Mod Superhero

Full Throttle Heart — 14 — Edge of the Cursed Lands

[The screen fades in from black to a smoky gray. The landscape is cloaked in a thick fog and the silhouettes of Truck-kun, Gabriel, and Morden come into view.] 

“Shouldn’t the sun have risen by now?” Gabriel asked. 

[The camera pans in, revealing the group. Truck-kun’s fog lights push away the gloom, but only in a small bubble around them. Gabriel and Morden each carry a small torch.]

“I think it has risen already,” Morden replied. “My maester said that we would have to pass through a great fog before we reach the cursed lands.”

Al, the bluebird, peeked out the passenger window and croaked, “Oh man, are you guys sure we have to go into the creepy forest? This is even worse than the last one!”

Truck-kun rumbled, “Al, we’re not in the Cursed Lands yet.”

“I know, and it’s already worse!”

Gabriel smiled softly. “You know, Al, the bravest warriors are often the smallest. They say that courage is not the lack of fear, it is acting in spite of it. As afraid as you are right now, it means you’re all the more courageous.”

Al shivered. “Yes. It’s very hard hiding in the glove box and being carried into danger. Truck-dude, do you think that I can hide in here during the final battle?”

“We’ll see when we get there?”

“And you’re sure we’re not there yet?”


Gabriel said quietly, ‘Morden, I do have a question… How are we going to find your maester in the Cursed Lands?”

Morden breathed deep. “I’m not certain. I’m sure he has his ways. Perhaps he’ll send his familiar for us.”

Truck-kun asked, “He’s familiar with the Cursed Lands?”

“No. A familiar is a bonded magical companion.”

Gabriel added, “It’s a pet.”

Morden rolled his eyes. “It’s not a pet. Many familiars are intelligent creatures that enter into the bond of their own accord.”

Al replied, “Sounds like a pet with extra steps.”

Morden threw up his hands in defeat. 


[The camera cuts to the edge of a dark forest. The trees are barren, their tops giving the illusion of bones adorning the limbs. Fog lifts as they get closer to the wood’s edge, but an unnatural darkness takes its place. Truck-kun and the others pause cautiously.]

“You know,” Al muttered. “I miss the old forest.”

Gabriel raised his torch to get a better view. “At least the fog lifts. We’ll be able to see a little better.”

Morden swallowed dryly and tried to conjure a spell. He succeeded in creating a small candle flame in his palm. He walked forward with his hand outstretched, and the flame shrank and finally smoldered. 

“That’s because this is the end of magic. The Cursed Lands suck the magic and the life out of everything. Not even fog can permeate here.”

Even Truck-kun’s powerful high-beams seemed dim in the gloom. “How will we find our way?”

Gabriel said, “We need to find a landmark or something…”

“I’m telling you, we should wait for a sign from—” Morden pointed. “Look!”

[A flame soars over the barren treeline. At first, Truck-kun and Gabriel ready themselves for an attack, but the flame swoops between the branches. 

[The flame sails over to them and settles on a low branch. The glow softens until a slender, fiery bird is seen. Her feathers smolder like embers and the long feathers of her wings and tail shimmer like flames.]

“Phoebe, am I glad to see you,” Morden replied. “Everyone, this is my maester’s familiar, Phoebe the Phoenix.”

Gabriel gave a shallow bow and Truck-kun dipped its front end. Al, the bluebird, climbed out of the passenger window. 

“Phoenix… what’s a—ohhh.” 

[Al’s beak hangs open comically wide, and it drags him out of the window and to the ground. He flutters up quickly and sits atop Truck-kun’s hood.]

“It’s good to see you too, Morden,” Phoebe replied, her voice smooth as glass. “The maester has been waiting for you. For all of you.”

Morden pulled his robe taught. “Can you guide us there?”

Phoebe nodded. “Make yourselves ready, for I can guide you there but not protect you. The Undead Legions of Liquid Shadow are amassing.”

Gabriel nodded. “We’ve encountered them before, and come out victorious. You can count on us.”

Phoebe stared down at Truck-kun, and the large warrior felt the weight of expectation on him.

“Do you still have the relic?”

