling, now take it as far down your throat as you can, bob that head of yours up and down and don’t forget to flick the tip of our dear Robert’s cock whenever you move up.” Marian said, giving her son in law pointers as he kept sucking her husband’s cock with a certain eagerness, trying to like it as best as she could as more precum flooded her mouth.


She wasn’t a pro by all means, but the sheer effort and eagerness with which Marion sucked his cock felt amazing to Robert. No one had ever sucked him this eagerly before and he loved it. He knew this was probably the end of his daughter’s marriage, but then again, a guy who dressed up like this and jumped his cock wasn’t the kind of husband he wanted for her. Maybe this was just for the best, to save his daughter from this freak, who he had to admit he was really loving as his pleasure only grew.


For the better part of 10 minutes, Marian kept giving pointers as Marion continued sucking her father in law’s cock. She sucked for way longer than Marian ever did to get the ball rolling and get her husband to accept it while getting Marion to believe she loved sucking cock. She was glad she wasn’t in Marion’s shoes as her husband exclaimed. “I’m cumming darling.” He always did warn her on the rare occasions she did suck him off, afraid that It might be his last blowjob otherwise.


Much to his surprise however Marian didn’t make Marion pull back like she always did, instead she ordered her. “Alright Marion darling, why don’t you pull back and keep just the head in your mouth? Flick it with your tongue until all that nice and tasty cum comes out. I just love it and I’m sure you will too darling. You just have to give it a shot, you should try to really savour it and don’t forget to swallow once you are done.”


Marion didn’t like the thought of letting her father in law cum in her mouth, but she really wanted to learn to enjoy it like Marian did, and so she didn’t pull back, instead she followed Marian’s instructions to the letter after which it didn’t take long for Robert to fill her mouth with his thick, sticky slightly bitter salty load. It tasted worse than the precum, Nevertheless Marion took it all before finally pulling off of Robert’s cock, only to swish the load around in her mouth for a little while, trying to get herself to enjoy the taste before eventually swallowing.


Look down at his cock which slowly grew limp Robert was completely amazed. A bright red ring sat at about three quarters of the way down, about as far as Marion had been able to take him with her lusciously painted lips. Her lipstick looked rather smudged, but thanks to the fact that she wore fake lashes rather than mascara her makeup had been relatively saved from being ruined. Marian’s lipstick just like his son in law’s who looked like her near twin was equally smudged from the sucking she had done. They both looked gorgeous in his post orgasmic bliss. No one had ever swallowed his load, not until now when his son in law all made and dressed up like his wife had been the first. What had he done? This was so messed up.


“So Marion darling, how did you like my dear Robert’s cock?” She asked with a big smirk as she pulled out a compact mirror, her tube of lipstick and a tissue only to start and repair her own lips.


“Oh It was absolutely divine Marian darling, Robert is such a dear man and his cock is every bit as tasty and delightful as you said. I can hardly wait to do it again. That’s of course if you liked it Robert dear?” Marion asked as she took the lipstick, compact and tissue from Marian to start touching up her own lipstick. It wasn’t near as perfect as Marian’s job, but she was improving.


“Uhm yeah, it was amazing, Maria.. I mean Marion honey. I definitely wouldn’t mind doing it over.” Robert said awkwardly, god why did he just call Marion honey? That was a name he always reserved for his wife, not his son in law, but they did look so much alike. He still couldn’t believe he had shot his load in his son in law’s mouth, yet just like Marion he hoped he could do it again. It was so much more satisfying than using his hand and shooting into a tissue even just him and his wife being around was such an amazing sight. As fucked up as it was that it was his son in law he loved having twin wives.


“See Marion darling, I told you my dear Robert would think you’re divine. He never calls anyone honey except for me. Oh and by the way, I just had the most divine idea. Robert dear, what do you say? Wouldn’t it be a shame to sent this poor darling home all alone? Our bed is plenty of big to fit one more. Would you mind Marion spending the night? I bet she’d be delighted to take care of your morning erection before you have to leave for work.” Marian suggested with a smirk.


“Sure… uhm honey, that sounds like a great idea Marion is welcome to spend the night if she wants.” Robert awkwardly stammered. He couldn’t believe he just agreed to share the bed with his son in law even after his orgasm, but even now his near twin wives were so hot together. That and he had never gotten his morning erections taken care off which sounded just as awesome.


“Thank you Robert dear, that sounds divine I’ll make sure you won’t regret it.” Marion said as Marian took over to ask her to help out in the kitchen which she eagerly did. Robert just looked amazed as he saw his twin wives walk off to the kitchen together while he still sat there with his pants around his knees and his lipstick ringed cock hanging limp between his legs.


In the kitchen Marion and Marian was busily Chatting about their day and Robert while they cooked diner together. It was mostly Marian showing how everything was done with Marion following her lead like she had done all day. When they were done Marian made Marion call Robert over. “Robert dear, dinner’s ready.” She chimed in a voice good enough that it was only when Robert arrived that he had realised it wasn’t his wife who had called him over.


He enjoyed his dinner mostly in silence while the women did all the chatting. His amazement of how much they looked, acted and sounded alike never ceasing as his cock slowly grew hard again. When Marion and Marian once again exchanged lipstick to touch up their makeup he grew from half hard to fully erect.


This time it was Marion who was first to notice. “Oh Robert dear, you’re hard all over again, would you like me to take care of that for you?” Marion offered without a doubt. She wasn’t all that eager if she was honest, but the more she got to try the more she could learn to enjoy it like Marian did.


“That’s a great idea Marion darling, why don’t you take care of our dear Robert? I’ll take care of clearing the table in the mean time. Enjoy darling.” Marian gushed, moving how well this was all turning out. Robert didn’t protest to much either, he just silently shoved his chair back as Marion sunk down on her knees before him and started to undo his belt before freeing his cock and latching on.


With that the aftermath of the dinner past by, Marian cleared the table and cleaned up, swaying her big hips seductively and showing plenty of breast for Robert to enjoy while she picked up his plate while Marion went to town on his cock, eagerly sucking until her father in law once again came into her mouth. Without hesitation she pulled off, took a moment to savour his load before swallowing and retouching her lipstick while Robert pulled up his pants and thanked her.


Now that diner was over and everything taken care of, they all went back to the living room and got comfortable on the couch where Marian picked a drama movie for them to watch. Robert didn’t really care, too busy with his twin wives, and neither did Marion, but like all things she wanted to learn and appreciate Marian’s style as she settled into Robert’s arm at the opposite side of her mother in law.


Chapter 5


The movie passed by rather uneventful, Robert loved having an arm over each of his twin wives shoulders, their heads resting on his chest on the exact same manner causing an erection to slowly grow yet again. Marion’s own erection was still going strong as she had tried to appreciate the movie Marian had put on just like she tried to appreciate the taste of her father in law’s cum after the blowjob she had given him for dessert.


When the movie ended they all got up and Marion once again noticed Robert’s erection. “Oh my Robert dear, want me to take care of you again?” She gushed already moving in to free her father in law’s cock once more.


This time Marian stopped her though. “Marion darling, would you mind leaving this one for me? I’m aching for some of my dear Robert’s cock myself. He must really adore you though, it’s probably thirty years ago that he managed to have this many erections in a year. In any case let’s move up shall we?” With that Marian took the lead as both Robert and Marion followed along, agreeing eagerly to Marian’s request.


