Moral Degeneration


“This is so exciting,” Luna said from the passenger seat. I had worked on the Chevelle most of the day, but I had promised her another Valentine’s day gift. The revelations about me sleeping with her mom and sister had since been ignored, and I planned to keep it that way. 


“Ever heard of this place?” I asked. 

“Who hasn’t heard of the Club?” She asked. “All my graduated friends have gone at least once. Usually as soon as they turned 18.”


“Tonight we have backstage passes,” I said. Pulling into the parking lot it was a little slow out front, but that was why I picked Sunday night. Walking inside the bouncer and girl that checked IDs waved us in. Opening the door the loud music blasted us. 


“Oh my god!” Luna yelled over the music. Dominique was on the stage. Large fake breasts, facelift, and a few other surgery scars she was pretty, but too fake for my tastes. Another woman was motor boating her as she slipped a dollar into her G-string. 


A few other older women scattered around some played pool but most watched the stage. I took Luna’s hand and dragged her to the back. A door with ‘Private’ stamped on it, we walked right in to the brightly lit changing room. 


Women lined up either side of the room. Sitting in hairdresser chairs as they talked to one another or did their makeup they turned to us. 

“Russ!” The line of women yelled as I extended my arms out. Luna nervously stood behind me as I stepped up. 

“Ladies,” I said. “So good to see you. Tammie, I like the outfit. Is that real fur?”


“Fuch no,” she said, waving me off. She was wrapped in a long fur boa with a bikini underneath. 

“Mercedes, where is Lanny?” I asked. 

“Taking a piss,” she said. “Your kid makes her run off every 5 minutes, I swear.”

“She’s not working is she?” I asked, surprised. 


“No, but she hangs out. Trying to build up her stamina. I assume you left those flowers on our doorstep,” she said, a wide smile on her lips. 


“What? Flowers? Why would I do that?” 

“Well I don’t know, they had your name on them,” she said. 

“Now that you mention it, that does sound like me,” I said. 

“Where are my flowers?” Crystal asked. 

“I will bring them next time,” I promised. I turned to Luna who was still nervously standing by the door. “Girls, I brought a friend. This is Luna.” The woman looked to the beautiful blonde. 

“What? New talent? A little young, ain’t yeah?” The girls asked. 

“No I-” Luna said but the back door opened as Penny walked in. 


“Fucking col-” She said but stopped. “Russ, Luna, sorry I’m late.” 

“No problem,” I said as she walked toward us. She wasn’t shy about giving me a kiss, but she surprised me by doing the same to Luna. 


“Gals, this is Luna’s first time. I told her I’d show her around. Come on sweet cheeks,” Penny said pulling her with her. I hid a smile as Luna blushed. I guessed they had gotten closer since our threesome. “Don’t trust this bitch. She steals your stuff.” She pointed at Crystal. 


“Fuck you.” Crystal said, rolling her eyes. 


“This is my spot,” Penny said sitting down. She didn’t hesitate to take off her shirt. Flashing her tits she dug into her bag and pulled out the nun outfit. Black with plenty of cleavage and the sides cut off she looked amazing in it. 


“Sit on my lap,” Penny said to Luna once she was in costume. Luna blushed more but did so. “This is my new favorite person.”

“What? I thought I was?” Crystal asked, in faux anger. 

“No, Luna is way hotter than you. It’s her first time at the Club.” 

“We hadn’t noticed,” Mercedes laughed. “Russ, who is your friend?” 

“I live with Luna and her mom,” I said, moving to sit in Lanny’s spot beside her. “They adopted me a few weeks back.” 

“Shit, I want to adopt a boy,” Tammie grumbled. “They have any your age available?” 

“I’ll check with the orphanage,” I assured her and the girls laughed. Lanny came in then. Messing with her hair she was still favoring the side that was stabbed. In normal clothes she didn’t match the rest of the women in the room. She didn’t hesitate to sit on my lap. 


“Hey, baby daddy,” she said kissing me. “What’s the occasion?” 

“On a date,” I said, pointing to Luna who was talking with Penny. “But looks like Penny stole her.”

“Oh fun. Mercedes’ and my first date was here too,” Lannie said. 

“What? No it wasn’t?” Mercedes said. Her real name was Mary, but I didn’t feel comfortable calling her that in the strip club. 

