Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 18 Turning Point 1 [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


May 16th, I.J.C. 194, Earth, New Orleans.  7:45 A.M.


I wake up in my room, Haro is next to me, sleeping, I look over to see Yohai who still calculating the code and number inside my computer, she still doesn’t wake up, but I knew it was almost time. I looked at my phone only to see that it was 7:45 in the morning, I woke up quite fast today. 


Getting out of my bed, there was something itching inside my chest, the last word I heard before I sleep. I don’t believe it, I won’t believe it. So I did the only thing I could think of, I rushed out of my room, and ran along the hallway, almost hitting the maid who was cleaning but I didn’t care.


I ran, through the familiar hallway, I turned left and came across the door. Without hesitation, I open it. And it was messy, with bags that spilled across the floor, cloth falling everywhere, blankets that lay down on the floor.


The bed was empty, it was…empty, Her phone, tablet, and laptop were also missing, other than that, nothing was missing here. I could see her clothes and other belongings. Even her ID is still here.


She must still be here if she leaves her ID, She may be just working for Mr.Ottoman…


I rushed out of the room, I knew they would wake up before me, Every morning they would have tea in the living room. I ran straight there, slamming the door open, and saw the two of them sitting comfortably on the Sofa, sipping the Tea while Mr.Hemston standing behind them preparing some light snack.


“Where’s Mama?” I ask, Mr.Stephan puts down his tea and turns to look at me. 


“Who?” he answered, asking as if she didn’t exist…


“Don’t you joke with me, I said Where is she?!” I yell out, full of anger.


“Like I said, Who are you talking about?” 


“Araya Milas Revory! That who! Just what do you think?! Is this some kind of joke!? Hah?!” Looking around I saw a sharp knife, probably used to cut cake but I quickly picked it up. 


“Someone with that name doesn’t exist, never exist to begin with.” He answers calmly, eyes watching my hand.


“Don’t you fucking joke with me! I ask where she is! If you didn’t answer then just prepare to lose an heir to this house!” I point the knife to my throat, pushing it and I can feel the pain, I can feel the blood rushing down from my throat.

“Do it then, if you can only handle this much then you’re not worthy of my house,” Stephan said, calmly as he looked over me, challenging me. We looked straight into each other eyes, His were calculating…


I knew what he thinking, he knew, and I knew too, that I didn’t have enough courage to go through with this, he knew I would chicken out and that alone is unworthy in his opinion. Sure, I may not have enough courage to do this.


I don’t end my life. I put the knife down and Mr.Hemston quickly rushed to my side and began wiping away the blood.


“Give me the condition, for telling where my mother is. Isn’t that what you want?” I said this, I know what he wants.


“You can search for your mother on your own, I will only give you a hint. Become a Pilot, and prove that you are worthy of my house, only then will I tell you the hint.” He said, throwing me something. 


I quickly caught it, it was a key. Once I had it, he took out a box that had been hidden behind the box of cake. “Once you are worthy, I will give you this box, but only once I deem worthy. I know you want to be a researcher like your mother, but I know there a potential in you, Just from your gaze, the way you try to unbox the mystery that is people.”


“I want you, to become a Pilot, if you really are her daughter then, surely just becoming an ace pilot is nothing to you?” 


The Ottoman is a military household, The commander of Earth’s defense force is none other than Stephan Levis Ottoman. In his prime, he leads his unit against the last remaining Folkardian on Earth’s sphere. 


Earning the Title of Supreme Commander and Retaining that title to this day. That man is challenging me right now. 


“I accept, you can’t go back on your word.” I turn my back and walk out of the door. I need to do my research, there must be some trace, if I dig deep enough, even if I have to hack the fucking state I would do it, as long as there are traces of her, I must find it.


[Gundam Nova]


Nothing is found…I hacked into the surrounding camera and I found nothing, I Even hacked into New Orca to see the moment I got out…but there was nothing, it was like, everything was deleted, no…everything and every bit was deleted for sure. 


Don’t talk about a trace when I can’t even find any dust at all. I tried all morning, watching every footage, both inside the mansion, and the surrounding camera…but there was nothing, everything was deleted. But I knew a pattern, the footage was deleted around 11:35 pm to 2:15 AM.


I hit a wall, the only clue is the box that is in the possession of Stephan. He wants me to become a pilot…He wants me to go to war, huh? A test of whether I was worthy enough for this house, but if I passed, I would gain a clue about my mother and a means to find her.


Right, the easy life is over, I enter this world…The ugly political world, What I needed to do was get stronger, and build a connection for when I inherited this house so that when the time came, I could take Mama home. 


I need knowledge, I need power, connection, and trusty people on my side. Firstly, the only thing I can do is get stronger, I can build connections in the Academy where Kids with parents full of power stay. 


Then…then I will find her, I will take her home, a home that is not here, a home on Siga-8, our home. 


“Haro,” I said out loud, attracting the attention of Haro who sitting on my bed. “Is there…any record Mother left behind?”