While Marion would have liked to learn to appreciate Robert’s cock more, something she was still failing at, the last thing she wanted was to deny her idol anything at all. Maybe she could learn a thing or two still and she was more than happy with the simple fact that she got to sleep together with them.


Up in the bedroom Robert quickly stripped naked, his big cock standing out from under his slight belly. It was a bit of a shocking sight for Marion, even after sucking that cock of his. Robert wasn’t that bad for a man his age, but Marion just wasn’t into men, definitely not men twice her actual age. The only reason she tolerated and tried to adore Robert was because he was Marian’s husband.


Like Robert Marian soon stripped out of her skirt, jacket, heels and panties, still leaving most of her lingerie on knowing how her husband loved it. It revealed her pussy underneath a very similar pubic bush like Marion now sported.


With a loving embrace Marian hugged her husband and kissed him full on the lips as they fell back on the bed together. Just like him she hadn’t been this horny in a while, the excitement of today definitely managed to reignite her severely diminished libido after her menopause had hit. She had loved seeing her son in law become just like her and seeing him cheating with his father in law had been the cherry on top. Without further ado Marian who lay on the bottom guided her husband’s cock into her pussy and moaned. “Mmmmm oh god Robert dear, give that divine cock of yours to me. Marian darling, why don’t you strip as well, you can leave your panties on though, then you can join us.”


Marion didn’t need to be told twice as as she stripped down to her lingerie, grateful to be out of these heels that had made her feet and legs ache and got onto the bed right next to Marian. Without hesitation her mother in law pulled her in for a long deep make out session while she got fucked hard by her husband. It was one of the hottest sights Robert had ever seen, his lingerie clad wife and her twin making out while he was balls deep into his wife. He feared that he wouldn’t be able to hold out long like this.


While her in law’s fucked right next to her, Marion had mixed feelings, making out with her idol was great. Getting to be part of this all was simply amazing, but at the same time she had to face that she would never be the same, she didn’t have a pussy after all. Maybe she could let Robert fuck her ass some time, but that wouldn’t be the same either.


Robert ended up giving his wife only one orgasm, before filling up her pussy with his cum where he previously managed to give her multiple with a single erection. The sight was just too hot to take, but Marian didn’t say anything about it while they both caught their breath. Marion just looked on next to them until Robert finally pulled out and got under the sheets.


Marian on the other hand just got up, cum slowly starting to leak out of her pussy as she beckoned Marion. “Are you coming Marion darling? We still need to prepare for bed.” She cheerfully spoke as Marion was a little confused she just used to strip and get under the sheets making her wonder what they still needed to prepare.


It turned out to be a whole lot as the first thing Marian did was sitting down on the closed toilet lid and spreading her legs, cum slowly running down to her asshole. “Would you please take care of that for me darling? You can lap it up, my dear Robert’s cum is way too precious to go to waste don’t you agree darling? That and I feel bad enough for taking his delicious cock all to myself, this way you can share in the fun.” Marian said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.


“Oh with pleasure Marian darling. You’re way too nice and it’s a divine idea, like you I can’t get enough of our dear Robert’s cock and cum.” Marion said kneeling down before her mother in law as she started lapping the cum out of this way older woman who looked like her mirror image’s pussy without hesitation. She wanted to take this chance with both hands, to grab the opportunity to learn to appreciate Robert’s cum some more, and of course getting to spend such an intimate moment with her idol.


She scooped up the cum that had leaked out of Marian’s pussy, before wiggling her tongue all the way up there to suck whatever remained of the load out. On top of the taste of cum she now also got a taste of the tanginess that was Marian’s pussy mixed in. Apparently Marian really appreciated her efforts as she started moaning loudly.


Marian who had only very rarely given blowjobs and had never been eaten out before instantly fell in love with the feeling of a warm wet nimble tongue pleasing her pussy. It was simply great, weird to see twin, her son in law between her legs but great. Her intentions had been just to let Marion do the cleanup, to provide extra shock value if she still needed to convince Sarah to drop her husband, but she was loving this way too much to stop. Besides why should Robert get all the fun out of this? “Don’t stop Marion darling you are doing and mmmm amazing job.”


Not planning to stop in the slightest Marion carried on eating her mother in law and idol’s pussy until Marian came all over her face. She doubted Sarah would be happy about all of this, but it was just too good not to give in to. The only thing that could be even better was her erection getting taken care off as well as she had provide both her in laws with orgasms. while her day long erection got ignored.


It didn’t look like she was going to get relief herself as Marian after coming down from her orgasm simply got up and started to strip. “Thank you darling, that was simply divine. Now let me show you how to get ready for bed our style is a bit of a high maintenance one.” She explained as she proceeded to show Marion how to clean off her makeup, apply a green night time facial mask, put her new hairdo in rollers only to protect it with a pink haircap and with that she declared herself done, apparently Marion’s in laws slept naked, yet another intimate fact she got to know about Marian, just like seeing her without makeup for the very first time felt rather intimate.


Following Marian’s instructions to the letter Marion got ready for bed herself. She couldn’t help but wonder how she would ever manage to fall asleep with a head full of curlers, but if it made her look like her mother in law then it was all worth it she thought as they re-entered the bedroom arm in arm, both completely naked.


Robert couldn’t believe his eyes as he was treated with the sight of his wife and her near identical twin heading towards them. The curler and mask look wasn’t the sexiest look out there, but he had gotten used to seeing his wife with it, besides their naked curves more than made up for it, identical down to the sag of their breasts. As truly magnificent as it was, the sight was quite confusing as well being confronted by a rock hard cock was weird and somewhat appalling to him. It was especially weird seeing a cock on a near exact copy of his wife, but at the same time that made the look of a cock tolerable


“You don’t have to worry Robert dear, Marion won’t be doing anything with that cock, just ignore it, act like it isn’t even there. Marion is every bit as much a lady now as I am Isn’t that right Marion darling?” Marian spoke seeing the look of confusion on Roberts face.


“Oh absolutely Marian darling, I’ve been feeling so divine that I nearly forgot it was even there. As far as I am concerned your cock is the only one there is Robert dear, and it’s so divine, so delicious and tasty, I can hardly wait to get my lips around your morning wood.” Marion spoke. In reality her cock was in desperate need of attention and she didn’t particularly look forward to having anything to do with her father in law’s cock again. Marian was right though, she was a lady now and the fact that her mother in law considered her every bit as much a lady as she was was simply divine. She couldn’t help but feel overjoyed at the fact that she acknowledged they had so much in common now. As far as her and Robert’s cocks were concerned she would fake it till she made it, ignoring hers until she really forgot it was even there while worshipping Robert’s until she really loved and appreciated it as much as Marian.


Whatever doubts Robert had about Marion now that her cock was out faded to the back ground with the reassurance that his cock was the only one she cared about. Her otherwise hot look, the compliments to his cock and the prospect of his morning blowjob were more than enough for Robert to be able to look past her cock, especially when she and his wife split at the foot of the bed only to each go to a side, sliding under the sheets at either side of him.


Marian cuddled up to her husband the way she always did, her breasts pressing into his arms as she reached up to give him a good night kiss on his cheek. It was another ritual Marion eagerly observed only to then mimic in the hope of being even more like Marian, of having even more in common. Her fake breasts for as much as they looked like Marian’s didn’t quite feel the same, yet Robert was surprised to feel just how close to real they felt as the silicone had also warmed on Marion’s chest.


