Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 008

Chapter 08: The beasts just need a good beating to listen. (2)

They said that, but they won’t betray me, at least as long as I don’t sell them out or reveal any important information.

To them, I’m like a Savior. I can feel the pressure weighing down on me.

We’re on the first floor.

Having quickly ascended to the ground, the pressure dissipates as I’m no longer weighing down my whole body, and the elevator doors open.

“Is everything ready?”


A tiger-like monster, whose leg I’ve broken, speaks to me after getting knocked on the knee. It seems like they’re just waiting to guide me outside.

Even though he’s an executive, he’s putting in a lot of effort.

“Even as the Branch Manager, I’ve got to say, I plan to come by often from now on?”

“Is that so?”

“Make sure to tell the guys to be careful when I’m around, and when they see me, they should all bow down.”

“Yes, sir!”

At their satisfactory response, I look straight ahead and move, while the tiger in a black suit follows behind like a loyal lapdog.

At first, I didn’t pay much attention, but seeing him cling on is really getting on my nerves.

“Hey, why aren’t you in front instead?”

“How could I stand in front of you, Chairman? I belong to the rear.”

Did you just call me a Chairman? I’m contemplating whether to slam my knee into his face again, but when I see his broken teeth, such thoughts quickly vanish.

If only one fang were broken, maybe I could argue that he still looks like a warrior; if both are broken, it looks pretty pitiful.

And to make matters worse…

“Is the Chairman on the move again?”

“He’s someone even higher than the Leader, so he’s definitely the Chairman.”

“Is that so?”

Why would I care about you beast society monsters? Looks like the brains have gone to mush or something.

“If the mastermind of world dominance is a magic user, it would work out great, right?”

“World dominance? We’re the Purification Volunteer Organization beyond the Great Barrier. We are officially recognized by the United Nations as a charity organization.”

What kind of bizarre group name is that?

“Didn’t it end with the World Healing Support Association?”

“It got exposed as a cover organization during its last operation, so it’s all gone to hell.”

“Well done, very nice.”

Come to think of it, a few years back, there was a request for support to identify several cover organizations submitted to the United Nations. They must have been after it back then.

By the way, about the Great Barrier…

“Can you really cross the Great Barrier?”

“Yup, there are related branches, and they even deliver daily necessities to the residents.”

Hearing this explanation, Donghoon pops into my mind.

There are people beyond that barrier, where help must be extended.

If I’m to put down the hero’s burden and practice Justice, I never imagined there would be a way to realize his last wish so close by.

“That group actually does volunteer work, right? Delivering daily necessities to the people beyond the Great Barrier?”

“Yes, because it’s a cover organization, they aren’t doing major activities, though.”

“Then increase the volunteer work. Also, put my name on the organization’s list.”

“What do you mean?”

The tiger looks at me with a puzzled expression.

His giant face fills my field of vision, but I’m not the only one with thoughts right now.

“I’ll make sure you don’t get caught: increasing the number of volunteer activities means less scrutiny from the United Nations if it’s related to a hero.”

A charity organization, I could work something out. And I just had a thought.

“Thank you, Chairman!”

The tiger immediately goes down on one knee, smashing his forehead into the ground with all his might.

The ground shakes as an A-Rank monster takes such action, causing the metallic floor of the corridor to crack.

As if that wasn’t enough, a shockwave from the impact causes the lights on the ceiling to shatter.

“A chairman who puts his body on the line for those as lacking as us. This is truly commendable!”

Such shouts sting my ears. It doesn’t stop there; as the reverberations finish, cracks begin to form in the walls as if a bomb has gone off.

“Damn it.”

Beep beep beep! Ambush Warning! Ambush Warning!

Immense power has been detected within the base. Combat personnel are advised to gear up and prepare for deployment. Repeating: Immense power.

What a mess! It’s just one monster to deal with, and now it looks like I’m going to become an ambusher myself: as I look at the incoming monsters, I start to ponder what to do.

