Moral Degeneration


I held Luna’s hips, pulling her into me as we sat up. She moaned every time my dick entered her. Her head rocked back as her chest bounced in my face. She was always insatiable in the morning. “Fucking cum in me,” she ordered. I sped up pulling her to me and pushing her lower half away. She let herself cry out a little louder as she came. 


Burying my cock in her I emptied into the condom causing her to wrap her legs around me. Her chest in my face I bit her nipples as she shook and sputtered. 

“Goddamn I love your dick,” she said. 


“I love all of you,” I admitted, still licking her nipples one at a time. The cheerleader giggled, her cunt tightening to try to squeeze out every last drop. 


“Let’s get married,” she moaned. 


“I thought you were dating Penny now,” I said. It was Tuesday. After my drive back with Brianna I stopped by Penny’s place to find her and Luna already going at it. After a shower I was quick to join them. 

“We aren’t official,” Luna teased. “Just having fun. But why not plan to marry her too? We can keep having amazing sex together. You can put all the babies you want in us.”

“What about college?” I asked, finally pulling away from her chest. 

“I thought you planned on becoming a billionaire,” she said, her eyes sparkling in glee. 


“I do, but that takes time,” I said. “Let's reevaluate after I make my first million.”

“As confident as ever. I love it,” she said. Pulling back I exited her and she groaned. “Now you woke me up too early. I need sleep.”

“You woke me up,” I said as she laid back down in my bed, naked as the day she was born. 

“Potato, tomato,” she said. “Go work out or whatever.” 

“Yes, dear,” I said. Smacking her ass as I got up. Putting on my workout clothes I stepped out of my rooml. Down the hall was Audrey’s room, I noticed lights on inside. Hoping to talk the couple into a workout and shower fun I was surprised to hear crying inside. I hesitated walking in, but decided to see what was wrong. 


Inside a naked Violet was consoling a naked Audrey. “What’s wrong?” I asked, walking up to the duo as they sat on the large bed. 


Audrey looked up from her tears, genuine hurt in her eyes. “It came!’ She said, quickly moving her face back to her hands. 


“What came?” I asked, more than a little worried. I walked over to her, resting my hands on her and Violet’s shoulders. Violet’s expression was very sad, making me worry more. 


“My period,” Audrey admitted. “I was convinced I was pregnant. But I think the stress of the new account made me a little too worried. Now that things calmed down it finally happened.” 


“Oh,” I said, letting out a long sigh of relief. “That’s it?” 

“That’s it? Russ? I was starting to look forward to being a mom again,” she admitted.


“So?” I asked. “We can try again.”

“I don’t think I should,” she said, still sniffling. I rolled my eyes. Women confused the hell out of me. Did she or didn’t she want to get pregnant? 


“Aud,” I said, forcing her hands from her face. “Do you want a kid?” I asked. 

“I don’t-” 

“Don’t think, answer. Do you want a kid?” I asked. 

“Y-yes,” she let out, bringing on another sob. 

“What about you, Violet?” I asked. “You care if she gets knocked up?” 

“Not really,” Violet said. “I thought it was kind of hot thinking she was.” 


“Goddang I love you,” I said, laughing as I pinched her cheek. “Then let’s make it happen. Go to the doctor, hell I can go with you. Look at what it would take to get pregnant. When you ovulate or whatever. Audrey, we weren’t trying before. But if you want my kid, we can make it happen. What about you? Do you want a kid?” I asked Violet. 

“Nope, not till I’m married,” she said, eyeing Audrey. “I mean…if we were so inclined to make that happen…we could get pregnant together.” 


Audrey was starting to come out of her crying fit. I was fighting my chubby as I pictured it. I was developing a bad kink for impregnation. I needed Millie and Gail to give birth so I could experience the pain of changing diapers and not sleeping to kick myself out of the kink. 


“Then let’s get married,” Audrey said. 

“What?” Violet asked, drawing back a little. 


“Let’s get married. You and I. I love you, Vi. If you really want to have kids. I’m all for it.”

“But…you haven’t even met my moms,” Violet said, smiling and wiping a tear from her eye. 

“Then let’s go meet them. Let’s plan a wedding. Having kids. All of that,” Audrey said. Violet’s tears only increased in volume. 


Eventually she hugged Audrey as she sobbed, “Okay.” The 2 were quickly kissing and on one another. Since Audrey was on her period I doubted it would progress much further. 

Slowly backing away I said, “Great. Just let me know how I can help.” They weren’t listening. “Really looking forward to knocking you both up.” They still weren’t listening so I walked out and shut the door. Shaking my head I was pretty sure I instigated a proposal there, but women were weird. Who knew what would actually happen. 


Our guarddog, Duke, ran up to me as I walked to the basement. The silent member of the household was a little lonely with Ava at school. I took him to the basement, working out all my muscle groups. When my arms and legs were exhausted I took him for a run. As I got back the breakfast table was abuzz with an ecstatic Audrey and Violet. 


“Get it all figured out?” I asked. 

“Hell no,” Violet said. She wore a smile on her face as she sat on the island and watched Audrey make pancakes. 

“But we are getting there,” Audrey said. “Sorry for uh…forgetting about you there.”

“No problem,” I said. “Here to help…so, need my help?” 