With a wife cuddling up on either side of him the lights went out and Robert slowly drifted off to sleep, completely amazed and mesmerised. He couldn’t believe how incredibly lucky he was to have twin wives in his life. He knew how Marion was technically his son in law, but with how she looked that was very easy to overlook. Robert knew it was wrong, but he chose to just ignore it and look at Marion as his wife’s equally hot way more eager and slutier twin. All he could think of as he drifted off to sleep were the many amazing moments he would have with both wives if today had been anything to go off.


Marian on the other hand could only think of how amazing today had been, she couldn’t believe how her son in law could make such a perfect copy of hers, but she adored it. She never thought having a twin who literally shared all your interests could be such fun the fact that she was getting back at Jason and providing her daughter with the chance to find a real husband this time only made it better. It wasn’t only fun either, but great help as well, Marion helping her with the cooking and setting the table eased the work she had to do, and she was such a boost to their sex life giving her dear Robert everything she thought he deserved, but wasn’t able or didn’t like to provide herself. She was already looking forward to her very first full day with her twin tomorrow.


Marion for her part could only think of how amazing it was to get to cuddle up to her father in law exactly like Marian did. Today she had learned so much about her mother in law, they had shared so much from the teas she like to the same underwear and even the same cock. They had been inseparable all day and she just loved it, spending time with Marian was just the best and even though she didn’t like most of what had happened today she was more than happy to learn to appreciate it all so they could truly share the same interests. It was her ultimate goal, but right now she was so satisfied with how much they already shared.


Chapter 6


On Monday morning the trio got awoken by the loud sound of Robert’s alarm. He still had a couple of years to go before he could retire so today was a working day like any other, aside from the fact that he woke up with two wives confirming that this all hadn’t just been a dream. His morning wood was harder than ever feeling a set of real and a set of fake breasts press at his side.


Marian was quite used to her husband’s alarm already, but Marion wasn’t she wasn’t used to getting woken up this rudely or early at all. She had always had a little bit of a morning mood, but she didn’t want to ruin her chance to stay with her mother in law so instead of groaning she sucked it up. She even managed to force a smile on her green goo covered face as Robert swept the cover off of them to get up. It was cold and unpleasant, but her eyes instantly went down to his rock hard cock.


“Oh Robert dear, you’re all hard. Why don’t you let me take care of that and ease your tension before you get up? It simply looks divine, I can’t get enough of that gorgeous delicious cock of yours.” Marion eagerly asked as she wrapped her well manicured hand around Robert’s cock, already moving in between his legs before he had a chance to respond. Not that Robert minded at all, this was simply amazing, having someone this eager and excited about his old cock, it was like he was entering his second youth.


“Uhm sure Honey, I guess I have a few minutes to spare.” Robert replied, a little nervous as he could also see Marion’s cock, but this was too hot to turn down. He didn’t regret it one bit as Marion didn’t hesitate and instantly moved her head down and sucked his cock into her mouth, eagerly swirling her tongue around the head of his pre cum leaking cock, wiggling underneath his foreskin as she went at it like she was savouring every moment. She couldn’t help but catch a faint taste of stale pussy from when her father in law had fucked her mother in law just before bed, not that she let that stop her. Robert meanwhile guessed he could cut his shower down by a few minutes and hurry a little, a small price to pay for this amazing blowjob before he had even gotten up.


While Marion sucked her husband off Marian gave him a passionate morning kiss like she hadn’t done in a very long time. Only to then look down with a smirk on her son in law, her project sucking her father in laws cock. “Isn’t she just beautiful Robert dear? She really seemed to love your cock as much as I do doesn’t she, tell me, does she suck as good as I do dear?” Marian asked.


It confused her husband a little as his wife didn’t like sucking his cock like Marion seemed to do, they were about as skilled , but Marion’s eagerness made it all that much more pleasant. Still Robert didn’t want to upset his actual wife so instead he diplomatically answered in between loud moans. “Yes Honey, she is definitely as orally gifted as you are.” It made Marian smile big time while Marion beamed with pride. She might not really love it as much as her mother in law just yet, but at least she could match her in skill which was a start and yet another thing in common which was just divine.


This big boost made Marion redouble her sucking efforts and in no time at all the sensation simple became too much to handle. Marian’s effort, the near mirror image of his wife who was making out with him like years ago, it all became too much as he exclaimed. “I’m going to cum honey.” Marion didn’t even try to pull off his cock, instead she just moved her mouth up to the tip of his cock, allowing him to fill her mouth with his warm salty cum.


Once she was absolutely certain that no more cum would come out Marion pulled off of Robert’s cock and promptly swallowed his load before kissing the tip of her father in law’s cock. “Thank you Robert dear, that was simply divine, you truly have the most delicious cock in existence.” Marion smiled up at her father in law, seeing how he and Marian looked down on her, Robert looked completely mesmerised while Marian looked delighted, just as she had hoped. It was so good to have so many things in common with such a wonderful woman as Marian.


It took a few moments for Robert to regain his senses, but once he did, he quickly jumped up and got out of bed. “Thank you honey, you were amazing down there, but I really need to get ready now.” Robert spoke as he hurried off to the bathroom, his saliva slick cock dangling freely between his legs as it slowly but surely went limp.


Marian for her part got out of bed as well, in no way shy to be completely naked in front of her son in law and look alike, well naked aside form her rollers, hair net and nigh time mask that was, just like Marion. “You really seemed to be enjoying yourself down there Marion darling, I just knew after all those common grounds we share that you would love our dear Robert’s cock as much as I do.” Marian gushed, further reinforcing Marion’s desire to love her father in law’s cock.


Without further ado Marian put on a simple silk plum bathrobe along with a pair of white high heeled slippers with some feather fuss on the toes. She held out a similar bathrobe and pair of high heeled slippers like hers for Marion to wear. “Here Marion darling, why don’t you put these on and help me downstairs with breakfast? I’ll show you just how Robert likes his breakfast made and how I like mine.” She simply stated as Marion eagerly walked over to her, her hips swaying the same way hers did as she was really starting to get moving like Marian down to a T.


“That would be divine Marian darling. Our dear Roberts simply deserves the best breakfast and I can’t wait to learn from you darling.” Marion gushed as she quickly changed into the same outfit, her rock hard cock covered up, but poking the front of the bathrobe as she followed her mother in law down to the kitchen where she learned to prepared bacon and eggs for Robert, just the way he liked it. They came with a good fresh mug of coffee, all things Marion would love to have for breakfast. Yet as Marian explained how she had a simple light granola yoghurt for breakfast along with tea just the way they liked it Marion ended up settling for that instead. As much as she would have loved to have Robert’s breakfast walking in her mother in law and idol’s footsteps was so much more important to her.


Robert still couldn’t help but be mesmerised when he came down stairs, freshly shaven and showered, dressed in a simply shirt and some dress pants only to be greeted by a delicious fresh breakfast. It was the same as every morning really, only this time there was a wife sitting at either side of the table head, still wearing their hair rollers and green night time mask. Their curves covered in nothing but the silk robes as they both looked at him lovingly, they legs crossed over one another in the same elegant position. They simply welcomed him at the table as he took his seat and started devouring his meal in a hurry, not wanting to be late for work.


