Misfit’s Journey

Chapter 29 Their Meeting

It did not take long for a silhouette, attached to the green orbs, to appear. Those eerie orbs of green light turned out to be the eyes of a creature I had never seen or heard of before. A single glance at the faint outlines of its body confirmed that it was definitely not a bug, and therefore did not belong to the Exapoda.

However, even from this far away, I could tell that it was a menacingly large creature, and just because it was not a bug, did not mean it was going to be all nice and friendly.

As such, I did the only reasonable thing and cloaked myself in shadows. While my heart screamed at me to run away, the creature had drawn my curiosity. Its gait was elegant, despite its vague beastly appearance and if I had to describe it, its eyes lacked wilderness. As if there was more behind them than a ferocious beast. Maybe because of that, I found myself strangely calm, despite the nature of my situation. Or Iron Will was just really leaning into it right now.

Then there was the fact that, even though their nature made it hard to discern, its eyes were fixated on me, leading me to believe that it was still aware of my presence. As if it could just see through my skill.

And when it was close enough to be identified, I learned why.

[Nature-formed Bahkauv | Lvl. ???]

What the…

To my knowledge, there would only be one reason for me to be unable to see a number for a creature’s level. And that would be that its level surpassed mine by over a hundred levels, which would place this creature at least at level 120.

The creature coming at me was dangerous, much more dangerous than any living being I had encountered before, and my body reacted accordingly. A chill crawled down my spine, goosebumps on my skin, my heart beating faster and louder than before.

The world around me faded as all I did was listen to the slow and steady breaths of the creature and its quiet, yet powerful steps. It was intimidating and awe-inspiring, but I suppressed the urge to run away. Even if I did, there was no doubt in my mind that this creature—the Bahkauv—would easily catch up to me. Unlike with the soldier, I did not even see an ounce of hope in defeating that thing. My strongest attack probably wouldn’t even graze it and without more of that purple liquid, I was at the mercy of that thing.

Finally, the creature stepped into the light of the moss and revealed its full appearance. And it was nothing short of bizarre, almost as if someone took parts from different creatures and animals and stitched them together into whatever it was that I was seeing.

Its skin was green, comparable to grass or moss, and vines wrapped around its long and muscular limbs like bandages. Its torso almost looked like a human’s but twisted in a way to accommodate a quadrupedal build. Added to that was a long tail, just as thick as any of its legs, and just as long as its body. But the weirdest of them all was its head. It shared some similarities with cows, but never had I seen a cow with eyes made of green light or with two rows of sharp teeth, nor with long twisted horns that curled backward.

And even though its legs bore a resemblance to human arms, attached to them were razor-sharp claws of a beast that cut into the ground just by walking. Perhaps this was an effort to intimidate me. If it was, it worked.

As I stood frozen, the creature drew nearer, and only when it stood a few feet away did I understand just how big it was. Its arms were almost twice the size of my body. If it willed to, it could devour me with a single bit.

When the colossal creature lowered its massive head to my level, I instinctively took a step back, but it only gazed at me with its luminous eyes, devoid of malice. Then it opened its maw, revealing its sharp teeth and I prepared for the worst.

“Are you afraid, girl?”

The words were barely louder than a whisper, the voice a strange mixture of high and deep noises, as if cracking constantly. I looked at the one who had spoken these words my eyes widening.

Without saying another word or waiting for my reply, the creature lowered itself to the ground, resting its head on its front legs, while maintaining eye contact with me. The corners of its mouth rose in a crooked smile that was more on the terrifying side.

I found myself at a loss for words, unable to offer a response, and simply nodded my head absentmindedly.

“Do not be. I understand that my voice sounds…different, but I trust you will be able to figure it out soon. Allow me to offer you a clue,” she raised her tail and pointed its tip at my head, “I was inside of that for a while.”

It had been a long time, but the ‘clue’ she offered me was an obvious explanation of who she was. Her voice also was entirely different, but there was only a single person who ever was inside my head.

“…Veraxia?” I murmured.

Her eerie smile widened. “Very good, girl,” she replied with something I interpreted as amusement in her alien voice. “I almost thought you forgot about me.”

I tried to say something and opened my mouth, but failed to find fitting words. Veraxia slowly rose from her resting position and towered over me with her massive form.

“Now, I know we have much to discuss,” she said, something in her voice changing, “but first, there is a matter I must inform you of, and one that needs both of us attending it.”

