Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 028

Chapter 28. Purge Record “Shadow Artist” & “Canvas Breaker”

A little room that seems to be anywhere.

The room illuminated by a meaninglessly bright light had not a single dark corner.

However, the actions taking place there were the darkness and evil of the Association itself.

Those who weren’t assigned to any department of the Association to confirm their existence.

Two photos were pinned on a whiteboard, and documents were handed out to each member.

“A-Rank Monster Shadow Artist, A-Rank Hero Canvas Breaker. Today’s targets.”

Just mentioning the targets increased the murmurs among the members.

“A hero as an assassination target? What did they do to deserve that?”

These idiots aren’t even looking at the materials provided.

“They submitted a false retirement notice and escaped with the final boss monster. That was two years ago.”

Additionally, a map and regular examination results were attached to the whiteboard.

“The regular checks confirmed that they still possess power. Thanks to that, the Association began its investigation.”

Another photo appeared among the materials.

A man and a woman happily shopping and chatting.

“They were caught setting up a home and living in a civilian area.”

“The appearances of the targets are quite different from those in the photos?”

Is that the best question you could come up with?

“Shadow Artist has the ability to camouflage and hide the power of the Otherworld. This was confirmed through the combat report submitted by Canvas Breaker.”

Someone tell these morons to look at the materials.

“There are results from the Association’s tests on the power of the Otherworld in the area. Please turn to page 4.”

The sound of a page turning was heard for the first time, and their eyes focused on the graph.

Since they started living there, the concentration of the power of the Otherworld had been skyrocketing.

It had become unusually gentle for about six months, but the figures had already surpassed the saturation point.

“The Association predicts that Otherworld erosion will occur within a month. Even though the decline of the graph has become gentler, it is already on the verge of saturation.”

The murmurs grew louder.

The danger of Otherworld erosion occurring in the middle of downtown, they know the risk all too well.

“In response, the Association has secured three S-Rank specialists. Isn’t it a bit drastic?”

“Three, you say?”

“Then what do we need to do?”

We need you guys, that’s why!

“I will be the only one actually engaging in combat. The other two will ensure the area is completely isolated so they won’t be able to escape and will impose restrictions on their powers.”

Even if the other two won’t get involved in combat, the fact that three S-Ranks are participating shows that the Association is taking this incident very seriously.

Such a glamorous roster of participants.

Crimson *Hammer, Infinite Architect, Librarian.

All currently active S-Ranks were mobilized.

“What about the authorized armaments?”

“Everything. Infinite Architect will handle the isolation, and Librarian will manage the recovery. You can rest assured that whatever chaos ensues won’t spill out.”

“What about the final disposal?”

“We will stage it as a gas leak explosion. In other words, all the explosives you like are now authorized.”

After finishing the briefings, I glanced at the members’ faces.

“Is there anyone against today’s operation or have any questions?”

While everyone remained silent as usual, one person raised their hand. A mixed-race male with blond hair.

“Henry. Go ahead.”

“It’s not exactly a question about today’s operation, but is it alright?”

“That’s fine.”

“I know that such incidents have occurred several times, but does the Association plan to handle each of them with assassination every time?”

“As you know, the upper management recommends persuading them to return to the Otherworld as much as possible.”

“Even so, how many people actually agree to that? You’re really hitting the nail on the head here.”

“Henry. I know that too. But for now, it’s the best option we have.”

“Monsters have personalities too. If they can suppress the power of the Otherworld…”

“That technology is still in development. If you have complaints, take them up with the research division.”

Who would want to do this? I’ve seen some cry and agree to return but I’ve also seen some choose death. They won’t die if they return, but there’s no guarantee that they will come back to this world. They’re attacking countless worlds, and the chance of finding Earth in the boundless Otherworld is…

“Then who will do the persuasion?”

“I will.”

At that statement, the entire team’s expression darkened.

“If they refuse to be persuaded, Infinite Architect and Librarian will be deployed immediately, restricting their mobility and entering combat.”

‘This is over.’

‘I hope they agree to the persuasion.’

Whispers flowed, and Henry seemed to settle back down in his seat as his question reached its conclusion.

“Well then, if there are no further questions, let’s move on to the detailed plans.”

The photos pinned to the whiteboard fell away, revealing a large map underneath. If persuasion fails, then they—

Will definitely be purged.

“I will move in. I hope you start as soon as the signal goes.”

“Shut it, rookie. Just focus on your persuasion.”


Curse that noisy old man.

Just quietly acknowledge and end it.

Calming my tense body with a deep breath, I pressed the doorbell.


Here we go.

“From the Association, it’s Breaker.”

The door opened.

“What’s the Association doing here?”

Her voice sounded perfectly ordinary, but I could hear the trembling in it.

“Don’t you already know? It’s about the Shadow Artist.”

Breaking the silence, I spoke again.

“Stop thinking about escaping; the task force has already surrounded the area.”

The breathing from beyond the door became ragged. Mixed with the electronic noise of the doorbell was the surge of frantic breaths.

“If you cooperate now, this can end peacefully. Please open the door.”

As her shaky voice responded, footsteps were heard, and the door opened.

The sight of a hero and a monster tightly holding each other’s hands.

“Let’s get right to the point.”

Before they could protest, I immediately began the notification.

“The Association predicts that Otherworld erosion could occur in this area soon. I’m sure you know the reason?”

The woman’s gaze shifted to the man.

“The Association can use Return Magic on the Shadow Artist. If you accept this condition, there will be no repercussions for Canvas Breaker.”

We want to end this quietly as much as possible.

