MMO: Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks

Chapter 906 - Class Change Crystal

Chapter 906: Class Change Crystal

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On the hundredth floor of the Tower of Remorse, Li Yi brought his party to face the warden, Mephisto.

 Unlike Li Yi’s previous quest there, the party had to rely on their own raw strength to kill Mephisto.

 Despite that, the battle was unbelievably easy for the party. As usual, the newly converted God-chastised Paladin had displayed an eye-catching performance. The terrifying bind skill, Blood Cross— Sin was used, and with it, Mephisto was easily taken down.

 However, if one were to think back on it, it was not weird at all, as Emperor Lan, one of the Three Heroes of Humanity, Emperor Lan, had once used Blood Cross — Sin to bind the Seventh Demon God as well.

 26 minutes later, Mephisto had been taken down, and Li Yi and his party had earned the right to enter the Void Dimension.

 According to the normal flow of the Tower of Remorse, the players only needed to defeat the final boss, the three-eyed cat owned by the Death God in order to clear the stage. When the deed was done, every player who participated would receive a Class Change Crystal as the reward.

 However, the situation this time was not normal…

 When Li Yi and his party reached the Void Dimension, the boss that awaited them was not the three-eyed cat, but rather the Death God, Diablo.

 Brother Windcloud Nine quickly looked up the details on the Tower of Remorse’s final boss, and he shouted, “What the hell? Isn’t the final boss of the Tower of Remorse the three-eyed cat, Haniq?”

 There were exceptions to everything, and within King of Pantheon, anything was possible.

 Legend says that when players managed to clear each floor of the tower with an SSS Rank, the Death God, Diablo would replace the three-eyed cat in battle. However… Li Yi and the others did not achieve SSS Rank in all of the floors, and as such, they could not have satisfied the requirement.

 “As… the Chosen One, come and show me how you’re different from the masses!”

 Diablo’s low voice resonated through the floor, and its black robe flitted around even though there was no wind in the room. It exuded an extremely intimidating aura.

 ‘A God-tier boss!’

 The Death God was of an even higher caliber than the four kings that guarded the four divine shrines. It was truly a God-tier boss!

 ‘Wait, was it referring to me when it mentioned the Chosen One?’

 Li Yi narrowed his eyes and constantly eyed the Death God.

 No one else would understand the Death God’s words except Li Yi himself, as he was the sole possessor of the Cursing Sect’s Archbishop-tier divine item, the Evil God Summoning Scroll.

 Within the lore of King of Pantheon, the Death God and the Evil God were close friends, and from the way the Death God spoke, it was clear that it had known about the Evil God Scroll that Li Yi was carrying.

 ‘Would the boss’ difficulty increase when it encounters the Chosen One?’

 “I’ll chalk it up as my loss if you manage to touch me!” The Death God issued the winning condition for the players.

 Li Yi heaved a huge sigh of relief. Had the stage required them to slay the Death God, the difficulty would be undoubtedly off the charts. However, as the floor had only required them to touch the Death God once, it should not pose too big of a problem.

 “Everyone, CHARGE!”

 Li Yi gestured forward and issued the command to his party.

 “Woosh! Woosh!”


 The whole party launched a simultaneous attack. There were no main tanks and healers in this battle, all just to increase their chances of making contact with the God of Death.

 A red shroud of light enveloped the Death God, and all of the party’s attacks had been deflected.

 It was the Divine Spell, Divine Shield of Light, which could be shorthanded into Divine Shield.

 “Chrono— Stinger Arrow!”

 Li Yi pulled back his Orange Quality Bow and launched his most powerful attack.

 “Blood Cross— Sin!”

 A crimson light filled the room as Brother Windcloud Nine unleashed his most powerful binding skill in an attempt to restrain the Death God’s movements.

 Despite that, the Death God remained rooted to the spot. It deflected all of the incoming attacks with its Divine Shield, and the players were unable to so much as scratch the Death God.

 “I’ll only give you 10 minutes! If you’re unable to land a hit on me during this time, I’ll retaliate and finish off all of you!”

 The Death God’s merciless tone reverberated through the room.

 [9 minutes and 32 seconds left!]

 [8 minutes and 53 seconds left!]


 As the clock continued to tick away, the Death God’s Divine Shield retained its previous strength. It did not show a single sign of breaking, and the players’ attacks on it were still rendered useless.

 “Territory— Space Manipulation!”

 “Territory— Elemental Destruction!”

 The players were attacking even more aggressively now. They were constantly spamming their Territory Power just to deal some damage to the Death God.

 Alas, the mighty Territory Power was useless in the face of Divine Power…

 “Is… Is this all you have, Chosen One?” The Death God’s voice was full of disappointment.

 Without a single ounce of hurriedness, Li Yi steadily attacked the Death God. Since the Death God would not retaliate during this time, Li Yi slowly approached the Death God as he fired his arrows.

 “Thud! Thud!”

 Dolly did not stand idly by, and she was giving it her all as well.

 Despite that, the Divine Shield had blocked all the shots, and in this battle, the Death God had not moved even once.

 It was constantly standing in the same spot, and nobody was able to harm it.

 [3 minutes and 12 seconds left!]

 [1 minute and 34 seconds left!]

 “…Chosen One… you disappoint me…”

 Red streaks of divine light began to cover the surface of the Death God’s body. It was a symbol that it was about to attack, and when the countdown had ended, it would spell the party’s demise.