Confused and overwhelmed, I spoke before even realizing it, “What are you talking about?”

Veraxia’s eyes locked onto mine. “The Exapoda have learned of your existence, and they declared you their prey. They know where you are, and they are coming for you at this very moment.”

I swallowed hard and frowned deeply, uncertain of what to do with that information. “I don’t understand. How would they…,” my voice trailed off as a memory crossed my mind. The memory of a single drone that ran away from me instead of facing me.

“I know you have questions, but we are not left with a lot of time. Exapoda—soldiers and drones— are closing in on this location and we have to prepare.”

Wait, did she say ‘soldiers’, as in, more than one?

“Can we escape?”

Veraxia nodded, her eyes flickering briefly. “No matter how much these pests wear me down, this is still my lair, but the question is, do you want to flee? Will you run without even trying to put up a fight?”

“What?!” I blurted out, annoyed by that accusatory tone of hers. I was not running away because I liked it, but there was no way I would be able to survive multiple soldiers. I was furious at being called “prey”, but facing reality, I couldn’t deny that it was true.

And then I realized the implications Veraxia’s question held. The situation was progressing so fast that I did not take into consideration that I would not be alone in facing the soldiers.

I took a deep breath. “So you want to fight them?”

Veraxia’s eyes narrowed and the smile vanished from her face. “You have already started to learn how to fight, yet they still want to hunt you down like a defenseless animal. Will you just allow them to do so? To treat you as if you were nothing more than food that is still breathing?”

Huh. If she said it like that it pissed me off. It was even more annoying that she was manipulating me like that, but I had to agree with her. The very reason behind my escape from the clan was to never be considered beneath someone else, to become someone who was not looked down on by others.

Fuck, this is stupid.

“Alright, since you proposed this to me, I assume you have a plan? One that does not involve me being turned into bug food?”

Veraxia’s ever-eerie smile returned and she turned around and walked towards the wall opposite of the one where the hole had been made.

“Before that, what are your current levels?” She asked.

“19 and 23.” Veraxia chuckled and briefly turned back to me. She was going to give me a plan for not dying, so I was happy to cooperate.

“You have grown quite a bit, but I see that your level makes you think that you cannot bridge the difference between you and the soldiers.”

“It’s not only how I think about it, it’s a simple truth. The last soldier almost killed me and that couldn’t even be called a proper fight, so yes, I think I do not stand a chance against them,” I said, glancing at the soldier’s remains.

“Being realistic is not necessarily bad, often it is a good thing to be aware of your limitations, but sometimes reason and logic can be a shackle that keeps you from moving forward.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I raised an eyebrow. She was making it sound fancy, but all she was trying to say was that I should abandon logic.

“The soldiers are at a higher level than you, therefore you fear them. There is only one solution to solve that problem. We have to level you up. And what better way is there to do that than mowing down dozens of enemies?” She declared proudly, while I just stood still, baffled by what I was hearing. That was not the plan I had hoped for, damn it, this was not even a plan at all.

Just as I was about to voice my protest and demand a proper plan, familiar vibrations coursed through the tunnel, causing the ground and walls to tremble. In an instant, Veraxia leaped back and landed by my side, positioning herself over me.

Moments later, the wall to our left burst open and a soldier slowly crawled over the pile of rubble it created, followed by six drones.

[Exapoda Soldier | Lvl. 42]

[Exapoda Drone | Lvl. 23]

[Exapoda Drone | Lvl. 21]

[Exapoda Drone…

The instance they entered the tunnel, they already targeted us, but unlike before, they did not rush at us mindlessly. Instead, they observed us, slowly crawling closer while also spreading out and encircling us. It was most likely due to Veraxia’s presence and it was impressive enough that they were planning to attack us at all.

“I will play with that soldier for a while; you handle the drones,” Veraxia said before rushing at the soldier, not even allowing me to reply.

With lightning speed, she lunged forward and clamped down on the soldier with her colossal jaws, dragging it with her as she continued running.  I was curious how she fought and what she was planning to do, but I could not afford to be distracted, as the remaining six drones all advanced my way. All of them were over level 20 and with Veraxia gone, it seemed like their hesitation also vanished.

Not long ago, six of them would have meant a lot of trouble and a not very slim chance of dying, but not only had I grown stronger, but I also had something that would make this much easier.

Without grabbing them, both mandibles slipped out from under my belt and floated by my side. I could already feel how this wore down on my mind, yet I smiled and extended both of my arms. After all, without the soldier present, there was no reason for worry.

