Moral Degeneration


I came 12 times that night, so 14 times for the day. A new record for me. Luna tapped out around midnight. The 3 of us were back in my room watching a movie. Both girls on my shoulders as we cuddled up. Luna fell asleep and I stayed up with Penny. 


“This was fun,” she whispered in my ear. “Thanks for the invite.” 


“Can’t be every night,” I said. “But now and then is fine.” 


“Unless I start dating your blondie here,” she said, moving Luna’s hair out of her eyes. 


“Don’t date her for that,” I said with a frown. 


“I wouldn’t,” she said. “She’s cute, and I like her. Let’s see where it goes.” Penny let out a long content sigh. “Gotta say I could get used to this.” 


“Me too,” I said. Patting her back we were both soon asleep.


I was awoken by the girls jerking me off. They were doing it slowly, staring in one another’s eyes as they did. I groaned awake and they smiled up at me. “Morning,” I said as they continued moving their hands up my shaft. 


“Sex?” I asked. They both grimaced. 


“Too sore,” Luna said. 


“Think I’m bleeding,” Penny said. I had not been nice to them the night before. I chuckled and they continued to play on my dick. Soon they sped up and I was cumming. Both taking a shot they happily shared it. 


“Time to workout,” I said, shaking my head. 


“I will be sleeping,” Luna said. “Same,” Penny said. I got up and they started cuddling one another. I headed to Audrey and Violet’s room. I woke them up for a workout, but when they noticed Luna wasn’t coming I was soon fucking them both in the shower. 


I noticed how different threesomes could be during the shower fun. Audrey and Violet were comfortable with one another as I fucked one. Their kissing was more passionate, they knew one another’s bodies better. They came more quickly as the presence of the other made it all the sweeter. 


Violet screamed loudly with each orgasm. Audrey was more reserved but her body shook more strongly. It was an interesting experience to have two separate threesomes in only a few hours. I wasn’t at all tired either. Measuring myself I was about a quarter inch taller than a few days ago. Cementing further that virgins helped me in some way. 


Happy and hungry from all the exercise I called the girls down and made waffles. Audrey asked some questions of Penny, but she wasn’t too prying. In her mind Penny could either be a girlfriend or girl friend of Luna’s. They weren’t the best at talking about things, though I had been working on it with them. My presence probably didn’t help either. I was sleeping with all of them, but they were in blissful ignorance as I jumped between them all. 


“What’s on the agenda for today?” I asked. 


“Sleep,” Penny said, comfortable anywhere. 


“School then sleep,” Luna said. 


“Russ, you mind helping with moving some desks in the office today?” Audrey asked. “Sarah got promoted when Joyce left. But she likes her old desk.” She usually hired out that sort of thing, but I saw it as a waste. I’d helped her move a few things. It usually ended in a blowjob so I was more than willing to. 


“Can’t tonight. I have that New Year’s party date,” I said. 


“Oh right,” Audrey said. “Hopefully it goes better this time.” 


“What’s that?” Penny asked. I couldn’t help but admire her ability to pretend like this was normal for her. 


“At Audrey’s work party I sold a date with me as a prize,” I said. 


“It was very popular,” Audrey assured. “It had the most raffle tickets of all of them.” 


“This lady, old Miss White won, but she’s like 80,” Luna laughed. 


“She requested that I give it to her granddaughter. I planned a nice quiet dinner, but the girl was so nervous she didn’t show,” I said. “She’s a senior in the local high school. Never met a boy before.” 


“Ah, I remember meeting my first boy. I was all blushing and excited. He was like 70 running this shop downtown,” Luna said. “It was like meeting a unicorn.” 


“Yeah, the girl was like that too when I showed up at her house. I was pretty upset she didn’t show. This time I’m going to ambush her at school,” I said proudly. “I talked it over with her grandma and she was all on board.” 


“That’s sweet,” Penny said. “Probably make her the most popular girl in school.”


“You think?” Luna asked. She was used to boys since there were about 10 between all the high school grades. 


“Definitely,” Penny said. “The few boys that go to public school don’t have the best home life. And they’re rare since a lot of women just sell the boys to rich families.” 


“They sell them?” I asked. I hadn’t heard that. 


“Oh yeah. How I hear it, it’s like a status symbol for some to have a boy. They’ll pay a lot of money for one. Let the mom’s keep the monthly government paycheck and a huge buyout from some rich couple. It’s hard to say no to that,” Penny said. I frowned, but saw her point. The agents at the DOL had told me that usually rich couples adopted boys. 


“Don’t worry, Russ,” Luna said. “Your waffles are too good for mom to try to sell you.” I laughed loudly. Them selling me was one of the last worries on my list. The rest of the morning went quickly. Penny went home to sleep in her own bed, but she and Luna did exchange numbers. Ryleigh caught me up on what I missed in classes the day before. I had my normal fun with Brianna, but Luna canceled since she was still hurting. We made out a little, but mostly talked during gym. 


