MMO: Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks

Chapter 922 - Air Authority

Chapter 922: Air Authority


The ball made of golden light exploded in Moonlight’s hand, and the immense impact made it groan in pain. It held its head in its hands, curling into a ball in midair.

Li Yi’s Powered-up Arrow did not aim at Moonlight, but at the Light’s Destruction in its hands.

The Divine Spell Light’s Destruction had the terrifying ability to kill players in one shot, but it also had a weakness. If it could not find a target when it exploded, the Divine Spell would backfire on its user.

Li Yi had unleashed the Powered-up Arrow just as Moonlight had no nearby targets to aim at.

Moonlight’s use of Light’s Destruction was no bug. It was simply a powerful technique that was not too difficult to stop. Players just had to aim at the Destruction Ball and the cycle of endless casts would be broken.

Moonlight was very quick in unleashing Light’s Destruction, so players could only interrupt the Destruction Ball in the instant when it finished gathering Divine Power or after that. No matter what they did, there was no way to stop the technique before that happened.

The players from before lost because they did not know that.

They did not touch the Destruction Ball at all, and yet countless died to its hand, so they instantly lost their composure.

The infinite loop of Destruction Ball was a perfectly simple segment of the battle. It was no bug at all.

“F*ck, it was that easy?”

“No way…”

“F*ck, why didn’t I think of that?”

“…I’m speechless.”

“It;’s Dark Wing, it’s Dark Wing!”

“Dark Wing shot that!”

“F*ck me!”

Although Li Yi did not show himself, the others could recognize him from his Powered-up Arrow alone.

While Li Yi’s sudden arrow was astonishing, it was just a momentary glory. After that, the tens of thousands of players rushed forth, screaming and yelling. They had long since forgotten about him.

An individual’s power was limited. Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut’s earlier attack had been terrifying too, but what of it? She still lay dead at the boss’ feet.

When fighting the King of Pantheon’s strongest existing boss, they could not rely on individual power. Here, it depended on a battle of numbers, and the person to deal the last hit would be the king of the strongest first kill.

In the face of such temptation, who cared about the identity of the one who interrupted the boss’ attack? Everything could be solved with one simple sentence.

“I’ll kill anyone who stands in my way!”

The riotous assault began anew.

Moonlight hugged its head with its hands, its body curled up. Attacks were coming from everywhere, and it could not resist at all. The backlash from its Light’s Destruction attack meant that it could not put up any resistance for a full minute.

Since it could not defend, it suffered even more damage than usual. Moonlight’s HP fell drastically, and even before the minute was up, its health had once more been reduced to zero. It became a giant golden egg again.

It metamorphosized again!

“F*ck, is there no end to this?”

“That can’t be! If it turns into an egg again, what do we do now?”

“Swoosh-swoosh! Swoosh-swoosh!”

Most players stopped attacking, but a very small minority continued to attack.

The giant egg’s HP rose like crazy, and within a few seconds, it had surpassed the halfway mark and was headed straight for home base.

“Should we attack? Someone, say something!”

“Anyone got any ideas? Tell us!”


“Dark Wing, do you know? Come out and tell us, should we attack?”

“Dark Wing, come out!”

“Oh yeah, Dark Wing! I’m sure he knows!”

The players wanted to fight but they did not dare to, so after they hesitated, they suddenly remembered Li Yi again.

Li Yi sat on the tree and stayed completely quiet. He could not be bothered.

That was right, he did know the way to beat Moonlight, but why should he tell these complete strangers?

They yelled for him when they remembered him, but when the boss was on its last legs, would they even recall who he was?

“F*ck, its HP is almost full again…”

“Fight, brothers! We can’t let it recover fully!”


As the players hesitated, Moonlight’s health bar filled up completely, and the egg cracked. Moonlight reappeared before them, bathed in sparkling golden light.

The health bar above its head vanished again, so it went without saying that it must be back at full health. Unlike before, however, the golden light radiated from its body continuously.

Withstanding the attacks, Moonlight spread its wings and descended to the floor slowly. It then raised its hands and chanted loudly, “The gods say that I am the only truth in the world. If I desire light, there shall be light. If I desire darkness, there shall be darkness. The gods say that there shouldn’t be air here, and thus— there shall be no air here!

“Divine Spell— Air Authority, activate!”


A small golden star shot out from Moonlight’s hand, hanging in midair. It then emitted a powerful suction force, sucking in all the air around them.

Air Authority was a powerful Divine Spell that altered the space around them with Divine Power. The spell’s range changed depending on how much Divine Power its caster had.

Oce Moonlight unleashed Air Authority, the entire area within 3,000 meters of it became a vacuum!

The players had assumed that Moonlight would repeat its previous moves, and they had even braced themselves to interrupt its spell. To their surprise, it used a completely new Divine Spell instead, and by the time they realized they should run and hide, it was already too late.

