Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 030

Chapter 30. The Past

The artist’s final touch.

Unlike the swift flow until now,

A last period filled with affection and effort.

Just caressing its face, the statue

Broke into a bright smile.

The conditions for a masterpiece are said to be

Something undefined we may never know.

Then, this can indeed belong to the realm of that masterpiece.

With one final touch, this became something alive,

Not just a statue.

Just moments ago, something that felt like my replica

Departed from me, gaining independence as a new entity.

“It’s done!”

Linshua laughed and revealed her work.

Another version of me appeared.

Beaming, showcasing happiness—myself.

A face I had never seen in the mirror.

Someone seeking happiness, not me.

Like an existence blocked by an unbreakable wall

In the mirror world.

An impossible version of me right there.

Is this what my daughter thinks of me?

“Isn’t it just like Dad?”


I embraced such thoughts and met her gaze.

What expression would I wear?

Would the me that I cannot see be forming a statue-like face?

I gently stroked her hand.

It would heal soon, but her hand, split and oozing blood.

It was common for wounds to occur when used as a substitute for a sculptor’s tool, but

I had never seen a hand twisted like this.

The missing flesh and nails would probably be embedded somewhere in that statue.

“Does it always happen like this?”

“It’s because it’s Dad; I’m just concentrating.”

“Right. Usually, you don’t have to work this hard.”

The creator of the monster adorned it with fragments of emotion

And honed a masterpiece from flesh and blood.

Should I let that existence be unleashed in the human world?

Would another nightmare spring forth into the world from my selfishness?

Something beyond my imagination was created according to my thoughts.

Even before breathing life into it, I felt a pressure,

Was Baek Sihyeon feeling this emotion when she first saw me?

“Linshua. It’s all done, right?”

“Not yet! I need to give it a personality. This is Dad, so it needs your input.”

“What about genes?”

“Are you talking about blood? If I put in the personality together, we’ll finish.

It’s a creation totally different from genetic engineering, I guess.”

My genes seemed unimportant,

Just a tool for the final touch.

I must do it.

I steadied my heart and stood before the statue.

“What’s the method?”

“Place your right hand on its chest and think of the personality you want!”

Right hand on the chest.

It reminded me of when I made my magical girl contract.

Back then, I raised my hand like this…

Whoosh! The wind howled.

Before I knew it, we had been left alone in a space where a storm of mana was raging.

Created from the Otherworld’s power—I and my other self.

Then, she would come walking.


Boots echoed.


Breaking through the storm, she appeared.

A magical girl adorned in white and blue, wielding a golden hammer.

A magical girl that is me.

I don’t know if it’s the essence of a magical girl, but this is the third time.

The first time had no emotions.

The second time displayed feelings.

So, what about the third?

For some reason, I spoke a question I had never dared to ask before.

“Who are you?”

Finally, I could ask this.

Thirty years of time.

I have seen so many magical girls.

I have talked to countless magical girls. They all said:

They did not see the magical girl appear when they made their contract.

They saw light.

They saw the queen.

They exchanged contracts with mascots.

They walked through a dark world, wielding wands.

They might have seen bizarre creatures,

But they had never seen themselves.

This was something I should have asked during our second meeting.

Yet, I couldn’t voice it; I didn’t feel that way back then.

But now, for some reason, I could ask.

Who are you?

She showed no emotion in response to my question.

She merely tilted her head slightly and looked at the statue before her.

“Did we really get this far?”

Was that a sign she wouldn’t answer?

She landed softly.

“I will observe, so proceed.”

“What do you mean?”

“Aren’t you creating a living being? Since this is your first time, I’ll make sure you don’t mess up.”

First? Contract?

“That’s a monster.”

“You’re the same. Is there really any fundamental difference?”

“A monster is unlike a human.”

“You’d like to think so.”

That was no help.

No answers were given.

“Are you not here to do something?”

“I’m watching. Hurry up. I’m a busy being too.”

Her tone had suddenly grown strange.

What the heck was that?

The mystical atmosphere vanished in an instant, and she pulled out a cigarette from somewhere.

As the white stick was placed in her mouth,

Clink. Clink.

The backside of the hammer she was holding transformed into an afterburner.

The tip of her cigarette lit up.

“You can waste time if you like, but eventually, isn’t your choice already firm?”

When she spoke, smoke billowed towards me.

Perhaps targeting me with pinpoint accuracy, overwhelming pressure erupted from her mouth, reaching me from afar.

Whatever that is doesn’t mean anything to me.

I made up my mind; I will unleash a new monster into the world.

I placed my right hand on the statue’s chest.

That day thirty years ago came to mind. For sure,

Back then, she slowly turned her hand to the right.

“Slow and steady. Always at a constant speed. Infuse your heart into it.”

Did she know what I was thinking? Those words bore advice.

“Shut up.”

“Then do as you see fit.”

Tsk. I liked it better when her mystical vibe was intact.

I said that, but I slowly began to move my hand according to her advice.

Even if that existence is a monster, may it be just.

May they not know the miserable pain we carry.

May they spend time with my lonely daughter.

May they wield a weapon for the suffering and weak.

May they hold unwavering values in their hearts.

May they not succumb to the burning desires within.

May they not show mercy to cruel enemies.

May they embrace beliefs of others within their hearts.

May they not demand rewards for their actions.

May they not think their life is something sacred.

May they continue to challenge an unjust world.

May they protect the peace crafted from the blood of heroes.

