Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 20 Unexpected Meeting [OLD]

  [Gundam Nova]


June 15th, I.J.C. 194, Elysium Academy, restroom. Klara’s POV


“Ups! Blearg…Uh…ha…ha.”


Why am I here? Why? And what Am I listening to?! Why is that girl here?! She should be at the other building right now! I was just minding my own business, taking my time when suddenly the door just swung open and now I heard that girl puking all her inside next to my door!


“Blearg…! ha…ha…I…should have taken Hemston’s advice and took that damn Medicine.”


And Who is Hemston?! Her butler or something?! I can’t even get out of here! She would notice me! So…How do I get out of here? Should I sneak away like I always do? But there’s no place for me to climb here, The door uses an old lock system, meaning it won’t be hacked but I can’t lockpick it either and lockpicking generates sound! So why am I thinking of lockpicking it?! 


I don’t have any reason to lockpick it. I can Just open it up! Arg!!! Old Habits die so hard! OK…So here is what I’m going to do. I would just unlock this pin, slowly, then walk out when she focused on her-


“I know you are in there if you wanna get out, just go.” And there goes my anonymity. So all my plans go out the window. So I just unlock the pin and get out, only to see Miss Little Perfect in front of me.


But she doesn't look so perfect now. Disheveled hair, messy face, and a little tear in her eyes. 


“...Klara Nelson? Isn’t…class A supposed to have a lecture right now?” …She knows my name? “I know, you are the one who got first place on our Entrance Exam.” It seems my face already tells her what I’m thinking.


“...So…Why are you here?” Shit! I just let my curiosity get the better of me! That girl looked at me for a second, before taking out her handkerchief and starting wiping her face, ignoring me. Right…she just likes those stuck-up brats too, I forgot. Right, let's forget this never happened, even if I spread this, it is not like anyone will listen to me anyway.


I leave the restroom, listening to the sound of water slowly disappearing. What did I hope for by asking her that question? What am I even thinking? Forgot about it, and why do I run into her so much anyway? 


Ha…just forgot about it…Let’s just forget about it.


“Wait, you dropped this.” I heard a voice from behind me, the voice I spoke to just now. I turned behind only to see Her, Standing with her hand extended out, I watched what was in her hand and it was My Student ID. I quickly checked my pocket and it was really gone. 


“...Thanks.” I take it back, a bit forcefully, and watch as the girl stares emptily at her hand, she turns up and smiles at me, the same calculated smile as before, I turn away in disgust and leave.


It feels disgusting, knowing that even a child could smile like that, children are supposed to be pure, that's what Mother Clair told me, that is what all the children at home smile like, a pure and untainted smile, not the calculated and tainted like that.


She’s disgusting. She’s disgusting, disgusting, disgusting! She acts like everything around her is just a plaything for her! For her to think of the best way to use and utilize everything! The most disgusting kind, more disgusting even than the scheme type.


Those kinds of people are the ones that make everything go to shit! No, let's not have anything to do with her anymore, I need to avoid her, people like her are the worst type. 


[Gundam Nova]


“That…kinda hurt…” Looking over at her hand, there was a bit of red there, “It’s bleeding…those student IDs are sharp.” Using her handkerchief to wipe away the flowing blood. “Did she hate me? Kids are sensitive to emotion so maybe she feels something off? Well, it doesn’t matter, I don’t think I could find any-ah…maybe it's because of this.” 


“Lady Yoha! So this is where you are, I was looking everywhere for you.” She heard a voice coming from behind. 


A boy around my age…what is his name again…Ya...Yalanis…Sabien Yalanis. Right, I should start writing his name in my memory…His house is that up-and-coming Yalanis, his parent is the designer of a new Matrix Model, quite an important research, that is why his house is on the rise lately. 


Turning on the carefully crafted smile, she looked over at the boy, making him stop in his tracks and his face redden a bit.


“M-my lady, we should get going!” 


“Yes, I think I took too much time too.” walking past the boy, he followed her immediately.


[Gundam Nova]


July 30th, I.J.C 194, Elysium’s Colony, Resident Side, Ottoman Mansion.

Tic Toc Tic Toc Tic Toc….


[System Reboot…]


“It’s time to wake up…Yohai.” The faint soft voice, muttering out in the dark room as the number slowly…and slowly…changing… “Why…didn’t you wake up?” She asks, watching as the number continues to change as the line of words continues to be replaced. “I’m tired…It's just a month and I’m so tired already…” The computer didn’t reply to her.


“I don’t know…how long I can keep up…This month I threw up more than I could thought, more than my previous life combined…I feel nauseous every time I need to act like that, but it all to get a better future for us, for me, you and Mama and Haro too…but I’m tired…”


She said weakly, hand touching the screen waiting for the never coming response. “Just once…Just once…give me strength…I can’t do this alone…I…can’t…” …nothing, the slow tick of the clock, the sound of the fan from the PC, and the sound of her breathing… There is nothing…


“Ha…haha…Even you abandon me too? How long did you need to wake up? It’s been what? 4 months and you still haven’t woken up!? What do I need to do!?” No response. Sighing, she backed away from the Computer, watching from afar as the line of word and number continued without stopping.


“Haro, give me today's schedule.”


“Haro! At 1:00 PM, Study! At 3:00 PM, Training! At-”


Knock Knock Knock


Someone knocked at her door, “Come in.” The door opens and reveals Hemston with a tray of Snacks.


“My lady, Lady Kylie, have this prepared for you.” 


“Put it on the table, I will eat it later.” She replied shortly, not focusing on Hemston anymore and focusing on her phone instead.


He sighed and put the tray on the table, leaving the room quietly so as not to disturb her anymore.