 Time was running out for Li Yi and his party…

 “Everyone, keep it up!” thundered Brother Windcloud Nine.

 “Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Don’t stop…” shouted Sister Windcloud Nine.

 The twenty-five members had not once stopped attacking, and although everyone understood that their attacks were futile, they would not let go of the opportunity they got.

 After all, as long as they attacked, the party might still stand a chance, and if they don’t their chances would be effectively zero.

 “Keep attacking!”

 Li Yi was now directly at the edge of the Divine Shield, and it was within his reach.

 He was extremely close to the shield now!

 There was only 32 seconds left on the countdown, and the crimson glow of the shield had already enveloped the entire Void Dimension, which meant that the Death God was about to act.

 “Chosen One… your selection might have been a mistake!”

 “Wind Presence!”

 Li Yi suddenly took out his Wind Element Sealing Sword and furiously slashed it at the Death God.

 Earth Elemental Sealing Sword!

 Fire Elemental Sealing Sword!

 Water Elemental Sealing Sword!

 Li Yi had unleashed attacks from four Sealing Swords simultaneously.

 The first attack from the Wind Elemental Sealing Sword had unleashed the divine wind power sealed within it, which broke the shield and slammed into the Death God. As for the other three swords, they were just a form of insurance for Li Yi.

 “Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

 All four strikes from the swords had landed, and with it, four damage counters popped up from the Death God’s head. With a sorrowful tone, the red glow around it faded.

 With only 3 seconds remaining to the battle, Li Yi had defeated the Death God and successfully passed the stage!

 “We won!”


 “Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Don’t stoopppp…” Sister Windcloud Nine was still shouting with all her might, and only after everyone’s attention had gathered on her did she yelp and stop. With her face beet-red, she hid it behind her hands.

 The Death God panted, “… Chosen One… your performance caught me off guard.”

 Being able to land four hits on the Death God, it was not something that any random person could do.

 Jiaojiao suddenly shouted, “Quick, look at its HP!”

 On top of the Death God’s head, there were only 3,781 points of HP remaining.

 Its health had almost completely depleted, and only one more hit was needed for Li Yi to kill the Death God!

 Seeing the Death God in such a state had startled Li Yi as well.

 This was because he had just noticed that the boss they were facing was not a projection of the Death God, but the actual Death God in the flesh!

 Even back in the myth from his past life, the SSS Rank battle would only deploy the Death God’s projection, and not the actual Death God itself.

 However, the boss they had faced just now was no projection. It was definitely the Death God!

 Had Li Yi delivered one more blow, then he would have completed the God-slaying task.

 However, that was just pure wishful thinking, as Li Yi had already depleted all the power contained in the four blades when he attacked earlier. As such, delivering one more blow was basically just him being wishful.

 “Chosen One…you have the might and power to kill me, but you have chosen not to do so…”

 [System Notification: The Death God’s Affinity towards you has risen by 100000 points!]

 [Your relationship with the Death God has risen to Adoration.]

 [Congratulations! You have successfully cleared the Tower of Remorse, and the feat has been recorded in the Tower of Remorse’s world rankings.]

 The party had cleared the dungeon in only 19 hours and 32 minutes, which was a brand-new record!

 “Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!”

 Class Change Crystals came raining down from the heavens, and it was delivered to each of the players’ backpacks.

 Without exception, all twenty-five of the members had received Class Change Crystals as rewards!

 Well, there was ONE exception though, which was Li Yi!

 Not only did Li Yi receive a Class Change Crystal, but he had also obtained an additional Void Dimension Teleport Stone that was given by the Death God!

 With this, Li Yi could Teleport to the 100th floor of the Tower of Remorse and converse with the Death God anytime he wished.

 As of this moment, Li Yi’s relationship with the Death God had changed. Not only were both of them no longer in opposing camps, but their relationship had also skipped Friendly and went straight to Adoration.

 Of course, only Li Yi was aware of this fact, and to the other players, the Death God was still a red-named boss.

 With that, they had finally cleared the tower, and their run had ended!

 In a shaky voice, Brother Windcloud Nine gripped his crystal. “Man, I didn’t expect to get a crystal. I really thought I’m unable to change classes…”

 Jiaojiao was also a bit worried. “Me too, I’m not sure that Dark Paladins can change classes.”


“What use is there in speculating? Why don’t you guys just take the Class Change Crystals to your respective mentors and ask them instead?” Li Yi bawled out in laughter and disbanded the party.

 Upon receiving the order, the party members hastily gripped their Return City Stones and returned to their capitals as fast as possible.

 “…Chosen One, come and find me three days later…”


The Death God whispered the words to Li Yi in a soft voice, and faded away…

 Li Yi was the only one who heard the words, and it had gone completely unnoticed by the others.

 “Three days later huh…”

 Li Yi nodded his head, rubbed his Return City Stone, and returned to Starting Point City.

 The North Pole Continent’s main capital was Starting Point City, and aside from the mentors for the Dark Paladin and God-chastised Paladin class, all the other class mentors were present. Since Li Yi had obtained a Class Change crystal of his own, he was interested to test it out as well.

 Back in his past life, Li Yi had not managed to upgrade his class, but this regret was now rectified in this life.

 It was in the Trading Centre of Starting Point City that Li Yi located the Archer Mentor, Rena.


With one hand gripping the Class Change Crystal, and the other holding the tool to change his class into a Blademaster, Li Yi slowly trudged towards Rena.

 “Mentor Rena, I’d like to change classes!”



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