After school I dropped Luna off and took her car to Northbrooke High School. It wasn’t too far away. Where all the normal kids in the neighborhood went to school, it was a classic red brick building. Girls still hung around out front as I parked. 


I was in a nice button down shirt and jeans. My brown hair was combed to the side. I had a bouquet of roses. Walking in I drew every eye as I headed through the halls. The gymnasium wasn’t too hard to find. I found her quickly. 


Julie White was about 5 feet 11 inches tall. Long auburn hair it was tied back in a ponytail. She was stretching with another group of girls in front of a volleyball net. Volleyball was a pretty big sport in this world. Basically the basketball of my world. Seasons were long, and were usually from spring into summer. 


11 tall beautiful girl’s heads turned to stare at me as I walked into the gym. Julie was in the middle as she stretched her hamstrings. Her face turned bright red, as dark as her hair, as she noticed me. 


“Julie, darling,” I said loudly. My voice echoing in the gym. “I’ve come to watch you practice and take you on our date.” I stopped just outside the perimeter of the girls. Eyeing them each up and down they looked at me like I was some sort of freak. 


“Russ,” Julie whispered. “I didn’t expect you.” 


“You forgot our date, again?” I asked. “That’s fine. I don’t mind waiting. But I got these for you,” I said, showing her the flowers. The other girl’s eyes sparkled as they stared at them. I doubted any had received them before. “I’ll just hold onto them until practice is over. Then we can have our date.” 


I walked over to the bleachers and sat down. Studying the women I wasn’t shy about it. A few tried to whisper to Julie, but her answers were short as she dismissed the questions. One of her friends became more bold, directing a question to me. “Where did you 2 meet?” She asked. I leaned back thinking. I wasn’t about to say she won me as a prize. 


“I was at the mall,” I said loudly. “I don’t know if you can tell, but Julie is taller than me. There was something on the top shelf and she pulled it down for me. It was rather embarrassing. But she was so pretty I had to ask her out on a date. She called me a kid and refused. But I insisted. I thought I would surprise her at school today.” 


The girls were soon getting up and moving over to me. Sitting on bleachers around me, their stretching was ignored. Julie and what I guessed was her best friend were hanging back. 


“What are you doing for a date?” A girl asked. 


“Whatever she wants,” I said. “We could do dinner and a movie. Or go putt-putt golfing. Or laser tag. Or the arcade. I’m pretty open. She will have to tell you about it tomorrow.” 


“Where do you go to school?” A girl asked. 


“Highpark,” I said. “Just started about a month ago.” I was enjoying all the attention, and half the way I was going to get Julie to go on the date was to guilt her into it. These girls would help me with that. 


“Highpark gets all the boys,” a girl grumbled. 


“Yeah, but now that I’ve seen all the pretty girls here, I might have to get kicked out so I can go to school with you all,” I said. The girls giggled. Most had blushes, unsure how to handle the attention as I met their eyes. “Now, who can tell me embarrassing stories about Julie? I asked her, but she refused to answer the fun stuff.” 


“Alright, that’s enough, ladies,” An older woman said. I turned to see who I assumed was their coach. “Time for practice.” The girls whined but were soon getting up. “You staying?” She asked. The woman appeared more used to boys. 


“If you don’t mind,” I said. She frowned but nodded. Then she was yelling at the girls as they did sprints then started hitting the balls to one another. Most all glanced at me during the whole practice. I met their eyes unashamed as I watched. I was getting excited for summer. All these girls played volleyball, I hoped they would in swimsuits. As they wore their shirts and shorts I noticed everything bouncing as it should. It was nice to be able to watch girls practice without being called a pervert. I could tell they appreciated my presence as they tried extra hard to show off. 


After an hour long practice was wrapping up I waited expectantly. The girls changed clothes and I was relaxed with roses in hand. Her teammates giggled but they had done their work as the tall girl looked to the ground and stopped in front of me. “Shall we?” I asked, passing her the flowers. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. 


“Fine,” Julie said with a blush. I grabbed her hand and walked beside her. The other girls whispered as we walked through the halls to my car. I opened the door for her and she slumped in the passenger seat. I waved at the line of girls out front of the school and drove away. 


“Why would you do that?” Julie finally asked as I headed down the street. 


“Because you were dodging me,” I said. “I promised you a date, and you’re getting a date.” 


She scoffed. “You promised my grandma a date.” 


“No, I promised you,” I said. “That last date was for your grandma. Like I said when I came to your house. We are going on a real date. Hence, the flowers.” She gripped them in her hand. 


“What’s the difference?” She asked exasperated. 