As my hand began to make a full circle,

“Isn’t this all too complex? Some conflicting phrases are in there.”

“Guess I can read your heart.”

What the heck was she doing?

I don’t know if the contract was properly formed, but since the being behind me said nothing, it must not be a big deal.

“Is this it?”


She had extinguished her cigarette and returned to her original posture without my notice.

Holding the hammer, clad in immaculate magical girl attire.

Unlike the statue, while she appeared similar to me,

There was no sense of incongruity.

If the statue was my mirror image, she was my reflection in water.

Though the surface won’t break and reflect properly,

I could distort that existence by touching its beyond.

As I felt the storm of mana begin to fade, I asked again.

“What’s your name?”

“In our first meeting, I told you everything. That’s all.”

Returning to her mystical vibe, she swung her hammer.

“Be cautious. Time is moving.”

The hammer resting on her shoulder wobbled, and she vanished.


“I was doing that, right?”

“I placed my hand on the statue and made a full circle!”

It was the same again. She could only see me.

Someone unknown even to Unho.

No, could it be me?

I have no idea.

I took my right hand off the statue.

Sizzle. Crackle.

A bit of pain.

Skin from my palm stuck to the statue tore away, and the statue inhaled the blood and flesh left on the surface.

“Hey! That can’t be!”

Linshua scolded me for tearing my hand away and smacked the back of the statue’s head, but naturally, the statue showed no reaction.

“Do statues even understand that?”

“Now it knows. It’s alive.”

“Alive? But it’s still a statue.”

“It’s gained thought! It’ll move in a little while.”

Is the expertise that different?

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Linshua’s small hand continued to smack the statue.

“It’s bad to eat another person. That’s my dad!”

What a bizarre picture, her pounding the statue while claiming it was her dad, but to Linshua, it must appear as a friend.

Just like when she cried, saying her friend died when an old porcelain bird broke.

There’s a chance her perception of life is vastly different from ours.

Thinking back, that porcelain bird might have really come to life with Linshua’s power.

“How long will it take to move?”

“Not long, I think. It’s probably because it’s receiving Dad’s personality; awakening is fast.”

“Oh, then let’s eat something. Aren’t you hungry?”

Having focused on making the statue for hours now.

Linshua shook her head vigorously with a smile.

“Where’s the restaurant?”

“Not too far…”

Chasing after a happily hopping Linshua, we left the workshop.


As the door opened, light flooded in.

Not artificial light, but pouring natural light.

A wide sky.

Wherever it is, the vast glass window ahead showcased the blue sky.

“Isn’t it pretty? From here, it’s the best view.”

“Yeah, it’s beautiful.”

Blue clouds and clear skies.

And a pair of twin buildings that seemed familiar yet again.

Twin buildings?

Surprised at the sight of those structures, I dashed toward the glass window.

“Don’t run, Dad! If you break the window again, I’ll get in trouble!”

I can manage that amount of power control, so don’t worry. Is that really the issue right now?

Though slightly larger than the twin buildings in my memory, they looked just like I remembered.

Numerous devices stuck to them, inflating their size and serving as massive towers detecting the surroundings.

I clung to the fragile glass window and looked down.

Through the bright shining sunlight, countless people and vehicles passed beneath us.

The heart of economic activity, seamlessly continuing the movement of people.

A scene and buildings that seemed familiar.

“Linshua. Where are we?”

I hoped my suspicion was mistaken and just a misinterpretation. I’d prefer to hear they built a city for monsters.

“I heard the monster grandpas are in America, New York.”

That was the worst response I could have hoped for.

“Then the twin buildings there are the US branch of the Association…?”

Wasn’t that once the World Trade Center?

“So they told me not to go outside the building.”

What on earth were these crazy people thinking with such a stunt?

I immediately turned around and grabbed Linshua’s shoulders.

Since her aura had grown larger than mine, it ended up looking like my arms embraced her shoulders, but that wasn’t the important thing.

“Linshua. Can you do Dad a favor? It’s urgent.”

Linshua nodded vigorously.

“Gather all the executives. Right now.”

I need to hear what on earth these crazy people are thinking by placing their headquarters here.

I wanted to cuss them out right away, but in front of Linshua, I held back my swearing as much as possible.

“After work, we’ll eat right away. That’s more important right now.”

For the first time since we reunited, a downcast expression crossed Linshua’s face.

It seemed she expected to eat with me, but Linshua’s safety had to take priority.

“Sorry. I’ll wrap it up quickly. Can you call the executive uncles?”

“Are we definitely eating together? Promise?”

“Yeah. Promise.”

We intertwined our fingers.

Forgotten memories resurfaced.

When I entrusted her to the faction.

“Dad will come often, right?”

“Of course. I’ll come as often as possible.”

I have no intention of leaving Linshua alone.

It’s just that as her creations became stronger and gained ego, they became something humans could no longer handle.

No, in reality, as long as that was the case, I could adequately deal with it. Linshua’s creations, the monsters, did not oppose humanity. The major concern was that a human from the Association appeared suspicious of me.

For Linshua’s sake. Actions must be taken.

“Is it a promise?”

A small pinky extended.

“Yeah. Promise.”

Though small,

our thumbs intertwined, larger than her little pinky.

Tears glistened at the edges of her eyes, yet she wore a smile.

How selfish I have been.

Two small pinkies intertwined.

“I won’t break this promise.”

“Eh? What promise?”

“Nothing at all.”

Now then, executives.

Let’s see what on earth you lot are up to.

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