Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 106: Endless New Possibilities

"Yawn!... it feels like I have slept for a decade," I muttered, feeling the morning light hitting my face.

After returning home from the trial, I slept for three days straight. My body was exhausted both mentally and physically, and since there was nothing important for me to do, my kids took care of everything. I decided to rest and regain my energy.

"Well, it's time to get up," I said, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and looking around my room.

'It's been a while since the last time I woke up alone and naturally... hehehe.'

I smiled, enjoying the feeling of the soft and fluffy bed, and the scent of cleanliness, a cleaning perk exclusively for my home.

"Okay, time to get up for real," I exclaimed, throwing the blankets aside and getting out of the bed.


"Good morning, Mother!" My wolf children greeted, running toward me. "We missed you," they said, rubbing their heads against my naked body.

"Morning, darlings," I replied, picking up the one that was leading and hugging her tight. "And I missed you," I said, gently caressing their heads and smiling at them. Then it hit me.

'Who are you?' I asked inwardly, not wanting to hurt their feelings. I don't remember these wolf kids, and they are definitely not mine, at least the male ones.

'I guess many girls gave birth during my absence. How many new pups joined?' A quick check on the offspring's interface caused my jaw to drop.

"Two thousand!" I exclaimed seeing the number. My wolf population passed the two thousand mark, and 80% of the new ones were my grandchildren.

'This is amazing!' I grinned, feeling proud. 'Our number is growing so quickly.'

"Can you play with us, Mother?" The wolf girl in my arms asked, looking at me with her adorable blue eyes. "We are bored."

Damn... I can't resist.

"Yes, I can," I answered, putting her down and holding her hands. "Let's go."

"Yay!" The kids cheered, following me to a part of my land, I decided to make a background for them. For now, there was nothing in the sand field, but I planned to add toys later when the shop allows it.

We played tags, and hide and seek after I added trees, rocks, and bushes to the field. It was a good way for me to get closer to my descendants and know more about them, especially the wolf girls, and their personalities and behaviors.

"Haah!... the energy of kids," I sighed, sitting on the sand and leaning on a tree, watching them play.

"Hmm?" I narrowed my eyes, gazing at the map of my land looking for a good spot to place the Nightmare tower. But then I decided to expand my land further before placing it. With how unorganized my lands were and how massive the tower was, I had to do it. Otherwise, the tower would end up in the middle of my land.

[The Nightmare Tower construction has begun.]

[12 hours till completion.]

"Good," I muttered, opening the world map and relocating the waypoint from the dead tree to Hiraki's home. It's been a long time since we met, and I was worried about her well-being, given the fact she's pregnant, and I have no idea what stage of pregnancy she was in.

"It's time to upgrade my rank," I said, closing the map and teleporting to the underground chambers, where I had the Altar of Rebirth.

I didn't waste another second, so I took out the rank upgrade ticket that I received as a reward. There was nothing special about it, just a black piece of paper.

[Do you want to consume the Rank Upgrade ticket?]

"Yes," I said and immediately braced myself for the pain. The last time was bloody painful.


Seconds passed, and I didn't feel a thing, not even the slightest pain. I waited for a few more seconds, thinking it would begin at any moment, but that didn't happen, and I was left standing in the middle of the room feeling stupid.

'Maybe this time was without pain?' I thought, slowly opening my eyes, and that's when the pain hit me.

"Gahhhh!" I screamed, falling to the ground. The pain was like a million needles piercing my body from within. "Fuck!"

'It's worse than the last time,' I gritted my teeth and endured. 'I hope it won't be like this every time I upgrade my rank.'

"Haaah!" I gasped for air. My vision was blurry, and my mind was a mess. It was a struggle for me to remain conscious.

'Hang on, Morgana,' I told myself. 'This pain is nothing.'

"Urggg," I groaned, enduring the pain, and fortunately, it only lasted for a few seconds, then everything returned to normal.

"Phew..." I let out a relieved sigh, laying on the cold stone floor, enjoying the silence, and the lack of pain. "That was... Fuck, let's just forget about it."

I spent another minute regaining my strength before finally standing up with childish excitement to check the new changes. However, when I examined my body, I saw nothing new.

"What's the meaning of this?" I exclaimed, opening my status and checking on my rank.

