MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 1166 Preparing for What's to Come

1166  Preparing for What's to Come

"To everyone on Veldanyr… greetings yet again. My name is Scho'doxa."

Hearing Scho'doxa's voice echo throughout everywhere he looked all of a sudden, Valyr paused in his words for a bit before deciding to save his thoughts for after the man's announcement.

After all, with the conversation he and Scho'doxa had before he returned to Veldanyr, he already knew that the man would give everyone on the planet a heads-up regarding the upcoming version.

Because of that, he had a faint smile on his face as the man's voice continued to echo throughout the planet. "I'm sure all of you know me from the tournament you've been forced to participate in some time ago."

"I would like to apologize for transporting you to another place all of a sudden… but I was merely following the orders of the system itself."

"With that being said, these next few words I'll be mentioning are also orders from the system."

Although Valyr couldn't see it, he was certain that a great portion of the people throughout the planet perked their ears up at that moment, curious as to what the man would say next.

Briefly glancing at Julian, he was slightly surprised to see that the man was seemingly intent on listening to Scho'doxa's next words as well.

"Do keep in mind that the beings protected by the system shall arrive at your planet in the next few days." Returning his attention back to what Scho'doxa had to say, Valyr faintly nodded the moment he heard the man's words. "Not only that, but the new version would arrive at around the same time."

"Expect a lot of personal changes from the new version… but at the same time, don't expect too much," continued the man. "If anything, most of the new changes that the new version shall bring will come from the beings themselves."

"Depending on your actions, they might become the ally of your races… or the banes of your existence."

"Thus, I would highly recommend everyone to prepare for their appearance one way or another…"

"For their appearance shall undoubtedly start a new era for the entire universe."


By the time Scho'doxa was finished with his announcement, a sound similar to something being sucked in echoed throughout the entire planet, which everyone belatedly realized as a signal that his announcement had ended.

Though the man's announcement was brief, the information contained in his words, as well as what he implied between the lines, was more than enough for everyone on the planet to turn silent.

And thus, just like the effect the tournament had on the planet had, Veldanyr had come to a standstill once more.

Unsurprisingly, even Julian was not spared from Scho'doxa's words, slightly frowning while looking at the ground as various thoughts began to linger in his mind.

Fortunately, it did not take long for everything to return to how it was before the announcement, with everyone on the planet seemingly having come to a tacit agreement to continue what they were doing at more or less the same time.


"Where were we again?" Taking in a deep breath to recollect his thoughts, Julian flashed a wry smile at Valyr as he asked a question. "Sorry. Still thinking about what the man said just now."

"Don't worry." Though he had a rough idea of what was going on in the man's head, Valyr had no desire to delve into it. "Take as much time as you need, really."

Instead, he made sure to shift their conversation back to the topic they had earlier.

"In any case, we were talking about the Nicholas clan earlier."

"…Right." Becoming silent for a bit, Julian soon had a look of understanding on his face as he nodded back at Valyr's words. "We were talking about the clan that had been looking for your whereabouts earlier."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seemed to have something to say on the matter earlier?"

"I did." Valyr nodded, only for his expression to turn slightly grim as he posed a question to the man. "If I remember correctly, the Nicholas clan was the clan that used to own Edward, right?"

"That would be correct." Julian nodded in response, his expression becoming slightly grim as well. "It's quite odd, honestly."

"Definitely." Valyr nodded in agreement, pondering over the matter in silence a bit further.

Considering the fact that he spent a while in the kingdom without activating his disguise skill, the young man wasn't surprised that people had eventually caught on to the fact that he and Edward had a relationship of some sort.

He also wasn't surprised that people were eventually able to connect him to the Ylvar identity he began to use more often, realizing that it was only a matter of time when people would connect the two because of his carelessness.

If one were to add the Nicholas clan into the mix, then the entire thing became even more understandable, seeing as they were the ones who used to own Edward in the past.

However, what Valyr did not understand was why they dragged the Zeihardt clan into the current situation.

'Well, it doesn't take much to come to the idea that the Zeihardt clan would handsomely reward the Nicholas clan if they were to lead them to me,' muttered Valyr to himself inwardly, only to then frown as he mulled over the matter a bit further.

'But for some reason… I feel like that isn't the reason why they've roped the Zeihardt clan into this.'

With his frown getting deeper the more he thought about it, the young man eventually let out a low sigh as he looked at Julian.

Asking more about the situation involving the Nicholas and the Zeihardt clan, Valyr could only bitterly smile when the man told him everything he knew, prompting him to shift the topic of their conversation to the other changes brought about by the tournament.

By the time they finished going through all of the changes their disappearance brought to the entire planet, the young man decided to enlist Julian's help in obtaining information regarding the Nicholas clan, as well as Algerie Kingdom's branch of the Zeihardt clan.

At the same time, he sent a message to Braum through chat, reminding the man of the promise he made before asking for the same information he asked Julian.

Getting confirmation from both Julian and Braum that they'd obtain the information for him as soon as possible, Valyr thanked the two of them for their help before leaving the Blacksmith Guild.

"…I suppose I should tie up some loose ends before the new version starts." Arriving at the entrance of the guild a few minutes later, the young man soon made up his mind to head to the battlefield for the meantime.


Activating both [Flash of the Azure Dragon] and [Flight of the Azure Dragon], Valyr soon disappeared from Algerie Kingdom as he made his way to the frontlines at the greatest speed he could muster.


Although the titles he'd obtained from the tournament improved his stats by a certain extent, which amplified the effects of [Flash of the Azure Dragon] a bit further, the speed at which Valyr moved through the air was only a bit better when compared to the first time he made his way to the battlefield.

From what he could tell, he would arrive at the military base around an hour to an hour and a half earlier than he did in the past…

Which eventually made Valyr realize that his speed had gone beyond becoming a bit better.

"I'll use Noel's request from back then as an excuse to teach the other blacksmiths how to forge one from scratch." Deciding to make the most out of the time he was flying to the military base, Valyr began to plan out his next moves before Greater Beyond was released to the public.

"After that, I'll forge a considerable number of basic weapons and armor for the players to buy, as well as a set of basic potions that would allow their early game to be a bit more smooth sailing."

"Hmm… should I also give them access to the Basic-level Reinforcement Elixirs?" Briefly pondering over which starter village he'd temporarily set up shop in once the players arrived, a random thought soon popped up in his mind.

Scratching the back of his head as he mulled over the thought, the young man seemed to be at a crossroads on what to do regarding the matter. "On one hand, it'd speed up the rate at which players improved in the game… but at the same time, it would cause the foundations of the majority to become shaky."

"After all, they'd rely more on the brute strength the elixirs would give them while fighting rather than the skills they should actually focus on."

"Not only that, but the bullying incident from back then would probably just repeat itself if I were to make those elixirs readily available from the start."


Slightly frowning as he delved deeper and deeper into the matter, in the end, Valyr came to the conclusion that there wasn't any point in thinking about it, seeing as the players had yet to appear in Veldanyr.

"If anything, it's probably in my best interest to tackle the topic of the Reinforcement Elixirs again only after Greater Beyond is released to the public."

With that, it was no surprise that the young man focused his thoughts on something else after that.

Specifically… he focused his thoughts on the rewards he got from the tournament.

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