Only when Robert had started eating did Marian dig in, Marion closely observing and following her lead. She had the tendency to dig in and devour her own meagre breakfast, much like Robert was devouring his, but Marian was far more controlled. Her mother in law only took one small bite at a time, with a rather long pause between bites and an occasional small sip of tea to change things up.


Marion really had to restrain herself to follow the same delicate eating pace as her mother in law, but like with everything she wanted to be like Marian so badly that she did her absolute best to mimic her. Meanwhile Robert ate his way larger breakfast in a mere ten minutes while they were only halfway through theirs. It didn’t phase Marian or Robert as it was their morning routine. Robert just got up once he was done, and gave his wife a quick kiss on her cheek. “Have a good day Honey.”


“Thank you dear, have a great day at work, love you.” Marian sweetly replied with a smile as Robert turned a little more awkward, it was strange to have a second wife to greet, kind of breaking his habit of just heading to work now, but then again Marion deserved the same respects considering she was basically his second wife. He gave her a kiss and a greeting just like he had done to his real wife as Marion repaid in kind, delighted to have such an intimate moment in common with her mother in law, to get treated like an equal.


Chapter 7


Once Robert was off to work Marian spoke up. “So Marion darling I hope you have been enjoying your time here with us. I’ve surely had a divine time so far and I’m sure the same goes for our dear Robert. He’s always on a clock to get to work which is why I don’t try to strike up a conversation during breakfast. Now that he’s out for the day I would love to hear how you feel though darling, I never quite realised just how much we have in common and it’s a divine revelation really.”


“Oh I have been having the most divine time myself Marian darling. Robert is such a dear man and his cock is simply to die for. I feel so blessed to get to spend so much time with you and our dear Robert darling. I don’t know why I have always been so hostile to you Marian darling and I am truly sorry, you are the most divine woman I know a real example if I may say so darling.” Marion gushed back as they slowly carried on with their breakfast.


“Don’t worry about it Marion darling, I would guess you were just jealous of my style and my life, unable to achieve it with societies standards that you are the man and need to provide darling. I mean come on, the fact that you were trying so hard with your music is saying a lot. Lets be honest you were never going to provide for even yourself like that were you darling? No, I think deep down you have always been nothing but pampered woman in need of a man to provide for her. The fact that you so eagerly adopted my style just confirms it. I believe you have just been misunderstood.” Marian spoke.


“I’m so glad I invited you along to the salon so you could find your true self thought Marion darling, cause trust me, I understand perfectly how you feel. I wouldn’t want to trade this life for anything in the world at all darling. I’m sure Sarah will understand, she was telling us to get along better after all and what’s not to love about getting twice as spoilt. I’ll make sure to teach you all her favourite recipes.” Marian continued only barely able to hide her smirk, no way Sarah would put up with a husband just like her mom, especially not one who also had sex with her dad. This was going to be perfect.


“Now Marion darling I doubt there’s anything waiting for you at home and you aren’t going to make a job out of that hobby of yours any time soon so if you want you are free to stay here for the remainder of the week darling, after yesterday night and this morning I’m sure our dear Robert won’t protest. Besides having someone with so many common interest around has simply been divine. All I ask is that you help out around the house a little, sharing my usual chores. Working with someone is surely a lot more fun and I am convinced that I can still teach you a thing or two.” Marian finished as she finished up her breakfast.


“That would be absolutely divine Marian darling, I couldn’t think of any better way to spend my week and I am quite certain that I have a lot to learn from you darling, how could I not, you are such a divine woman.” Marion gushed, she really wouldn’t have it any other way, nothing sparked joy for her the way spending time with Marian did and the fact that she could learn from her idol only made it better.


“In that case why don’t you follow me upstairs Marion darling? I would love to show you our morning routine.” Marian gleefully spoke getting the exact answer she had been hoping for. Oh this was just perfect on so many levels she couldn’t believe she hadn’t done this way earlier. Smiling broadly she led the way up to the master bathroom with Marion following closely behind.


Once in the bathroom Marian instantly took the lead, she replaced her hair cap with a shower cap that looked near identical aside from being made out of plastic rather than cotton. She then put two big fluffy pink towels on a small table just outside the shower and stripped out of her bathrobe and slippers. Completely mesmerised by the look of her naked mother in law Marion followed her lead changing caps to protect her hair and stripping out of what she currently wore only to quickly join Marian in the spacey walk in shower.


“Alright Marion darling, why don’t we do it like this? I wash you, you wash me? It’ll make it much easier to get everything clean that way. Just watch and enjoy what I do and you can return the favour after that.” Marian said not really waiting for an answer as she took a loofah, squeezed on a big dollop of strongly floral smelling soap and stared lathering her twin looking son in law’s body up.


Marian was extremely thorough, Marion was used to just kind of washing her armpits and crotch, but Marian made sure she was all soaped up head to do, from washing off her facial mask to deep within the cheeks of her newly enhanced butt and under the slight sag of her breast forms. It took nearly ten full minutes, but once Marian was done having used liberal amounts of soap Marion smelled like lilacs all over. The only part Marian had been quick and efficient on was Marion’s cock. She had washed it, but in a hurry.


Declared done Marion took over the loofah and applied a generous amount of soap to it just like Marian had done. Wasting no time at all Marion stated washing her mother in law’s body with he same attention she had received, not hesitating to get all over and under her breasts and in between her thick butt cheeks. It felt weird to be so close and intimate with another woman than her wife, to study a mature body all over, but then again she pretty much shared such a body and she couldn’t be happier about it.


Eventually Marion was finished with her task as well which was Marian’s que to turn off the water and get out of the shower. Marion followed closely, drying herself and tucking the towel over her chest just like Marian did. “Alright Marion darling, one thing that goes hand in hand with showers for me is the use of lotions. You really start needing them at a certain age, but even before that it’s good to keep your skin healthy and hydrated. Smell this, doesn’t it just smell divine?” She asked as she opened a big jar of lotion.


Leaning in for a whiff all Marion smelled was an overpowering scent of lilacs, just like the soap they had used. It wasn’t a scent Marion had ever wanted before, but it was Marian’s scent which made it her number one priority. “Oh Marian darling you are right, this lotion does smell divine. I can’t wait to try it out.” She said.


“Lovely Marion darling, well what are you waiting for? Treat yourself to a scoop and just follow what I do, I’m sure you’ll love it just like me.” Marian said as she scooped some out and started rubbing it into her face, on her elbows, then down on her feet all the way up to her knees. As Marion followed what she saw she couldn’t believe how silky soft the cream felt, or her own skin for that matter. Completely smooth it certainly was a lot more sensitive and so much more pleasant to the touch. What shocked her the most though was how soft her face was. Not even her wife’s face was this soft, and hers certainly hadn’t been for a long time, there had always been a rough stubble, but with her beard electrolysed off that was entire gone. The added softness had only been enhanced by the night time mask and now the lotion.


“Feels divine doesn’t it Marion? In any case lets get dressed shall we? It’s about time we started our day.” Marian spoke excitedly as she walked out in the room and instantly went for the big walk in closet that house a small section of Roberts clothes and a ton of her outfits, many of which now had a double next to it after their shopping trip yesterday.