“Yes it was,” Lannie said. “Remember, we met, then made out, then you were going down on me in the back room.” 

“Well yeah, but that wasn’t a date. The next day when we got brunch was,” Mercedes said. 

“Russ, what’s a date? Sex or food?” Lannie asked. 


“Hmm gotta agree with Lanny here. I consider the day I met you as our date,” I said. 


“Well shit, guess I have been on a date with a boy then,” Mercedes said. “My mom would be so proud.” 

“Speaking of. Your folks excited about the bun in the oven?” I asked. My hand rubbing Lanny’s shoulder as she leaned into me. 


“Mine are dead,” Lanny said with a sigh. “Car crash.”

“I’m sorry.” 

“Mine are pissed that I didn’t get pregnant,” Mercedes admitted. “But they want to plan a big party for us.” 


“Speaking of, I was thinking about throwing a party,” I said. “With all my prospective kids to be.”

“How many more you got?” Lannie asked. 

“5 or 6,” I said. A few whistles went out in the room. “What? People keep asking.” 

“Jeez though. Didn’t you just get to town?” Mercedes asked. 

“Hell 2 of them live out in Montana,” I said. “Anyway I was thinking about bringing you all together.”

“A giant orgy?” Lanny asked, a smile on her lips. 

“Ha no. A couple are more than a little shy. I don’t know, just wanted my kids to know each other,” I said with a shrug. 


“How’s that?” Mercedes asked. 


“They’ll be half-siblings. Thought it would be good for them to get to know one another,” I admitted. “What? Not a good idea?”

“Didn’t say that,” Mercedes said. “Just never heard it before. I met one of my sisters once. She was a bitch. Might have been different if we grew up together.” 

“I doubt that. I have 2 sisters I grew up with. They’re bitches,” Penny interjected. “Come on. I’m about up. I’ll give you both a special show.” Luna stood up and Penny dragged us out into the loud and dark main room. Sitting us down near the room she sat between us. “Why did you want to come here for Valentine’s Day?!” 

“I don’t know, it sounded fun!” Luna yelled over the music. “I was hoping to get drunk.”

“That can happen,” Penny said. Biting her lip she moved in and kissed Luna. The blonde accepted the kiss, her cheeks blushing. I was wondering if maybe they really were progressing like I hoped. But it was weird to play matchmaker with 2 women I was fucking. My balls still empty from fun earlier I watched their kiss get more heated until the music changed. 


“Gotta go. Make sure to get front row seats,” Penny said as she pulled away. Her ass shaking as she walked to the stage Dominique stepped down. 

“This is so crazy,” Luna said, her eyes focused on Penny. “Thank you.”

“Anytime,” I said, curious if I had a new strip club buddy. I could spend a lot of time there playing pool, hanging with the girls, making sure they were safe…having sex with them. I grabbed her hand and pulled her up. Sitting around the platform stage we got comfortable as Penny danced. Some routine of hers going on she moved around the stage to the music. Cleaning off the poles she was spinning and doing all kinds of acrobatics on them. 


Luna steepled a few dollars in front of her and when Penny came to take them she unbuttoned the top of her nun outfit and shoved her tits in Luna’s face. The people around us hooted and hollered. Penny gave me a wink and whispered about a private lap dance.

“I’ll be right back,” I whispered to Luna as the set continued on. She nodded and I was off to the main boss lady’s office. 


“You should probably stop coming here,” Farrah said as I walked in. 

“Well hello to you too, dear,” I said. 

“Russ, I am running a business. I’d get fined so hard if they knew a 14 year old was here,” she said with a frown. 


“You’re right, babe,” I said approaching her desk. “I will work on getting a fake ID or something.”


“Not good enough,” she said. “You need to at least put a mustache on or something.”


I laughed. “Of course. I will do better next time.”


“Good,” she said standing up. Wearing a business dress the tight skirt showed off her curves. “I’m sorry for being forced to discipline you.”


“That was discipline?” I asked. Her chest sticking out she eyed me. 


“That was a very stern reprimand,” she said with a straight face as she walked around her desk. I pulled her to me. She squeaked, caught off guard by the force. But as I pushed between her legs she pulled the skirt up a little. “Now what is the occasion for you coming by today?”


“A friend of mine had never been. Penny is taking care of her.”