“I do,” Truck-kun rumbled. 

“Good. Keep it safe.” Phoebe turned and tilted her head quizzically at Al. “Are you alright, little gemstone?”

Al nodded absently. “Uh huh. Don’t mind me. I’m just listening intently. You have the voice of an angel.”

“I’m not an angel.”

“I know. But you could be. You wouldn’t even have to try hard.”

Gabriel nudged Morden with his elbow. “Did she call him a gemstone?” Morden shrugged. 

“What kind of familiar are you?” she asked. 

“Me? I’m not familiar, but I wish I was—a familiar, I mean!” Al puffed up his chest to his full, tiny height. “I am a humble bluebird, your majesty.”

Phoebe made a sound like the scraping of flint. “You jest! You could be a bard’s muse.”

Then she glided down and perched on Truck-kun’s hood. Her long tail feathers slinked around Al. Truck-kun could feel its hood get hotter. 

Gabriel whispered to Morden. “What do phoenixes eat?”

Morden bit at his fingernail. “I truly don’t know. The maester never said…”

Al fluttered his feathers. “Woah, okay… Phoenix Lady, I’ve never been smooth, so I’m just going to come out and say it… You’re hot.”

Phoebe stared at him. “Yes, I know.”

“You’re, uh, radiant!”

“Yes… I know. Your plumage looks like the morning sky before it yields to the burning sun. Your voice is as grating as lava rocks, and your breath smells of brimstone.”

Al looked over at his allies quizzically. 

Gabriel scratched his head and whispered, “Well, that sounded promising in the beginning.”

Al shifted uneasily. “Look, uh, can we talk more later? We should probably get going. Plus everyone’s staring.”

Truck-kun rumbled awkwardly. 

Phoebe shook her head and uncoiled her tail feathers from around Al. “Yes, of course. Now follow me. I’ll guide you to the maester.”

Phoebe flew high and slow over the trees, and Truck-kun and the others followed.

Al whispered to his companions, “I don’t know whether she wants me or wants to eat me.”

Gabriel said, “There are some species of mantis where they do both.”

Al muttered, “Both… Both is good.”

Truck-kun replied, “That’s an odd thing for a knight to know.”

“It helps to know what you’re fighting.”

Truck-kun paused. “Do mantises get big here?”

“Oh yes. The females are obviously bigger than the males.”

Al ruffled his feathers. “Well, if one of us needs to be sacrificed to the fiery phoenix lady, then I’m your bird.”

~ ~

[Local News Break — 5 o’clock News]

[Camera view of the Belport Bulletin anchor desk. Bethany Wonder sits alone at the desk with blue hair and a black and white dress. Bethany looks up from her papers. Her smile is forced.]

“This evening, Summit capes and Brotherhood mechs responded to a disturbance on Belport’s Eastside. Several unregistered masks were apprehended for allegedly disturbing the peace and trespassing. More than twenty civilians were also apprehended on similar charges. 

“Some anonymous sources claim that there were more than four mech patrols present, sources from the Summit claim that the true number is much smaller. While this isn’t the first time that the Binary Brotherhood’s mechs have been used to apprehend supers and civilians, either way, tonight marks their single largest operation.

“There were minor injuries, but thankfully, no one was seriously hurt. Names of those involved, both civilian and otherwise, are being withheld for safety concerns. 

“Major organizations, including the Summit, the DSA, and local law enforcement, are touting tonight as a success. Midas, the leader of the Binary Brotherhood, had this to say:”

[A waveform of Midas’s voice appears, superimposed over an aerial view of the parking garage. Mechs and police can be seen around the area.] 

“Tonight marks an important milestone in the future of the Allied States. Rogue vigilantes were apprehended, and injuries to life and property were kept to a minimum. To borrow from the tech sector, this is a proof of concept, and an indicator of future success.”

[Bethany continues,] “In light of recent events, the Summit of Heroes is extending their open registration to all unregistered masks and vigilantes through the end of August. They’re offering limited amnesty and full benefits for those that qualify.

“Remember, tune in at ten for more news. Just like the Summit of Heroes and the Binary Brotherhood, the Bulletin is on your side.”

~ ~ ~

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