“So you plan to knock them all out?”

“There’s no other way: the tiger is bleeding from a busted skull, and the monsters are coming at me shouting ‘ambusher!’ while brandishing their weapons.”

It hasn’t been long since I left the Branch Manager’s room, and here I am again talking in the same room.

What a ridiculous scene after we parted so grandly.

“It’d be better if we could solve this through conversation…”

“If the tiger stands up to explain, he might just faint instead!”

What a ridiculous thought; losing a lot of blood and fainting from an acute blood shortage… what a sorry sight for a monster.

Thanks to that, I’ve got pointless trouble piling up, so the next time I see him, I’m determined to knock out the other side’s canine fangs too.

I have no interest in knowing about that guy’s disgraceful behavior.

Donghoon, the Branch Manager of the East Asia office, lets out a heavy sigh.

He looks up at the sky, letting mucus drip down.

“This kind of chaos shouldn’t happen; I will inform every branch ahead of time. So please, Haram, exercise restraint.”

Alright, I’ll ask this time, too.

It’s really tiring when such chaos occurs.

If we were to calculate the monetary value of the monsters caught today, it could easily cover living expenses for several years.

No thanks to unpaid volunteer work, what a mess this is.

Just as it seems the conversation has ended, a sudden thought comes to mind, and I sit back down on the sofa.

“About what I just told that tiger, he might forget everything, so I think I should tell you too.”

“What is it?”

“You guys do operate the Purification Volunteer Organization beyond the Great Barrier, don’t you?”

“Yes, it’s a wonderful cover organization. It doesn’t cost much and has a pretty good reputation.”

The Branch Manager looks satisfied just having thought of it and nods his head around.

“Put my name down there too; preferably at a high position.”

“Are you planning to embezzle the operational costs from the start?”

He glares at me, and why does he twist his body around so awkwardly?

“Having a salary is nice, but just putting my name there should suffice. If they see a hero is involved, the United Nations will worry less.”

It’s all for your benefit, you know.

“What are you plotting?”

He looks at me suspiciously, as if he thinks he can see through me; he’s so high-strung that bizarre colored goo drips from his skin.


“Even if it’s just surface level, I’d like the charity organization to do well.”

“I didn’t know you were interested in such things.”

“It’s because it was what a friend used to do. The volunteer work beyond the Great Barrier.”

I wonder how many remember the nonsense we talked about over drinks?

He speaks earnestly to me, saying it’s something that must be done, and that’s why it lingers in my memory so profoundly.

It’s concerning, isn’t it? It turns out the heroes and the United Nations don’t care at all about the activities of the beasts beyond the Great Barrier.

“The better you do in that regard, the happier your friend will be, I guess.”


After finishing that chat, I leave the base.

Since all the combatants have been carried off to the infirmary, there’s really no one to greet me, but I think quiet isn’t so bad after all.

I hate noise; a cacophony just sounds like screams to me.


The old door I just exited slams shut with a loud sound.

Who would think there could be a branch of a monster organization in such a dirty building on a dark alley?

I look away from the building and walk down the dark alley, fiddling with my handheld device.

What was that guy’s number again? I should have at least written down the contact.

As long as there’s a SIM card left, I could recover the phonebook.

But the fragments of my phone? They are currently scattered all over my living room floor.

Calling the wrong number and accidentally ringing a stranger a few times—you lose patience quickly.

“Hello? I’m on the line.”

A familiar voice, rigid and cold.

“Hyunseok, this is Haraem. Do you have a moment?”

“If you’re asking for money, I’ll have to decline, Haram.”

How much did I borrow from this guy again?

“I’m not suggesting anything like that; I’m just hoping you might lend me your power.”

“If it’s a request, I’ll have to decline.”

As if I didn’t know, how many of those selfish politicians and business people that pop up on the news end up getting caught while attempting to bribe you?

“Is this your definition of friendship?”

“If you borrow money from me and don’t pay it back, you become an enemy, not a friend.”

