Miss Biao is Always Busy! [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 110

Chapter 110 My husband’s cousin

When Luo Minghuan arrived, Jun Zishu had been clothed by the maid and helped him onto the chair.

Several maids pushed the petals apart like a big enemy and looked at the snake in the water.

The water is cold, so this is a premeditated plot.


Jun Zishu shouted in a daze, Luo Minghuan took her hand.

“I’m here.”

“It’s a bit cold, it hurts.”

Jun Zishu whispered, his face was a little blue and his lips pale.

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I am here.”

“Msang Gong, am I going to die?”

“No, what do you think.”

Luo Minghuan was a little flustered, but she tried her best to stabilize.

She knelt down and looked at the wound on Jun Zishu’s calf.


Jun Zishu was quietly paralyzed, his eyes half closed and half open.

Breathing seems to be getting more and more difficult, Jun Zishu’s mind is a little unconscious.

[Host, why do you bother yourself so much. 】

Xiao Huaxian can’t figure it out, obviously it’s okay to change the way.

I’m forcing her.

Junzishu wanted to laugh, but he couldn’t.

Force Luo Minghuan to continue to deal with it, speeding up her pace of knowing the truth.

By the way, verify the importance of yourself to her.

Just be simple and rude, just do it.

Xiao Zuo Yi Qing.

The moist feeling from the calf made Jun Zishu a little awake, and she looked at Luo Minghuan in a panic.


“Second Miss!”

The maid on one side also made a surprised voice, and someone hurried out.

No one thought that Luo Minghuan would suddenly squat down to help Junzishu **** blood, but Junzishu himself did not expect it.

Luo Minghuan’s body was already so weak, what if that toxin enters her body and makes her sick more severely?

Luo Minghuan didn’t care, pinched Jun Zishu’s leg, and performed his own actions.

“Master, medicine.”

Ruyun gave the bottle to Luo Minghuan, ran too fast, and panted next to him after speaking.

“Come on, open your mouth.”

Luo Minghuan stood up and fed the medicine into Jun Zi Shu’s mouth. Jun Zi Shu swallowed it cooperatively, but his eyes were still dark and he passed out.

Luo Minghuan lifted the gentleman book horizontally and carried it into the room.

The people who saw it were surprised again, but they didn’t expect that the frail second lady could actually hold people up.

After Luo Minghuan put the person on the bed, someone came in to report.

“The doctor is here.”

When a doctor came in, Luo Minghuan stood aside.

Ruyun disperse the people gathered here, leaving space, and leaving one to stand outside the door.

“Miss, rinse your mouth.”

Ruyun went to the table and poured a cup of warm tea in front of Luo Minghuan, looking at her worriedly.

“Check me who it is.”

There was a storm on Luo Minghuan’s face, and there was still blood on her pale lips, which looked shocking.


Luo Minghuan’s eyes fell on the unconscious Gentleman Shu, his eyes were cold.

Repeatedly, is the lesson not enough?

Then she doesn’t mind, cut the grass and root.

The person who did this was quickly found out, Luo Minghuan was killed without blinking his eyes, and the news spread to several other yards, and those people came to greet him either truthfully or falsely.

“Let them all get out of me.”

Luo Minghuan said coldly, too lazy to deal with it.

Those people are very noisy.

Luo Minghuan was in a bad mood, and the maid in the room was chilly, and hurriedly went back to talk.

Ruyun brought the medicine, Luo Minghuan took it in his hand, and spent her too.

The bitten leg of Jun Zi Shu was red and swollen with herbs on it.

She lay there, not angry.

Luo Minghuan’s hands trembled inexplicably, and her back was soaked in cold sweat.

“Yuanyuan, I will avenge you.”

Luo Minghuan said in a low voice, put the medicine bowl on the table, and wanted to wait for it to cool down before feeding it to Junzishu.

Luo Minghuan didn’t like the way Junzishu was like this. She was so angry that she looked at Junzishu as if he could open her eyes in the next moment, and then threw into her arms full of vitality, shouting obediently. She is dating.

So cute, so vibrant.

Jun Zishu was in a coma and could not hear Luo Minghuan talking.

Luo Minghuan sat on the edge of the bed, holding the hand of Junzishu.

When the medicine was almost cold, Luo Minghuan half-supported the gentleman book and fed her the soup medicine spoon by spoon.

Jun Zishu was in a coma and was not very cooperative.

The concoction slipped off the lips of a gentleman’s book, and a piece of clothing was dirty.

Luo Minghuan was very patient and fed a little bit, and let Ruyun draw water, and wiped himself at Junzishu.

Her fingertips moved up and down the gentleman’s book, her eyes lowered and she was very attentive.

Inexplicably, I just want to come by myself.

After the wiping was done, Luo Minghuan changed the clothes for Jun Zishu.

After such a toss, the sky was already dark.

Luo Minghuan covered his lips and coughed twice, and then couldn’t help but cough a few more times.

She frowned, disgusted with how she looked like this.

It was cold outside, Luo Minghuan untied his clothes and lay beside Junzishu.

When Jun Zishu woke up, the sky outside was already bright.