“Hmmm, lets go with this here, some matching lingerie and heels and we are all set darling.” Marian said as she brushed through the numerous outfits, shoving item after item in Marion’s hands before grabbing the doubles herself. The outfit looked to be the same as they had worn yesterday. Only this time the main colour was yellow, that went for the jacket, skirt, panties, bra, the girdle and the low heeled pumps. A pair of suntan coloured stockings was decided on to finish the look.


“Oh Marian darling, I really can’t get over just how divine your style is. I adore this look.” Marion gushed as she and her mother in law walked back in the room and sat side by side on the bed. This was one part that needed no explanation as Marion still remembered how to put all these things from the store. She and her mother in law went nearly in sync as they slid their big butts into the yellow satin high waisted panties. Sliding into the tight open bottomed girdle required more effort for both of them.


It was only when it came to the bra though that Marian started to get ahead a little, Marion struggled just a little more with the clasp, not having a life time of exercise with either bras or long nails like Marian did. The nylons only made Marian get ahead further as Marion struggled with the garter tabs. Not that she minded though, she was very eager to learn and she couldn’t count herself luckier as she got to learn from her mother in law and idol, matching her down to the underwear.


Marion didn’t even think about how strange it was for a guy in his mid twenties to get all dressed up as a mature woman. Instead he just adored the feeling of the slick and sensual fabrics feeling so much better than any of the clothes she had owned as Jason. Especially smoothing a pair of sheer nylons up her smooth legs felt simply divine. Much like her look she very much only thought of herself as Marian’s twin, a mature woman just like her mother in law. It simply made her feel so divine.


In the end Marion needed only about a minute longer to get fully dressed than Marian did, leaving only their faces and hair to take care off before they could truly start the day. “Alright Marion darling, why don’t you watch me closely as I do my hair and makeup. You can give it a try after I’m done so I can give you a few pointers.” Marian said, loving how she got to teach her son in law everything about how to look like a sophisticated mature lady. If only the old Jason could see himself now and react on it. The thought alone forced her to stifle a giggle as she took place at her vanity table.


Once seated Marian finally took her shower cap off entirely, gently took the rollers out of her hair before brushing it out, the perm making it fall perfect with relative ease. With her hair taken care off she turned to her face, applying her makeup with an ease that was the result of daily practice. Marian very much believed in always looking her best she didn’t have lounge wear for comfort just to laze around the house. She always got dressed up nicely, keeping her hair and makeup on fleek.


Like yesterday the look she went for was heavier than what most women considered everyday wear, but it fit perfectly with the rest of her high maintenance style. She opted for some yellow eyeshadow, a subtle touch of eyeliner, mascara, fire engine red lipstick and a good dose of blush. Done with her makeup Marian put on her necklace, her earrings, then finally finished everything with a few sprays of a heady lilac perfume, further enhancing the scent of their soap and body lotion. No matter where she went the strong scent would follow everywhere and linger for a while after.


“Alright Marion darling, why don’t you have a seat and try to recreate what I just did. No need to worry about getting it perfect darling, I am here to give some pointers and help where necessary.”  Marian spoke in her most gentle and helpful voice. As much as she loved the idea of what the old Jason would have thought about this, she did want to help Marion become the most authentic copy of herself as she possibly could. After all that was the best revenge she could have and hope for for her son in law. That and in contrast to Jason she adored Marion, she had quickly become a very close friend and the best company she could dream of. She had no trouble investing a lot of time and effort in her newest best friend and near twin.


With a few pointers from Marian, Marion managed to do her hair pretty much perfectly on her own. The perm made it fall into place with relative ease. The heavy makeup look however was a different story. By the time she had applied all the products as good as she possibly could she ended up looking like a complete clown. The heavy look really needed finesse in order not to look trashy or down right ridiculous. Having only ever tried putting on lipstick yesterday Marion didn’t have the skill required at all.


“Oh Marion darling, you did surprisingly well for a first try, I know it might not look like it, but don’t worry darling, I’ll fix you right up so you’ll look as divine as I do in no time.” Marian gushed as she dragged her son in law out to the bathroom where she made her run through her makeup removal ritual she had showed her yesterday. Then it was right back to the vanity where she did Marion’s makeup this time, making her look as close to hers as possible, although she couldn’t help going a little heavier on the blusher.


“There we go Marion darling, so much better, just like the classy lady you are. Now since you’ll be helping around with my chores I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to practice this afternoon. Trust me darling, you’ll be having these techniques down in no time. In any case lets get started shall we darling? The sooner we finish the sooner we can work on makeup practice.” Marian gleefully spoke.


“Thank you Marian darling you did a divine job, I really can’t wait until I’m just as skilled with makeup as you are so I’m really looking forward to that practice darling. What’s the first chore on our list?” Marion asked, admiring her heavily made up face in the mirror. Her cock remained rock hard, she really did look a lot like her mother in law and she loved it.


“Well Marion darling, why don’t we start with some laundry? It’s Monday so I usually wash darks, go ahead and grab the dark clothes hamper darling, it’s in the bathroom cupboard.” Marian enthusiastically spoke as Marion didn’t hesitate even a moment as they made their way to the laundry room together Marian informed her about everything from how to operate the washing machine to how to separate laundry and what specific fabrics to look out for special care. Once they arrived Marian made Marion load the washing machine while she showed what buttons to push and what product to use like she had explained earlier.


“While the machine can take care of the bulk of the laundry there are also those items that are simply too delicate for the machine and need to be washed by hands like our undergarments Marion darling. Since it’s a chore that quickly builds up to an insurmountable amount I tend to take care of it on a daily basis, especially now that we’ll have twice the amount of delicate undergarments on our hands.” Marian smirked as she led Marion back to the bathroom where their discarded underwear from the night before was still piled up. It would be impossible for either of them to distinguish which garments belonged to whom as they were identical in every aspect. The only giveaway might be their scent, but even then they used so much strong smelling products that their natural scent was pretty much drained out.


While scent might have been one of the only factors to tell their lingerie apart after a days wear it wasn’t something either of them bothered with, they shared a wardrobe after all, they didn’t need to tell their clothes apart. Instead Marian instructed Marion on how to prepare the sink to hand wash their delicates and how to handle each garment. It was one chore she didn’t help with other than giving instructions as Marion did all the washing of both her own and her Mother in law’s undergarments.


Handling her mother in laws worn undergarments would have been a mortifying experience if it wasn’t for the fact that she was delighted knowing how to take care of her delicates just the way Marian did.  Unlike handling the washing machine, hand washing these delicates was a lot more time consuming, but eventually she had taken care of everything and hung up their girdles, panties, bras and stockings to dry.


Once she had been certain that Marion could handle their delicates Marian herself had gone back to the laundry room to iron out the laundry from Saturday which had dried by now. Normally washing her delicates and ironing took up enough time for the washer to finish, but now it was still in full swing as Marion came out to look for her, having done the hand laundering. It was an opportunity Marian took to teach Marion how to iron with the last few pieces that were left.


Laundry along with a tea break usually took up nearly the whole morning for Marian, now it was only mid morning and they were done with it already, or at least nearly done. It was the perfect opportunity for a little tea break which they spend preparing together and talking throughout. It was simply lovely.