“Not right now,” Audrey said. “We are going to plan a weekend to spend with Violet’s parents.” 

“Yep, then plan a very small wedding.”

“Any idea when?” I asked. 

“I was thinking a destination wedding,” Audrey admitted. “We were already planning on going to the Florida Keys this summer.”

“What? Really?” Violet asked. “So soon?”

“We don’t have to,” Audrey said shyly. 

“No, I want to,” Violet said. “That’s only a few months away though. We will have to start planning.”


“Let’s call around, see if it's possible,” Audrey said, hiding her own smile.

“Sounds good,” I said. “How do weddings work nowadays? Who gives the bride away? Are you both brides?” 

“I don’t know,” Audrey said. “You’re part of the house. Would you give me away?” 

“If you want, or I can officiate,” I said. 


“Oh my god, a man marrying us? We would make everyone so jealous,” Violet said. 


“You’re marrying a man?” Luna asked as she walked downstairs. We all turned, giving her an awkward response. I gave Audrey the look and she rolled her eyes but nodded. 

“No, Violet and I are talking about getting married,” Audrey admitted. 

“Married?” Luna said slowly. Her eyes widening, she looked between her mom and Violet. It wasn’t long until she was squealing and hugging Violet then the conversation was repeated. All 3 of them were on Cloud 9, talking a mile a minute as they said this or that. I made a protein shake and listened in. The lovebirds were quickly off to work, smiles plastered on their faces as they walked hand in hand. 

“That’s so great,” Luna said, taking her seat on my lap. “I swear I’ve never seen my mom so happy before.” 

“I’m glad,” I said, rubbing her back. “You don’t want to rush to get married, right?” 

“Na. I get all horny and ready for a kid when you’re inside me,” she admitted, kissing my neck and sniffing deeply. “But I don’t think we’ve figured everything out yet.”

“What do you mean?” I asked. 

“Us, our situation,” she said. “You have like what? 6 kids on the way? You said you want to be in the kid’s lives. Which means the women’s lives. So are they all going to expect to get married to you?” 

“Is polygamy legal?” I asked. 


“Nope,” she said. “But that’s what you’re building, isn’t it? Some big group of women and kids. Your own freaking country.”

“More like a family,” I admitted. “Is it so wrong?” I asked, a little nervous that she would freak out on me again. “I’m expected to impregnate women for money from the government. I want to have more than enough to not need that, but I still want beautiful women around me.” I lifted her chin to stare into her eyes. “The biggest family ever. Women that enjoy a man around. Want to keep having kids. What I really want to do is get a huge acreage in the middle of nowhere someday. Build houses on it for everyone and our kids.”

“Our kids?” She asked. 

“Well yeah. You and I are getting married. My kids are your kids.” Her legs quivered as she pushed in to kiss me. Quickly heated she began to pull up on my shirt. I did the same to hers, lifting her bra up. 


“So I get to be the queen of the family?” She asked, standing up she lifted her shirt off as I pulled my dick out. Before I could put a condom on she was sitting back down. My dick entered her drenched cunt. Groaning, I held her hips down as my head rocked back. 


“Of course,” I said. “If you want the spot. You could rule it all. Work on our own empire. With you on top.” 


“This sounds so fucking hot,” she said, her tight pussy squeezing me hard as she fought my hands and began moving back and forth. “You feel so good without a condom. I just want your babies now.”

“That’s horny you talking,” I said, fighting how good she felt. “Do you really think you can be the queen without at least a high school education?” 

“Fuck,” she said moving more. “Let me cum a couple of times like this.” I nodded, bringing her face to mine we kissed deeply. It wasn’t long until she was cumming. Liquid pouring out of her she held on for dear life as she whispered in my ear. “You’re going to put a baby in me on our wedding night. I want it so bad. To be all yours. I’m really starting to like Penny. Licking your cum out of her. She is so fun, but you’re all that matters. Your fucking giant dick. It’s all I think about when we are apart. But I also get turned on thinking about your fucking more women. I play with myself sometimes thinking about it-” She shivered as she came again. But never stopped moving. 

“I want everything we talk about. I’m not jealous anymore. Come back to me, and you can have whoever you want. I’ll help you. My friends at school? You could have all of them if you asked. I talk about our sex life now. I know they’re jealous. It’s every woman’s dream, and I’m living it. Drench my insides with your cum.” 

“Fuck!” I said. “I’m gonna cum,” I said she stayed there a little too long as I tried to lift her off. But she groaned and got off. Dropping down she took my dick in her mouth and stared up at me as I came. I cursed, way too turned on by the situation and conversation. When I finished she swallowed my semen with a relieved sigh and sat up to rub my dick on her naked D-Cup breasts. 


“You’re dangerous,” I said.

“You feel so good,” she said cutely.

“I’m holding you to everything you said,” I threatened. 

“I meant all of it,” she said, a wicked smile on her lips. “Which one of my friends do you want?” 

I hesitated. There was that Brazilian, but to be honest that should be left in her court. “You pick one,” I said. “Maybe have a sleepover.”

Luna’s smile only got wider. “Okay,” she said, moving back down to my dick she licked the head then shaft of her juices. “I’ll see who I like.”

“Fuck,” I said, jerking as the refractory period ended. I was amazed yet again how I had lucked out on this girl. I was looking forward to what would happen in the future.  

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