Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 124

【Mirstin】─Wow! Is that the Other World? That’s freaking awesome!
【Pururu】─D-Damn, it looks like a place where ordinary people can’t live.
【Mysticism】─😱 It’s been annihilated!
【Mirstin】─Seems to be a world invaded by aliens!!!
【Yumi】─It feels like there’s a thick layer of radiation here.
【Rize Nova】─Could be polluted energy.
【Yumi】─Whatever it is, it’s definitely an environment unfit for human life.
【Luna-chan】─I want to recover my powers later and check it out, but I can’t pinpoint the coordinates just by looking. The Ancient Labyrinth is also hard to pin down. ㅠWㅠ
【Boglebogle】─Why would you want to go to that strange world?
【Luna-chan】─For a picnic! ><

As the Assistants’ chat scrolls at the edge of her vision, Iris analyzes the world she’s dispatched to and the planet she is currently on.


She guesses that this planet was annihilated due to an invasion by a certain race, which might be the root of her own kind.

“So, the roots… So, you’re saying those monsters are the ancestors of your kind, Iris?”

─[Negative. They are not ancestors. The Ancient Labyrinth simply used Astral Codes as a reference when creating us. Therefore, it’s more accurate to describe them as roots.]

Iris is a newly created race.

Thus, using the term ancestors for that race isn’t appropriate.

They are not incomplete beings like those races.

By thoroughly analyzing the Astral Codes, they have eliminated weaknesses and maximized strengths to become perfect beings.

【Yumi】─If we were to compare humanity, it feels like it’s split between the old and new human races.
【Mirstin】─But what is this Astral Code?
【Pururu】─Astral Code is Astral Code.

The Astral Code.

Omega had recently given a brief explanation.

It’s hard to explain in detail.

In a nutshell, it refers to racial data or genetic information… simply put, it’s like a unique racial value.

And she heard that the Ancient Labyrinth creates creatures in various ways.

Be it explorers, drifters, or intruders, they absorb and analyze the corpses of beings that flow in from other worlds and recreate them as superior beings.

Or, if the external creature is alive, it reads the information of the Astral Code and the world the creature has grown up in and influences the creation process.

In this case, it’s said that the influence of explorers is more common.

Next, there are instances where creatures residing in the labyrinth combine to create new ones.

Without referencing other Astral Codes, they create a completely new Astral Code, essentially creating entirely new life.

─[There are many beings in the Ancient Labyrinth born from external influences. I am one of them, along with Melody Fox, Centauress, Slime, and many others who were analyzed and recreated from the Astral Codes of creatures that flowed in from outside.]

In a sense.

The Ancient Labyrinth can be viewed as a place that absorbs weak creatures and enables racial evolution.

And that too into perfect beings with an S-Class or higher danger level.

“But how can such a coincidence occur? You guys are being randomly dispatched to the dimension, but among so many worlds, the one where Iris’s roots lie gets selected…”

【Pururu】─Is it really possible from a probabilistic standpoint?
【Yumi】─Even using standard Dispatch Tickets would send us somewhere else, so it’s about as unlikely as a ridiculous hypothesis that we just happened to be sent to the same location this time.
【Boglebogle】─But the probability isn’t 0%, so it’s not impossible.
【Luna-chan】─It’s pretty close to 0, though. Just think about how many worlds exist! It’s not an exaggeration to say that dimensions are infinite.
【Mysticism】─😮 Your speech is coming along!

To the question just proposed, Iris put forward two hypotheses.

─[It’s likely that worlds associated with the dispatches or Ancient Labyrinth had a higher selection probability compared to those with no connection.]

─[The probabilities could be the same. In that case, that race might be a species that exists in many dimensions.]

“A species that exists in many dimensions?”

─[Positive. They may be a race that invades various planets by moving through dimensions.]

【Mirstin】─You sound vague, so I guess the information isn’t certain.
【Mysticism】─If you’re that sure about your root race, why do you know so little? 😠
【Rize Nova】─Even though they are presumed to be the root race, they are still an unknown species, so that’s understandable.
【Mysticism】─😮 I see.


Iris’s hypothesis seems more plausible probabilistically than that they just randomly met her root race.

Well, to be honest, the reason isn’t what matters much.

What’s currently important is whether constructive negotiations can be made with that race.

First of all, there’s no way they can’t communicate.

Despite their appearance, they seem to be a quite intelligent species.

Given that they can read the characters written on the road signs, it seems like their translation and interpreting abilities are functioning well.


To successfully install the Dimension Shrine Installation Ticket, it would be best if that race isn’t extremely aggressive or doesn’t underestimate their opponent’s strength.