With their break over Marian went straight over to the next chore, some cleaning. She had every room in the house down on a rotation, just like she had the types of laundry down on a rotation. It usually took a big chunk out of her afternoon, but with Marion’s help, both of them doing a room after she had showed her son in law the basics of dusting, vacuuming and mopping. They managed to get it done in their morning, stretching the Marian’s usual lunch time with about half an hour.


They had a most pleasant lunch together only to finish up the last chores of the day right after, the dishes from both breakfast and lunch, and hanging the laundry from the machine out to dry. It didn’t take mor than thirty minutes leaving them with a nearly completely free afternoon. It was something Marian hadn’t had in ages. The way she spread all her chores made the work rather relaxed, but it did leave her busy pretty much all day long. With Marion’s eager and great help her work load and time got significantly cut down, something which was only going to improve even further once Marion got the hang of all chores. All this extra time would be amazing, especially with a friend always around to spend it with. For now they could use that extra time really well to get Marion some make up practice. Something they got to straight after hanging the laundry to dry.


It took up a big chunk of their afternoon and a load of makeup, but Marian didn’t mind at all, she loved teaching Marion how to apply her makeup. It was great entertainment. They spent about two and a half hours constantly letting Marion rinse of her makeup and reapply it while Marian gave pointers and tips. In those two and half hours Marion made some real big improvements, but it still was at the same level as Marian’s by a long shot, so at the end Marian reapplied it again for her son in law as they went back down for their afternoon tea.


Another delightful tea time and chat later Marian and Marion sat down on the couch to watch Marian’s favourite soap opera. It was a terribly boring and overly dramatic show in Marion’s eyes, but she was very attentive to the remarks Marian made about certain characters, and scenes that triggered her. Normally Marian wasn’t as vocal, unless she was discussing things with her friends, but having someone to watch with made it nice to comment right in the moment. Especially with Marion mimicking her emotion and agreeing with her statements and observations in full.


By the time the show was over it was about time for Robert to return home from work so Marian with Marion in tow headed to the kitchen to get started on dinner. Marian was always very adamant about only letting fresh home cooked meals on her table and she was an excellent cook, a skill like all other household skills she was happy to educate her now twin Marion in.


Both of them were busily cooking, wearing a frilly plum apron each when Robert arrived. The sight of the twin luscious behinds in their yellow pencil skirts as he had a hard time telling which of the two belonged to his real wife, didn’t fail to amaze Robert and turn him on big time. “Good evening Honey.” Robert said as he hugged Marian from behind, planting a soft kiss on her cheek, grateful that he could still tell his wife apart upon closer inspection.


Nevertheless he soon went ahead and gave Marion the same greeting, not wanting her to feel left out. Just like Marian he wanted Marion to feel welcome and most of all make her want to stay. He still thought it was wrong, but having two wives and a happier more excited real wife at that was just something he didn’t want to miss ever again. He had hoped Marion would still be here when he got back home and he was glad she was. Robert realised that all this would probably end when Sarah came back home, but it was all the more reason to enjoy it to the fullest while it lasted, and hope that Marion would enjoy it enough to return when Sarah had another trip with friends or a business trip.


“Good evening dear, how was your day at work?” Both women asked nearly in sync as they looked back at him in the exact same way. There were really creepily identical, but so hot as well. Shrugging his awe off, Robert started talking about his day at work which had been like most others, telling his wife about some of his colleagues and minor things that had happened, venting some frustration, but nothing major as his wives just nodded and listened.


Eventually Robert was done rambling about his day when Marian turned to her feminised son in law. “Marion darling, I think I have it under control here, it’s just watching some pots and pans from here on out really. Why don’t you go to our dear Robert and see if you can help him destress a little before dinner?” She asked with an all saying wink as she returned to her pots and pans.


Marion didn’t need to be told twice. Given how much Marian loved her husband’s cock she felt honoured that her mother in law nearly always allowed her to do the honours. It was an opportunity she wouldn’t waste as she tried to get herself to love her father in law’s cock just as much. “Sure thing Marian darling, it’ll be my pleasure.” Marion smiled as she turned towards Robert.


Her smile only grew as she saw the big tent in the front of his pants, trying to make this as good as possible for her father in law, she eyed his rock hard member lewdly while biting her bottom lip. “Oh my Robert dear, you are all hard! Why don’t you let me take care of that for you dear? There’s nothing better than a blowjob to help you relax, wouldn’t you agree dear?” She asked, playfully placing one of his bulge and sinking down to her knees without really waiting for a response.


Robert was perplexed, he loved his wife and she was the best woman he could imagine. Only when it came to sex he had sometimes wished she was a little slutier. The fact that Marion was even slutier than what he had dared dream of made her the perfect complimentary twin for his wife. Together they were all he ever wanted and so much more. Down on her knees looking as great as she did the fact that Marion was his son in law hardly mattered anymore. He just gave a slight nod although he suspected that wasn’t even necessary.


Without real hesitation Marion opened his pants and fished his cock out. Precum was already leaking from the raging hard purple head, the smell of musk and sweat after a long day at work was rather strong, but even though it bothered Marion, she didn’t let it show. She wanted to love it like she thought Marian did and so she quickly wrapped her plump painted lips around the head of her father in law’s cock and swallowed as much of his cock as she could managed, further practicing her techniques as she sucked for all she was worth.


Marian was just dividing food between their three plates when Robert couldn’t hold it out any longer. Marion’s eager blowing was something he couldn’t get enough of. The sensation was just so great and he tried to enjoy it as long as he could, but eventually all the pleasure the entire situation brought him was too much to handle. “I’m going to cum Marion honey!” He exclaimed as he felt her rise all the way to the tip of his cock only to keep his head between her lips and flick it with her tongue until he finally tipped over the edge and filled her mouth with his cum in a most amazing orgasm.


To Marion it remained just as disgusting as it had been before, having a mouthful of her father in law’s cum, tasting his seed, feeling the warm spunk. It was gross, but she wanted to savour it to the max, just like she imagined Marian who she thought loved it would. After being sure her father in law had completely emptied his balls in her mouth she pulled off. It was followed by a quick delighted swallow without complain, as she instead kissed the tip of his cock. “Thank you Robert dear, that was delicious. She said then helped his cock back in his pants, got up and joined her very pleased and satisfied looking in-laws at the table.


Marion politely waited for them to start eating before she did as she really didn’t want to seem like she wanted to get rid of the strong cum taste in her mouth. She did want to get rid of it, but until she could share this similarity with Marian she wanted to fake loving it as much as possible. She just wanted to get along with her the best she could which meant finding as many similarities as she possibly could.


When they eventually started dinner past by rather uneventfully. The food was delicious, and the three off them chatted a bit. It was very nice Marion loved how she was treated like a second wife by her father in law, how she was so welcomed by them both. She really wished she never had to leave her in-laws again. Life was simpler here, no huge responsibilities and her idol Marian to fall back on and take an example from for the responsibilities she did have. Oh she loved being around Marian so much.


By the time they were all done eating Marian got up with Marion instantly following suit, helping her clear the table and do the dishes. She was about done washing everything while Marian rinsed the plates when Robert spoke up. “Marion honey, I was wondering if maybe you would like to help me out again? The two of you just look so absolutely gorgeous together.” He was a little hesitant, but their thick ass, luscious nylon covered legs and near identical permed hair just looked so wonderful from behind. He hadn’t been able to pull his eyes away from them which has inevitably made him grow hard once more.