I don’t borrow that much, though.

Anyway, I should at least listen to what he has to say.

“Make it quick; I’ve already wasted a lot of time.”

He really is rigid.

Instead of his solid head, I kick a hard stone that hits my foot.

“There’s a charity organization called the Purification Volunteer Organization beyond the Great Barrier, right?”

“Wait a second.”

Tap, tap, tap.

I can hear the sound of him hitting the keyboard through the handheld device.

If he’s not putting it in his head, it must mean it’s a rather recent organization.

“Confirmed. It’s a charity organization licensed by the United Nations. Is there a problem with this organization?”

“No, I just thought I could help them out a bit.”

“If it’s something that might benefit a specific organization, then I have to decline.”

I thought he’d react like this.

“Even if it’s Donghoon’s request?”

Suddenly, I can feel the tense atmosphere on the other end of the line; the certainty of his expression confirms that.

Even though we’re in a phone conversation, you can almost hear the tension rise as he holds his breath.

It’s not hard to sense these things: he was close to Donghoon during his active duty, and he must feel something about his death.

It feels a bit burdensome using Donghoon’s name, but I bring it up to convince myself to keep going.

“Do you know what Donghoon’s last job was?”

“I don’t.”

“There’s volunteer work for the people living outside the Great Barrier, and that organization does such work.”

It’s a secret organization for world domination, but they’re definitely doing charity work—so it’s hardly a lie.

What did he say to me back then? Help the people beyond the Great Barrier—a much-needed call once the funeral ended.

“Is that so?”

He still sounds as stiff as a board, showing no particular reaction, though.

What a stiff guy.

“I’ve said my piece. You can choose how to handle it next.”

“I will consider it positively.”

Positive consideration? A decent response for Hyunseok.

“Thanks, I’ll hang up now.”

Just when I’m about to end the call.

“By the way, those recent hero ambush incidents…”

My finger hesitates over the end call button.

“Haram. Is this your doing?”

His sudden question catches me off guard.

What does he mean by that? The intent behind his inquiry remains unclear.

Am I being suspected as a friend or just a matter of prying to test me?

If I take too long to respond, will he suspect me?

I quickly try to shake my head, but there’s no clear answer; honestly, my head isn’t that great at processing information.

“Nope. Why would I do that?”

Thus, I deny it with a voice low enough to avoid drawing attention.

It’s not me; it really isn’t.

“Is that so?”

His voice remains cold and devoid of emotions. It’s like reading something awkward from my response.

A short silence ensues.

“Then, I’ll make sure to repay the villain’s money as quickly as possible. I’ll hang up now.”


I stare down at the disconnected phone, many thoughts swirling in my mind.

Is this a warning? Or is he genuinely worried about me? Just how much is the Association suspecting me?

The Hero Management Association of Korea, led by Park Hyunseok. What is he thinking, asking me about this?

Is he trying to let me know that he’s only doing his job, free from the Association?

Or is it just a way to subtly keep me in check as their representative?

I have no idea.

Hyunseok is always hard to read, even during his active duty.

Lost in these thoughts, I find myself emerging from the alley.

The honking of motorcycles fills the air.

The din of the crowds rushing by is overwhelming.

Just a few minutes and I’ve completely shifted the atmosphere.

If they knew that a colossal monster organization lurks a few minutes away in this busy area, would the passersby have a wild reaction?

Fear? Confusion? Chaos? Heroism?

These are pointless questions since to them, monsters are stories detached from their lives.

They’ll just be surprised and call the police, thinking the heroes will take care of it, right?

Just then, a hero crosses my path.

Looks like she’s in gear, tightly fitted tech gear, running a motorcycle while strapped with weapons.

Today’s prey, huh?

She summoned a crowbar stealthily, jumping over the surrounding buildings without anyone noticing.

Her darkened form melds into the night’s shadows, concealing my presence.

I leap off the building’s rooftop, chasing after her into the dark night sky.

It’s time to do what must be done.

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