All six of them charged at me simultaneously, but would still need some time to reach me, so before they could even step into my close vicinity, two drones died by having their heads pierced. The soldier mandibles stabbed through them with ease and they died even before I could test if the paralytic bristles worked on them.

System notifications appeared in my vision, but I ignored them, focusing on the remaining enemies.

I pulled the mandibles back out and killed two more drones just before they reached me. Their bodies fell dead to the ground, but the remaining two were now in arms reached and forced me to dodge, as one of them lashed out at me.

Abandoning the mandibles, I crossed my arms before me, one drone’s mandibles colliding with my vambraces. A sharp pain ran through my arms, but I used the impact to get even further away, barely landing on my two feet.

The two drones wanted to follow up, but I grabbed one of them with Telekinesis and hurled it into the other, sending both of them tumbling. Fetching one of the mandibles, I waited for their bodies to align and then impaled both of them, ending their lives in one swift strike.

More system notifications appeared and thinking my fight was over, I started reading, when suddenly Veraxia appeared back in my vision, holding a wounded soldier in her jaws. It leaked a lot of blood and many of its plates were cracked, but its vigorous, enraged cries and its futile attempts to wriggle free were a clear sign that it was still alive. Much to my surprise.

I anticipated Veraxia to put it out of its misery any moment, but she did not, instead flinging the soldier at me, directly to the very spot where I was standing.


Ignoring her shout, I started moving, but I would not get away in time, so instead I pulled both mandibles in front of me, their sharp tips facing the incoming soldier.

The soldier screamed but was helpless in the air and was skewered by my mandibles, which slowed down its fall significantly but also pushed me back, causing my feet to slide over the ground and me to almost lose my balance.

Clenching my teeth, I fought to maintain my grip to hold the soldier back, all while being assaulted by an incredible headache. This was far more weight than I could handle, and as a result, blood trickled from my eyes and ears.

Finally, the kill notification liberated me from my suffering, but it was not the only notification I received. No, there were many, many more, but first, I had to heal whatever damage my head and brain suffered. Luckily, it was not that expensive and still left me with around fifty mana, but the following exhaustion forced me to sit down, which quickly turned into lying down.

[Unregistered] has leveled up! Stat points have been allocated! 1 Free Stat Point acquired!

Another [Specimen] threshold has been reached. Species description will be adjusted. Warning! A dormant trait has been discovered. Commencing with awakening…

[Unregistered] has leveled up! Stat point allocation currently unavailable! ? Free Stat Point acquired!

[Unregistered] is now Level 21.

[Novice Witch] has leveled up! Stat points have been allocated! 1 Free Stat Point acquired!

[Novice Witch] has leveled up! Stat points have been allocated! 1 Free Stat Point acquired!

[Novice Witch] is now Level 25.

The Class Skill [Telekinesis] broke through Common-Grade. It has become [Telekinesis (Uncommon)].

[Telekinesis (Uncommon)]

Allows you to move things with your will by consuming mana. The cost depends on the weight of the target and your Willpower stat. Objects exceeding your weight limit, or lifeforms above your own level, cannot be manipulated.

You have acquired the Class Skill [Bind (Uncommon)]

[Bind (Uncommon)]

By summoning chains of mana, bind your opponent in place. The strength of your chains is determined by your Willpower stat. Opponents with higher Willpower than yours can break your chains.

I was still in the middle of reading when my consciousness suddenly started to wane, my eyelids grew heavy and numbness crept over my body. This felt similar to meditation, but different, uncontrolled. I could do nothing against it.

My eyes fluttered closed, and for a moment, all the sensations, and even my thoughts seemed to vanish, only to reappear moments later, but when I opened my eyes once more, the dim underground lair, the dead bugs or Veraxia were nowhere to be seen.

For some reason, I was standing in a vast white expanse. There was no sky and the ground seemed to be made of water, although it felt neither wet nor real. Also, instead of the bright blue of a river, this one carried a faint golden hue.

But my surroundings aside, what caught my attention was the woman standing in front of me, smiling warmly and waving her white-furred claw.

So... this chapter was weird since I had to make a few sudden adjustments so things made sense, so I hope this still came out reasonably okay. If some things that happen in this one do not really make sense in the context of the rest of this story, feel free to tell me, because I checked multiple times, but things should work out.

Thanks for reading ^^

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