As if they had anticipated this situation, the two looked more peaceful than expected.

Though their expressions showed exhaustion, emotions were in check; they didn’t let their guard down.

With this kind of atmosphere, things should go well.

Perhaps clinging to their last warmth, the two held onto each other, and the male monster spoke up.

“May I ask one thing?”

“Yes. As many as you like.”

“Can the Return Magic be used on the Earth?”

That’s a frequently asked question from those beings as well. If they’re going to the Otherworld, they want to send both of them.

“No. It cannot be used on beings from this world. Although the possibility was confirmed, the current technology of the Association cannot allow it.”

Right as I pressed the signal button.

At that moment, black spears and paint magic surged towards me.

I deflected the black spears with my hammer and dodged the magic while spinning the hammer.

I felt a slight touch, but…

Did I miss?

The hammer barely grazed the monster’s leg.

I attacked reflexively, but I couldn’t comprehend the current situation.


Wasn’t everything fine until just now? No, in fact, the atmosphere was looking good. A feeling I’ve experienced countless times before.

But the negotiations fell apart.

“Negotiations are over!”

The movements of the two men and women slowed, and a strange sensation surged.

The Infinite Architect’s space domination.

The reality alteration of the Librarian.

The battlefield was set, and I saw countless grenades flying from afar.

Fire support from my teammates.

“Do not kill the monster! It must end with the Canvas Breaker’s attack!”

The power from the Otherworld had reached the threshold. If the monster fell to someone else now, it would result in a substantial breach.


Countless black spears shot from inside the house and intercepted the grenades.

While some grenades weren’t intercepted, blue paint erupted around the house, blocking the explosion.

Not an escape, but a desperate resistance.

“It’s a narrow house, so be cautious of friendly fire! Move in!”


The battle had begun.

I looked upon their end.

Burned skin, numerous bullet wounds. In other words, the wreckage of what used to be a body.

Bit by bit, their power was depleting, and somehow, even as they struggled, they faced their end.

Just before their bodies reached their limits, Canvas Breaker, manipulated mentally, stabbed her own lover.

Under normal circumstances, this would be impossible.

But an utterly exhausted body and mind couldn’t resist the magic.

A command imposed by mental manipulation.

Ignoring her own body, kill the nearest person.

The magic sword slowly dripping, as the paint knife lodged in the monster’s heart confirmed it.

Her last memory would have been the sight of stabbing her lover with her own hands. As the monster’s death was confirmed, countless bullets were already embedded in her.

I knew it was a horrifying act.

This play was performed to kill the beloved man and woman with their own powers. But if it didn’t happen this way, humanity couldn’t survive.

Because if the monster died, the breach could occur, so I had to evacuate all the members and remain alone to oversee these corpses.

Had their two years been happy?

Even if those two years were happy,

If the final ending is this cruel, then what value was there in that happiness?

While pondering these thoughts and looking down at the bodies, a sense of discomfort arose.

The two collapsed in the same direction as they were dying.

Their hands seemed to reach out in some direction as they closed their eyes. It wasn’t in the direction they would need to escape.

Was it because they wanted to protect something?

The reason for them to hold this house until the end was that something remained there?

It could just be a simple coincidence. It couldn’t be anything significant. Something more important than their lives…

Even thinking that, I moved my body toward the direction they were pointing.

If it wasn’t a coincidence, I wanted to know what they sacrificed their lives to protect.

The direction of their hands pointed to a closet. At first glance, it didn’t seem different from any of the other furniture, but after spotting it, it felt entirely different. Despite the many explosions and endless bullets poured around, the closet was unscathed.

Surely, it seemed that they indeed made an effort to protect something in there.

I took a small step forward.

Just a small step.

That level of movement changed everything.

A massive power, one even I, who was insensitive to the Otherworld’s power, could feel.

An absurd level of power of the Otherworld. It would be expected to see an Otherworld erosion happen immediately.

0-Rank… a being of the Otherworld?

And contrary information was also transmitted through the senses.

A faint breath.

A small life response.

Why didn’t I find this out?

Why hadn’t I realized it until now?

Crossing over the end of the monster and hero, I opened the closet where I sensed the life response.

There was a small being inside.

A little black-haired one that was just starting to sprout.

A small black horn. Pale skin.

A child sleeping while holding the seed of the Otherworld like a toy.

I suddenly understood why they refused the Return Magic. They must have anticipated that the Association would kill this child.

A being from this world where Return Magic wouldn’t work.

It must be killed.

I could not leave a Seed of Catastrophe behind.

Even at such a young age, immense power was felt emanating from them.

A perfect camouflage ability; I hadn’t noticed it until I got close.

Slowly, I raised the hammer.

I could not let my teammates shoulder the burden of infanticide.

They were already suffering enough.

All the sins had to rest upon my shoulders.

I, who was already broken.

We, the original heroes.

It was us, the Awakeners who created the Association with all our sins.


The child opened their eyes.

Violet eyes stared at me. Indicating they weren’t human, the child’s pupils sparkled with countless starlights.

Expressions devoid of fear, pure curiosity filled their gaze.

I have to. Lee Haram. Let’s finish this.

As the child smiled and reached out, I swung down the hammer.

I slowly left the house, cradling the little bloody bundle in my arms.

So that no one would notice, so that no one would know.


I turned on the radio and issued the command.

– Confirmed.

A huge fire erupted behind me.

All the evidence disappeared into the flames.


After throwing my final command at them, I didn’t wait for a reply and cut off the power to the radio.

The darkness briefly lifted with the fire, and I slowly concealed myself into the shadows.

Not alone, but together, with the child.

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