Moral Degeneration


“Where did you 2 meet?” Chloe asked. We were sitting in a booth at my favorite sushi place. 


I eyed Rina. “Russ is a client.” Rina had said she was a licensed massage therapist and worked at the massage parlor for extra money. I wasn’t sure if her twin knew what exactly she did. “What did you hurt again?” That answered it for me. 

“Rotator cuff,” I said, twisting my arm around. She grabbed my thigh, thankful for the lie. “I was throwing a baseball with some friends, she helped me work out the kinks.”

“When did you meet? Sorry, I’m just surprised,” Chloe said. “I uh are you helping her with…you know?”

“Do I know?” I asked Rina. 

Rina blew a raspberry. “You’re supposed to wait for a question like that, Chloe,” she said, annoyed. “Yes, Russ offered to help knock me up.”

“And is he…” Chloe eyed me. “We-you had such high standards.”

“I think so?” Rina asked me. I sighed and pulled out my wallet. Since I didn’t have a driver’s license the DOL Breeding/Lineage card was right out front. It showed possible and real stats about me, like my own baseball card. Listing the height of my father, if I was at risk of any diseases or failures, and my IQ. Some women wanted to see it when considering possibly asking me to impregnate them. 


I passed it to Rina first. She whistled slowly. “Your dad is 6 foot 2? And you have an IQ of 145? No way, that’s like super genius.”

“I was tested and everything,” I said with a shrug as she passed it to Chloe. The twin bit her lip, growing more excited as she read it.

“Who is your dad?” Chloe asked. 

“Don’t know, don’t care,” I said. “I assume I pass whatever criteria you have.” 

“Very much so,” Rina said, her hand moving up to my crotch. “And the price is more than acceptable.”

“Price? How much?” Chloe asked. 

“A massage whenever I want it,” I admitted. 


Chloe frowned. “Rina, come on. You know that’s low.” 

“He offered it,” Rina said with a shrug. 

“You should know better than that. We were in talks with someone for $5,000 each,” Chloe said. I felt Rina kick her sister’s shin. 

“So?” I asked. 

“So, I’m starting to think this is fake,” she admitted, throwing the card back. I was starting to think she was the smart sister. “That’s way too cheap. I don’t want my sister-”

“Why would I charge you?” I cut in. “I have money. Who couldn’t use more though, right? But Rina is looking at starting a life. I know the government helps out, but I would much prefer she keep the money. It helps her get clothes for our kid. Pay for daycare. Everything that a family needs. Besides, I plan to stick around. I wouldn’t feel right taking money for starting a life together.”

“Really?” Rina asked. 


“Of course. I can’t be here every night, but I’d love to hang around. Get to know you and our kid,” I said. 

“Oh my god, check please,” Rina said. “That’s so hot.” She pulled me in and we kissed. I was liking her fiery attitude more and more. As her tongue entered my mouth my hands moved to her thigh as I inched up her dress. 


“You can’t be serious,” Chloe said, ruining it. “He’s 14.”

“What?” Rina asked, pulling away to look at the card. “Really?”

“I am,” I said with a shrug. “So what?” 

“So, that’s like pedophile territory,” Chloe said. 


“All legal,” I said. “You can call my assigned DOL agent if you want.” I pulled out the business card and handed it to her. She frowned at it but didn’t take it. Dropping the Breeding Card I put them back. 


“Jeez, you’re like the hottest 14 year old ever,” Rina said. “Hey, you’ll turn 15 next month.” 

“I will,” I said. “Any other complaints?” I asked Chloe as our food came. She frowned but leaned back in the booth as she crossed her arms.

“Don’t mind her,” Rina said, tearing apart the chopsticks. “She hates sushi. And she’s pissed she didn’t find you first.” This time it was Chloe that kicked Rina. “What? It’s true.” 

“Don’t say that,” Chloe hissed. “And it’s not.”

“It is, who cares?” Rina said. “Why do you think I brought you along? I want him to knock you up too.” 


I didn’t really have to pretend to be surprised. Chloe had enough of a shocked look on her face for the both of us. I slowly grabbed my chopsticks and dug in as they began to argue. 

“What?!” Chloe hissed. “Why would you say that?” 

“Because it’s what we always talked about,” Rina said. 

“We haven’t talked about that in years,” Chloe said. 