The formation of the vacuum meant that any player within its range suffocated, their health and stamina draining rapidly…

Were they supposed to run? Yes, but they could not. In this vacuum, it was difficult enough to move.

Many players’ faces contorted, and some even grabbed their own throats. Some stuck out their tongues, while others fell to the ground, their limbs shaking…

The whole process lasted for more than a minute, during which every player within three thousand meters died.

The players who stood outside the vacuum were utterly stunned.

“So this is a Divine Spell?”

“F*ck me…”

Air Authority was still ongoing, and several brave players tried to creep forth, but none of them lasted more than 20 seconds.

“It’s a bug, this one must definitely be a bug!”

Someone started yelling again.

Moonlight was just too powerful. Its two resurrections, back to back, meant that the players attacking it had lost all their confidence.

Moonlight stood on the ground, its arms still raised high in the same stance as when it first cast Air Authority. However, three thousand meters was no small distance, and the players standing outside of its range could not even see it clearly.

“Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!”




The players outside could not see it, but damage figures were emerging from Moonlight’s head right now.

Someone was attacking it!

“Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!”

At Moonlight’s feet, there was a mess of a player who lay face-up on the ground and occasionally drew his bow, shooting arrows that landed on Moonlight’s body.

“Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!”

Each arrow dealt more than 1,500,000 damage, and they streamed in at a decent pace. Moonlight’s hands were still raised above its head, and when it was attacked, its expression was one of surprise.

The one shooting arrows from the floor was none other than Li Yi!

When Moonlight had been descending to the ground, Li Yi had already leaped off the tree and lay on the ground.

The way to evade Air Authority was not by running, but by lying flat on the ground and embedding their bodies into the ground. Players had to wait there until Air Authority let up a little and began to move up slightly. That was when they could crawl forward, up to the boss’ feet, where they could finally deal damage to it.

While the player was hiding, they must never touch the vacuum, or else they would get pulled into it. When that happened, forget hiding in the surface of the ground, the player would not be able to escape the vacuum damage even if they dug a hole in the ground and jumped into it.

Of the millions of players here, only Li Yi knew how to evade the vacuum. Therefore, he survived.

“Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!”

Li Yi kept shooting at a leisurely pace. The vacuum was just above his head, so he was very careful when drawing his bow, lest he got dragged inside.

Moonlight glared at Li Yi fiercely. “Despicable human, when my Divine Spell ends, so will your life.”

“You can’t even move, but you’re still trying to rile me up? You deserve to get shot.”

Li Yi’s Orange Quality Bow moved slightly, and instead of shooting Moonlight’s thigh, he switched toward its nethers…

“Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!”

As Li Yi continued to shoot, Moonlight’s expression turned uglier and uglier.

“Despicable human, you shall pay for your actions!” Moonlight said angrily.

“Won’t I have to pay either way?”

Li Yi ignored its threats and continued to shoot.

“Haha, so the surface of the ground is safe! We can advance by crawling.”

“Eureka! The surface of the ground isn’t a vacuum, there’s air there! Come on, comrades, let’s crawl! Hahahaha, I was the first to discover this.”

Air Authority’s secret did not last long before it was discovered by the players.

Many players crawled along the surface of the ground. Three thousand meters was neither near nor far, so within ten to twenty minutes, some players had already crawled their way here.

“Come out, Dolly!”

With a wave of his hand, Li Yi summoned Dolly.



Dolly appeared and instantly became an egg.

Li Yi did not dare to call Aersith. While the Second Demon God was powerful, she probably could not do much in the face of the vacuum. If she accidentally died, then Li Yi’s losses would outweigh his gains.

Dolly was fine, though. In fact, she had to die to bring out her true powers.

When Moonlight saw Dolly become an egg, it muttered, “That can’t be a Winged One. How could a Winged One become like that? No… No, it’s probably not.”



Dolly would die as soon as she resurrected. As of now, she still was not powerful enough to help Li Yi.

“Stinger Arrow!”

When he sensed that the vacuum had lifted an inch higher, Li Yi gathered his guts and used a Stinger Arrow.

Thankfully, he did not get pulled into the vacuum.

“Water Clone!”

“Shooting Star Arrow Hail!”

“Smack smack smack smack smack smack smack…”

As he gained more space to maneuver, Li Yi began to attack with more abandon.

“Shooting Star Arrow Hail!”

After four rounds of Shooting Star Arrow Hail, Li Yi used another Chrono Stinger Arrow and ended with an Extermination Arrow.

Moonlight’s HP fell to zero, and it became a giant golden egg.

“Okay, success!”

Li Yi snapped his fingers and then reached out to touch the giant golden egg.


Just as Li Yi reached out and was about to touch the giant golden egg, there was a sudden and loud explosion. The giant golden egg slanted and fell into a deep hole…

‘F*ck, there’s someone underground!’

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