Name: Morgana

Title: The Mother of Wolves

Race: Breeder

Gender: Futa

Class: The Mother of All

Rank: D

Level: 75

Experience: 4026/555000

Power Level: 2500+

Health: 950/950

Mana: 850/850

Stamina: 475/475

Pregnancy Status: Not Pregnant (Hidden: World tree)

Skill: [Return] [Breeder's form] [Egg Transfer lv1] [Charm] [Pregnancy Control] [Seed and Egg Sack]

Passive Skill: [Breeder's body] [Fertile body] [Birth Recovery] [Offspring loyalty][Lactation] [Lustful Pheromone] [Cum Nutrition and Flavor] [Universal Communication] [Broodmother] [Breeder's Experience] [The Breeder's Grace] [The Mother's Word]

Blood Magic: [Crimson Forge]

Seed sack (00/04):

Egg sack; (02/04): - Kitsune / Spider

Dimensional Womb (00/05):

Breeder's form: [Wolf Form (Rank E)] [Rabbit Form ] [Arachne form]


"I'm a rank D already, so why the hell do I still look the same? This makes no fucking sense!" I yelled in frustration. "This is so unfair!... I was hoping for a few more inches to my height, more defined boobs and ass."

"Sigh... I was counting on the rank upgrade to beat Celeste's double root dicks in terms of length, but sadly—"

"!!!" I swallowed my words, feeling a tingling sensation between my legs. "WHAT THE HELL!" I exclaimed, watching the scene unfold before me.

My clit was growing before my eyes, becoming longer and thicker, until it looked like a cock.

"Are you kidding me?" I muttered, touching it with my hand and feeling the pleasure. "This is what I get after my rank up?"

I mean, I like it. Having a cock was great, but TWO! This is every futa's dream, two long, thick, veiny 12-inch cocks.

"Fuck it!" I smirked, holding out the twin cocks and gazing at them in awe. "They are beautiful."

I don't have to tell you what kind of horny thought I had; the stupid smile on my face was enough. I already picked the lucky winner to taste my new cocks.


"HAHAHAHA!" I burst out laughing, stroking my two cocks. "This is the best reward so far."

"I can't wait to shove both of them into that slutty hole of hers," I chuckled. "She won't be able to walk for days."

"I wonder what would be the reward for the next rank?" I muttered, listing the things that I would like to receive. "Two new boobs would be nice."

The moment I finished my words, that tingling sensation returned, but this time it was in my chest.

"Haaaaaaa," I moaned, watching with wide eyes as two new breasts grew on my body.

"Oh my god!" I muttered, staring at the two huge round breasts that now adorned my chest right beneath the original ones.

"What's the meaning of this?" I asked out loud, pondering more about the rank reward. A system notification would have been a little helpful in explaining the situation, but I received none, so I had to figure it out myself.

"Hmm?" I hummed, focusing my gaze on my twin cocks with one thought in mind. 'I have no cocks.'

The next second, something amazing happened. My two cocks began to shrink until they were nothing but a clit.

"Ahhh!" I moaned, rubbing the spot where my dick used to be. The flat and soft feeling was amazing, but having a dick was better, and I got used to it.

With a mere thought, and in less than two seconds, my original cock grew back. I smiled, excited to do more experimenting with this awesome ability.


About an hour or maybe two, I can't remember, I discovered some interesting things about my new ability.

First, what I can't do is more important than what I can do. I can't grow or change anything outside of what I already have. For example, I can grow two new arms, but I can't change my arms into something else, like wings, etc.

Moreover, I can't grow an organ that I don't originally possess. I tried to grow a tail, but I couldn't. But I could grow two dicks and balls, changing the length and size to anything I want.

Now, the most interesting part was the synergy between this new ability and my forms. I only tested it with the wolf form before consuming all of my mana. Apparently, the transformation consumes a lot, but luckily I could keep the changes as long as I want.

Back to the wolf form: using this ability, I was able to shapeshift into a real ordinary wolf, a werewolf, and a strange, twisted hybrid between the two. You know, a woman's body with a wolf's head, two tails, four arms, two dicks, and four tits.

A fucking horror monster. HAHAHA!

"Haah... I can see endless new possibilities with this ability," I grinned, lying on the cold floor gazing at the ceiling. "Especially the horny ones, hehehe."

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