“I know, but we always dreamed about it. Can you picture it? The same man? Our kids would basically be siblings,” Rina said as she took a big bite of sushi as if this was any other conversation. “I know you’re busy at school, but come on Chloe. I love you. I want us to be pregnant together. And my god it was so good trying. Like I thought that ex of mine knew what she was doing. Russ has like a magic dick or something. You have to try it.”

“It’s really hard to eat with an erection,” I mumbled. 

Rina giggled, grabbing my erect dick as she studied Chloe. “You don’t have to. But he might have already knocked me up. I’ve been tracking our cycle. We ovulate today, Chloe. We could really make it happen.” 

“You have the same cycle?” I asked. 


“It’s pretty common when you spend so much time together,” Rina said. Leaving her sister to her own thoughts she dug back into the sushi. “This one is delicious.”

“I agree,” I said and we continued our date as if Chloe wasn’t there. The woman was a bundle of emotions and it wasn’t until we were in the car that she spoke again. 

“What do you do, Russ? Go to school or drop out?”

“I go to school,” I said. I was driving, my hand on Rina’s thigh next to me. “I had my IQ tested and leveraged that to only go to school a few days a week.” 

“Why not skip grades?”

“Because I’m not in a huge rush yet,” I said with a shrug. “I might when I’m 16. For now I’m enjoying what I do.”

“Which is?”

“Take beautiful women on dates,” I said, locking eyes with her in the the rearview mirror. 

“So you have impregnated other women?” She asked. 

“6 so far,” I said. “Er 7, I can’t remember.” 

“And you expect to somehow magically make time for all of them?” She asked. “All these kids?”

“Yeah,” I said. “How many guys showed up at your door before I did?” 

“None,” Rina answered. 

“See, showing up a little is better than not at all. Besides if you want I don’t mind setting aside more time. Rina and I are just getting to know one another.” 

“Very true,” Rina said. “And it’s good to know you aren’t sterile. I had one guy I was tempted to try to have donate, but turns out he had slow swimmers.” 

“Poor guy. Is that a common scam?”

“You wouldn’t believe how bad. I can’t look online when I’m horny or I start to fall for all of the fake scammers out there.”

“That’s awful,” I laughed. “What about you, Chloe? What do you do?” 


“She’s studying to be a psychologist,” Rina said. “So close to finishing. A lot of my paychecks go to pay for our rent.”

“No wonder you need so much money,” I said. “Gonna keep doing what you’re doing?” 

“If you don’t mind,” she said, understanding what I meant. “I mean, it’s just women. And the money is good. I’ll probably stop when I’m a balloon.”

“I can see it now. You would be a very sexy balloon,” I said.

“Stop sweet talking me, you already got into my pants.”

“Can I help it if I want to get in again? What next? Movie? Drinks? Dancing?” 

“Putt-putt golf, and laser tag, and an arcade. There is this place across town I used to go to,” she said.

“Lead the way,” I said, growing excited. The date continued on after that. I found myself liking Rina more and more. She had an infectious laugh and was excited by everything. A sore loser in the fighting games she kept wanting to go again and again until she won. Chloe slowly got out of her shell as we did laser tag. Then for the golf she started joking around as well. Telling stories about their childhood I was enjoying the twins more than I thought. 

After the arcade we went to a movie. A romcom I didn’t recognize was playing. I bought us popcorn and snacks and the girls sat on either side of me. It was hard to not hope for some action in the theater but the movie turned serious. About some woman that was married and got sick and her wife had to go on without her. She ended up meeting some old man that lived in the middle of nowhere and taught her how to love again. It was really weird in my eyes, but the girls were crying on me. 


Draping my arms over their shoulders the movie ended on a happy note and I thanked god it was over. 

“What now?” I asked. 

“Dinner at our place,” Rina said as if she had planned it all. “I made lasagna.” 

“My favorite,” I admitted and took them home. The girls in their element back at their apartment, they had me sitting down on the couch as they prepared the meal. Once the table was set and the lasagna was in the oven they sat beside me on the couch. 


The atmosphere was thick with anticipation. My arms over the twin’s shoulders I could feel their increasing heart rate. “How long will the food be?” I asked.

“45 minutes,” Rina whispered shyly. 


“I seem to remember being promised a massage,” I said.