[Gundam Nova]


December 5th, I.J.C. 194, Elysium Academy. Simulation room.


“Today we will operate Mobile Worker,” The kid cheered at Jalia’s words but soon returned to a comfortable quietness. “Today is a bit different as we will not operate an Ordinary Mobile Worker, but it is Jarilo. Often used to construct Mobile Armor, that is why the control will be much harder than before…”


“Lady Yoha, how do you think you will do Today?” Yalanis said quietly as he and the little group she made, consisting of people that would be useful to her house, Sabien Yalanis, the boy with brown hair, and black eyes, too innocent and too useful to be discarded. His knowledge of Barrier Matrix proves useful and valuable, and sometimes, he even blurts out secrets of his Parent's Research.


“Of course, Lady Yoha would be able to break the Record again! Just like she did all those times!” A girl her age yelled, gathering the attention of everyone in the room. The girl is Lavil Terra, with short light orange hair, with pink eyes. She’s the sole daughter of the current CEO of TerraTech. Even though she is from a prestigious household, she is no different than an ordinary child, bright and innocent too. But she is smart, and Yoha likes smart people, though she is more tight-lipped than Yalanis.


“O-of course, I know that! But you should say it quieter! Lady Yoha doesn’t like attention.” Yalanis quickly said, glancing at the front, watching if Yoha was watching them or not. She isn’t watching and he sighs, looking a bit dejected.


“What’s wrong? The lovestruck boy isn’t happy with someone not looking?” Another girl said, Julia Sylphis Celestia, with long gold hair that flows down to her waist, and bright gold eyes that seem to shine through anything, is the 3rd daughter of the CEO of Cosmos Innovation, mainly consisting of Mobile Suit tech.


“N-no! Why would I feel sad! Also, what do you mean by lovestruck!? I just admire her, that's all.” Quickly defending himself, he returns his focus to the front. 


“He was embarrassed, I told you he liked her,'' said Julia, giggling with Lavil as Sabien just sat there with his ear turning red. This was Yoha’s close “Friends” The one she deemed good enough. The one who would do anything for Her.


The other…was more of a business Friend. One she could interact with on a level where both of them will understand. It mainly consists of people talking business down to even their children, like the little Miss on the front, focusing on the Teacher’s words. 


She is Jenna Winster Gaia, a daughter of Arman Sife Gaia, with fiery red hair and medium-length, forest green eyes that look over everything with boredom, she was one of such Friends That Yoha regularly talked to, about business, as they are known as the best strategic of Earth’s.


“With that said I hope you will try your best today. Let’s begin.”

 [Gundam Nova]


“Lady Yoha, There are some questions I have regarding the way to control a Mobile Suit!” Sabien asks after they leave the Simulation, while the others are watching, she turns back toward him and gives the same sweet smile he has seen every day since coming here.


“I understand, which one do you want to ask about?” 


“I..uh…I want to ask about….” Yoha patiently waits for him to speak, standing still while watching over him with a sweet smile. “Uh…right! The way to control those legs, I can’t seem to control them right!” 


“I see, You should…” She starts to explain, thoroughly and slowly, but he isn’t really listening to them, just her voice that he is listening to. He couldn’t care about the mobile suit control.


“And that is how you control it.” it finishes just as quickly, He quickly returns his focus and then tries to find another excuse but then someone appears.


“Yoha! There you are! I told you to quickly come to the cafeteria but you didn’t even show up after 10 minutes! I hope you aren’t going to break your promises again! Also, HaroNii needs some maintenance with Code, I tried to give it to Papa but he can’t do anything about it.” Sylvia Stelle Hawkinf, the second year's girl who would show up every 2 days and snatch Lady Yoha away from him, lady Yoha also goes along with it too, even though her house is more prestigious, much more important than a no-name house like the Hawkinf.


“Sorry, there is a bit of Delay but let’s go, Shall we? Also did HaroNii Experience some bugs? Could you tell me the details?”


“Ma! You spoke so politely again! I told you not to speak to me like that!” She spoke loudly and demandingly. 


Just as he is about to lash out, Lady Yoha steps forward.


“Sorry, Sylvy. Come on, let go now.” She quickly took that girl’s hand and walked away, this was a constant experience, she would always go with that girl, leaving him to stay alone. 


Why…would Lady Yoha go with her? Is he not her friend too? So Why did she prioritize that girl over him?!


“Is the poor boy rejected again? Aw…did she go with that girl again? The poor boy is alone-”


“Shut up!” He quickly shut off Julia who started teasing him but that was a mistake.

“My my…did you just tell me to What was it again? ‘Shut up’? Wow, I didn’t realize that you grow such bones.” The tone shift was fast. She glanced at him like she was looking at trash. 


“Just because She gives you some attention, doesn’t mean you have the right to talk to me like that, an upstart house…I wonder…How would they react if I sent a little ‘Complaint’?” 


He started sweating but otherwise made no sound, he knew enough that if he just made himself small and did not talk back Julia would drop it. 


“You know, if it wasn’t for her little attention, your life would be in hell, right now.” She said in a whisper next to his ear which sent a chill down his spine. “Come on, Lavil, let’s go get some food. I'm starving for some steak today.”


“Sure, but what about Lady Yoha?” 


“She is going to spend her time with that girl, don’t worry we can eat together the next day,” Julia said as she walked away together with Lavil, talking to each other and ignoring him.


Clenching his fist, he walks alone to the cafeteria.

I'm going to go on Vacation on the 10th and I don't know when I will come back, probably on 20? but there would be no new chap till I come back, but I will write a lot and then Edit later once I'm back so. Look forward to it! Aslo sorry for not uploading the last 2 day!

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