“The difference is you’re hot,” I said, parking the car out of the line of sight from the school. She blushed deeply as I locked eyes with her. “I planned a simple dinner last time because I didn’t know what you looked like. You could have been ugly for all I knew. But you're a tall hot redhead with a nice rack. Why wouldn’t I want to take you on a real date?” I asked. She blushed deeply and I noticed her lips crack in a smile, but she made it disappear. 


“You think so?” She whispered. 


“I know so,” I said. “So, please, Julie. Let me take you on a real date. And if you don’t hate it, maybe I can talk you on another.” She appeared to like that idea as she smiled again. It didn’t disappear this time. 


“O-Okay,” she whispered. Her cheeks still red. 


“Perfect. What would you like to do?” I asked. 


“What-whatever you want,” she stuttered. I rolled my eyes, but had expected this. 


“You hungry?” I asked. Julie nodded. “Great. Sushi it is.” I soon had us going to my favorite sushi place. I had found another one across town that had more of a classic sushi restaurant feel. Booths lining the walls, a bar where the chefs stood behind and made the food. I got us a booth in the corner and ordered for us. She was still nervous but was coming to terms that I was actually interested in her. 


“Ever been on a date?” I asked. She shook her head. “Words, Julie. I need words.” 


“No,” she said quickly. 


“Good. I love virgins,” I said. Her eyes widened. “Date virgins,” I added with a wolfish grin. “I assume you’ve seen dates on TV? Good, let’s forget all that. This is real life. Dates consist of 3 things. Questions, answers, and flirting,” I said. “We ask each other questions, we both answer, and we flirt. For instance, your hair is gorgeous.” Julie blushed. “...and you say…” 


“Thank you,” she whispered. 


“No, you say mine is gorgeouser,” I said. She laughed. “What a cute laugh,” I said. It was. Her voice was low, but she giggled cutely. “Now, I’ve asked questions. We will do a quid pro quo.” 


“What’s that?” She asked. I had forgotten that Silence of the Lambs wasn’t a movie. 


“Like for a like, kind of. I ask you questions. You ask me,” I said. “Makes it even.” 


“Fine,” she said. “How many dates have you been on?” 


“Hmm, legitimate dates? 2 or 3, other than this one,” I said. She didn’t like that answer. 


“You’re so young,” she said. 


“I am. But what can I say? I like beautiful women. I meet them and want to treat them to a date,” I said. “Isn’t this so much better than lazing around the house? You’re out doing something new and exciting with someone just as new and exciting. Ever had sushi?” She shook her head. “See, something new. And of course we can lead into something exciting after this.” 


“Like what?” She asked. 


“We could see a movie. Or go make out in my car,” I said unashamedly. She blushed. 


“Is that how your dates usually end?” She asked. 


“Unfortunately, yes. I offer them the same thing, and they always pick movie for some reason.” She laughed again. I was getting to her. “You’re getting better at this whole asking questions thing. My turn. Umm what do you want to do for the rest of our date?” 

“Movie sounds fine,” she said. 


“Dammit. I need to stop offering that,” I groaned. She laughed again. Our food came and I was showing her how to use chopsticks. She blushed as I touched her hand but didn’t pull away. I was liking her more and more as she was coming out of her shell. She talked about volleyball, and graduation in a few months. I mentioned fixing up a car, but she didn’t believe me. I promised to bring her by sometime.


All in all it was a great way to break the ice. After dinner we went to the movie. Scream 3 was playing. So many women there, they didn’t care how young I looked and let me right in. We got popcorn and sat in the back. The theater was a little busy but I threw my arm over her shoulder and she relaxed against me. 


Dark and secluded I made my move near the start of the film. I whispered something in her ear. “What?” she asked, turning to me and I kissed her. It was quick and to the point, and I was soon pulling back. She surprised me by moving forward and kissing me back. 


Julie wasn’t the most experienced at kissing, but she made up for it in effort. Her lips on mine she learned quickly as my tongue moved into her mouth. Moaning as we ignored the movie and kissed I felt like a kid again. Not that I had ever done this in my last life, but this was one of the things I always wanted to do. Kiss a girl during a movie. 


The armrest between us was a little awkward. I blindly put the popcorn in the seat next to us and pulled her closer. Her mouth on mine the only sound I could hear were her moans as I twirled my tongue around hers or held her sides firmly. We got lost in it for a while but then it was ruined as a couple in front of us turned to watch. Julie noticed and blushed while pulling away. 


I grabbed the popcorn and pretended to watch the movie with her. My arm back over her shoulder she leaned into me. Happy with the touch. She ate the popcorn from my lap, but dropped a few pieces. She idly reached down into my crotch for them. Her eyes locking with mine as she did so. 