“None! None!” 


“I see…” Right…she left without even leaving me a message. Let’s do this…I can do this…I must not be sad, I just need to do this and find her. That's all, right it was that easy, just needed to do everything. 


I can do this, I won’t break, I won’t.


I walk out of the door, leaving Haro behind. I knew where I should go, walking to the living room, I saw Mr.Hemston cleaning after everything. Stephan still sitting there not caring about me, Mrs.Kylie is avoiding my eyes but otherwise looks normal.


I walk up to Mr.Hemston. He stopped what he doing and looked toward my neck, his face was a bit uneasy looking at my neck.


“My lady, Let get you some medi-”


“It’s ok, Mr.Hemston, there a favor I like to ask.” U cut him off, I knew what he wanted to say.


“Please train me, I knew from the way you walk, your posture, you have trained in martial arts. I need a strong body so I can operate Mobile Suit for an extended time.”

He stops and looks me in the eyes, he is uncomfortable, I could see the image he trying to keep breaking a little. “Please, Mr.Hemston, I need your help.” I Bow down to him, on my knee and head on the ground. 


“My Lady!  Please get your head up!” He quickly used his hand to block my head from hitting the ground. “...I will teach you, but it will be hard, especially since you’re so young.” 


“I don’t care, as long as it makes me stronger,” I said, as I put my head up. “When can we begin?” 


“Please, let me take you to the infirmary first, the wound may not be deep but it would hurt, even my first aid skill is only subpar at best.” I nod and then I get up, leave the room, and walk with him toward the infirmary. 


The nurses were shocked at what happened to my neck and quickly began the treatment. Soon I was put in bed, waiting for my wound to heal. But I can’t just stay still, I took out my Phone, and began to study, I needed to learn more. I need more knowledge so that I can tread the right path in this world, full of political nonsense.


So I began to dive, dive into everything I could, new from a year ago, 10 years, or even a hundred years, house, people, potential connection. I need it all, I need everything.


Soon…wait for me, Mama…No matter how long it takes, a year, 10 years, or even 50 years, I will find you and take you back to our Home.


[Gundam Nova]


June 1st, I.J.C. 194, Elysium’s Colony. Elysium Academy, Grand Auditorium-2, 7:45 A.M.


Tub tub tub tub….


Several hundred footsteps all echo throughout the grand hall, murmur of children talking to each other. But soon, everything comes to an end as the ring sounds, alarming everyone in the auditorium to quiet down. 


Soon, every kid present stops talking and starts sitting on their seat. Soon, someone walks up to the main stage, an elderly man, in a robe of blue, the main color of this Academy. He walked slowly but the sound of each step was heard throughout the auditorium. 


Coughing a bit, the elderly man turns to face all the new students. “Good Morning, everybody. My name is Aldera Crosel Reata. I am the principal of this Academy.” Soon claps began to fill the Auditorium, the principal quickly shut it down with a cough.


“Ahem, First of all, Congratulations to all of you who managed to pass the Exam, You are a few of the hundreds of thousands of participants. Only 135 managed to pass everything, and that was all of you. I applaud you. You are the truly gifted one.” 


Soon the sound of applause starts again, but this time the principal lets it continue until it dies down. 


“Truly, you guys are one of the most gifted of your generation. Now, I would give you a long lecture but that is not how we do things here, What I want is for all of you to learn, have fun, and rest well, once you truly achieve all this, your mind will truly be open to innovative ideas. So to all my Students, Welcome to Elysium Academy.” 


The principal slowly comes down from the Auditorium amidst the constant Clapping, then a new person comes up.  A woman in a white lab coat. 


“We thank the Principal for his speech, My name is Kelea Konsha, Head Professor of the Medical Department…” She continued the talk after the principal, which spans until 9 AM. When she releases the students to their classrooms. 


Soon, everyone disperses into their classroom. 


[Gundam Nova]


June 1st, I.J.C. 194, Elysium Academy, Class-S, 9:15 A.M.


“Good Morning, Everyone. My name is Jalia Reno. I will be your Homerome Teacher.” He presses the keyboard and soon his name appears on the wall behind him. “Now Let's begin with the introduction, Once I call your name. Please come up here and Introduce yourself. We will go with the number first to last.”


“Miss, Yoha, Please come up.” With his words, A single girl got up from her seat. Her blue hair was tied into a Ponytail, swaying with her movement. Her ruby-red eyes look straight with confidence as she walks to the front of the classroom.


With a graceful movement, she stood in front of the classroom. 


“Good Morning, everyone. My name is Yoha Seres Ottoman, I hope we get along well.” She bows down, lifting her skirt, as the loud applause cheers for her. She smiles softly, watching each and every person in the room…Full of children with a parent of power. Children, with potential.


I truly hope that we get along well, My future Friends.

Beginning of Part 2! I think this part would mostly be from 3rd person perceive but that may change in the future tho, Please continue to support me!

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