Robert didn’t know he still has it in him to get this many erections at his age, but a second wife had revitalised him big time. It was still surreal and he didn’t know if he could ask for such a thing, but he could try right? The idea of getting a blowjob on demand was just heaven. “If you want to you can go ahead Marion darling, it’s just some drying that is left really, I can handle myself.” Marian gave her blessing with a smile, loving how her husband was starting to relax and grow at ease with Marion.


Marion for her part was ecstatic that he was comfortable enough to ask. Marian had never seemed to have a problem with her, being completely at ease around her, but Robert warming up to her really solidified her position and her stay here. She wanted nothing but for him to grow as comfortable around her as around his own wife. “Sure Robert dear, I’ll be right there.” Marion said with a smile as she took off her rubber gloves she used to protect her hands during the dishes and walked right over to where her father in law was sitting.


She wasn’t too happy about getting the taste of cock back in her mouth after only just getting rid of it with dinner, but she didn’t show it. Maybe it was even a good thing so she could grow to love it faster. Or at least that was how Marion reasoned as she quickly and eagerly sunk down on her knees and fished her father in law’s cock out of his pants only to take it between her lips nearly instantly.


Since he had came already it took Marion a lot longer to make him cum again. She been bobbing her head up and down his cock for a good 10 minutes, Marian had already gotten seated again having dried and put away the dishes. When Robert finally came again, filling her mouth with the strong taste of cum rather than the after taste of her delicious dinner. Nevertheless Marion once again pulled off with a big smile, swallowing every last drip of his load before kissing the tip of his cock. “Thank you Robert dear, that was divine.” She gleefully spoke, putting his cock back in his pants and getting back up.


Marian meanwhile was touching up her lipstick that had slightly smudged while eating, wielding a simple tube of her favourite red colour and a compact mirror. She threw Marion a big smile as she emerged from sucking her husband off for the third time today alone. “Such a delightful cock isn’t it Marion darling? Here, I believe you can use a touch up yourself.” Marian offered as she handed over her compact mirror and lipstick.


“Thank you Marian darling, considering the rings I left at the base of our dear Robert’s cock, I’m sure I can.” Marion giggled as she tried to emulated how Marian had used the lipstick and mirror as well as she possibly could. The end result, wasn’t perfect, but close enough, especially for an evening in. All Marion’s makeup training had at least given her the tools to decently touch up her own makeup as long as the basics were taken care of.


“You did divine Marion darling, now how about we watch a movie before bed?” Marian offered as the three of them got up and moved into the living room. Like yesterday both Marion and Marian cuddle up at a side of Robert as he put on a movie for them to watch before wrapping an arm around both his wives. Back before Marian had given Jason this tape he had gotten along rather well with his father in law, but he wouldn’t have ever thought he would give him as much as a hug really. The thought would just have been weird. Robert wasn’t attractive to him, and he was more than twice his age. Yet now as Marion he was happy to share in the love of his idol Marian as well. Robert’s attention, even getting to suck his cock was so validating now to the point that she craved it more than relieving her own constant erection.


Despite her persistent dislike for the taste of cum or cock, she found herself longing for Robert’s cock and affection way more than sex with her wife. After all she was out of sight, and with all the new things she got bombarded with, Marian being the only constant on her mind as she tried to be as much like her as possible, her wife was out of her mind as well. She simply didn’t have the time or space left to think about her which slowly alienated her from her wife without even realising it.


Somewhere down the line with the movie about three quarters of the way through, Robert’s cock rose once more. With how well it had worked last time there was even less hesitant on his part to ask his second wife to take care of him. “Marion Honey, could you please help me out again? That mouth of yours feels so very good around my cock.” He spoke as he took one of her hands to rest it on his cock so she could feel it.


“Oh of course Robert dear, it would be my pleasure.” Marion instantly replied as she got down on her knees and right to work sucking his cock. The taste of his last load had not even faded yet as Marion looked up at her in laws who smiled down on her with delight.


“Thank you very much honey, you are doing a lovely job.” Robert proudly beamed as he gave his real wife a kiss. The more comfortable he was growing the more he wanted to make most out of this amazing opportunity beyond his wildest dream. The last time he had came this much and had as much erections in a day was probably when he was about Jason’s age, but the presence of two amazing wives was just stimulating beyond believe.


Both of their attention was on Marion for about the first five minutes, but eventually Robert and Marian went back to watching the movie, both of them smiling down on Marion occasionally. Telling her what a great job she was doing as Marion was happy to get to enjoy an activity she firmly believed her mother in law loved so much. With his attention not only on Marion and the pleasure she was providing, but also on the movie along with the fact that he had came twice already, Robert lasted for a very long time. It took nearly thirty minutes, thirty minutes of non stop cock sucking from Marion for him to cum, and fill her mouth with his sperm yet again.


By the time Marion pulled off with a bright smile on her face, swallowing and thanking him with a kiss to the head of his cock, the end credits were rolling up the screen. “You’re one lucky woman Marion darling, getting to go down on our dear Robert’s cock for so long. I have to admit I’m a bit jealous. I can’t wait for a turn of my own so why don’t we take this up to the bedroom?” Marian asked with a smile, further fuelling Marion’s desire to want to suck off Robert as much as she could. The sight had once again gotten her so hot that she wanted nothing more than a good cock to ride on.


As the trio made their way up to the bedroom there was only one problem, having just came Robert wasn’t hard anymore, and while it was outrageously hot to see both of his wives strip down to their lingerie in front of him, it was not enough to get him hard right away. “Oh my Marion darling it looks like you sucked all the stamina out of our dear Robert’s cock, leaving nothing for me. Since you already got more than your fair share I think it’s only fair that you get him hard for me again don’t you darling. I’m sure some ball teasing and suckling will do the trick.” Marian exclaimed, getting even wetter at the thought of her son in law fluffing the cock for her to ride.


“Oh no you are right Marian darling, my sincerest apologies, let me see if I can fix it for you.” Marion said, feeling a little ashamed that she had been so selfish and denied her idol her pleasure. She was bound on fixing it no matter what it took, so after basically only taking a break to climb the stairs and strip, she once again found herself down on her knees in front of her father in law. She was half naked herself, her curves and delicate lingerie on full display as she moved in between the legs of her naked father in law sitting down on the edge of the bed. Without hesitation she started sucking on his limp cock, and occasionally his wrinkly hairy balls, swirling with her tongue for all she was worth. It was way worse than sucking his hard cock, but she was happy to get so up close and personal with Robert’s cock once more, especially to give her idol the pleasure she deserved for all she had done for her, teaching her how to be just like her.


Using both her mouth and perfectly manicured hands, she massaged her father in law’s limp cock and balls for all she was worth while Marian did her part by intimately making out with him. With their intense team effort Robert eventually despite already having had three orgasms, became hard all over again. It had taken a good fifteen minutes, but finally Marion had managed to get Robert hard again for her mother in law.


“Thank you Marion darling, why don’t you continue giving our dear Robert’s Balls some attention while we fuck? I’m sure he’ll think it’s divine, I would certainly love to see it.” Marian directed as Robert lay back on the back without any objections. He loved everything about this and more. Having two gorgeous twin like women fight for his cock was amazing beyond his wildest dreams. Not that they really fought, but still, his wife was very eager to slide out of her panties and slide her sopping wet pussy onto his rock hard shaft in reverse cow girl while Marion instantly moved in between his legs and started licking and sucking his balls.