“Iris. First, let’s go down to ground level and join up with the Black Magma Slime. Then, let’s catch someone nearby and try to chat.”


Thus, Iris and the Black Magma Slime moved towards the city.


While checking out the Iris screen, she casually shifted her gaze to check the Assistants’ chat.

Then she noticed a question chat posted by Hwang Mir.

【Mirstin】─I have one question.
【Mirstin】─Why are Black Magma Slime and Iris still the same size? Aren’t they supposed to get bigger once dispatched?

“Well, that varies from monster to monster. Some monsters maintain a small size in the Ancient Labyrinth, but others might be at their original size.”

【Mirstin】─Ah. Got it. But then, does that mean there are also monsters that have been buffed in size?

“I can’t say for sure since I haven’t checked, but… I don’t think that would be the case.”

【Mirstin】─Understood. Thanks for the kind explanation.
【Luna-chan】─Gauntlet, so helpful! ><
【Pururu】─What a disgusting girl.


【Luna-chan】─Why does everyone only pick on me? ㅠWㅠ
【Boglebogle】─You deserve it.

As she communicated with the Assistants, the dispatch team had already arrived near the entrance of the city.

Iris spotlighted a monster that was lingering nearby.

─[Danger Level Detection in Progress.]


I can also sense danger levels.

Even if Iris is spotlighting a spot in another world, my senses are still connected to that creature.

However, I didn’t stop Iris from detecting the monster’s danger level and reporting it.

It’s slightly tedious for me to detect it myself and relay all that to the Assistants.


The creature Iris just highlighted had a bizarre appearance, with a giant eyeball sitting above a human body.

─[Removal Command Awaiting.]

“Don’t attack yet; let’s try to communicate first─”

─[Kiiik, eeeeeek? Kiiiiiiiiiik!!!]

The eyeball monster, late to notice the dispatch team, let out a terrifying scream and charged at them.

It seems like it wasn’t a creature capable of conversing.

Iris must have made the same judgment, as she issued an attack command to the Black Magma Slime standing next to her.

─[Enemy Detected. No possibility of negotiation. I will remove it. Black Magma Slime, commence attack.]


─[Commence attack.]


The Black Magma Slime casually threw a small bit of magma.

That magma hit the eyeball monster’s body, and


It couldn’t resist at all.

Writhing in agony, it melted away in an instant.

【Mirstin】─Wow! One-shot cut! I can’t believe it was taken down even more easily than catching insects!
【Boglebogle】─If it’s E-Class, it’s not even superhuman, but it lost its nerve.
【Pururu】─For real, LOL, why would an E-Class dare to charge at an S-Class?
【Mysticism】─Doesn’t even know its place! 🤭
【Yumi】─But it is graded higher than us.
【Rize Nova】─Better train up.

─[I’ve determined that to negotiate, we need to meet higher danger level entities.]

“That seems right. Those with lower danger levels also seem to show lower intelligence.”

After removing the eyeball monster,
the Centauress, who had been watching Iris’s screen, suddenly held out a notebook.

[Explorer, I’ve finished the drawing.]


In such a short time, it seems she has completed the drawing.

By the way, today’s ‘Otherworld Creatures Encyclopedia’ task was entirely entrusted to the Centauress.

She had seemed very sulky for not working on the encyclopedia last time, so this time I made a special concession.

【Boglebogle】─The speed of your drawings is getting absurdly faster.
【Mysticism】─Are you human? 😨
【Mirstin】─It’s a monster.
【Yumi】─Indeed, the talent of an S-Class is exceptional.
【Rize Nova】─Looks like she might be S-Class in the drawing field too.
【Pururu】─At this rate, she might end up drawing faster than AI later on!

I received the Otherworld Creatures Encyclopedia and checked the drawing.

■Otherworld Creatures A-1

─Danger Level: E-Class.

“Nice job.”

[Thank you!]

Upon complimenting, the Centauress beamed with pleasure.

Merino also praised her after seeing the drawing.

“You did well. As a sign of praise, I’ll pat your head.”

[Thank you!]


After finishing the verification of the encyclopedia, I shifted my gaze back to Iris’s screen.

Iris and the Black Magma Slime, who had been dispatched, were now entering the city.

And not long after entering,

─[Detection of life response from another race.]

Iris halted her movements.

She turned sharply in one direction and zoomed the screen.

There, a building engulfed by monsters appeared.

And on the surface of the engulfed building.


A person with a strange helmet and something reminiscent of a space battle suit was entangled in tentacles, moaning.

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