“A friend of yours? Girl I’m guessing?” I nodded. She frowned then it disappeared. “Nevermind. Don’t care. You’ve been fucking me so good lately. I expect you to keep it up.”


“Yes, wifey,” I teased. I could feel her legs begin to shake a little. She loved the play. 


“Fuck what do you do to me?” She asked, biting her lip. The sexual tension had built up enough. She moved to me as I pushed into her. Pulling her face to mine we were soon making out. 


Laying on the desk I opened her legs and slid her thong to the side. She panted as I dove into her. Our hands and mouths on one another as her pussy squeezed me with every inch in her. Moving her legs to my shoulders I started fucking her hard. 


“Fuck!” She cried out as she began to cum. “Faster!” She cried as I found my groove. Her heels on either side of my head I pistoned into her harder. She settled on grunting and moaning as I continued. Turned on by her reaction it wasn’t long until I was bottoming out in her.


Cumming hard I pulled her legs to me as she moaned happily. “Fuck I’m addicted to you.” Her eyes fluttered as a few aftershocks moved through her. 


I pulled out and she dropped her legs back down. Fixing her skirt I sat in the chair facing her desk. She sat on my lap, letting out a sigh as she said, “what did I do before you?”


“No idea. Tell me,” I said as I stroked her back. 


“Hmm I had a girlfriend a while back. She was a dancer,” she admitted. 


“Oh yeah? What happened?” 


“Drugs,” she said with a sigh. “Some girls get into it to lose weight. She got addicted.” 


“That’s too bad. Considered dating again?” I asked. 


“No. I’m trying to buy a new business. I don’t have time.”


“A new business? While pregnant?” I asked, surprised. 


“Definitely. I need to make more money for our kid,” she said cutely. 


“Let me worry about that, Farrah. You should take it easy,” I said. 


“This is too good of an opportunity. A local cab company is selling and I-“


“Don’t,” I said, cutting her off. “Don’t get into cabs.”


“What? Why? Everyone needs taxis,” she asked. 


“I mean you could for now, but don’t keep it. Taxis will eventually become rare.”


“Oh god, you’re not one of those people that says gas is going to skyrocket in price?” She asked, almost laughing. 


“God no,” I said. “Hmm what if I told you I could see a little of the future?” 


“Clairvoyant now?”


“Perhaps. You have a cell phone, right?” I asked. “What if someday you could…” it was impossible to describe an app. “Call a number and someone could pick you up.”


“That’s called a taxi,” she said. 


“Ah but what if this person wasn’t a taxi. What if it was someone in their personal car? You call a number and they showed up. Now these are contractors for a bigger taxi company. They don’t need medallions or whatever the hell they use. So their prices are much cheaper. People would drive others around in their spare time. Acting as taxis. Eliminating the need for taxis that charge a lot to cover overhead.”


“Sounds crazy,” she said. 


“Exactly. But it will happen,” I said. “Any other businesses you are looking into buying?”


“Uh my financial advisor recommended a local startup. They’re growing traction online.”


“What kind of company?”


“A new internet site-“


“Nope. Hold off on those for a bit,” I said. “I’m investing in Starbucks. Why not start your own?”


“The coffee place?” She asked. 


“Yeah. Everyone loves coffee.”


“A friend of mine mentioned going in on a new one, but I thought it sounded dumb.”


“Try it out, trust me. I think you’ll get more bang for your buck,” I said. 


“Alright,” she said. 


“That easy?” I asked, surprised. 


“Yeah. What can I say? I trust you,” she said, kissing my temple. 


“Thanks babe,” I said. We sat like that for a bit. Just breathing one another’s scent in. 


“I uh spoke to my mom,” Farrah admitted. “She’s interested in meeting you.”


“Cool. Should we set a date?” 


“Okay,” Farrah said, snuggling up to me. I could see the smile on her lips as she did. 


I was about to head back downstairs when someone knocked on the door. Farrah jumped up and I pulled up my pants. 


“What is it?!” Farrah yelled once we were presentable. 


One of her big bouncers stepped in. A large woman with a shaved head, over 6 feet tall they didn’t pay me much mind. 


“Issue downstairs,” she said. “You’re going to need to step in.”


“What kind of trouble?” Farrah asked, getting serious. 


“Nightingale shit,” the bouncer said. That was all I needed to know that the night had only just begun. 

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