The texture of Robert’s unshaven balls in her mouth was weird and off putting, but looking up at her mother in law clad in only her lingerie minus her panties was hot. The way she bobbed up and down on the cock she had sucked so many times today was mesmerising as Marion mourned the one thing she would never have in common, a pussy to really fuck Robert. Then again her current position was as involved as it could possibly get, Marian’s pubic bush was rubbing up and down her nose whenever she sunk all the way down to the base of Robert’s cock and up again. Her nose providing even more stimulation while Marion was rewarded with her idols juices streaming down on the balls she was sucking, allowing her to taste her mother in law through out their fuck.


Marian and Robert ended up going on for another thirty minutes until Robert had his fourth orgasm, and was really too spent to continue. Marian for her part had had plenty of orgasms, all of which were sucked off of Robert’s balls by Marion who swallowed more than a couple of mouth’s full of her mother in law’s juices, before she finally got off letting Marion suck Robert’s cock clean as well.


Just like yesterday, the near twin duo then headed into the bathroom where Marion was once again on cleaning duty. She dutifully and eagerly lapped her father in law’s cum out of her mother in law’s pussy before licking her idol to one last orgasm of her own, all the while going ignored herself. Once she was done with her cleaning duties both women went over their evening rituals as usual, stripping out of their lingerie, removing their makeup, putting their permed hair in rollers, putting on their night cap and finishing everything off with their green night time mask. All ready for bed they slid in the bed next to Robert, completely naked as they all drifted off to sleep feeling even better than they had the day before.


Chapter 8


On Tuesday and every day there after pretty much the same routine played out. Marion started her day with a blowjob, before they headed down to prepare breakfast after which they got dressed and ready for their day. A day that mainly consisted of chores, tea breaks, makeup practices and a soap opera, before it was back to preparing diner, more cock sucking, a movie, and always sex before bedtime between her in laws. The only exceptions to the routine were their workouts on Tuesday and Thursday, using an old DVD Marian had used for age to conduct her workout with. That and the occasional relistens of that CD she had made for Jason she tasked Marion with just to be sure. They had the time anyways now that Marion knew how to do the chores, splitting the work without needing to explain anything.


For an entire week Marion spent all her time 24/24 day after day with her mother in law, perfecting her voice, vocabulary and mannerism. Even if she would call her wife right now Sarah would think she was talking to her own mother. From the back the only things setting them apart was Marion’s slightly richer blonde hair and her slightly more muscular legs. Without a reference however even Marian’s closest friends would think they were seeing Marian instead of Marion.


Even on an emotional front they were matching, often jinxing one another as they were so in sync by spending so much time together that they often thought and said the same things. A change that was most obvious when watching those soap opera’s Marian so loved. Marion occasionally made comments about certain scene’s and characters that she had been thinking of commenting on at the same time.


Marion also had the way in which Marian did each chore down to a T just like the makeup which by now was applied as flawless and efficient as Marian herself did it. Aside from the bulge and slightly more masculine facial features the only way in which Robert was able to tell his wives apart was by their skills in the bedroom. There was no way Marian could match Marion’s blowjob skills with all the practice Marion had put in this week, sucking his cock three to even five times a day. She was the far superior cock sucker, not that Marian cared. She had as much sex as she desired and so did her husband, their sex life had become so much more active and Marion took care of all the things she was a little reluctant about.


Marian had kind of neglected her friendships a little during this intense week, but the near carbon copy result she had achieved with her son in law made it all so very worth it. With the arrival of Saturday it was time for the true test and goal of her plan, getting her daughter to finally ditch her husband, giving her her life back so she could find a husband Marian thought she deserved. A husband that could take good care of her.


It might be meddlesome on her part as it wasn’t her choice to make like her husband had often pointed out, but she couldn’t help but want the best for her girl. That and she had given Sarah exactly what she had asked for, she did get along better with her husband, in fact she had never gotten along better with anyone in her life before. It probably wasn’t what Sarah had meant, but oh well then she should have been more specific.


The opposite was also true, Marion would probably be better off with someone to take care of her to. Her dream chasing that was her music career basically testified that she needed someone to provide for her, and Marian was convinced that Robert would be more than willing to do just that. He had really come to treat Marion just like he did her, kissing her, greeting her, and giving playful pats and gropes without second thought. He had become completely comfortable around Marion as long as her naked erection wasn’t in view. She could tell when they left home this morning that he didn’t want her to go like he thought she would now that Sarah was coming back home.


If Marian had her way Marion would be coming back home with her again tonight and she was sure that Robert wouldn’t protest if she stayed with them indefinitely. With how Marion longed to be with her at all times, and with how she was nearly certain that Sarah wouldn’t want to live and sleep with what was basically her own mother, her feminised husband that had sucked her father’s cock just a few hours prior. The thought that Marion would be coming back with her was plausible. They wouldn’t even need to move much if anything as Marion had all she needed over at their place.


Of course the big question remained how they would react to one another. Even if Marion snapped out of it, there were so many ingrained behaviours and some longer lasting physical changes that Marian doubted she could just go back to being Jason. It was a question she would soon have an answer to though as she and Marion stepped back into the salon that had started it all.


Everyone gawked at them in disbelieve as they hadn’t seen Marion since she had left in her sweat suit last Sunday. Her face and hair were pretty much the same, but the matching plum outfit like Marian had worn last week really completed the picture and made her curves pop so much better than before. Especially combined with the way she walked and talked so much more elegantly, really showing off what she got just like Marian herself always did.


All ladies present were very eager to get a good look at Marion for their weekly gossip as Jane quickly went to work washing their hair, touching up Marion’s barely visible with how short they still were dark brown roots, just like she did Marian’s salt and pepper ones. A quick refresher of their mani pedi and a refresher of their perm later, they walked out and headed straight for Marion’s house. Marian didn’t take much time to gossip or chat, making her morning at the salon like she usually did. It simply wasn’t a social visit like usual, this was all about getting Marion perfect for to welcome her daughter back from her travels.


The social visits and her meet up with friends could wait till next week where she would get to catch up with them hopefully alongside Marion, but all that rode on what would happen in the next few hours.


Arriving over at Marion’s house she shared with her daughter Marian went into the kitchen right away. There she and Marion went to work making a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies, Sarah’s favourite. While enthusiastically chatting throughout the process. When finished with the cookie batter, Marion and Marian went straight to doing chores like a well oiled machine, tidying the house up a little, making the bed with clean sheets, as much as they could get done in the approximate two hours they had until Sarah would arrive home.


Then finally when the time was nearly there they made some tea to go with the cookies that had by now had a chance to cool down to being nice and crisp. Just as they were finishing up with their tea, they both heard the sound of the garage opening, their cue that Sarah had come home. Marian and Marion instantly dropped what they were doing to go out and greet Sarah. Arm in arm wearing big smiles on their faces they walked out to the garage door, waiting for her to emerge.


(This story was inspired by the drawing Mirror in Law by DovSherman:  https://www.deviantart.com/dovsherman/art/Mirror-in-Law-874676998 It is what I imagine came before the scene in the drawing. So if you want to know how the daughter I named Sarah for the sake of the story reacts, make sure to check this drawing out.)


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