“Oh right,” she said, perking up. Looking behind my head she shared a look with Chloe. “Why uh, why don’t you go upstairs and take a shower? We can…iron out what to do after that.” 

“Sounds good to me,” I said. Sitting up I left them to talk and found the restroom. Taking a simple shower I was nervous for once. I wasn’t sure how to go about twins. Would they want it at the same time? One at a time? I knew which one I wanted, but what could I push for? After a quick wash I stepped out and could hear muffled talking from downstairs.

Giving them time I came out in just my undershirt and underwear. As I walked toward the stairs they ran up them. 


“How about we do this in my room?” Chloe offered as Rina ran passed into a side room. 

“What about the food?” 

“We can make it later,” Rina assured. Pushing me to follow Chloe I was forced onto a very comfy bed. 


“Take off your shirt,” Rina ordered as she grabbed the bottom of her shirt and lifted it off. Revealing her black lingerie panties I somehow got more excited. Taking off my shirt I laid down on the bed as I heard Chloe take off her dress as well. Soon enough I had 2 pairs of hands on me. 

“Do what I do,” Rina said to her sister as she dug into my shoulder. I groaned as the other hand did the same on my opposite shoulder. It wasn’t long until the sex was forgotten for me. Rina wasn’t focused on knots this time. Simply rubbing my muscles the girls sat on their knees on either side of me. 


Rina started exploring more as she moved from my shoulder. One hand moving along my arm, her other snuck into my boxers. “So different knowing you’re a guy,” she said.

“You didn’t know he was a man?” Chloe asked. 

“He wore a wig.”

“It’s easier to get around if I pretend to be a woman,” I admitted. 

“Oh, smart,” Chloe said. She bent down more to take a big whiff of me. “Why does a man smell different?” 


“No idea,” Rina said, doing the same. “I can’t get his smell out of my head.” I decided to relax and enjoy it as they explored me. Both were happy to rub and remark on this or that. My muscles were more refined than the women they knew. Hips were different. More hair on my legs. Why was it hot for men to not shave their legs? All the men they saw on TV had shaved legs. Everything was new and different for them. 

“Turn over,” Rina eventually said and I did so. This time I had a full on erection. I noted that neither twin was wearing a bra. Their tan fronts were more than boner inspiring. Though they had minor differences in their faces, their tits were the same B-Cup. 


Chloe was in awe for a moment, but Rina jumped right in. Her hand reaching into my underwear she grabbed my dick. “I want to blow you,” she said. 

“Yeah, do it now, cus I’m not sticking that thing anywhere near my mouth after you’ve ridden it,” Chloe said. 

“Bitch, we shot out of the same vagina. What the hell do you care?” Rina asked. 


“I do, I’m not-”

“I can always clean up,” I offered. “Now uh did you guys come to some sort of agreement?” 

“I think so,” Rina said, slowly jerking me off. “Chloe wants your kid too.” My dick bulged, and she noticed. Gripping it harder she leaned over kissing me. 

When she was done I studied Chloe. “Are you sure?” 

“Uh yeah. I was hesitant, but I really want to be pregnant with my sister,” she said. My cock was like granite by that point. 

“Perfect. You uh mind me coming by now and then?” I asked. Both girls shook their heads. “Then what are we waiting for?” Rina laughed and pulled my underwear all the way down. Her face going to my crotch she began moving up and down the shaft. I watched Chloe bite her lip as she watched her twin do what she wanted. Grabbing her hand I pulled her to me and kissed her for the first time. 


She moaned in my mouth as her hand ran along my chest. Our tongues intertwining my hand moved to her white panties. Rubbing along her slit she gasped as I did the same to Rina. We made out for a while as I ran my fingers along their lower lips until Rina sat up. 


“Fine, I get all his cum if I do all the work,” she said, getting out of her panties. 

“Wait,” Chloe said, pulling back. “I uh, don’t know what to do.”

“Just suck my balls or lick it together. It will happen quickly if you both work at it,” I admitted. She hesitated but got off the bed. Taking off her soaked panties she moved to my lower half and studied my dick. Rina taking a mirror image position she took one ball in her mouth. Sucking it hard she pulled Chloe to take my shaft. 

Her thick lips wrapping around the mushroom head I couldn’t turn away as the twins stared up at me. My hips bucking upward, they became more bold. Rina began licking my balls as Chloe began to go up and down my shaft. In some unspoken technique they moved to either side of my shaft. Their lips gliding up and down in unison they played with my balls and I couldn’t help but cum. 