Then she did what I hoped, and explored. Pretending to look for the popcorn it didn’t take her long to find my hard dick. At first she didn’t know what it was. But as her fingers moved across it and found the mushroom head she understood. I acted like I was watching the movie as I continued eating popcorn. Leaning closer she continued to play with it. She was now close enough for me to reach over her shoulder. My hand went to her bra covered breast. She jolted but didn’t stop me. 


I was then putting the popcorn away again as I leaned in. I wasn’t shy as I reached into her shirt. Kissing her again she moaned as I nibbled on her neck. My hand down the front of her shirt I was in her bra playing with her breast as she continued to touch my dick. 


“Let’s get out of here,” I said, kissing her neck. She shivered and nodded. We were soon out the door, Julie nervous as I dragged her back to the car. “Know a place…secluded?” I asked. She shook her head. The blush never left her face. I groaned but started driving. I found a semi secluded spot at a restaurant being built across the road. 

I stopped the car, studying her. She was still shy, but it was my job to take the lead. “In back,” I said. Getting out we were soon in the backseat. Julie practically shook in excitement. “We can go slow,” I promised her, but I was done hesitating. I was soon next to her, pulling her face to mine. She moaned as our tongues fought. Her hand went to my waist as mine went to her ass. The back of the car was cramped, and I really wished I had the Chevelle, but it was better than nothing. 


“Do you, um, want to see them?” Julie asked. I looked down her cleavage and nodded. She bit her lip and undid the clasp behind her back. Sliding her arms through her shirt she quickly had the bra off and out. Large C cups the nipples poked through. The night dark and cold I was back onto her warming her up. 


My hands on her ass I pulled her to straddle me. Our lips never left one another as my hands moved into her shirt. Running along her smooth skin she shivered as I took the glorious globes in hand. “They’re perfect,” I said. “Just like you.” She gasped in my mouth as she began to grind on me.


Playing with her melons we kept kissing more deeply as the car began to fog up. One hand on her tit as I pinched her nipple, the other was on her ass helping her grind into me. “I’ve never done this before,” she squeaked, but I could tell she was enjoying herself. 


“Good,” I whispered. “I get you all to myself.” She giggled and we were kissing again. 


We were there for a long while. The touch was fresh and new as we explored. Doing what we could to make one another gasp or moan. I was happy doing this. There was a carnal joy in learning what made another person feel pleasure. 

She surprised me by asking, “Do you want to do it?” 


I nodded before I could stop myself. Pulling away I looked into her eyes. They were green and sparkling, less nervous now as she studied me. Her tit still in my hand I thought about going through with it. But she was still in high school. This was our first real meeting. I didn’t want to pop someone’s cherry. Someone that had never been on a date before. Someone that had been too shy to talk to me. She was growing bold as she became caught up in the moment, I didn’t want her to regret it later. 


It helped that I could go home and bang who I wanted. I groaned but said, “How about our next date?” She blushed and nodded. Happy with the idea of another date.  


“But you did tease me a lot,” I said looking down to her crotch. My hands moved to the button. Reaching into her waistband she shook, unsure what to do. I pulled the button out then slowly unzipped her jeans to reveal white panties. I could smell her sex from how turned on she was. 


Pushing her to the side she moved hesitantly to sit on the bench seat. Leaning forward I began to kiss her again. Her lips on mine, her body shivered as my hand moved from her navel into her panties. I felt her bush and kept going into her tight folds. 


“Oh god,” she whispered as her eyes shut. I used my free hand to lift her shirt. Seeing her perfect teardrop tits for the first time I licked the areola. She jolted back. Fingers parting her lower lips she gasped as I found her hard clitoris. Licking around her nipple I twirled around her clit with my fingers. 


After a few short laps around them she was cumming. Her hands gripping my shirt she grunted, “What-uh-what,” she sputtered as her body shook. My hand following her clit as she tried to move away I bit her nipple as she came hard. Screaming, it was loud in the small car. When she stopped shaking and was breathing heavily I pulled my hand out from her pants. She had an aftershock as she spasmed again. Putting her shirt back down I noticed the distant look in her eyes as she caught her breath. 


“That was fun,” I said. My dick rock hard I doubted she was in any state to reciprocate. “Come on. I’ll take you home.” Kissing her I moved out the back seat. Opening her door she stumbled out and made it to the front. 


I drove her home in silence. My hand moved to her thigh as I drove. She shivered but didn’t push me away. When we got to her house again it was only 9PM, but late enough for a school night. 


“Can I get your number?” I asked. She nodded quickly and read it off for me. “Did you have fun?” 


“Mmmhmm,” she said. 


“Good. I’m pretty busy. But spring break isn’t too far off. If we can’t do anything before then, we will just have to do something over break,” I said. Getting out I opened her door and took her hand to walk her home. She still stumbled, but became more confident with every step. I walked her to her door, gave her a big kiss and headed out. Whistling as I pictured what I wanted to do to Luna when I got home. I thought having sex while watching a movie sounded fun. 

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