She felt her head still a little groggy, but she was still alive.

Jun Zishu licked his lips, knowing that he had succeeded.

Luo Minghuan’s medicine is very good, probably the kind of expensive detoxification pills.

[Host, you are awake! 】

Well, what happened yesterday?

[The person who released the snake was killed by the mission target. 】

it is good.

The gentleman’s hand moved, and touched Luo Minghuan’s hand.

Luo Minghuan didn’t sleep deeply, and woke up immediately after being touched.

“Yuanyuan, you are awake, how are you?”

“Much better, Xiang Gong, why is there a snake in that bucket?”

The gentleman asked stubbornly.

“Because of the bad guys, but it’s okay, the minister will help you beat the bad guys away.”

Luo Minghuan touched Junzishu’s small face and smiled at her.

The smile was warm and bright, hiding the unknown darkness.

“Okay, Xianggong is really nice.”

Gentleman murmured and smiled, his face didn’t seem to have just escaped the haze of death.

Luo Minghuan thought that the little nerd might not even realize the seriousness of herself, perhaps death felt so indifferent to her.

Gentleman’s book is only inconvenient to move one foot, and the others are fine. After getting dressed, I wash myself and start eating breakfast.

It’s just that his face is still a little pale, and his expression is as lively as ever.

When Ruyun knocked on the door and came in, there were two bowls of medicine in the tray.

When Jun Zi Shu saw Ruyun put one of the bowls in front of him, his face wrinkled.

“Miangong, do you have to drink it?”

After the medicine, it looks very bitter.

“Well, I’ll give you candied fruit after drinking.”

Luo Ming said with a smile, he drank his bowl of medicine easily, his expression unchanged.

Jun Zishu saw her like this, so he had to pinch his nose and drank his bowl of medicine.

After drinking in one breath, she stuck out her tongue and turned to ask Luo Minghuan for some candied fruit.

Ruyun saw that they had finished drinking, but stood still and didn’t move. They just looked at Luo Minghuan with the eyes of asking for instructions.

“Say it.”

“Behind the scenes, the envoy has already asked, it is… the second aunt.”

When Ruyun said this person, he carefully glanced at the expression on Junzishu.

Junzishu’s cheeks bulged intently to eat sweets, and didn’t look at her.

“Is the snake still there?”

“In the kitchen.”

“Go to Ah Da, and send it back if it’s not dead. Give it to me wherever it comes from, and find some companions for it by the way, and put it in together.”

Luo Minghuan’s tone did not fluctuate, but his eyes revealed a little sharpness.


Ruyun nodded, indicating that he understood.

Luo Minghuan is not only a tooth for a tooth, but also courtesy, she is also very enthusiastic, and she returns back with several times the gift.

Luo Minghuan spoke with Junzishu for a while, played for a while, and then went to the study.

The gentleman who had nothing to do had to stay in the room and watch a movie with Xiao Huaxian to pass the time. Fortunately, she was a person who could stand her temper very much, and she didn’t think it was so boring every day.

After a whole day, the wound on her leg has almost disappeared, but there are still two round teeth imprinted there, and the surrounding area is slightly red.

When taking a bath at night, Jun Zishu said that he would not go alone.

“My husband, I want to wash with you.”

Junzishu looked at Luo Minghuan with eyesight, eyes full of expectation.

Luo Minghuan was taken aback, as if he hadn’t reacted yet.

“Can’t it? I don’t want to wash it alone, I’m afraid.”

Jun Zi Shu clenched Luo Minghuan’s sleeves tightly and shook them. His eyes were watery, as if covered with a layer of water mist. They looked very beautiful under the candlelight.

“it is good.”

Luo Minghuan nodded and calmed the frightened gentleman.

But when she really faced it, she found that she didn’t seem as relaxed as she had promised.

That strange feeling revived in his chest again, making Luo Minghuan feel a little breathless.

But it was not sad, it made her very disgusted.

Luo Ming lowered his eyes happily, not knowing how to say it.

“Sang Gong, why don’t you take off your clothes?”

Jun Zi Shu looked very happy, untied his clothes in twos, and went into the tub.

She shook her hands, playing with the petals on the water.

The surface of the water is just below the shoulders, but Jun Zi Shu is not at ease playing, she always pokes the petals away.

The surface of the water is clear, from her angle you can see to the bottom at a glance.

Including the swaying snow white that is more dazzling than the light.

Luo Minghuan pursed his lips, put his thin hands on the knots of his clothes, and took off his clothes.

Jun Zishu looked at her directly without blinking, his eyes clear.

Luo Minghuan is very white and thin.

Her white is the kind of unhealthy and sickly pale, slender and stylish, and her waist seems to be unbearable.

The collarbone is very beautiful and seems to be full of light.

There are no waves of ups and downs, although it is not flat-chested, the gentleman’s book visually checked, it may be between a and b.

Luo Minghuan untied her hair, and her long hair fell loose, falling behind him, almost on his chest.

She tossed her hair lightly and stepped into the tub.

The water shook for a while, and the petals were attached to her hair.

She raised her eyes, her eyes clear and lingering.

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