Sabrina raised up and took my dickhead in her mouth. Taking a couple of shots she then pointed it at Chloe who let the spurts splash across her face. Rina moaned, swishing my semen around in her mouth. Chloe scooped what hit her into her mouth. 


“Fuck, it tastes good,” Rina said with a sigh. “So strong.” 

“I made it just for you,” I couldn’t help but say. 


“Fucking, lover boy,” Rina said. She turned back to her sister. “You’re still a virgin right?” 

“Yeah,” Chloe said shyly. 

“Let me go first. Then after you we can clean up and go again.”

“You sure he can handle that much?” Chloe asked. 

“Trust me. With you 2 I plan to go all night,” I said. The girls smiled wide in unison and Rina moved over my crotch. “How about you sit on my face,” I offered Chloe. She shyly nodded as Rina began to descend on me. She was as tight as the other day, but her sister’s snatch in front of me distracted me. 


My hands wrapping around her thighs I ate her out hungrily. Chloe quivered and cried out as Rina did the same. Facing one another they leaned forward, biting the other’s shoulder as I made them cum. Both girls driven over the edge in short order I never let up. Humping into Rina and burying my tongue in Chloe they gushed cum on me as I focused on their pleasure. 


By the time Rina came a 4th time though she was spent. I let myself release and began filling her, making her body force another orgasm. She cried out, and took all of it. “Fuck, you’re putting a baby in me!” She cried out, tears of joy on her face. 


“This is so good,” Chloe said as she got off. 

“You gotta try his dick,” Rina said getting off. Spent, she laid next to me as Chloe began to descend. Piercing her hymen it appeared to hurt her more than she thought. Blood trickling down my dick she halted. Grabbing her hips I flipped us over so she was on bottom. 

“Let me help,” I said. Her eyes fluttered but she nodded. Kissing her she ignored her own juices on my face and opened her legs wide as I descended. “Ready to have my kid?” 

“Fuck yes,” Rina said, moving closer. 

“Please,” Chloe said. I pinched her nipple and thrust in all the way. She cried out but I started humping her with all I was worth. Her yells of pain turned to pleasure soon enough and she was cumming before I knew it. “Oh god! Oh god! Fucking cumming,” she yelled but I was only getting started. 

Pulling Rina over to me I began to kiss her as I fucked her sister. Neither paying attention to the other I was enjoying double the fun more than I cared to admit. 2 pregnant and willing twins was something I could finally mark off my bucket list, a list that I had only recently dreamed of making. 

Chloe was just as loud and turned on as her sister. After she came a 5th time I emptied into her and Rina was ready for round 2. Dragging me into the bathroom again to get off the virgin blood she washed me everywhere and I fucked her into the shower wall. Yelling my name over and over the curly haired tan goddess was a firecracker. When I came in her again she sucked my dick until Chloe joined us. 

On wobbly legs we helped her get cleaned up, but I was taking her from the back and mashing her into the tiles. After that she was down for the count. Rina took me to her room and proceeded to want to try anal. I obliged and though she didn’t like it as much she was dragging me to the kitchen to fuck her there while the lasagna started cooking again. 


After that we sat on the couch. The entire time she jerked me off while we watched TV. Her expert hands made it feel almost as good as the real thing. She happily sucked down 2 loads of cum before the food finished. 


Once I refueled the fun began again. We got so loud we woke Chloe up and I was taking her from behind as Rina kissed me and told me all the things we could do next time. 


“I’ll give you a full body massage. A real one this time,” she promised. “I want to go to a steakhouse next time. And get ice cream. You can fuck me in the bathroom. I don’t care. I wanted to blow you so bad during the movie. Just keep coming back and I’ll do whatever you want. My ass next? Down my throat? I want it everywhere.”

“Fuck,” I said. “Whatever you want, babe. I’ll do it all.”

She giggled, her hair bouncing as she stuck her tongue out and began to beg me to cum. I thrust harder, leaning forward I squeezed her sister’s breasts and came into her as far as possible. When I was empty she laid on the bed and Rina was presenting her ass. 

“My turn,” she said. I nodded, moving over to her. It wasn't long until I was doing the same to her. All in all, an experience to remember. 

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